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1. What is quantum computing? Why do we need quantum computing?


Quantum computing is an area of computer science focused on the development of technologies

based on the principles of quantum theory. Quantum computing uses the unique behaviours of
quantum physics to solve problems that are too complex for classical computing.

Need of quantum computing:

Quantum computing has the potential to offer the following benefits over traditional computing:

 Speed. Quantum computers are incredibly fast compared to classical computers. For

example, quantum computing has the potential to speed up financial portfolio
management models, such as the Monte Carlo model for gauging the probability of
outcomes and their associated risks.

 Ability to solve complex processes. Quantum computers are designed to perform

multiple complex calculations simultaneously. This can be particularly useful for
factorizations, which could help develop decryption technologies.

 Simulations. Quantum computers can run complex simulations. They're fast enough to

be used to simulate more intricate systems than classical computers. For example, this
could be helpful for molecular simulations, which are important in prescription drug

 Optimization. With quantum computing's ability to process huge amounts of complex

data, it has the potential to transform artificial intelligence and machine learning.

2. What is Bit and What is Quantum Bit(Qbit)? What is the difference between these?



A bit (binary digit) is the smallest unit of data that a computer can process.


Just like a binary bit is the basic unit of information in classical (or traditional) computing, a qubit (or
quantum bit) is the basic unit of information in quantum computing. A qubit uses the quantum
mechanical phenomena of superposition to achieve a linear combination of two states.
Difference between bits and Qbits:

Qubits Bits

Any cryptographic or huge computational tasks Though computational and cryptographic tasks

can be perfected with the help of qubits through can be done in traditional computing, the

quantum computing. perfection level in cryptography will not be

accurate as qubits.

The complex amplitudes of wind for weather and Traditional computing is marked with

to notify the scaling in the global positioning probabilities. This helps to check the stock price

system is the application in quantum computing. in the business or weather forecasting in a system

Also, with the help of superposition, various or monitor various security levels on the border.

methods can be tried for all the probabilities in

the technology.

Qubits are represented with the quantum state’s The vector to represent the bits is the probability

help, and the values are called amplitudes, which vector, and the values in the vector are zero and

is the superposition of binary values. one. Here both the values cannot be null, and it

represents the current state in the vector.

The values in qubits are measured when it is The values are taken only at two states, and it is

moved around a sphere, and this helps to considered as 0 and 1. While considering the

consider all the values in the system. sphere, the value will be taken from the top and


The measurement is taken in the form of a global The measurement is taken only in the form of the

phase and a relative phase, where the relative relative phase, and this takes the normal values in
phase matters the most for the measurement of the system. The values are not complex and can

quantum systems. The global phase is mostly be understood by anyone.


While discussing qubits, we can say that the Bits consider only computers and math with

values depend on quantum computing, logical computing. This makes the process simpler

computers, and mathematics with logical with fewer calculations and less speed

programming applied. comparatively with qubits.

All the physical measurements can be done with Physical calculations are not easy to be done on

qubits’ help, which helps the researchers and normal computers, and also it will take a long

physicists do the research faster than done in time to complete the calculations and formulate

traditional computing. results.

3. What is Superposition and What is Entanglement in quantum computing ? discuss with



In classical physics, a wave describing a musical tone can be seen as several waves with different
frequencies that are added together, superposed. Similarly, a quantum state in superposition can be
seen as a linear combination of other distinct quantum states. This quantum state in superposition
forms a new valid quantum state.

Example: Imagine touching the surface of a pond at two different points at the same time. Waves
would spread outward from each point, eventually overlapping to form a more complex pattern.
This is a superposition of waves.

A pair or group of particles is entangled when the quantum state of each particle cannot be
described independently of the quantum state of the other particle(s). The quantum state of the
system as a whole can be described; it is in a definite state, although the parts of the system are not.
Example: two particles are created in such a way that the total spin of the system is zero. If the spin
of one of the particles is measured on a certain axis and found to be counter clockwise, then it is
guaranteed that a measurement of the spin of the other particle (along the same axis) will show the
spin to be clockwise. This seems strange, because it appears that one of the entangled particles
“feels” that a measurement is performed on the other entangled particle and “knows” what the
outcome should be, but this is not the case. This happens, without any information exchange
between the entangled particles. They could even be billions of miles away from each other and this
entanglement would still be present.

4. What is the difference between classical computer and Quantum computer.


Classical Computer Quantum Computer

It is large scale integrated multi-purpose computer. It is high speed parallel computer based on quantum
Information storage is bit based on voltage or charge etc. Information storage is Quantum bit based on
direction of an electron spin.
Information processing is carried out by logic gates e.g. NOT, Information processing is carried out by Quantum
AND, OR etc. logic gates.
Circuit behaviour is governed by classical physics. Circuit behaviour is governed explicitly by quantum
Classical computers use binary codes i.e. bits 0 or 1 to Quantum computers use Qubits i.e. 0, 1 and both of
represent information. them simultaneously to run machines faster.
Operations are defined by Boolean Algebra. Operations are defined by linear algebra over Hilbert
Space and can be represented by unitary matrices
with complex elements.
No restrictions exist on copying or measuring signals Severe restrictions exist on copying and measuring
Circuits are easily implemented in fast, scalable and Circuits must use microscopic technologies that are
macroscopic technologies such as CMOS. slow, fragile and not yet scalable e.g. NMR (Nuclear
magnetic resonance).

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