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1C Going for gold!

You are a group of English students who are working towards your Duke of Edinburgh
(DofE) Gold Award. You are planning an expedition, but unfortunately one member of
your group broke her leg yesterday and can’t take part. You now need to find one more
person to join your team!
Your group task is to create an attractive advertisement to encourage someone to
take part in the expedition with you. Use the table below to help you organise your
information and make notes before you create your advert.

You will need to find out some details from the DofE website. Go to

Your advert needs to include answers to the following questions:

Who are the people in your group? (e.g. names, ages, personalities)

When and for how long are you going on your expedition?
(Have a look at one of the sections on the DofE website under ‘Doing your D of E’.)

Where are you going on your expedition?

Choose from one of the sections listed on the DofE website under ‘Doing your D of E’.)

How are you travelling? (Have a look on the DofE website for possible ways to travel.)

What is some of the important equipment the person would need to bring?
(See the ‘Expedition Kit List’ on the DofE website under ‘Doing your D of E’.)

How should the person contact you if they are interested or want more information? (e.g. by email, by phone, at

Solutions 2nd edition  Pre-Intermediate © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE

1C Going for gold!
Aims  To give students the opportunity to work on a group
project to research further The Duke of Edinburgh Award
scheme and create an advertisement
Time  20 minutes for research and planning + extra time to
create an advertisement
Materials  1 handout for each group of three students;
students will require Internet access and computers to
produce their advert
• Divide your class into groups of three and give each group
a copy of the handout. Now read the information and
task. Students plan the content of their advertisement in
their groups, referring to the DofE website (
when appropriate.
• Students work together to create the advertisement,
ideally on a computer. Encourage them to make their
advertisement as eye-catching as possible and perhaps to
add a photo or two (e.g. of themselves, the place they are
going on the expedition, to show some of the kit).
• If you do not have enough time during class, the groups
can work on the project for homework. When the
advertisements are complete, print them out and display
them on the classroom walls.

Solutions 2nd edition  Pre-Intermediate © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

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