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Kennedy Robinson

Mrs. Meeusen

ENGL 3690

17 January 2023

A few concepts related to elementary writing are presented in the Best Practices in

Writing Instruction, Chapters 1-2 by Steve Graham, Charles A. MacArthur, and Jill Fitzgerald.

There are many different ways to teach pupils about writing, even though it's crucial to give them

the chance to develop their abilities in a formal setting. For instance, teachers can make writing

seem approachable by demonstrating to pupils how other people write and discussing the

rationale behind their writing decisions. Additionally, it is critical that professors assist and

encourage their students both during and after class so that practice is derived from more than

just meeting criteria.

IThe textbook, in my opinion, has improved my comprehension of successful writing

training. I now know more about how to help kids advance through the many stages of the

writing process. Giving students advice on how to write well is essential to assisting them in

creating a writing process that works for them. This book has motivated me to develop and

implement instructional activities that will assist my students in improving their writing abilities,

comprehending self-monitoring, editing, and rewriting procedures, as well as learning how to

address specific issues that occur when completing writing assignments.

In conclusion, I may utilize this material to teach writing in a variety of ways, including

planning, drafting, and revising lessons, as well as modeling and imparting self-regulation skills

through specialized strategy instruction. I wish to pique my pupils' interest in this subject in my

lecture. I can best teach writing with this subject if I break it down into three easy steps. We will
first come up with an outline, plan, and brainstorm for our papers. The second reason why

students would write those drafts is to improve their writing abilities. Finally, both the reader and

the writer will make updates to their own papers, however I will be much more closely watching

over them to provide feedback on how to strengthen their writing. spelling and punctuation

mistakes, for instance. Spelling and punctuation mistakes, for instance. Three drafts will be

required from my students before a final draft is made. The students will have the opportunity to

edit their papers as often as they'd like.

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