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The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is intended to cover most aspects of human life ...

but what
exactly does it mean, when it is applied to specific cases?

Overall scan

Consider the following statements – which of them is true, and which false, according to the Universal

The police can tap people's phones and spy on them

Journalists are justified in spying on people

Insulting people is part of freedom of speech

Controlling access to the internet is wrong, according to the Declaration

The Declaration forbids the free downloading of music, videos, etc

Illegal immigrants have no legal rights in the country where they arrive

We all have the right to travel wherever we like

Everyone can choose the nationality that they wish to belong to

The Declaration opposes the idea of states based on a single religion

You can set up any sort of political party that you like

Democracy is required by the Declaration

Everyone, without exception, has the right to vote

Unemployment benefit is a right, according the the Declaration

It is simply wrong for men and women to be paid differently for the same work

It is wrong to sack people

Holidays are a human right, according to the Declaration

Gays have the same right to get married as heterosexuals

Gays have the same rights within marriage as heterosexuals

The Declaration is against the idea of gay marriage

It is against the Declaration to charge money for education

It is wrong for education to indoctrinate /brain wash people into believing things
Parents have the right to decide what sort of education their children have

The death penalty is wrong

Having your own home is a basic human right

The Declaration insists that we have to fulfill our duties to our society
No State has any right to restrict the rights stated in the Declaration

© David Ripley, Inthinking
The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is intended to cover most aspects of human life ... but what
exactly does it mean, when it is applied to specific cases?

Media & communication

Consider the following statements – which of them is true, and which false, according to the Universal
Declaration? In each case, indicate True/False + the Article(s) that apply + notes about the argument

The police can tap people's phones and spy on them

True/False false Article(s) applies 12

Notes breach of privacy

Journalists are justified in spying on people

True/False false Article(s) applies12

Notes breach of privacy

Insulting people is part of freedom of speech

True/False true Article(s) applies 19

Notes freedom to opinion

Controlling access to the internet is wrong, according to the Declaration

True/False false Article(s) applies 17

Notes No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

The Declaration forbids the free downloading of music, videos, etc

True/False false Article(s) applies Article 21

Notes equal access to public service

© David Ripley, Inthinking
The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is intended to cover most aspects of human life ... but what
exactly does it mean, when it is applied to specific cases?

Global issues

Consider the following statements – which of them is true, and which false, according to the Universal
Declaration? In each case, indicate True/False + the Article(s) that apply + notes about the argument

Illegal immigrants have no legal rights in the country where they arrive

True/False false Article(s) applies 2

Notes everyone is entitled to it

We all have the right to travel wherever we like

True/False true Article(s) applies 3

Notes the right to life

Everyone can choose the nationality that they wish to belong to

True/False true Article(s) applies 15

Notes rights to a nationality

The Declaration opposes the idea of states based on a single religion

True/False false Article(s) applies 18

Notes rights to pick religion

You can set up any sort of political party that you like

True/False true Article(s) applies 3 .

Notes without distinction of any kind, such as political or other opinion

Democracy is required by the Declaration

True/False true Article(s) applies 29

Notes respect for the rights and freedoms of others

and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the
general welfare in a democratic society.

Everyone, without exception, has the right to vote

True/False true Article(s) applies 21

Notes everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country

© David Ripley, Inthinking
The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is intended to cover most aspects of human life ... but what
exactly does it mean, when it is applied to specific cases?

Social relationships

Consider the following statements – which of them is true, and which false, according to the Universal
Declaration? In each case, indicate True/False + the Article(s) that apply + notes about the argument

Gays have the same right to get married as heterosexuals

True/False true Article(s) applies 2

Notes Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other
limitation of sovereignty.

Gays have the same rights within marriage as heterosexuals

True/False true. Article(s) applies 2

Notes Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other
limitation of sovereignty.

It is wrong for education to indoctrinate /brain wash people into believing things

True/False true Article(s) applies 18

Notes freedom of believing

Parents have the right to decide what sort of education their children have

True/False true Article(s) applies 26

Notes Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be
given to their children.

The death penalty is wrong

True/False false Article(s) applies Article 11

Notes Nor shall a heavier

penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal
offence was committed.
Having your own home is a basic human right

True/False true Article(s) applies 17

Notes rights to property

The Declaration insists that we have to fulfill our duties to our society

True/False true Article(s) applies 29

Notes everyone has duties in the community

No State has any right to restrict the rights stated in the Declaration

True/False true Article(s) applies 30

Notes no rights to restrict the rights

© David Ripley, Inthinking

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