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11/23/22, 6:07 AM Listening in Professional Context (Practice 1)

NAMA  : 
Listening in Professional Context (Practice 1)
25 Pertanyaan TANGGAL : 

1.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A I got a bucket from the lost and found. B I got my ticket for the long way round.

I bought my ticket for the square and


2.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A The one wearing the pretty red shoes. B The one with the silliest reviews.

C The one with the prettiest of views.

3.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A It's got sights to give you shivers. B It's got onions. It's got livers.

C It's got mountains. It's got rivers.

4.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A It's got takers and it's got givers. B It's got mountains. It's got rivers.

C It's got sights to give you shivers.

5.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A But it's shirt would look prettier on you. B But it should have a prettier view.

C But it sure would be prettier with you.

6.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

And I sure would like some sweet

A B And you sure did bite the sugar cookie

C And I sure did eat the sweet plum candy. 1/4
11/23/22, 6:07 AM Listening in Professional Context (Practice 1)

7.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

And I'm leaving tomorrow. What do you

A And you're leaving tomorrow, but I'll stay. B

C I said, "tomorrow". What did you say?

8.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A When I'm gone. When I'm gone. B Where I've gone. Where I've gone.

C When you're done. When you're done.

9.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A You're gonna miss me over there. B You're gonna miss me by my hair.

C You're gonna miss me everywhere.

10.  audio Listen carefully. What did you hear?

A You're gonna miss me when I'm gone. B You're gonna miss us when we're gone.

C I'm gonna miss you when you're gone.

11. I got my ticket for the long _____ round. The one with the ________
 audio
of views. (Choose 2 answers)

A prettiest B gray

C way D heaviest

12. Your'e gonna miss me by my ______. You're gonna miss me by my

 audio
_______. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone. (Choose 2 answers)

A work B talk

C walk D shirt

13. It's got _________. It's got ________ . It's got sights to give you shivers.
 audio
But it sure would be prettier with you. (Choose 2 answers)

A mountains B Monday

C sights D rivers 2/4
11/23/22, 6:07 AM Listening in Professional Context (Practice 1)

14. And I sure would like some sweet ______. And I'm leaving ______.
 audio
What do you say?

A company B candy

C tomorrow D today

15.  audio

A Anything else B Anythink else

16.  audio

A How else B Who else

17.  audio

A Are you joking ? B are you Jhoking ?

18.  audio What do you hear?

A no no no B No

C no no D no no no no

19.  audio ?

A Presideent B president

C present D presidnt

20.  audio What do you hear?

A Yes B Answer the question correctly

C No D This is hard

21.  audio What do you hear?

A I am a toy B I am a grill

C I am a girl D I am a boy

22. Complete the sentence according to what you hear.

 audio
Fortnite is _____ best videogame in the world. 3/4
11/23/22, 6:07 AM Listening in Professional Context (Practice 1)

23. Complete the sentence according to what you hear.

 audio
My mom _____ my dad are doctors.

24. Complete the sentence according to what you hear.

 audio
Miss. Angie and Miss. Kari ____ Spanish teachers.

25. Complete the sentence according to what you hear.

 audio
My favorite part _____ the movie was the beginning. 4/4

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