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Debate Club is aimed at students with a flair for speaking and interest in exchanging ideas on a wide-

range of topical and social issues. The CCA sessions are on Tuesdays, from 2.00 – 3.30pm. Activities are
conducted in the IT Resource Room within the school.


Training sessions are conducted in a small-group setting.

These sessions aim to:

• Enhance students’ ability to form and voice opinions

• Develop an interest in exploring topical issues from different points of view

• Build style and confidence in public speaking and their ability to engage and persuade an audience

• Learn to structure individual arguments and a persuasive team debate case

• Learn to respond to and rebut opposing arguments presented in a debate

• Develop their ability to deliver well prepared speeches as well as to think on their feet and respond to
unexpected arguments

Members get the opportunity to go for learning journeys, national competitions and debate
tournaments during the year.
Developing our students

During CCA sessions, members are given opportunities to expand thinking, to speak confidently on a
wide-range of topical and social issues, and to persuade an audience with creative, well-structured
arguments. The debate process allows students to analyze the similarities and differences in their views
in a respectful manner. Members also learn to listen to the views of others and develop their ability to
reason, persuade, and think critically over different topics.

Sessions also include exercises to develop voice projection, clear articulation and pronunciation,
impromptu speaking, ability to think on your feet, and teamwork. Students build skills to become
familiar and confident with argumentation skills and preparing for debate competitions towards at the
beginning and middle parts of the year.


• Primary School Debate Open 2017 (Division 1) – Champions

• Wits and Words National Debate Competition 2016 (Division 2) – Champions

• Top Debating School (Division 2) 2016

Growing hearts and minds

Activities conducted during the CCA sessions are geared towards character building and inculcating the
values of respect, empathy, resilience and team spirit.

Teamwork forms an integral part of the CCA as members find meaning through interactions with the
other members and their interdependence on each other to achieve a consistent case throughout the

During debriefing time conducted at the end of each activity or CCA session, members are given the
opportunity to discuss issues that arise during the activities. Problem-solving, teamwork, strategy and
resilience are examples of potential debrief focuses.

Empowering leaders and talents

Debate leaders are empowered to lead the team in selected activities and competitions. This provides
them with the opportunity to hone their leadership skills.

CCA Teachers

Mrs Juliana Ng (Teacher-in-charge)

Miss Parameswari

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