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NGUYEN HOANG THANH LY MINH LUAN NGU PHAP VA BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 6 BAM SAT SGK CANH DIEU i-learn Smart World Gidi thich r6 rang va chi tiét cac diém ngit phap trong tam Cac bai tap thuic hanh da dang dude sip xép tlt dé dén kho ‘Tai ligu hitu ich dé chuan bj t6t hon cho cac bai kiém tra 15 phut va 1 tiét (45 phat) NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI | | UNIT 1 —~ Wome ee” (NHA 6) A. NGU PHAP (GRAMMAR) cS I. Thi hién tai don (Present simple tense) Thi hién tai don dian ta mét théi quen hay mét hanh dong lap di lap lai 6 hién tai, hodc dién ta chan If va su that hién nhién. Sau day 1A céng thie thi hién tai don va cae déu hiéu nhan biét. 1. V6i déng ti be a. Thé khang dinh (Positive form) T+am He/Shellt + is WefYou/They + are vi DU: Tama student. He is tall. They are adults. Tam=I'm He is = He’s She is = She’s It is =It’s We are = We're You are = You're They are = They're (Téi 14 mot sinh vién.) (Anh ay thi cao.) (Ho la ngudi lén.) b. Thé phit dinh (Negative form) I+am not He/She/It + is not We/You/They + are not vi DU: I'm not a teacher. are not = aren't (T6i khong phai la mét giao vién.) She isn't shy (Chj ay khong e then.) We aren’t in the room (Ching t6i khong 6 trong phong.) c. Thé nghi van (Question form) ‘Tra 10i “Yes”: Tra loi “No”: Am+I1? Yes, 1+am. No, I + am not. Is + he/she/it ? Yes, he/she/it + is. No, he/she/it + isn’t. Are + welyou/they? | Yes, we/you/they + are. No, we/you/they + aren't. vi DU: Are you at home? - No, I’m not. (Ban dang é nha phai khong? - Khong, khong phdi.) Is she tired? - Yes, she is. (Cé ay mét ha? - Vang, dung vay.) 2. Céng thtic véi déng tit thudéng a, Thé khang dinh (Positive form) T/WelYou/They + V (nguyén thé) He/She/It + V_sles vi DU: Ilike this room. (T6i thich cin phong nay.) He lives in the city. (Anh ay séng 6 thanh pho.) * Quy tac thém s / es _'Thém es vao nhting dong tiv tan cing 1A céc chit ch, sh, 0, 5, X, 2: watch > watches, wash + washes, go > goes, fax > faxes, buzz buzzes - Thém s vio nhiing déng ti cdn lai: like > likes, swim + swims, run > runs - Déng ti tan cing bang chit y cé hai trudng hgp: Néu trudc y 1A mét nguyén 4m (u, e, 0, a, i) thi ta thém s: play > plays Néu truée y 1a mét phy 4m, ta déi y > irdi thém es: try > tries - Cac dong ti khéng theo quy tac: have > has b. Thé pha dinh (Negative form) IWelYou/They + do not + V (nguyén thé) | do not = don’t He/She/It + does not + V (nguyén thé) does not = doesn’t vi DU: We don’t live in a dormitory. (Ching téi khéng s6ng trong ky tric x4.) He doesn’t know us. (Anh ay khéng biét ching tdi.) c. Thé nghi van (Question form) Do + Iwelyowthey + V (guyén thé) ? Does + he/she/it + V (nguyén thé) ? Tra lai “Yes”: Tra li “No”: Yes, I/we/you/they + do. No, I/we/you/they + don’t. Yes, he/shefit + does. No, he/shefit + doesn't. vi DU: Do they often go shopping? - Yes, they do. (Ho c6 thudng di mua sim khéng? - Vang, 6.) Does she like swimming? - No, she doesn’t. (C6 ay 6 thich boi khéng? - Khéng, c6 ay khéng thich.) 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét ‘Trong céu dang thi hién tai don thuéng cé cac tix dé nhan biét nhu: - always (Judn Juén), usually (thudng xuyén), often (thuong thudng, thudng 1é), frequently (thudng xuyén), sometimes (thinh thoang, doi khi, doi hic), seldom (it khi), rarely (hiém khi), never (khong bao gid). vi DU: We usually do morning exercise. (Ching t6i thudng tap thé duc budi sang.) - every day, every week, every month, every year.. (mdi ngay, mdi tudn, mdi thang, mdi nam...) vi DU: I get up early every day. (Téi thie day sém mdi ngay.) once/twice/three times/four times... (mt lan/hai lan/ba lan/bén Ian...) a day! week/month/year... (m6t ngay/tudn/thang/nam) vi DY: She goes to the park twice a week. (C6 ay dn cong vién hai lan mét tudn.) - in the morning (vao budi sang), in spring... (vao mua xuAan...) vi DU: It’s cold in winter. (Trdi thi lanh vao mua dong.) - on Mondays, weekdays, weekends (vao cae ngay thit Hai, céc ngay trong tudn, cde ngay cudi tuan) vi DU: We have Science on Tuesdays. (Chting téi cé mén Khoa hoc vao cdc ngay tht Ba.) I. Thi hién tai don vdi cau hdi C6 / Khéng (Present simple with Yes / No questions) Nhiing cau héi cain cfu tra 1éi C6 (Yes) hose Khéng (No) dude goi la cau héi Co / Khong (Yes / No Questions) vi DY: Do you live in an apartment? (Ban séng trong can hé phai khéng?) ‘Tra lai la cé hay khong: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (Vang, ding vay. / Khéng, khong phai.) 1. Céng thie auxiliary verb (be, do...) + subject + verb vi DU: Be: Is the yard large? (S4n c6 réng khong?) Do: Does it have a balcony? (N6 c6 ban céng khéng?) 2. Cau héi phi dinh (Negative yes-no questions) Ching ta thudng sit dung céc cau héi phit dinh cé - khong dé kiém tra hoae xde nhan diéu gi dé ma chting ta tin tudng ho&c mong dgi la duing, hoac khi chiing ta cho rang diéu gi d6 la diéu tét nhat nén lam, Chting ta thuéng sti dung dang viét tat cua NOT 1a n't. vi DU: Isn’t that their apartment? (6 chang phai 1a can hé cia ho a?) 6 vi du nay thi ngudi héi khé ch&e chdn “dé 1A cfin hé cita ho” va chi hoi dé nghe su x4c nhan tt ngudi duge hdi. Il. Thi hién tgi don véi cau héi diing tiv héi wh (Present simple with Wh- questions) Khi chting ta cn hdi thong tin rd rang va c6 cu tra Idi cu thé vé ngudi, su vige, hay hién tugng nao dé ta ding cau héi vdi cdc tit dé hoi. Cac tit nay c6 diém chung 1a chit wh. Vi vay cau hai ding véi cdc tit dé hoi nay con goi la wh-questions. 1. Céng thtic a. V6i déng tit thudng: vi DU: Where do you live? (Ban song 6 dau?) b. Véi dong ti be: Question word + be + subject...? vi DU: What is your address? (Dia chi ctia ban Ia gi?) 2. Cac tti héi (Question words) Tit dé héi wh-question words cdn duge goi la cae dai tit nghi van, bao gm cac tit thong dung sau. a. Who (ai): Dung dé hdi vé ngudi. vi DU: Who is she? (C6 ay 12 ai?) Who do you like? (Ban thich ai?) b. Whose (cita ai): Ding dé héi vé chti sé hitu. vi DU: Whose bag is this? (Day 1a tui xach cia ai?) Whose are these books? (Nhang quyén sach nay Ia cia ai?) c. Where (6 dau): Ding dé héi vj tri va dia diém. vi DU: Where is the bathroom? (Phong tém 6 dau?) Where do you come from? (Ban dén tt dau?) da. When (khi nao): Ding dé héi vé thii gian. vi DU: When is your birthday? (Sinh nhat ctia ban khi nao?) When does the first bus leave? (Khi nao chuyén xe buyt dau tién khdi hanh?) e. Why (tai sao): Dang dé hdi nguyén nh&n va tim li do. vi DU: Why is he always punctual? (Tao sao ban dy luén ding gid?) Why do I often have bad marks? (Tai sao tdi thudng bi diém thap?) f. What (vat gi, cai gi): Ding dé héi vé sut viéc hay diéu chua biét. vi DU: What is this? (Day 1a cdi gi?) What do you want? (Ban muén gi?) 10 g. Which (ngwdi nao, vat nao): Ding dé héi vé su lua chon. vi DU: Which is the correct way to school? (Dung nao 1a con dubng dting dé dén trudng?) Which room do you like more, bedroom or living room? (Ban thich phéng nao hon, phéng ng hay phong khaéch?) h. How (nhu thé nao, bang cach nao): Dang dé hoi cach thie, tinh trang. vi DU: How is your home? (Nha ctia ban thé nao?) How do spell this word? (Ban dinh van chi nay nhu thé nao?) IV. $6 hitu cach (Positive case) 1. Binh nghia Sé hitu cach dude ding dé dién ta su sé hitu cia déi tugng thi nhat véi doi tung theo sau bang cach thém 's vao sau déi tugng tht nhat. vi DU: Michael's house (Nha cia Michael's) 2. Cach dung - Dung dé dién dat su sé hitu cha nguéi va vat. vi DU: Paulie’s room is small. (Phong ctia Paulie nhé.) - Ding dé dién dat thdi gian. vi DU: a month's time (thdi gian mt thang) - Dang dé chi sy sd hitu cach véi nhiing vat duy nhat. vi DU: the Earth’s orbit (quy dao ctia Trai dat) - Khong ding sé hiiu cach véi stt vat, su viéc va hién tugng ma thay vao 46 ta dang gidi tit ‘of. 11 vi DU: the lid of the pot (cai ndp cua cai néi) 3. Ky higu sé hitu cach - Thém 's vao sau danh ti sé it, khéng dém duge hode danh tit sé nhiéu nhung khéng két thie bang ‘s’* vi DU: Mr. Ben’s apartment isn’t cheap. (Can hé6 cia éng Ben thi khéng ré.) Their children’s bedrooms are big. (Phéng ngu ctia cdc con ho thi Ién.) - Chi thém dau luge ‘ vao sau danh tit sé nhiéu hoac ti¢ tan cling 1a ‘s’ vi DU: My grandparents’ house is in the suburb. (Nha ctia dng ba toi thi 6 ngoai 6.) B. BAI TAP (EXERCISES) 1. Chon phuong an dung theo thi in the present simple.) 1. We (have / has) a new house. én tai don. (Choose the correct option - 2. (Does / Do) it have a baleony? . My cousins (aren’t / isn’t) in grade 6A. Bw . Their house (isn’t / be not) large. . Betty and Daisy (don’t live / doesn’t live) near here. eg . Alexander (go / goes) to the church every Sunday. 7. My parents often (gets up / get up) early. 8. (They are / Are they) very good at Math? 9. She usually (watch / watches) TV in the living room. 10. The cat (is / am) in the front yard. 12 I. Chia d6ng ti theo thi hién tai don. (Supply the correct form of the verbs in the present simple.) 1. They (have) a house in the suburb. 201 (be) hungry and tired now, 3. She (live) with her parents in town. 1. Our house (not have) a back yard 5. (you, like) our little garden? 6. This living room (not be) big but beautiful 7, John (often take) a bus to school. 8, Town houses (be) usually expensive. 9. Your bedroom (look) really nice. 10. They (not own) any apartment in the city. Ill. Chon phuong an dung theo cau hdi Cé / Khéng. (Choose the correct "option for Yes / No questions.) 1. Does your room (have / has) a window? 2. (Be/Is) your father a teacher? . (Do you have / Have you) any question? fw (They are / Are they) kind and friendly? 5. (Do/ Does) she tell you my name? 6. (Live you / Do you live) near our school? 7. (Isn't / Is not) it your grandparents’ apartment? 8. (Don’t you know / Do you not know) the regulations? 9. (Am I not / Am I) too noisy and talkative? 10. (Does it look not / Doesn't it look) like the way to your home? IV. Viét cau hdi Cé/ Khéng cho cac cau sau. (Write Yes / No questions for the following statements.) 1. His house is on the side of a hill. 2. The dog jumps at the kitchen. 13 3. It isn’t a good place: 4, They live on this side of the road. ou T'm right about your exams. 6. You aren’t so happy about the result. 7. Their flat doesn’t have a baleony. 8. The foundations of the house aren't stable. 9. Your father is on a business trip. 10. She doesn’t go home in the dari. V. Chon phuong an dung. (Choose the correct option.) (Who / When / Why) is the monitor of the class? . (Where / What / Which) is the weather like? (Whose / Who / What) bicycle is this? (Who / Where / Why) do you like English? . (What / When / Where) is the bank, please? . (Who / What / Which) is the girl in brown pullover? (Which / How / What) do you go to school? 8. (What / How / Which) is your house, this one or that one? 9. (Who / When / Where) does the bus arrive at the station? 10. (Why / What / Who) are you angry with me? ~ eS eo a 14 VI. Chon dap an dung. (Choose the correct answer.) i. is the woman in rose dress? - She’s my mother. A. Which B. Who C. How D. Whose 2. do we get there? - It’s about noon. A. Where B. Why C. When D. How 3. house is that? - It’s the Browns’. A. Whose B. How C. Where D. Where 4 does your daddy look like? - He's tall. A. How B. Whose C. Which D. What 5. is the correct way, the left or the right? - The left. A. Which B. How C. Where D. Why 6. is the bathroom? - It’s behind the bedroom. A, What B. Where C. Whose D. Which 7. do you like this neighborhood? - Very much. A. Who B, Which C. When D. How 8. do you often close the windows? - Because I’m cold. A. Where B. What Cc. Why D. When 9. keys are on the dining table? - They are mine. A. Which B. Whose C. What D. Where 10. do I get to the shoes store? - Follow this way. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How VII. Dién vao ché tréng tif hdi thich hop nhat. (Fill in the gap with the most suitable question word.) i, do you come from? - Binh Duong Province. 2. type of house does he prefer, apartment or town house? 3 does the game show on TV start? - At 7.30 p.m. 4, is your address? - It’s 7% Hung Vuong street. 15 5. bike is this? - Maybe it belongs to Jack. 6. do you want to meet? - Mr. Dawson. he is the central post office, please? - At the end of this street. 8. does your mother go to the market? - By bike. 9. is your puppy's name? - It’s Ben. 10. is that man over there? - That's my brother. VIIL, Bién vao ché tréng dang dung cia sé hiiu cach. (Fill the gaps with the 16 correct form of possessive case) viDU: THIS IS BEDROOM (JENNY). = Jenny's 1. That is office. (Mr. White) 2. They visit the . (Johns) 3. This reading room. (my family) 4 brother is eleven years old, (Tommy) 5, Our house is smaller than house. (Mr. and Mrs. Collin) 6 clothes aren’t usually colorful. (Men) 7. My country house isn’t near here. (grandparents) 8 house doesn’t have a basement. (Davis) 9. Those are my cars. (neighbors) 10. That is our meeting room. (teachers) . Hoan thanh cau véi dang dung cia sé hdiu cach hoac ding gidi ti ‘of. (Complete the sentences with the correct form of possessive case or using ‘of’.) viDU: THE APARTMENT HAS AN ELEVATOR. It’s the — elevator of the apartment 1. The house has an attic. It's the 2. Mr. Lucas has a villa. It's 3. Daisy has a kitty. It’s 4. My parents live in this flat. Its 5. There is coffee in the cup. It’s the 6. The vase has a handle. This is the 7. My cousin has a bike. It's 8. Emily has a sister, Bella. Bella is 9. The trip takes an hour. It’s 10, The house has a door. ‘This is the 17 a. — UNIT 2 SCHOOL (TRUGNG HOC) A. NGU PHAP (GRAMMAR) I. Lién ti (Conjuncfions) Lién ti la tit ding dé néi cae ti ho&c cum ti cing mét loai, hoc nhiing ménh dé ngang hang nhau. TSéng Anh c6 nhiéu lién ti nhung ¢6 mét sO tit thdng dung sau. 1. And (va) Dang dé thém thong tin vao cau néi. vi DU: Ilike Music and Arts. (T6i thich Am nhac va M¥ thuat.) John is my classmate, and he is a good student. (John 1a ban cing Idp cia toi va ban Ay 1a mét hoc sinh gidi.) 2. Or (hode, hode a) Ding dé dién ta sy Iya chon. vi DU: I don’t like Math or Physics. (T6i khéng thich mén Toan hoe mén Vat ly.) He plays sports or plays the guitar in free time. (Anh ay choi thé thao hoe choi dan ghi ta khi ranh réi.) 3. But (nhung) Ding dé néu Ién hai théng tin d6i nguge nhau. 18 vi DU: Jack usually gets up late, but he never comes to school late. (Jack thuéng thite day mugn nhung anh dy khéng bao gié dén truéng tré.) 4. So (nén, cho nén, vi vay) Dang dé chi két qua, hé qua. vi DY: Jenny studies hard, so she often gets good marks. (Jenny cham hoc nén cé &y thudng dat diém tét.) Il. Tinh tiv sé hitu va dai tir sé hitu (Possessive adjectives and Possessive pronouns) - Tinh tit sé hitu ding truée mét danh ti trong khi dai tit sd hitu cé thé lam chat ngit (dig dau cau) hodc lam tan ngét (ating cudi cu). vi DU: This pen is blue. It’s your pen. (Cay viét nay mau xanh. N6 Ia cay viét cia ban.) This pen is yours. (Cay viét nay 1 cia ban.) Mine is black. (C4i cia toi mau den.) The black pen is mine. (Cay viét mau den 1a cia téi.) - Dai tit sd hitu duge ding dé thay cho mét cum ti. vi DU: ‘That is your book. (D6 Ia sach chia ban.) ‘That is yours. (D6 1a cia ban.) ~ “yours” thay cho “your book” Cac tinh ti sé hitu va dai tir sé hitu tuong tmg vdi cae dai ti nhén xung trong bang sau. Personal pronoun Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun I my mine we our ours you your yours they their theirs he his his she her hers it its its 19 Ill. Cae d6ng tiv chi sy yéu thich (Verbs of liking) - CAc dong tit chi st yéu thich gém cac ti phd bién nhu: adore (rat thich), enjoy (thudng thtic, thich thi), detest (cam ghét), dislike (khéng thich), fancy (thich), hate (ghét), like (thich), love (yéu).. Trong a6, adore, enjoy, detest, fancy chi dugc theo sau bdi dang dong tit thém -ing (verb-ing). Cac dng tit con lai dugc theo sau béi dang verb-ing hodc dang dong tit nguyén mau cé to ding truéc (to-infinive). vi DU: They like playing shuttlecock in break time. (Ho thich choi da cu trong gid nghi.) They like to play shuttlecock in break time. (Ho thich choi da cau trong gid nghi.) We enjoy hanging out with friends. (Ching t6i thich tu tap vdi ban bé.) B. BAI TAP (EXERCISES) 1. Chon phuong an dung. (Choose the correct option.) 1. (Our / Ours) class is going on a picnic tomorrow. 2. Is that (your / my) bike? - Yes, it is mine. 3. It’s our house. It’s not (their / theirs) 4. Her schoolbag is white. (Your / Yours) is black. 5. This is (our / ours) classroom. Their room is over there. . Is this Hoang’s notebook? - Yes, it’s (his / him). This book is interesting, and (it / its) cover is nice too. Whose chair is this? - Is it (his / your)? eo npraga Is this beautiful pencil case his or (her / hers)? 10. Those are her clothes. They are not (hers / mine) I. Dién vao ché tréng véi mét tinh tu hoc dai tif sé hu thich hgp. Dung dai ti trong ngoac [am gi y. (Fill in the gaps with a suitable possessive adjective or positive pronoun. Use pronouns in the brackets as a cue.) 1. Your room is twice the size of .O 2. My cat is very cute. name is Mio. (It) 20 3. Our football team will defeat this time. (They) 4. I don’t know what to do. The decision is . (You) 5. She is smart because parents are brilliant scientists. (She) 6. We sometimes visit friends in the suburbs. (We) 7. He wants to swap my ruler for . (He) 8. Itis interesting to compare their marks and . (We) 9. Sally and Bob are friends. school is near my house. (They) 10. There’re some differences between his exercises and (She) Ill. Chon phudng an dung. (Choose the correct option.) L . Lopez is a beautiful (and / but) attractive actress. Bow on eo ore It was Sunday, (or / so) she could get up late. Is this a figure of three (or / and) an eight? . There’s a parcel (or / and) some letters for you. She grows up in London (so / but) she knows it well. Tam bad at English, (but / or) he is worse than me. . He was late (or / and) the teacher was furious with him. Our teacher is strict, (so / or) we have to do what he says. Jim was angry with Janes, (so / but) they are friends again now. 10. Would you like some candies, (but / or) some biscuits? IV. Dién vao ché tréng and, or, but hoac so. (Fill in the gaps with and, or, but, or so.) 1. I'd like a hamburger an iced tea. 2. The cat is hungry, I feed it. 3. I like Harry, I don’t dare to say so. 4. Which has spots, the leopard the tiger? 5. I don't know. He may come he may not. 6. My twin brother I have the same nose. 7. It is dark inside, he pulled the curtains. 21 8. It is going to rain, we still want to go home. 9. Love one another you will be happy. 10. We should stay together, we might get lost. V. Hoan thanh cac cau sti dung déng tif bén dudi 6 dang verb-ing. (Complete the sentences using verb-ing form of the verbs below.) sing read travel tak go wait work be watch — drink 1. Ms Lien adores with children. 2. [never enjoys comics. 3. She fancies game shows on TV. 4. He hates about his mistakes. 5. She loves karaoke with friends. 6. Those girls don't like out after dark. 7. My mother prefers coffee in the morning. 8. He likes alone in the house. 9. She detests at the checkout. 10. I dislikes by train. VI. Viét cau ding céu true Verb-ing dya vao cac tii ggi y. (Write complete sentences using Verb-ing and the prompts.) vi DU: 1 / like / drink / hot water / some ginger. 4 [like drinking hot water with some ginger. 1. I/hate / take / shower / winter. 2. Adults / not / like / eat / candies, 3. Lf not / fancy / fish / the cold weather, 4. My sister and 1/adore/ play / badminton. 22 5. I/really love / read / bed / night. 6. He/ dislike / wash / dishes. 7. I/not/ like / get up / early / Sundays. 8. He/ enjoy / go to/ cinema. 9. They / not / like / go to/ doctor. 10. She / not / like / clean / house. 23 PRACTICE TEST 1 (UNIT 1 + UNIT 2) 1. Chia d6ng ti theo thi hién tai don. (Supply the correct form of the verb in the present simple.) 1, She (go) to school by bicycle. 2. We (be) at the ice cream stand. 3. He (get) a lot of letters. 4. (you, have) some free time? 5. It (be) an old building 6. 1 (not, want) to go. 7. (she, live) in a town house? 8. The houses around here (be) very old. 9. We (not, go) to school on Saturdays. 10. (not, be, it) cold today? I. Viét cau hdi C6 / Khéng cho cac cau sau. (Write Yes / No questions for the following statements.) 1. You are very helpful. 2, She is as graceful as a swan. 3. They don’t have enough books 4, It’s a very beautiful place. 5. He walks really slowly. 24 6. He is an excellent goalkeeper. 7. She eats lots of fruit. 8. They teach painting at your school. 9. Those apartments aren’t expensive. 10. He knows English. Ill. Chon dap 4n dung. (Choose the correct answer.) 1 notebook do you like better? - This one. A. Which B, Who C. How D. Whose 2. fault is that? - It’s not my fault. A. Who B, Whose C. Which D. What 3. does no one laugh at my joke? - Because it’s not funny, A. What B. How C. When D. Why 4,‘ There’s no one in the class.’ -* do you know?” A. How B. Why C. Who D. What 5. are you going for your holidays? - Da Lat. A. Who B, How C. Where D. When 6. does the next bus to Ben Thanh Market leave? - At 7.30. A. What B, Where C. When D. Which 7 is the height of the board? - About 2,5 meters. A. Which B. What C. Why D. How 8. is the headmaster of this school? - Mr. Allen. A. How B. When C. Who D. Where 25 9. do I get to the shoes store? - You can walk. A. What B. Whose C. Where D. How 10. city is larger, Can Tho or Da Nang? A. Which B. Why C. Where D. How IV. Hoan thanh cau véi dang dung cilia sé hitu cach hoac ding gidi tii ‘of. (Complete the sentences with the correct form of possessive case or using ‘of'.) 1. The kid has a toy. — It’s the 2. Philip has a bike. > It’s 3. Our classmates live in this apartment. = It’s 4, There is water in the glass. > Itsa . This car has a name. — What is the on 6. The trip lasts two hours A Itsa 7. Johnson has a brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is 8. The building has a name, “Anna Tower” > “Anna Tower” is the 9. This dormitory is for girls only. — It’s the 10. The workbook has my picture on its cover. — My picture is on the V. Chon phuong an dung. (Choose the correct option.) 1. She has a cat, That cat is (her / hers). 2. He has a key. That key is (his / his’). 26 William has a dog and (its / it) name is Becky. Rw Is she a friend of (your / yours)? 5. Loan has a bicycle. (Her / Hers) bicycle is red. 6. Five students don’t finish (their / theirs) maths exam. 7. Thave a bike. That bike is (my / mine). 8. We have a flat, That flat is (our / ours). 9. I want to go to Paris and see (it / its) monuments. 10. Jennifer goes to school with (her / hers) sister. VI. Dién vao ché tréng and, or, but hoac so. (Fill in the gaps with and, or, but, or so.) 1. [think a lot, I don’t say much. 2. Justine I got admission at the same time. 3. Is it a boy a girl? 4, It’s anold car, it’s very reliable. 5. I'm late, my friends are angry with me. 6. He hasn’t got a car, he goes to work by bus. 7. She grows up in London, she knows it well. 8. Which do you prefer, the town. the country? 9. They invite us to the party, we refuse because we are busy. 10. He T clean our room on alternate days. VI. Hoan thanh cau sii dung déng tt bén dudi 6 dang verb-ing. (Complete the sentences using verb-ing form of the verbs below.) walk start play join drive do hide celebrate ask lend 1. He loves table tennis. 2, She doesn't like her books. 3, She fancied her birthday with lots of friends. 4. He detests the day with an argument. 5. The children enjoyed in the bushes. 6. She hates the same work day after day. 27 7. We enjoy in the mountains. 8. She adores the volleyball team. 9. He dislike his parents for help. 10. They don't like in rush hours. VII. Chon dap an dung. (Choose the correct answer.) 28 dy 10. My cycle is broken, I shall have to walk. A. or B. but C. and D. so . Your room is larger than AI B. my C. mine D. me . Look there! are they? They're my neighbours. A. Who B. Where C. Which D. What . She usually in the shower. A. sing B. sings C. singing D. to sing . Whose books are these? - They are - A. my B. their C. her D. Willy's We have a curtain for living room, we don't have a curtain for the bedroom. A. or B. and C. but D. so do you want to meet? - In front of the cinema A. Which B. Where C. Whose D. Why We want a house like - A. they B. their C. theirs D. theirs’ People love this city, they will make it a better place. A. and B. so C. or D. but way is quicker, by bus or by train? A. When B. What C. How D. Which | a o UNIT 3 FRIENDS (BAN BE) A. NGU PHAP (GRAMMAR) 1. On tap thi hién tai don (Present Simple Tense) Thi hién tai don dién ta mét théi quen hay mot @ hién tai, hoac dién ta chan ly va su that hién nhién. 1. Céng thtic thi hién tai don véi déng ti be a. Thé khang dinh (Positive form) It+am He/She/It + is WefYou/They + are vi DU: hanh déng lap di lap lai Tam a student. (Toi 14 mét sinh vién.) b. Thé phti dinh (Negative form) I+ am not He/She/It + is not We/You/They + are not vi DU: He isn’t a teacher. (Ong ay khéng phi Ia gid c. Thé nghi van (Question form) Tra 1éi “Yes”: Am +1? Yes, 1+ am. Is + he/she/it ? Yes, he/she/it + is. Are + we/you/they? | Yes, we/you/they + are. 0 vien.) Tra loi “No”: No, I+ am not. No, he/she/it + isn’t. No, we/you/they + aren't. 29 vi DU: Is Jack in class 6A1? - Yes, he is. (Jack 6 Idp 6A1 phai kh6ng? - Vang, ding vay) 2. Céng thc thi hién tai véi déng ti thudng a. Thé khang dinh (Positive form) IWelYou/They + V (nguyén thé) He/She/It + V_sles vi DU: She studies hard. (C6 ay hoc hanh cham chi.) b. Thé pha dinh (Negative form) I/WelYou/They + do not + V (nguyén th He/She/It + does not + V (nguyén thé) vi DU: I don’t walk to school. (T6i khong di b6 dén trudng.) She doesn’t live in the city. (Cé ay khéng séng d thanh phé.) c. Thé nghi van (Question form) Do + I/welyou/they + V (nguyén thé)...? Does + he/she/it + V (nguyén thé Tra li “Yes”: Tra 160i “No”: Yes, I/welyou/they + do. No, I/velyou/they + don’t. Yes, he/she/it + does. No, he/she/it + doesn’t. vi DU: Do they know my address? - No, they don’t. (Ho biét dia chi cua toi khong? - Khéng, ho khéng biét.) Il. Thi hién tai tiép dién (Present Continuous Tense) Thi hién tai tiép dién dién ta mét hanh d6ng, su viéc hodc hién tugng dang xay ra tai thai diém néi. 30 1. Céng thitc a. Thé khang dinh (Positive form) I+am+V_ing He/She/It + is + V_ing We/You/They + are + V_ing vi DU: Tam reviewing my lesson. (Toi dang 6n bai.) He is watching TV at the moment. (Anh ay dang xem ti vi vao hic nay.) We are going to your place now. (Bay gid ching toi dang di dén ché cita ban.) * Quy tac thém -ing - Dong tit két thuic bang e thi bé e réi thém ing: come ~ coming, write > writing Ngoai tri: dye > dyeing, singe — singeing - Dong ti tan cing bang ee thi git nguyén ee réi thém ing: agree ~ agreeing, sightsee > sightseeing - Dong tii két thtic bang mét phy am va trudc a6 1A mot nguyén 4m duy nhat thi gp déi phy 4m cuéi truéc khi thém ing: sit sitting, stop > stopping - Dong tit c6 hai 4m tiét ma 4m tiét thit hai két thuc bang mét phy am va truéc dé 1a mét nguyén am, va trong 4m rdi vao am tiét tht hai thi gap ddi phu Am cuéi truéc khi thém ing: begin > beginning, regret > regretting Ngoai trit nhiing tit c6 trong Am khdng 6 4m tiét cudi: enter — entering, travel > traveling - Dong tit két thiic bang ie thi déi ie thanh y réi thém ing: die + dying, lie > lying 31 b. Thé pha dinh (Negative form) 1+ am not + V_ing He/She/It + is not + V_ing We/You/They + are not + V_ing vi DU: She isn’t cooking at the moment. (C6 iv khéng dang nau an vao lie nay.) We aren't doing anything now. (Chiing t6i chang lam gi lic nay.) c. Thé nghi van (Question form) Am +1+ V_ing? Is + he/she/it + V_ing ? Are + we/you/they + V_ing ? Tra loi “Yes”: Tra lai “No”: Yes, 1+ am. No, I + am not. Yes, he/she/it + is. No, he/she/it + isn’t. Yes, welyou/they + are. No, welyoulthey + aren't. vi DU: Is the tap running? - Yes, it is. (Voi nuée dang chay phai khéng? - Vang, ding vay.) Are they having a break now? - No, they aren't. (Bay gid ho dang nghi phai khéng? - Khéng, khéng phai.) 2, Dau hiéu nhan biét ‘Trong cau thi hién tai tiép dién thuong cé cae tt: now (bay gid), at the moment (vao Itc nay), right now (ngay bay gid), currently (hién tai), presently (hién tai), at present (hién tai), for the time being (lie nay), look! (nhin kia!), listen! (ling nghe kia). 32 vi DU: Look! Jack is sitting over there. (Xem kia! Jack dang ngéi dang kia.) Ill. The Present Continuous for future (Thi hién tai tiép dién chi tuong Iai) Ching ta c6 thé sit dung thi hién tai tiép dién dé dign ta su s4p xép hay ké hoach trong tudng lai. Khi dé, trong céu thudng cé tit chi thdi gian nhu: this weeked (cudi tudn nay), tonight (téi nay), tomorrow (ngay mai)... vi DU: We are leaving tomorrow morning. (Ching t6i 1én duéng vao sang mai.) Is she having a meeting this Monday? (C6 ay c6 cuée hop vao thit 2 nay phi khong?) B. BAI TAP (EXERCISES) |. Chon dang ding theo thi hién tai don. (Choose the correct form in Present simple tense.) 1. She (cycle / cycles) to school every day. . He doesn’t (go / goes) to work by bus. . (Are you / You are) ready? - Yes, I (are / am). A wow . It (isn’t / doesn’t) funny at all! on . They (don’t know / knows) my name, 6. (Am I/ We are) correct about the exams? 7. William (is / are) a man of wisdom. 8. I'm sorry, they (isn’t / aren't) here 9. We (are / do) deeply grateful to you. 10. (Isn’t she / She isn’t) a little beauty? I. Chia d6ng ti theo thi hién tai don. (Supply the correct form of the verbs in present simple tense.) 1. Ms. Anne (be) a teacher. 83 2. I sometimes (go) to the cinema. 3. We often (visit) our grandparents 4, He (play) basketball once a week. 5, Mr. Simson (not, work) on weekends. 6 (Angelina, live) in Toronto? 7. Michael and Kelly (swim) once a week. 8, Light (travel) at about 300,000 kilometers per second. 9. These laptops (not, be) cheap. 10. Where (she, come) from? Ill. Chia déng tiv theo thi hién tai tiép dién. (Supply the correct form of the verbs in present continuous tense.) 1. Mai (go) to the school’s library. 2. (you, listen) to folk songs? 3. They (not, watch) television. 4. We (shop) in the supermarket. 5. It (rain) heavily outside. 6, (she, come) to your home? 7. My mom (cook) beef with noodle. 8. They (travel) around the world. 9. (you, watch) cartoon on television? 10.1 (write) an email to my aunt: IV. Chia déng tif theo thi hign tai don hoac thi hién tai tiép dién. (Supply the correct form of the verb in present simple tense or present continuous tense.) 11 (leave) my room now. 2. They (know) each other very well. 3. Raymond (take) a shower at the moment. 34 4, Johnny and Sue (play) table tennis everyday. a . ‘They (play) football in the schoolyard now. 61 (love) your new bicycle. 7. Mr. Linh (be) twenty years old. 8. Look! The bus (come). 9. Be quiet! The children (sleep). 10. She (not, like) fast food. Vv. Cac cau sau 6 thi hién tai tiép dién (PC) hay thi hién tai tiép dién chi tuong lai (PCF). (Decide whether the following sentences are in the present continuous or the present continuous for future.) vi DU: I'm meeting Carter at the bus station — PCF 1. Tam living in London at the moment, James isn’t going to school next Monday. 3. . Lam not reading any books right now. - . Is he seeing her tomorrow afternoon? ou . Right now, Tommy is writing an essay. 6. The band is visiting our school next November. x They are taking the train to Nha Trang tomorrow. 8. She is studying to become a doctor, 9. We aren't leaving until the end of next year. 10. Why aren’t you doing your homework? VI. Chon dap an dung dé hoan thanh cau. (Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.) LI on the sofa A, am never sleep B. never sleep C. am never sleeping D. sleeps 35 201 a party for my birthday. A. has B. is having C. am having D. isn’t having 3. She this chocolate ice cream. A. loves B. love C. is loving D. is loves 4. We to school tomorrow morning. A. aren't go B. isn’t going C. don’t go D. aren't going 5. Water at one hundred degrees Celsius. A. boiling B. is boiling C. boils D. boil 6. Frank sometimes to his karate class. A. go B. goes C. going D. is going 7. What tonight? A. are you doing B. do you do C. does you do D. you are doing 8.1 anything this evening. A. not am doing B. am not doing C. not do D. do not 9. My classmates shuttlecock in the yard now. A. not playing B. don’t play C. play D. are playing 10. She her friend this weekend. A. is visiting B. are visiting C. visits D. visit UNIT 4 FESTIVALS AND FREE TIME (LE HOI VA THO! GIAN ROD A. NGO PHAP (GRAMMAR) I. Trang ti chi tan sudit (Adverbs of frequency) 1. Dinh nghia ‘Trang ti chi tan suat 1a cdc tt dién ta mic dé thudng xuyén hoae tan suat dién ra cia mét hanh dong fc trang tiv chi téin suat thong dung lA never (khong bao gid), rarely (hiéin khi), sometimes (d6i khi), often (thudng), usually (thudng xuyén), always (Iudn Iuén).. vi DU: T rarely skip breakfast. (Hiém khi téi bé bia an sang.) 2. Vi tri clia trang tu chi tan suat trong cau Trang tw chi tan suat thudng dting 6 ba vi tri: - Trude ddng tit thudng vi DU: We usually have family meal. (Ching téi thudng an com gia dinh.) - Gitta trg dong tit va dong tit chinh vi DU: She doesn’t often come late. (C6 ay khéng thudng dén tré,) - Sau dong tii be vi DU: He is always cheerful. (Anh iy luén vui vé.) 37 Il, Thi hién tai don dién ta tudng lai (Present simple for future use) Bén canh cae cach ding hién tai, thi hién tai don cdn duge sit dung dé chi u kién trong tudng lai chéc chin sé xay ra vi d& c6 mét lich trinh hoie théi gian biéu ré rang va cé dinh, cy thé nhu sau: cac - Dién ta mét su that da biét vé tong lai vi DU: My birthday falls on a Monday next month. (Sinh nhat ctia téi roi vao tht Hai thang sau.) - Dién ta mdt su viée theo thii khéa biéu vi DU: The film starts at 9.00 p.m. (B6 phim bit du chiéu hic 9 gid toi.) - Dién ta mOt lich trinh vi DU: The bus leaves at 7.30 a.m. (Chuyéh xe khdi hanh hic 7.30 sang.) BAI TAP (EXERCISES) I. Cho biét cde cau sau la ding (True) hay sai (False) dua vao vi tri cla cdc trang tif chi tan suat. (Write down True or False for the following sentences, basing on the position of the adverbs of frequency.) vi DU: She sings usually in the shower. > False a 1. Never Jenny has a bath at night. . He drinks tea rarely in the morning. ow . She sometimes goes to the cinema. It’s often sunny in the morning. af . ‘The sun usually is red. a . We don’t watch frequently TV at noon. 38 7. Does she occasionally do that? 8. We usually aren't hungry in the morning. 9. Mai and Lan often hang out at break time. 10. Lam always not patient. I. Viét lai cau ding trang tiv chi tan suat trong ngoac. (Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of frequency in brackets.) vi DU: Thave problems with maths. (never) — I never have problems with maths. 1. She is late for work. (occasionally) vo You tell interesting stories. (never) 3. Hoang forgets his birthday. (seldom) 4, She doesn’t go to the gym. (normally) 5. Mrs. Lien buys vegetables at the market. (usually) 6. My cat stays out at night. (often) 7. This time of year is rainy. (usually) 8. Are they unhappy? (never) 9. Tm at home from 5.30 p.m. (always) 10. She wears expensive clothes. (rarely) 39 Ill, Viét céu hoan chinh ding thi hién tai don dién ta tuong lai. (Write full sentences using the present simple for future.) vi DU: He / have / maths / Tuesday. > He has maths on Tuesday. 1. The bookstore / close / in fifteen minutes. 2. The plane / leave / 11.30 a.m. 3. The film / finish / late tonight. 4, The train / arrive / in Da Nang/ 10:15 p.m. 5. Our holiday / begin / 10th February. 6. The class / start / ten minutes, 7. The concert / begin / 7.30 p.m. 8, The meeting / begin / 9 o’clock. 9. Mr. Paul/ have / an appointment / tomorrow morning. 10. My mother’s birthday / be / Thursday. r IV. Cho biét cdc cau sau day ¢ thi hién tai don (PS) hay thi hién tai don dién t& tucng tai (PSF). (Decide wheiher the following sentences are in the present simple or the present simple for future.) vi DU: The bus leaves at 5.30 a.m. > PSF She’s pretty tall. >PS 1. What day is it tomorrow? . It usually rains these days. . The match begins at 10,00 p.m. Row w . The train departs at 11.45 a.m o How old are you? 6. What time does the zoo close? 7. Our house isn’t very big. 8. Larrive on Thursday and Anna arrives on Friday. 9. He doesn’t have any pets. 10. What time does your meeting start? V. Chon dap an dung dé hoan thanh cau. (Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.) 1. They junk food. A, occasionally eats B. occasionally eats C. eat occasionally D. occasionally eat 2. When ?-It at half pass seven. A. does the film start - starts B. do the film start - start C. does the film start - start D. the film starts - starts 3. She Facebook at school. A. seldom check B. checks seldom C. seldom checks D. check seldom 41 42 4, What time 2-It at a quarter to ten. A. the bus leaves - leaves B. does the bus leave - leaves C. does the bus leave - leave D. the bus leaves - leave 5, Susan bad tempered. A. usually aren't B. is usually not C. isn’t usually D. usually isn’t 6. When literature? - I it at 9:15 a.m. AA. do you have - have B. do you have - has C. you have - have D. have you - have 7. after a meal? - No, I A. Are sometimes you sleepy - am not B. Are you sometimes sleepy - am not. C. Are you sleepy sometimes - are not D. You are sometimes sleepy - am not 8. next week? - Yes, it A. Does the exhibition start-do _B. The exhibition starts - does C. Do the exhibition start - does _D. Does the exhibition start - does 9. He the truth. A. doesn’t always tell B. does always not tell C. always doesn’t tell D. doesn’t tell always 10. When 2-It at 10.30 p.m, ‘A. does the game show finish - finishes B. does the game show finish - finish C. do the game show finish - finishes D. do the game show finishes - finish l PRACTICE TEST 2 (UNIT 3 + UNIT 4) 1. Chia déng ti theo thi hién tai don. (Supply the correct form of the verb in the present simple.) 1. w My house (be) far from school. . They (not, often, go) to the cinema . Angelina (be) Jefferson’s little sister. . Albert and Beck (be) best friends. (you, like) fruits and vegetables? We (not, live) in the same neighbourhood. Jack and Jimmy (play) badminton every Sunday. He_______ (do) his homework in the afternoons. She (go) to bed at about 9.00 p.m. every night. (he, usually, use) mobile phone? I. Chia déng ti theo thi hién tai tiép dién. (Supply the correct form of the verbs in present continuous tense.) 1, Searnanr wo 10. Look! It (rain). What (he, do) now? She (not, play) the piano. They (sit) on the sofa. Ms. Bella (make) a pizza now. Albert. (not, help) me at present. . Be quiet please! The kids (sleep). (you, spend) your holiday on the beach? Fred (talk) on the phone at the moment. (Luke, study) for his exam right now? 43 Ill. Chia déng tif theo thi hién tai don hoac thi hién tai tiép dién. (Supply the correct form of the verb in present simple iense or present continuous tense.) 1, Lopez (love) pop music. 2, Look! He (leave) the house. 3. Sam ___ (rarely, have) his hunch at home. 4. ‘Are you having a shower? - ‘Yes, I be.” 5. It (be) early in the morning. 6. What (you, do) at the moment? 7. After a meal, Kelly (always, wash) the dishes. 8, Be quiet, please, I (read) a book. 9. Calvin (have) blond hair and blue eyes. 10. He (usually, walk) to school. But look! Today he (go) by bicycle. IV. Cac cau sau & thi hién tai tiép dién (PC) hay thi hién tai tigp dién chi 44 tugng lai (PCF). (Decide whether the following sentences are in the present continuous or the present continuous for future.) 1. Iam visiting my cousin next Sunday. 2. They are playing badminton right now. 3. Ave you doing anything tonight? 4. I’m watching a cartoon at the moment. . What are Brian and Janes doing on Saturday? 6. Michael and Betty are leaving tomorrow morning. 7. She isn’t doing anything at the moment. 8. Whatareyoucooking for my birthday next week, Mom? 9. Julia isn't making a pancake now. 10. He is seeing his doctor this afternoon. V. Cho biét cdc cau sau day co phai 6 thi hién tai don dién ta tuong lai (Yes) hay khéng (No). (Decide whether the following sentences are in the present simple for future.) vi DU: The train leaves at 7:30 a.m. — Yes I'ma student. = No 1. The train leaves Quy Nhon at 7:30 a.m. 2. We always believe you. 3. The festival ends on Sunday. 4, Jennifer likes pizzas very much. 5. The next bus comes in 15 minutes 6. Samuel has a big dog. 7. This is my cousin, Alexandre. 8. Which day does the exhibition open? 9. They are on holiday. 10. The match starts at 2 p.m. VL. Chia déng ti theo thi hién tai don chi tuong lai ho&c thi hién tai tiép dién chi tudng lai. (Supply the correct form of the verb in the present simple for future or the present continuous for future.) 1. She (not, see) Tommy tonight. 2, When (the art exhibition, end)? 3. He (give) Julie a watch for her birthday this year. 4, The train (arrive) at 6:20 in the morning. 5. (you, use) your bicycle tonight? 6. Next Wednesday at 15.00 there (be) an English exam. 7 (the plane, take) off at 7:45 as usual? 45 8. We (have) a big party on my holiday next week. 9. The festival (end) on 15" August. 10. When (the music show, begin)? VI. Chon dap an dung dé hoan thanh cau. (Choose the correct answer to 46 complete the sentences.) 1, The taxi at 5 a.m. to take us to the train station. A. arrive B. arrives C. is arriving D. are arriving 2. She for Da Lat on Friday evening. A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. are leaving 3. I to be late! What time in Hue? A. am going - does this train arrive B. go - does this train arrive C. am going - is this train arriving D. go - is this train arriving 4. What on Saturday evening? - She for an exam, A. does Van do - is studying B. is Van doing - studies C. does Van do - studies D. is Van doing - is studying 5. Huong on holiday to Vung Tau in July. A. go B. goes C. is going D. ave going 6. What tomorrow afternoon? -I my aunt. A. are you doing - am visiting B. do you do - visit C. do you do - am visiting D. are you doing - visit 7. When 2 -It at half past eight. A. is the music show finishing - finishes B. does the nyusic show finish - finish C. does the music show finish - finishes D. is the music show finishing - is finishing 8. They back from Hoi An on 15 August. A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming 9. What time the English test? -I A. do we have - don't really know B, are we having - don’t really know C. do we have - really don’t know D, do we have - don’t know really 10.We on Satur badminton instead. A. don’t shop - are playing B. aren't shopping - are playing C. don’t shop - play D. aren't shopping - play day, we 47 | —_—e_wv a UNIT 5 AROUND TOWN (PHO XA QUANH DAY) A. NGU PHAP (GRAMMAR) |. Dai tif chi dinh (Demonstratives) Ching ta ding cae dai tit chi dinh this, that, these, those dé chi cdc tht dang dude dé cap dén, - This, that ding trudc danh tit sé ft. vi DU: this dress (ci dam nay), this table (cdi ban nay), this girl (cd gai nay) that shirt (cdi 4o d6), that house (cdi nha d6), that boy (cau bé dé) - These, those ding truéc danh tit sé nhiéu. vi DU: these pens (nhting cy viét nay), these books (nhding quyén séch nay) those mountains (nhing' ngon nui dé), those people (nhiing nguéi dé) ~ This, these dang dé chi vat hay nhiing vat 6 gén ngudi néi. vi DU: How much is this skirt? (CAi vay nay gid bao nhiéu)? These jeans are very small. (Cai quén jean nay nhé qua.) - That, those dang dé chi vat hay nhiing vat 6 xa ngudi ndi. vi DU: Could you give me that jar? (Band thé duta cho téi ii ha dé khong?) Those girls are so graceful. (Cac 06 gai dé that la duyén dang.) IL. Dai tu tan ngW it, them (Object pronouns: it, them) Ta ding dai tit tan ngit it, them sau mdt dong tix ho&c mét gidi tix. - Dang dai ti tan ngit it dé thay thé cho mét danh ti sé ft da duge nhac dén. trude dé. 48 vi DU: I like this bicycle. Do you have it in black? (T6i thich chiéc xe dap nay. Ban c6 chiée mau den khéng?) it thay cho this bicycle Ding dai tit tan ngit them dé thay thé cho mét danh ti sé nhiéu da duge nhac dén truée dé. vi DU: I like these shoes. Can I try them on? (Téi thich di giay nay. Toi c6 thé mang né thit khong?) — them thay cho these shoes Ill. Danh tii dém duge va khéng dém duge 1. Danh tt dém dude (Countable nouns) - C6 hai dang s6 it va so nhiéu. vi DU: a bag (inét cai tui xach) two shops (hai cita hang) three customers (ba ngudi khach) - Di véi dong tir dang sé it va sé nhiéu. vi DU: This is a white hat. (Day la m6t cdi nén mau trang.) These pants are too large. (May cai quén nay rng qua.) - C6 thé ding véi a/an. vi DU: a restaurant (mét nha hang) an orange (m6t trai cam) - C6 thé do ludng dude. vi DU: one way (mét con duéng) two cars (hai chiéc xe hoi) three buildings (ba toa nha) 49 2. Uncountable nouns (Danh tif khéng dém dugc) - Khong cé dang s6 nhiéu va cing khong diing véi a/an. vi DU: air (khéng khi) knowledge (kién thite) money - Di véi dong tit 6 it. vi DU: Knowledge is untouchable. (Kién thie thi khong cham dén duc.) IV. A, an, some, any 1A - Dang a truéc danh tit dém dude 6 sé it. - Dung a truée danh tix bat dau bing am phy am. vi DU: ayear (m6t nam) a unit (mét bai hoc) a green orange (mét trai cam con xanh) 2. An - Dung an truéc danh ti dém duge 6 86 it. - Dang an truéc tix bat dau bang 4m nguyén am. vi DU: an onion (mét cu hanh) an umbrella (mét cay du) an impolite person (inét ngudi khéng lich su) * Luu yr Khong ding a, an truée danh ti s6 nhiéu va danh tu khong dém duge. vi DU: She has deep knowledge (C6 Ay c6 kién thite sau rng.) 50 We are friends. (Ching t6i la nhéing ngudi ban.) 3. Some - Dung truée danh tit dém duge 6 sé nhiéu. vi DU: There are some clerks in the bank. (C6 vai giao dich vién trong ngan hang.) - Ding trutée danh tii khong dém duge. vi DU: T need some information about this item. (T6i can biét vai thong tin vé mon hang nay.) - Ding trong cfu khang dinh. vi DU: My mother buys some new clothes. (Me téi mua vai bd dé mdi.) - Ding trong cau yéu cfu hoae dé nghi. vi DU: Would you like to try some other skirts? (Ban muén thi vai bé vay khac khong?) 4. Any - Ding truéc danh ti dém duge 6 sé nhiéu. vi DU: There aren’t any new models. (Khéng c6 mau mdi nao.) - Dung truée danh tii khong dém dugc. vi DU: There isn’t any water left. (Khong cén chit nuée nao.) - Dung trong cau phti dinh va cau hdi. vi DU: Mom doesn’t buy any bread. (Me khong mua chit banh mi nao.) 51 Do you see any strangers around here? (Ban co thay nguoi la nao quanh day khong?) B. BAI TAP (EXERCISES) |. Chon phuong an dung. (Choose the correct option.) 1. Do you like this pen or (this / that) pen? S I type (these / those) emails, not those emails. Does (this / that) man over there come here every day? ew I write (these / those) words, not these words. on She drives (this / that) car, not that car. What is the meaning of (that / this) sign here? xn @ She likes these dresses, not (that / those) dresses. oe My sister is (that / this) girl, not this girl 9. She likes (those / these) flowers, not these flowers. 10. I want those books, not (these / this) ones. Il. Bién vao ché tréng this, that, these hoac those. (Fill in the gaps with this, that, these or those.) 1. Isit shop or that shop? 2 house over there is expensive. 3. Look at laptop here. 4. Are pencils here very cheap? 5, chairs over there are for our classroom. 6. Please put vase on the desk over there. 7 building over there is a hotel. 8. photos on the wall over there are really stunning. 9. is your book on the shelf over there. 10. are my parents, and those people over there are my friend’s parents 52 Ill. Dién vao ché trong it hodc them. (Fill in the gaps with it or them.) 1. The cat is hungry. This fish is for 2. They are thirsty. The water bottles are for 3. How much is that dress? I like very much. 4, Are your parents at home? I want to meet 9 ou . This is my room, Do you like . Kelvin and Jodie will come soon. Could you wait for 2 ‘They are my neighbours. Do you know 2 I don’t have my notebooks. I can’t find Co wm AD . Do you like your new school? Yes, I like very much, 10. Do you see my dictionary? I don't see any where. IV. Chon phuong an dung. (Choose the correct option.) 1. [have some apples. Do you like (it / them) 2. What is her name? I don’t remember (it / its). 3. (They / them) don’t love fast food. 4. These are new clothes. Do you want to try (it / them) on? on - “Where are my glasses?” - “You are wearing (their / them).” 6. (Its / It) is my dog. (Its / It) name is Bobby. xa . Do you like cartoons? No, I don’t like (them / it). 8. Where do (they / them) live? 9. You can take my bike if you need (it / its). 10. This is my schoolbag. (Its / it) colour is white. V. Sp xép cdc danh ti vao dung cét. (Put the nouns into the correct columns.) information egg milk cookie cake cheese water coffee hamburger omelette cream curry chef beef customer pork student onion rice stick 53 Countable Uncountable VI. Cac danh tif dude gach chan dudi day la danh tii dém dugc (C) hay khéng dém duge (U). (Decide whether the underlined nouns are countable or uncountable.) 1. I don’t like tea. 2. This shop is really big. 3. Do they live in the city 4. She has a beautiful ring. I'd like some juice. . This is a bottle of glue. 5 6 7, There are a lot of windows in our classroom. 8, She adds some sugar to the soup. 9. He has lots of money. 10. The children are playing in the garden. Vil. Dién vao ché tréng a hoac an. (Fill in the gaps with a or an.) 1. This is really big orange. 2. Is there umbrella in your car? 3. Do you like piece of candy? 4, She want me to cut onion. 5. They don’t want used car, 6. There's only egg in the fridge. 7. It takes him ____ hour to walk to school. 54 8. They have house near the beach. 9. Do you see old woman around here? 10. Look, there is airplane in the sky. VIII. Dién vao ché tréng some hoac any. (Fill in the gaps with some or any.) 1. They don’t sell tomatoes. 2. Do you have questions? 3. We can go out for fresh air. 4. I don’t want _____ help from him. 5. There are only girls in our class. 6. She puts chilli in her soup. 7. There isn’t convenience store around here. 8. Does Janes make mistakes in the test? 9. Would you like lemonade? 10. I'll have tea instead. IX. Chon dap an dung dé hoan thanh cau. (Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.) We can’t reach places. They are too far. A. this B. that C. these D. those . Your dress is so special. Where do you buy : A. its B. them C. it D. they . Lhave uncle and aunt. A.a-some C. some - any D. any - an . Which pullover do you like, this one or one? A. this B. that C. these D. those . I want to buy all of these flowers. How much are 2 A. them B. their C. it D. they There isn’t ink in your pen. Ava C. some D. any 55 56 7. These hats don't look good. I like ones here. A. this B. that C. these D. those 8. Thecaroverthereis very luxury, but Ican’tremember. name, Ait B. its C. their D. them 9. He has older brother and younger sister. Aa C. some D. any 10. Come here! I'll show you beautiful fish. A. this B. that C. these D. those | LL a — UNIT 6 COMMUNITY SERVICES (DICH VU CONG DONG) A. NGU PHAP (GRAMMAR) 1. Mao tif x@e dinh va khéng xae dinh Mao tir 1a tit thuéng due ding truée danh tii va cho biét danh tw ay 1a mot déi tugng xdc dinh hay khéng xac dinh. 1. Mao tl xac dinh (Definite articles) Mao tit xac dinh the dude dang khi danh ti da due xac dinh cu thé hoe da duge dé cap dén trude d6, vi DU: [ll telling about the girl in red dress. (Téi dang néi vé cé gai mae déim dé.) — NguGi néi muén néi dén chinh cé gdi mac dam dé chét khong phai mét ngudi bat ki nao khae. a. M6t sé trudng hgp ding mao ti¢ the pho bién - Trude mét déi tugng riéng biét va phan biét vdi nhiing cdi khac. vi DU: She's feeding the kids. (C6 ay dang cho may dita bé 4n.) - Trude cdi gi dé duge xem 1a duy nha, vi DU: the Earth (Trai dat) the Moon (Mat trang) the Sun (Mat troi) - Trude cc tinh tit hode dai tit chi tht tu va so sinh nhu: the best (t6¢ nha’), the first (thi nhét), the second (thi nhi), the last (cudi ciing)... 57 58 vi DU: the first person (ugudi dau tién) the only house (can nha duy nhat) - Truée mét danh tit sé it tugng trung cho mét nhém dédng vat hoac dé vat. vi DU: the whale (ca heo) - Truée tinh ti chi m6t nhém ngudi ho&e mot tang lép trong xa hdi. vi DU: the young (ngudi tré) the elderly (nguéi gia) - Truéc danh tit riéng chi bién, song, nti, quan dao, sa mac... vi DU: The Himalaya (day nui Himalaya) The Pacific (bién Thai Binh Duong) - Tén goi mdt s6 nude. vi DU: ‘The Netherlands (nude Ha Lan) The Philippines (nuée Philippines) ‘The United Kingdom (Vuong quéc Anh) The United States of America (Hgp chting quéc Hoa Ky) - Truée mét sé dia danh. vi DU: The Gulf of Mexico (Vinh Méhicé) - Trude mét danh tt chi sé hitu cua dé vat, theo sau bdi ‘of’. vi DU: the trunk of the car (thing chtta dé ctia xe hoi) the basement of the building (téng ham ctia toa nha) the lid of the pot (cai nép cla cdi ndi) - Trude mét tén ho chi ca gia dinh vi DU: The Johnsons (gia dinh éng ba Johnson) b. Cac truéng hop khéng ding mao tit the - Truée tén quée gia (Ngoai tri céc nuéc theo ché dé lién bang. Vi du: The USA.) vi DU: Thailand (nuée Thai Lan) Mount Fuji (ngon nui Phu Si) Le Lai street (duéng Lé Lai) - Trude danh tit khong dém duge hodc danh tit so nhiéu ding theo nghia chung chung. vi DU: She doesn’t like Literature. (Ban &y khong thich mén Van.) - Truée danh tix tritu tugng. vi DU: Happiness is hard to measure. (Hanh phuc thi khé do dém). - Trude tén goi cdc bita an ni chung. vi Du: Ihave lunch at school. (Toi an trua tai trudng.) - Trude cde tuéc hiéu. vi DU: Queen Elizabeth (Nu hoang Elizabeth) President Joe Biden (Téng thong Joe Biden) - Sau tinh tit sé hitu hofe sé hitu cach. vi DU: her mother (me ctia c6 ay) the boy’s father (ba cia chang trai) 59 - Khi can dién ta ¥ chung chung. vi DU: at work (tai noi lam viée) by bus (bang xe buyt) go home (di vé nha) 2. Mao tif khéng xac dinh (Indefinite articles) Mao tit khéng xa dinh duge ding truée mt danh tit bt Idi va khéng néi cu thé ddi tugng nao. Mao tit khong xc dinh gém c6 ava an. - Mao tit a dting true tiv bit dau bing 4m phu Am. vi DU: aboy (m6t chang trai) a red apple (mét trai tao mau dé) acute animal (mét con vat dang yéu) a uniform (mét bé déng phuc) a history book (mét cuén sach vé lich sti) a horse (mét con nguta) - Mao tit an ditng trudc tit bat dau bang am nguyén am. vi DU: an apple (m6t trai tao) an animal (m6t con vat) an eraser (mé6t cuc g6m) an honest man (mét nguéi dan 6ng thanh that) an hour (m6t tiéng déng hé) *Luuy: Cac trudng hgp khéng ding mao tit bat dinh a, an: - Trude danh tit sé nhiéu vi DU: cars (xe hoi) buses (xe buyt, xe khach) services (dich vu) 60 people police - Truée danh tit khéng dém duge vi DU: air juice money oil water (nguéi) (canh sat, cong an) (khong khi) (nuée trai cay) (tién) (dau) (nuide) ll. Gidi tir chi noi ch6n (Prepositions of place) - at (6, tai): tai mét diém hay mét khu vue vi DU: at 33 Le Loi Street at home at the party at the traffic lights at the top of... (tai s633 dudng Lé Loi) (tai nha) (tai budi ec) (tai cot dén giao thong) (tvén dinh ctta...) - in (trong): bén trong mét vat chita, mét dién tich ho&c mét khdng gian vi DU: in a box in a book ina garden in space in Vietnam - on (4, trén): trén mét bé mat vi DU: ona farm on page 12 on the floor on the left (trong mét cai hép) (trong m6t quyén sach) (trong mét khu vudn) (trong khong gian) jét Nam) (tvén m6t nong trai) (6 trang 12) (trén san nha) (6 phia bén trai) 61 62 on the map (trén ban dé) on the 7" floor (trén tang thi 7) - behind (phia sau, dang sau), thudng chi khoang céch vat ly vi DU: behind her back (sau ling c6 ay) behind the wall (sau bite tudng) behind the fence (sau hang rao) ~ between (6 gitta), theo sau béi danh tit sé nhiéu hoae gitia hai déi tugng vi DU: between two locations (gitta hai dia diém) between A and C (gitta A va C) between you and me (gitta ban va toi) - in front of (phfa truée, ding truée), thudng chi khoang cach vat ly vi DU: in front of the supermarket — (true siéu thi) in front of the gate (truée cong) - near (gan), thuéng chi khoang céch vat ly vi DU: near the park (gan cng vién) near the door (gén ctta chinh) - next to (bén canh, ké bén), thudng chi khoang cach vat ly vi Du: next to the TV (bén canh ti vi) next to you (bén canh ban) - opposite (46% dién), thudng chi khoang cach vat ly vi DU: opposite the bank (déi dién ngan hang) opposite my room (d6i dién phéng cia t6i) - under (bén dui), thudng chi khoang cach vat ly vi DU: under the table (dudi ban) under the roof (duidi mai nha) Il. Cau ménh [énh xac dinh va pha dinh Cau ménh lénh la céu dude ding dé dtta ra ménh lénh, yéu cau, hodc dé nghi nhim thuyét phuc ai dé 1am mét viée ma ngudi néi mong muén. 1. Cau ménh lénh xac dinh (Positive imperatives) Trong cfu ménh lénh khang dinh thi déng tit ding dau cau va 6 dang nguyén mau. vi DU: Keep silent! (Hay gitt yén lang!) Stop it! (Ditng lai di!) 2. Cau ménh lénh pha dinh (Negative imperatives) Trong cfu ménh Iénh phd dinh thi ta chi céin thém trg dong ti é thé pha dinh Don’t truéc déng ti. vi DU: Don’t make noise! (ung lam én!) Don't stand up! (Ding ding day!) *Luuy: - Doi khi ta thém "please" vao dau hoac cudi cau ménh lénh dé cau néi lich su hon. vi DU: Please come here. (Vai long dén day.) Don’t follow me, please! (Lam on diing di theo téi.) - Ta c6 thé dung dau (!) ho&c dau cham (.) 6 cudi cau. C6 thé dang hoac khéng ding dau phdy (,) truéc “please” néu “please” ditng cudi cau. 63 B. BAI TAP (EXERCISES) |. Bién vao ché tréng a, an hoac the. (Fill in the blank with a, an or the.) 1, Andre is honest boy. 2 man over there is very rich. 3. Her father is engineer. 4. Do you want to go to cinema? 5. My brother has laptop. 6. It’s really amazing goal. 7. I'm going to buy pair of shoes. 8. She is wearing ugly dress. 9. T’'m not coming to party next Sunday. 10. You may need piece of advice now. Il. Dién vao méi ché tréng mét mao tif hodc @ néu khOng cn. (Fill in each blank with an article or 0 if it doesn't need.) 1. Mr. Paolo isn’t Brazilian. 2, price of petroleum is rising. 3. Llike reading science books. 4. We sometimes travel to Singapore. 5. Could you wait moment, please? 6. lcan’t leave my place at moment. 7. He behaves as eight-year-old child. 8. Look at ______man over there! He is famous singer. 9. We live in apartment. apartment is old 10. They don’t often play basketball. 64 r Ill. Chon phuong an dung. (Choose the correct option.) 1, o Jennifer is (at / on / in) work. . The water is (on / in / at) the bottle. . The table is (near / on / in) the window. She lives (in front of / in / behind) London. . There's a dog (between / at / on) the chair. . The floor is (under / near / in front of) the roof. . She’s standing (under / between / behind) the car. . There’s a wall (at / on / between) the two rooms. ‘The man is sitting (in / next to / under) the woman. 10. I can’t see the stage. Many people are standing (on / in front of / at) me. IV. Chon dap an dung dé hoan thanh cau. (Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.) 1 She has a house Da Nang. Av in B. next to Cat D. on . T'll meet you the airport. A. between B. under C. on D. at . I can’t see my cat. It’s hiding the wall. A.on B. in C. behind D. in front of Is there a post office here? A. in front of B. near C. opposite D. next to . The sixth floor is the seventh floor. A. under B. behind C. in front of D. near . Your books are the bookshelf. A. in B. between C. under D.on . There’s a church _ our school. A. next to B. at C. on 65 8. Be careful! There is a car us. A. between B. under C. in front of D. at 9. Lan is sitting Nam and An. Avat B. on C. under D. between 10, I’m standing on the pavement the bank. A.on B. opposite C. at D. in V. Chon phuong an duing. (Choose the correct option.) 1. (Gets / Get) off the bus. 2, (Be/ Being) careful! 3. (Don’t / Don’t to) come here. 4, (To turn/ Turn) left at the traffic lights. on . (Passing / Pass) me the dictionary. 6. (Switch / Switches) off your cellphone. 7. (Stop / Not stop) at the next gas station. 8. (Help not / Help) me with the homework. 9. (Don't / Do) play football in the yard. 10. (Doesn’t put / Don’t put) your books on the desk. VI. Cac cau sau day la dung (True) hay sai (False). (Decide whether the following sentences are true or false.) vi DU: Not sit there! > False 1. Go ahead! . Don't close please the door. . Please don’t this exercise. . Keep silent, please. ao fF oN Open your book. 66 6. Please not run! 7. Wait some minutes please. 8. Go please to my place. 9. Do step not on grass. 10. Get off the bus. Vil. di cdc cau sau sang cau ménh Iénh phil dinh. (Change the sentences into negative imperatives.) 1. Open the window. 2. Be late for school. 3. Close the door. 4. Cross the street. 5. Do your homework. 6. Follow me. 7. Swim in this lake. 8. Feed the dog, 9. Take off your shoes. 10. Talk during the lesson. 67 PRACTICE TEST 3 (UNIT 5 + UNIT 6) 68 Dién vao ché tréng this, that, these hoac those. (Fill in the gaps with this, that, these or those.) 1. Take that taxi, not taxi. 2. Go this way and not way. 3. How much is dress here? 4. Do you want ball or that ball? 5. He doesn’t like shoes here. 6. We enter gate, not this gate. 7. That is my favourite book, not one. 8. Do you watch these movies or movies? 9. Don’t paint this room. You can paint room 10... flowers over there are not expensive: Dién vao ché tréng it hoac them. (Fill in the gaps with it or them.) 1. This fruit is poisoned! Don’t eat 2. Put the trash in the bin. Don’t throw here. 3. This is my new bicycle. I like very much. 4. These shoes are suitable for me I'll take 5. Has anybody seen my keys? I can’t find 6. Don’t help me with this exercise! I can do by myself. 7. Have you met Alex and Thomas? - No, I’ve never met 8. Whatisthename ofthat motorbike? -Ican’tremember, 9. Tean’t lend you my notebooks. I need for my lessons. 10. What should we do with these old bottles? - We'll recycle Ill, Ddi cdc danh tii dém duge sang dang sé nhiéu. Néu la danh tu khong dém dugc thi gif nguyén. (Change the nouns into plural form if they are countable. Keep them unchanged if they are uncountable.) vi DU: house , sugar — houses, sugar 1. carrot , onion 2. meat » milk 3. butter , banana 4. finger , foot 5. oil , kitchen 6. teacher , student 7. salt , coffee 8. dollar , money 9. school , lesson 10. library , park IV. Déi céc cau sau sang dang sé nhiéu. (Change the sentences into the plural form.) vi DU: This bike is new. > These bikes are new. That boy goes to school ~ Those boys go to school. 1. This apartment is large. 2. That student studies hard. 3. That house is near the market. 69 4. This notebook belongs to Janes. 5. ‘That car is very nice. 6. That villa is old. 7. This lesson isn’t easy. 8. Is that street very crowded? 9. This calculator doesn’t work well. 10, That man lives in my neighbour. V._ Dién vao ché tréng some hoac any. (Fill in the gaps with some or any.) 1. Do you have pets? 2, Thave old comics here. 3. There isn’t ink in my pen. 4, There are chairs in his room. 5. They don’t have children. 6. Would you like cold water? 7. Isee a dog and mice over there. 8. She doesn't have free time for leisure. 9. There are clouds in the sky today. 10. They don’t buy milk in the shop. VI. Dién vao méi ché tréng mét mao tif hodc @ néu khéng cén. (Fill in each blank with an article or 0 if it doesn’t need.) 1. They are staying at hotel. 70 foo nw ou 1 That is girl I told you about. .. My brother doesn’t eat chicken. Love is such beautiful thing. park is quiet today. Let's take walk! students are sitting at table in canteen. . Samantha has old dog. What is name of dog? Is horse-riding popular sport in world? - No, it isn’t. . They have beautiful garden. garden is full of orchids. 0. I was in Italian restaurant. restaurant served Pizzas Vil. Chon dap 4n ding dé hoan thanh cau. (Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.) 1. 2. - 7. Are you home now? A.on B. at C. next to D. under . A river flows a bridge. A. in B. on C. under D. between . Can I sit you? - Yes, sure. A. next to B. under C. at D. in . My brother is studying the classroom. A. near B. next to C. in front of D. in . This building is a subway station. A. between B. near D. on. . Guards stand the entrance of the bank. A.on B. between C. next to . There are mountains Chile and Argentina. A. in B. between C. on D. at val 8. The clock the wall is slow. A.on B. infront of — C. behind Dz at 9. Who is that person the mask? A. behind B. in front of C. near D. next to 10. The teacher stands the students. A. at B. under C. in front of D. under VIL Viét cau ménh lénh dya vao tinh huéng da cho. (Write imperative 72 sentences basing on the situations.) vi DU: You are often late for school. > Don’t be late for school. 1. You should clean your room. 2. Can you help me with this exercise? 3. Why don’t you wash your hands? 4, You shouldn't forget your homework. on . We need to go to page 77. 6. [don’t want you to touch my phone. 7. Would you like to have a glass of juice? 8. We should be there at noon. 9. You can phone me after school. 10. Will you join me for dinner tonight? | SL a —. UNIT 7 MOVIES (PHIM ANH) A. NGU PHAP (GRAMMAR) |. Gidi tit chi théi gian (Prepositions of time) ‘Ta ding gidi tt chi thai gian dé ndi su viée gi dé xay ra khi nao. - Dung gidi tit at vdi cdc gid cu thé, Ngoai ra con c6: at noon, at dinnertime, at lunchtime, at sunrise, at sunset, at the moment, at present, at night, at midnight, at Christmas, at the same time... vi DU: T often leave home for school at 6 o'clock. (T6i thudng rdi nha dé di hoc lic 6 gid.) - Ding in véi thang, mia, n&m, thé k¥ hodc khoang théi gian lau hon. vi DU: They start to show this film in July. (Ho bat dau chiéu phim nay trong thang 7.) Most flowers bloom in spring. (Phan I6n céc loai hoa nd vao ma xudn.) - Ding on voi cae ngay trong tudn, ngay thang va mét sé ngay khac nhv Christmas Day, Independent Day, birthday, New Year's Eve... vi DU: She’s going to the cinema on Sunday. (C6 ay dinh di xem phim vao ngay Chu nhat.) * Luu y: - Ta ding in the morning, in the afternoon... nhuing on Monday morniny Monday afternoon... - Ta c6 thé ding ca hai at the weekend hoac on the weekend. 73 Il. Thi qua kh don vdi déng tii be (Past simple with be) Thi qua khtt don duoc dimg dé dién tA mot hanh dGng, sv viée, hién tugng da xay ra va két thitc trong qua khit. 1. Céng thuc a. Thé khang dinh (Positive form) V/He/She/It + was We/You/They + were vi DU: He was in the teacher's room fifteen minutes ago. (Ban diy trong phong gido vién cach day 15 phit.) b. Thé phu dinh (Negative form) T/He/She/It + was not WelYou/'They + were not was not = wasn’t, were not = weren't vi DU: We weren’t at home last night. (Chang ti khong 6 nha t6i qua.) ce. Thé nghi van (Question form) Was + I/he/she/it? Were + we/youlthey? Tra 160i “Yes”: Tra 1di “No”: Yes, I/he/she/it + was. No, I/he/she/it + wasn’t. Yes, we/you/they + were. No, we/you/they + weren't. vi DU: Were you in the classroom some minutes ago? - Yes, we were. (Cac ban 6 trong phong hoc cach day vai phut phai khéng? - Vang, diing vay.) 74 2, Dau higu nhan biét Trong cau sti dung thi qué kha don thudng cé cae trang tit chi thdi gian trong qua khit: - yesterday (hdm qua) - last night (tdi qua), last week (tuan trudc), last month (thang truéc), last year (nam truéc)... - ago (cach day) - in the past (trong qué khit) - in 1983, 2019... (vao nam 1983, 2019...) vi DU: She was at school an hour ago. (Co ay 6 truéng cach day mét ti He was born in 2007. (Anh ay sinh vao nam 2007.) Ill. Tinh tit (Adjectives) - Tinh tit thudng ding truéc danh ti dé bé nghia cho danh tit d6, nghia 1a tinh tiz 1 mét tit cho chting ta biét nhiéu hon vé mt danh tit. vi DU: a nice girl (mt 6 gai dep) an interesting movie (mét i} phim hay) - Déi khi tinh ti ditng sau dong tit be: vi DU: Our class is small. (Lép cia chting t6i thi nhé.) - Ta thuing cé thé stt dung hai hoc nhiéu tinh ti véi nhau: vi DU: a black and white picture (M6t bite tranh den tréng) a crowded and noisy city (mé6t thanh phé déng dtic va 6n ao) He is thin and tall. (Anh ay gay va cao.) 75 B. BAI TAP (EXERCISES) 1. Chia déng tiv be theo thi qua khu don. (Supply the correct form of be in the past simple.) 1. You in bad mood. 2. We _ in the football team. 3. She tired after the match. 4. They excited about the holiday. 5. He very helpful and generous. 6. It one of his silly mistakes. 7. That man very rich last year. 8. The dogs healthy yesterday. 9. Beck at the dentists’ some hours ago. 10. Adam and Henry at the park a-few minutes ago. Il. B6i cdc cau 6 phan | sang thé pha dinh. (Change the sentences in part | into negative form.) i 2. F Ill. B6i cdc cau 6 phan I sang thé nghi van. (Change the sentences in part | into question form.) 9. 10. IV. Chon phuong an dung. (Choose the correct option.) 1. Pm not at home (on / at / in) present. 2. My birthday is (in /on/ at) 17 January. 3. They have a meeting (on/ in / at) 2:30 p.m. 4. It often rains heavily (in / at / on) October. 5. Does your mother work (at / in / on) Saturdays? 6. We don’t go home (at / on / in) lunchtime. 7. What do you do (in / on / at) New Year's Day? 8. In my region, it’s really hot (at / on / in) summer. 9. Jack and Bill finish the test (at /in/ on) the same time. 10. My father graduated from university (at /in / on) 2010. V. Bién vao ché tréng at, in hoac on. (Fill in the blank with at, in or on.) 1. They moved to the city 2020. 2, We can see stars night. 3. The train leaves tomorrow morning. q7 4, The weather 5. They stay with their family 6. Airplanes became popular 7. We don’t go to school 8. They always go to the church 9. We are going to depart 10. The convenience store closes spring is beautiful Christmas. the 20" century. the weekend. Christmas Day. the early morning, midnight. VI. Sap xép cac ti vao dung cét. (Put the words into the correct columns.) movie, happy, film, great, awful, birthday, summer, fantastic, terrible, homework, exciting, comedy, wonderful, adventure, story, funny, lesson, boring, game, sad Danh tw (Noun) Tinh tiv (Adjective) opposite adjectives.) VII. Ghép tinh tu véi ti trai nghia cla nd. (Match the adjectives with their Tinh tix (Adjective) Tinh ti trai nghia (Opposite adjective) 1. good a. old 2. young b. dirty 3. tall c. dark 4. boring d. bad 5. big e. interesting 6. terrible f. small 7. hot g. happy 8. bright h, wonderful 9. clean i, short 10. sad j. cold 78 Zz UNIT 8 THE WORLD AROUND US (THE GIGI QUANH TA) A. NGU PHAP (GRAMMAR) I. Déng tw hinh thai “should” va “can” 1. Should (nén) Ta ding should hoae shouldn't (should not) dé khuyén ai nén hoe khéng nén lam gi. Sau should va shouldn’t ta sit dung dOng tit nguyén thé Ikhong cé ‘to. I/we / you / they / he / she /it + should / shouldn't + V (nguyén thé).. vi DU: You should go to bed early, (Ban nén di ngti sém.) We shouldn't go out alone at night. (Chung ta khéng nén di ra ngoai m6t minh vao ban dém.) Déi véi cu hdi, ta déi should va shouldn’t ra phia truée chu tu. Should / Shouldn't + I/we / you / they / he / she / it + V (nguyén thé)... ? Tra loi: Yes, I/ we / you / they / he / she / it + should. No, I / we / you / they / he / she / it + shouldn't. vi DU: Should I call him now’ No, you shouldn't. (16i 06 nén goi cho anh ay bay gid khéng? - Khéng, ban khéng nén dau.) 79 2. Can (co thé) ‘ta ding can hoae can't (cannot, can not) dé noi vé kha nang trong hién tai. Nhiéu khi ta ding can’t dé noi dén suf khéng an toan khi lam diéu gi dé. Sau can va can’t ta stt dung d6ng tit nguyén thé khong cé ‘to’. I/we / you / they / he / she /it + can / can’t + V (nguyén thé) | vi DU: Ican speak English. (T6i c6 thé néi tiéng Anh.) She can’t help me (C6 ay khéng thé gitip t6i.) We can’t swim in this river. It’s too dangerous. (Ching ta khéng thé boi d con séng nay. N6 nguy hiém lim.) DGi vGi céu hdi, ta ddi can va can’t ra phia truée cht tit, Can / Can't + 1/ we /you/ they / he / she / it + V (nguyén thé)... ? Tra lai: Yes, I/ we / you/ they / he / she / it + can. No, I/ we/ you / they / he / she / it + can’t. vi DU: Can you pass me the ruler? - Yes, I can. (Ban 6 thé dua t6i cay thude khéng? - Vang, du¢e.) Il. Cau ghép véi lién ti “so” Lién tit 1A th ndi c& Cac lién tit phd bién trong tiéng Anh 1a: and, but, or, nor, for, yet, 50, although, because, since, unless. Tuy nhién trong bai nay ta chi néi dén each stt dung lién ti ‘so’ dé ghép hai cau dn thanh mot cau ghép. Khi ghép hai cau don lai véi nhau ta c6 thé thém vao ho&c khéng thém vao dau phay truéc lién tix, Nghia cia cau khong thay déi va cau van ding ngit phap. vi Du: Joe is sick. He is not going to school. ~ Joe is sick, so he is not going to school. Joe is sick so he is not going to school. (Joe bi bénh nén ban ay khéng di hoc.) c tt, nhom tt hod cau, lai véi nhau. N6 1a mét tit ndi. 80 B. BAI TAP (EXERCISES) I. Dién vao ché tréng should hoc shouldn't. (Fill in the gaps with should or shouldn't.) 1. You clear your room. It's very dirty. 2. Those boys play games all day. 3, We always behave kindly. 4. The kids eat all the candies and cakes. 5. She tell a lie. 6. We get up late. 7, You help other people. 8. They be so rude at you. 9. You wash the dishes carefully. 10. We save money for later use. Il. Sap xép cac tw thanh cau hoan chinh. (Reorder the words to make complete sentences.) i. shouldn’t / We / so much salt / eat . go/ You/ that restaurant / shouldn't / to . help / should / people / The local authorities . We/ say ‘thank you’ / should / more regularly . should / study harder / to pass / He/ the exam . that incredible film / should / You / watch 81 7. Should / take / she / a cooking class? 8. do it / You/ this way / should 9. Tourists / go to / shouldn't / that dangerous area 10. complain about / shouldn’t / her mistakes / She Ill. Dién vao ché tréng can hoac can't. (Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.) 1 go to the cinema, | am really busy. 2. We hear you. The TV is so loud. 3. Where are my notebook? I find it. 4. Iwish I could help you, but I 5. We go out because of the rain. 6. He run fast. His legs are hurt. Ts you please help me with this bag? 8. We meet this evening if you want. 9. You go there by boat. 10.1 believe it. We have won the dancing competition. IV. Sap xép cac tiv thanh cau hoan chinh. (Reorder the words to make complete sentences.) 1. can/ Steven /a/bike/ ride 2, can’t/ play /tennis/1/ table 3. Can/ Japanese? / speak / you 82 4, guitar / They / the / play / can’t on . use/T/Can/ your / cell phone? 6. for / can’t / information / You / here / ask 7. We/can/eat/ chopsticks / with 8. smoke / this building / in / can’t / They 9. night /can/ stars / at /see/ many / You 10. I/ see / garden / from / the / can / my neighbor V. Chon cau tra Idi dting. (Choose the correct option.) 1. Thomas drink much coca. It’s bad for his health. A. shouldn’t B. should C. can’t D. can. 2. “ I sit here please?” - “Yes, you - A. Should - should B. Can - can C. Shouldn't - shouldn't D. Can’t - can’t 3. It's going to rain. You take an umbrella. A. can B. can’t C. should D. shouldn’t 4.“ you throw me the ball over there?” - “Yes, I Ed A. Can - can B. Should - should C. Can't - can’t D. Should - can 5. you speak Vietnamese?” - “No, we a A. Can - can B. Should - should C. Can - shouldn’t D. Can - can’t 83 6. You A. can’t - shouldn't C. can - shouldn't 7. Frank has a test this afternoon. He walk to school, but you walk alone. B. can - shouid D. should - can’t watch TV. He review his lesson. A. can’t - can’t C. can - can’t 8. Speak a little louder, Paula. We of the room A. should B. can 9. “ - “Yes, you A. Shouldn’t - shouldn’t C. Can - should 10. I'm busy on Saturday, Nick, but we A. can B. can’t B. shouldn't - should D. should - shouldn’t hear you at the back C. shouldn't D. can’t I drink hot lemonade if I have a sore throat?” B. Should - should D. Should - can go cycling on Sunday. C. should D. shouldn’t VI. Ghép cac vé cau thanh cau ghép. (Match the clauses to make sentences.) 1. She had a car accident wo . It was a long journey Kimber hates to be late for school It’s cheap to travel by bus Eating much fast food is not good - os He has drunk six cups of coffee today 7s A tree has fallen across the road She was born in Japan The kids got bored o@ 10. He lost the key a. so she always leaves home early. b. so they have to turn round and go back. c. so she also has a Japanese passport. d. so she called the police. e. so I think I'll eat it less. f. so they went to the amusement park. g. so I'm really tired now. h. so he couldn't get into his room. i. so he has got a headache. j. so we can save lots of money from transportation. ov Answer: 1 3. 2. 4, 6. 84 ba 9. 8, 10.

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