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These files contain some personal tweaks to Hazumi and the Pregnation, and I will

list the changes and how to install

them here. I have also including a written explanation plus image of how to work
around the Rich House big hall bug.
Don't forget to backup everything before installing in case you change your mind.

____________________________________________Altered Belly

The first file is from AiO+Quintu+Gyaru_MOD so you'll need to have this mod
intalled for my changes to work. I
have changed which images are used depending on which trimester and how many babies
Hazumi is pregnant with. All
pregnancies other than single will start at the smallest belly. During the second
and third trimesters is when her
belly begins to vary more dramatically. As for intallation, just drop it into the
AiO mod folder and replace the
existing Belly_Functions with my version. Note that there will be inconsistencies
between the x-ray and the belly so
I recommend using my image pack which has been adjusted to work with this

___________________________________________Altered Hazumi Image


The second file is a complete rework of normal Hazumi's image set. Just drop it
into your pictures folder and override
the old images. This image pack is designed to work with the altered belly
functions Javascript but can work without
it, although as I said above the x-rays won't line up without it.

____________________________________________Rich House

The final file is dialogue tweaks to the Rich House mod. I found the translation to
be rather difficult to
understand at times so I went through the almost 200 javascripts and tweaked the
dialogue. It's not perfect but it
should be easier to understand and read.


The Rich House Bug

To successfully navigate the bug and finish the service you'll need to do the
following steps once you have started it.

Step 1: Serve all the guests not circled in the image (credit to kuku555 for the
image). This step can be done out of
order but I find it easier to get them all out of the way first.

Step 2: Start one of the loops. For example get purple's order first than deliver
it to person who the arrow is pointing
at which is green.

Step 3: Closing the loop. Once you have delivered light blue's meal to dark blue
save the game. If you get his order and
he didn't ask for sex then you'll have to reload since purple has their meal and
can't close the loop. Sex is the only
way to close the loop since they don't want any food if they ask for it.

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the second loop. Once both loops have been
completed you should be able to finish the
service. This works for me and hopefully it works for you too.

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