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To determine the moment of inertia ofa flywheel about its own axis of rotation.
Flywheel, meter scale, stop watch, thread (or string), vernier callipers, pan and weight box.
In the experiment a mass M is attached at one end of the string of length h and the string is wound on the axle of the
flywheel. The mass falls downwards freely under the force due to gravity, which supplies energy to the flywheel, and it starts
rotating. If the mass traverses a height h before its fal, its initial potential energy 'Mgh' is used up in the following three
W h e e ld i s c


(a) A part is used up in providing kinetic energy % mv2 to the descending mass wnere V is the velocity of mass
when the string detaches from the axle.

(b) Another part is used up in providing kinetic energy of rotation %1o to the wheel where I is the moment of inertia
of the flywheel about its own axis and o is the angular velocity of the flywheel.

(C) A part ofthe energy is used up in doing work against the fractional force between the disc and ball bearings. If E
isthe energy wasted in one rotation due to friction and n, is the number of revolutions made by the wheel before
the string detaches from the axle then the total energy used up in doing work against the frictional forces will be
n,E. Thus at the instant when the string detaches from the axle by the law of conservation of energy,
Mgh % mv2+ % lo+n,E .(1)

After the mass is detached from the axle the flywheel continues to rotate for the time t due to its kinetic energy and
eventually comes to rest after making n, revolution under the influence of frictional forces. Thus the rotational kinetic energy
lo of the flywheel is used up in doing wark against the frictional forces.
V2 Iw = n.E
E =
% lo
After calculation
FM {(2gh/w)-R,Y(1+ n,/n,)
When the mass isdetache from the axle the angular velocity of the flywheel is wand after making n, revolution in time t the
angular velocity of the flywheel reduces to zero due to frictional force. Hence in timet the average angular velocity of the
TIywheel can be assumed to be, (o+0)/2= 27T n,/t
So finally the moment of inertia of a flywheel about its own axis of rotation is
I= MgRn,/47t n, (n,t+n.)
where M=the mass attached at the string, g = acceleration due to gravity, R= Radius of the axle, n=number of revolution

or the flywheel before the string gets detached from the axle, m=number of revolution of the flywheel till it comes to rest after
n estring has been detached from the axle, t= time in which the flywheel comes to rest after the string is detached from
the axle.

PROCEDURE iakinga loonat
axle of the flywheel
above tne ground.
1) thread of length less than the heiaht af the sultaDie mass M from the
isttakea end. a pan is
attached on
tis Tastened to the axle and at the other
box is placed.
the a X I e a i e integral and the
the string on ey ar
that the numbers of turns of
2) NOW wound stringthe the
on axle such
on the axie.
uniform. Note down the number of turns n, of the string
When the strlng is detached from om th
mass fall down and count the number of revolutions
of the flywheel.
3) LeTtne turns of the string on tne a x e .
peg the number of revolutions n, should be equal to the number
start counting the number of revolution of
4) from the axle start the stopwatch and also
S tne string detaches
from one. As the flywheel comes to rest, stop the stopwatcn
ana note down the number -
evoluton n, made by the wheel. Note down the time T from the stopwatch in marking n, revolutions.

Nepeat the experiment three- four times by changing the mass M suspended at the end of the string.
6) Measure the diameter of the axle at different places and at each place in two mutualy perpendicular directions
with the help of vernier callipers, Half of the mean of these values gives the mean radius R of the axle.

(1) For n,, n and time t
Least count ofstop watch = 0 0LSec
S.No. Mass in gm No. of revolution of the No. of revolution of the Time taken in n,
wheel till the string wheel till it comes to rest revolutions (t)
detaches from the axle n, after the string has been
detached from the axle n,
3 So-19
678 43.HI
3. 928
178 69 09
5 28 71 69
(2) For the radius of the axle 73 T753
Least count of vernier calliper (LC) =
Zero error of vernier
calliper =t.
Main scale Vernire Scale Reading
S. No. Reading a
(V.S.R.) Total reading
Vernire division M.S.R. + V.S.R.
(M.S.R.) x LC Value
Along one directioon b(c.m.)
Along L direction
Along one direction 2
001 0 0
Along L direction 80.0 O.06
80.D .8
Along one direction
2 0-08
Along L direction SXD.D1 28
Q 2
S0-O1 O-0S .2S
0 OS
diameter of axle ..
CALCULATION The moment of inertia of
flywheel is
I= MgRn,t| 4Tn,(n,+n,
T 7u x1o> a cm
T-60x10gomT 2.23 xI0qom
I2.L XIOS aum Ts.SH x(0S aCm
RESULT The moment of inertia of flywheel about its own axis
19 x10Sqn
% Error = [(Standard value ~

Experimental value) / Standard Value] x 100

. %
Standard value =
2x10 gm.cm2

1) The length of the string should be less than the

height of the flywheel above the ground.
2) The string should be uniformly and closely wound round the axle. There must not be
any overlapping.
3) The number of revolution of the string on the axle must be whole number.
4) The loop of the string on the peg of the axe should be
quite loose so that it may leave the axle easily when the
string has unwounded.
5) The ball bearings of the flywheel should have minimum friction. For this ball bearing should be properly lubricant.
6) The mass should be gently released so that it falls under the influence of gravity.

1. What do you mean by moment of inertia ? What is its S.I. Unit?

2. State the theorem of parallel axis of moment of inertia?
What is a flywheel ? VWhat is its experimental use?
4 State the law of conservation of angular momentum.
5 State the relationship between torque and moment of inertia.
6 What doyou understand by radius of gyration?
Why is the majorites rates of mass of the fiywheel, concentrated near its rims?
8 What is the effect of I when the radius of the axle isincreased?
9 What do you mean by moment of force?
10. What is the moment of inertia af a disc of mass M and radius R about on axis passing through its centre ofgravity
and perpendicular to its plane?


(1) Verify Newton's Second Law for rotational motion and measure the moment of inertia of a disc and axle

(2) Determine the relationship between the angular acceleration of aflywheel and
the torque producing the acceleration.

Date of Allotment Date of Submission Teacher's Signature


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