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The Locket

By Milieva

Clef lifted the small piece of jewelry from its place upon his bed stand. The chain slid delicately
through his fingers as he gazed upon the worked metal as if it held his future. Running his thumb
over the catch, it popped open in his palm. Today he did not even smile at the photographs that
once made him laugh out right. He could not recall for the life of him what he and Umi had been
arguing about that day, but he did know that Hikaru had been brave to get up close enough to get
that shot. But of all the images the water knight could have chosen for this gift, these rang the
most truth about their volatile relationship.

"Give me strength." The mage whispered to the flushed knight in his palm as he snapped the
locket shut and slipped the chain around his neck, tucking the pendent deep into his robes so it
hung against the skin over his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Clef rose off the edge of the his bed, His hands shuttered violently as he
put them against the door frame to steady himself and reorganize what little courage he could
muster. The plates of his robes became stone over his weakened shoulders. The mage gasped for
breath as the leaden doors finally swung open into the corridor. The distance to the assembly hall
seemed to have more than tripled in the time it had been since the last council meeting. Even if
his mind knew her did not face his death today, his heart told him otherwise. If banishment was
pronounced, that would be a fate far worse than death, for without Umi, he could never survive.

The cool touch of the warming metal swayed lightly against his chest with every foot fall, giving
him just enough strength to put that next foot out. As the seconds ticked by like hours, Clef
haggardly made his way down the darkened corridor that led to his awaited doom.

Even though he knew it was coming, the sudden brilliance of the chamber blinded him and threw
him off balance just as it was intended to do. His unconscious step back caused the pendant to
thump hard against his chest, reminding him why he was here. Silently he made his way to the
center of the lower floor. One of the guards requested him to state his name and rank. He barely
heard the words over the pounding of his own heart, yet in a voice betraying none of the anxiety
her felt, the mage answered.

"Clef. Supreme Yil. Second Council Chair."

Finally adjusting to the light, Clef made out the man standing above him on the podium. He was
roughly the age of the prince give or take a decade. His dark blue, almost black, hair was pulled
harshly from his face. In a pretense of authority, he gazed down at his former master with
contempt in his eyes.

The mage felt sick. Of anyone who would act on what seemed to be mere rumor, Clef never
would have guessed it to be one of his former pupils. Alcyone may have turned on him near her
end, but she at least had love as a motive, and he understood that, but Vaspasian? This was one
of his most promising students; he had even been selected to participate in the Upper Council
years before he was fully eligible.

"Do you understand the charges brought before you?"

Clef took a deep breath, the breast plate of his robes pushed the locket closer gains his chest,
giving him strength. "Yes, I understand my charges."

"And how do you plead before the council?"

The mage raised his eyes to meet those of his former student, who involuntarily too a step back
for what he saw in his master's eyes.

"I state that I am guilty of no crime."

With a loud thump, Vaspasian set the heavy book of Cephirian law on the podium. There was a
short rustling of paper as he flipped to the appropriate section. "The law clearly states-"

"Do not lecture me from a book transcribed by my hand before your mother even thought of your
existence." Clef spoke with a low even tone of annoyance. His spiritual strength was returning. If
he student thought that by putting him out of the way that he could take his position, he had
another thing coming.

Vaspasian waited patiently for Clef to finish his short rant and continued. "No member of the
inner court may, by any other means that post removal, take a spouse. Official members of the
inner court include-"

"Dal, Ile, Sol, Yil. I know this already. It thought we covered that fact."

One of the elder council members stood and addressed the Supreme Yil. "A prisoner shall not
rebuke his trying council member in that fashion."

Clef spun to face the owner of the offending comment. His tone did not waver for a moment.
"And when did I become a prisoner?"

"You may not be a prisoner yet, but that can be arranged for future outbursts."

The mage scoffed and returned his attention on Vespasian. "I never thought you would ever want
my post and position so badly that you would go to any lengths. I am no fool. And I know you
are not one either, so why do you think that this will work?"

"I do not want you post. I want to see justice done to those who break the ancient laws."

"Antiquated laws." Clef corrected. "I am the only surviving member of the 'Inner Court'. Thus
the law only applies to me. I do not see any reason for its existence."
A low murmur ran through the levels of the Council. Had they really over looked such an
important detail? Was the mage telling the truth about the laws? After all, he was the most recent
one to transcribe an official copy of the text.

Vespasian only glared at his former master. None of the doubt the others felt even crossed his
mind. "And still you are guilty of treason."

"For letting a woman into my bed? That is rather silly isn't it?"

"For taking a woman to your bed. I do not believe that a girl as young as the Magic Knight of
Water, would willingly give herself to an ancient mages such as yourself."

The fire behind Clef's eye's frightened his former student, but the man refused to let it show.
"Now are you changing my charge?"

"You are a disgrace to the post of Yil."

"You are a disgrace to your master, and this body."

"At least I have the decency to follow the rules set forth for my position."

Taking a large step forward, Clef called his staff to his hand. Vaspasian shrank back, doubting in
the rooms charm against magic use. He was visibly shaken by the mage's sudden action. Clef
smiled inwardly at his student's reaction, and took another step forward and addressed the entire

"I see that it would be impossible to reason with you, as you seem so very caught up in how
Cephiro used to be run." Clef cast his staff to the ground, wrenching the cornet off his head, he
threw it away as well. The ring on his hand joined the pile as he then grasped at the clasps of his
robes and threw the heavy cloth aside, and stood before the council in nothing but his inner
robes. "I am nothing but a man, who loves a woman. And she shall bear a child before the next
season is out. Whether you like her to or no."

The mage spun on heel and walked calmly out of the assembly hall, as silently as he had come
in. His hand reflexively reached for the lump under his tunic. Such a small piece of metal had
given him a great amount of courage. Enough courage to step aside and let the upper members
learn what it takes to run the council. They would come crawling on their hands and knees for
him to return within the next few months.

Clef felt oddly naked without his heavy robes on. It was rather un-nerving to walk through the
corridors like this. What if someone saw him? It would raise an awful lot of questions. Upping
his pace a little, the mage followed the shortest way to his bed chambers. The door was still
partially open when he approached. 'It must be "Saturday"' he thought idlely as he pulled the
door open to find Umi fast asleep in his bed. She was still fully clothed, her hand clutching a
book the other resting on her swollen belly. Her suit case rested at the foot of his bed. The
audience had not been that long, she must have arrived just as he was leaving.
As carefully as he could, so not to wake her up, Clef changed Umi into her nightgown and
covered her with the blanket. She looked so peaceful. Why couldn't she be like this all the time?
She was even more violent toward him, pregnant than she had been before. Changing into his
own sleeping gown, Clef climbed into bed and pulled the locket back off over his head, and
opened the small pendent. He smiled at the Umi in his hand. It would be best for him to go to
sleep. There was no telling how the water knight would take the news of his sudden resignation.

A Few Moments

By Dragon of Winter Nights

It was over.

The fighting, the confusion, the explanation…. The deities had vanished with a few last words,
leaving the three girls with the power to, well, get on with their lives.

Of course, not everything had been sorted out – most of Tokyo had been flattened, and there was
still a huge grey castle in place of the Tower. But the hardest parts were over.


The sun was beginning to go down as the three scrambled across the debris, clambering over the
ruins that had once been Tokyo towards the castle that rose in the distance. It was pretty much
the only landmark left, and last they knew at least Ferio had been there – going back seemed the
only sensible thing to do, as they were now disorientated enough that to find the place they had
left Clef would mean searching the entire city. Hopefully he would head there as well, and at
least one of them would know what to do now. Clef especially – having placed the spell on the
people of Earth, surely he was the one to undo it?

It was hard going. The ground was littered with huge chunks of concrete, broken glass and
twisted metal beams. It was more like rock climbing than walking along a street, and more
dangerous – the piles of junk were constantly shifting and settling down. It was impossible to see
each heap as the building that had stood in its place, and felt like wandering through a strangely
apocalyptic dream.

The three girls were moving in a row: Umi first, testing every piece before putting her weight on
it, and Fuu just behind, waiting to catch her if something slipped. Hikaru, lightest and most
nimble, came last – there was a chance that the others would have dislodged the footing, and she
was most likely to get away unscathed.

There was the occasional clatter or smash echoing round the city as things gave way, but apart
from that the city was virtually silent… so when they noticed the constant clattering moving ever
closer to them, they stopped and waited in silence for the source to show itself.
It was coming straight for them – but what the hell could it be? A new threat? They waited in
silence, as the sun dipped lower and began to burn red on the horizon. The dust still floating in
the air began to make their eyes sting, now they had stopped moving – it clogged in their throats
and threatened to make them sneeze, but they suppressed the reflex harshly, nervous of the sound
it would make. Umi reached behind herself blindly, meeting Fuu's hand halfway and holding on
to it as the rattling approached.

She glanced backwards, meeting Hikaru's tired eyes briefly before turning again to face the
sound… It sounded so very close now! Surely, if the rubbish in front of them wasn't piled quite
so high, they would be able to see what… Why didn't she feel worried? A little nervous, yes, but
more numb tan anything. Was she that tired? If she had to fight like this, what would happen?

Then Clef came into view around the corner, and looked up, and saw them.

A deep breath was released as they all froze into a strange tableau. Umi stood high on a pile of
metal, her friends behind her, looking down and straight into the blue eyes of the man they'd
decided to trust despite what he'd done, despite the fact she barely knew him. The man, she
suddenly discovered, she'd been worrying about somewhere in the back of her mind. Relief hit
her and she trembled slightly, locking her knees in place, holding his gaze silently.

Clef's eyes were as wide as her own, and if she'd been less tired, and more conscious of her
friends stood behind her, she might have wondered why he kept staring at her alone. But she was
exhausted, and her world was fading around the edges until it focused only on the man below
her. Tunnel vision, you might call it.

No one moved for several long moments, as reality began to sink back in, and Umi spent the
time studying Clef, a slight frown growing on her face. His skin had been pale enough before,
through the strain of the magic he had used and the situation itself, she guessed. Now he was
white, smudged with dirt and grease, several shallow cuts visible on his face and hands.

He took a step forwards, and his legs did what Umi's had threatened to do, giving way and
dumping him to his knees. His eyes, however stayed fixed on her face – even as she leapt down
to him, utterly disregarding the danger as she jumped from piece to piece of metal. One bit
shifted under her feet, but she caught her balance and went on, leaving the heap to steady itself,
much to the relief on Hikaru and Fuu – still stood on the top of it. Crouching down in front of
Clef she stretched one arm out, hesitated, then lay her hand on his shoulder. He flinched slightly
at the warmth, and his eyes flicked to the hand, then back to her eyes. A touch made it real.

"You're… okay? Umi… you're okay? You made it? Eagle didn't…" He murmured softly, hardly
realising he was babbling. His voice was kept quiet and rough edged from all the coughing he
had been doing, his throat still aching. Umi smiled, very slightly.

"I'm fine, Clef. Eagle didn't manage to… well, Emeraude stopped him, and they both
disappeared." The smile faded. "So did the deities. It's over."
"I know… I heard her, when she woke up, but I was still afraid… you're all okay?" His head
turned upwards and she started, half turning, then realising Hikaru and Fuu had come down to
stand behind her.

"Fuu answered him, though the question was mostly rhetorical. "We are all fine, yes." She said,
with a smile.

Clef's eyes drifted back to Umi and she tightened her grip on his shoulder, emphasizing with the
vaguely bewildered look in his eyes. It was all too much, really, to take in. And she hadn't even
been aware of Emeraude, or Cephiro and its troubles, until a few days ago. What would it feel
like to someone who'd been caught in it for such a long time, now the fighting was over? Now
his task was down? Well… she glanced around the still empty city, where nothing moved but the
pigeons who were beginning to descend again after the chaos. His task was nearly done.

Then she was looking back at Clef, and he looked so tired, so lost, that she couldn't think of
anything to do but lean forwards and wrap her arms around him. His arms went around her back
reflexively, holding her tightly as if it was natural. For them to sit like this. Heat began to prickle
her eyes so Umi shut them, burying her face in the curve of Clef's neck. His arms were shaking,
he was holding her so tightly it almost hurt her, but then it felt good to be held like that, felt
comforting, and she was doing the same to him anyway.

Clef pulled in a deep breath and let it go, shakily, closing his eyes for a moment and resting his
head on top of Umi's hair. She was leaning further and further against him and so he sat right
back, on the dusty ground, letting her curl up on his lap. One of his arms moved up to wrap
around her shoulders, absently rubbing calming circles there with his thumb while he
concentrated on the warmth of the form pressed against his, trying to forget everything else for a
moment, to steady himself.

"Thank the spirits…" he whispered, his breath playing over Umi's hair and setting the topmost
strands flying. Umi, hearing his words, couldn't stop the hysterical giggle bubbling up inside her
– was he thanking Emeraude, or Eagle? Or both? Either way, it was strangely appropriate… and
at the same time most empathetically NOT, That moment was, of course, when she remembered
Hikaru and Fuu were still around somewhere, and she tried even harder to stifle the now
embarrassed laughter, but it fought back, and it was a while before she felt composed enough to
pull away from Clef and stand, reaching out a hand to help him up.

All four walked on together – or, in Clef's case, stumbled on. He'd managed to pull a couple of
muscles hurrying to the place he'd last seen the battle, and now that he'd found them, his will
power wasn't really up to ignoring the pain. Still, it meant he got to walk leaning on Umi, with an
arm around her shoulders and hers snug about his waist. He wasn't complaining.

The going was easier now: Clef had left clear tracks in the dust so they had a relatively safe path
to take most of the way to the castle. It was quicker, too, which was a good thing; the sun was
dipping ever closer towards the horizon, the sky blazing a manic variety of colours as they
wandered on, and they really did need light to get through this mess. The sunset seemed to be
lasting for hours, however, the sun creeping reluctantly lower. All the dust in the air had played
with the light anyway, starting off the changing colours from the city's point of view long before
normal, and enhancing the light show once things really started: bright crimson streaks faded
into a softer, glowing golden orange shade as the rest of the sky slowly deepened through shades
of violet, and still the sun seemed to sink no lower, for which all of them were grateful.

But the journey ended, and they made it to the castle to find Ferio waiting for them, trying to
bandage the new cut across his face. He stood to greet them, though he hesitated before offering
his hand to Clef – they had been on opposing sides until very recently. To his relief, Clef took his
hand and shook it without comment, just a small smile. "Cl… Priest Clef…" he began, stopped,
then bowed. As he straightened he thought he saw the smile grow into a true smirk on the Priest's
face, just for a moment.

"I guess we're back on the same side again, then."

"Yeah…" Ferio murmured, eyes widening slightly at the roughness in Clef's voice and taking in,
for the first time, how he was leaning against Umi. "Ah… Clef? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He grinned, glancing at Umi. "I just had a small argument with this city… I don't
think it likes me much."

"I can't think why." Umi deadpanned, looking around at the destruction. Clef laughed lightly,
then pulled a face and coughed. Umi pulled him over to the wall and sat them down so he could
catch his breath… and, incidentally, left Fuu without a barrier between herself and the green
haired man. Fuu was staring at the ground, now, unsure why she was so nervous – she had been
twisting the fabric of her skirt between her hands until it lost its shape. As her fingers moved,
however, Ferio reached out and caught hold of her hands, waiting until she looked up at him,

"I can't think what your dress has done to deserve such treatment." He teased her, drawing a
smile onto her face. She couldn't meet his eyes for long, though,, glancing back around at Hikaru
who had been stood out of the way, feeling more than a little lost, and her thoughts dwelling too
much on a black haired swordsman.

"Hikaru?" Fuu called, "Did you meet Ferio? I can't remember, it's all been so confusing…"

"Not properly." She whispered, then shook her head and came forwards to shake Ferio's hand.
"I'm Shidou Hikaru."

"Ferio. Pleased to meet you." He hesitated, looking at the two, then turned to glance at Clef.
"How long?" He asked, quietly, staring at the other man until he had to look up with a deep sigh.

"About an hour, I guess. I can't be exact…"

"Very well." Clef's head dropped again, and Ferio turned back to the two standing girls. "Would
you like to see some of the castle? I can take you on a brief tour for a while – and it's not as if
we've got anything else to do at the moment…" They nodded, and he led them inside.
Umi stayed behind with Clef, who was suddenly feeling very, very tired.

He leant against the wall, closing his eyes so he didn't have to meet Umi's look. She understood,
he knew she did. They had an hour. Eternity stretching before them, and they had an hour.

"Clef…" Umi sighed, looking round to stare into the dark corridor. "You need to clean those
cuts, you've got mud and grease all over yourself. Is there a sink anywhere around here? Kitchen,

"Ah…" He stood, peering around, only too happy to dodge the subject. "I think so. I haven't been
inside in so long…" He faced her and shrugged, wincing slightly as the muscles in his left arm
protested. "This way, I guess." He said, leading off down one of the side corridors. They walked
in a tense silence, side by side.

Sure enough, the fifth door they tried was a bathroom with a sink that worked, though
reluctantly. Umi wasn't sure where the water could be coming from, but wasn't curious enough to
ask about it. Not with only an hour left.

Clef let her push him down to sit on the edge of the bath while she ripped a piece of lining from
her dress, and soaked it in the scalding, hopefully clean, water, using it to sponge away the grime
on his face and hands. She was gentle, but the water was hot, and he couldn't help flinching as
she washed all the dirt from the cuts. By the time she was on the last one she had to hold his chin
still with one hand against his involuntary movements away from her hand.

"That's it." She murmured finally, dropping the rag into the bath and taking a last look at the fine
slash across is forehead. Clean, the fine lines were barely noticeable; she doubted they'd scar or
anything. His eyes opened slowly, blinking a few times – she realised her hand was still resting
on his jawbone, but didn't move it.

"You're done torturing me?" he whispered, voice somehow even deeper and rougher now than
before. He was trying to lighten the mood, there was something buried deep in Umi's eyes he
couldn't identify, and wasn't sure he wanted to. The attempt failed. She was still gazing down at
him, and he was becoming uncomfortable with the light brush of her fingers against his skin,
each touch making him shiver slightly. Then she leant forwards, and he froze as her lips breezed
over that cut, in a butterfly kiss.

"There." She murmured, blushing and pulling away. "All better."

"Umi…" He reached out blindly as she moved away, hand landing on her hip and stopping her.
It was his turn to reach out, using two fingers to turn her head back towards him. He looked up at
her as she glanced away, shyly, and struggled to find the words he wanted. In the end he relaxed,
a small, crooked smile on his face.

"You know… that's not the only cut I have, Umi. The others hurt as well."
"I… uh… what?" She stammered, looking down at him. He just kept smiling, then attempted to
pout, which made her grin for a moment… then his words sank in again, and the smile fell away.
Umi hesitated… then leant forwards, and brushed her lips over the smaller cut on his forehead,
then the one running down the right side of his face, and the slash to his left cheek… and he
turned, ever so slightly, to catch her lips with his own.

It was gentle, and chaste, and brief – even for a first kiss. But as he drew back she followed him,
and the second kiss was not particularly chaste, or short. Nor was the third. Or the fourth.

Umi's arms slid around his neck as he stood, his own arms wrapping round her back and pulling
her forwards, against him. It wasn't like drowning, not like she'd thought it would be. Instead it
felt as if she should be boiling away in the heat of the embrace, but she was still there, and slid
one hand into his hair to pull him deeper into the kiss. His lips parted slightly, and she took
advantage of it instinctively, swiftly taking over the momentum of this, whatever it was – surely
it deserved more than such a tame label as 'kiss'? But there were no other words in her mind, then
no words at all, as he moaned softly and clutched the back of her dress with clenched fists,
fighting for control over himself as she teased it away from him. Their touch grew more
desperate and Umi realised she was crying only when she tasted salt, so wrapped up in him.

Clef drew back with a whispered "I'm sorry" but she tightened her grip instead of letting him go,
laying her head on his shoulder and screwing her eyes tightly shut, until her entire world was
reduced to the feel of him and the tears flooding over her cheeks. Drawing a deep, shuddering
breath, Clef closed his own eyes, and sighed. "I'm sorry" he repeated, brokenly, and felt the
violent shake of her head against him.

He stood there, stroking her air gently with one hand and clutching her with the other until she
calmed and raised a hand to violently scrub at her eyes.

A hand caught hers, holding it still. "It'll be alright" Clef murmured, brushing the tears away with
his other hand.

"No it won't." Umi whispered, her bright, watery eyes gazing up at him pleadingly. "How could

Clef blinked, then smiled: a small, crooked smile which didn't touch his eyes. "I don't know." He
replied, voice almost inaudible. "I just want you to feel better."

Umi returned the smile then, before leaning back against his shoulder, sighing as his arms once
more wrapped around her. "What are you going to do now? When you get back… there… I

"Rebuild" He said, fingers drifting back to the silky length of her hair.

"How?" She whispered. "If there's only the two of you… ?"
"Emeraude… she wished for a new beginning. If we act now, we'll have a chance to revive the
planet… and, no, it won't be just Ferio and I." She felt his heavy sigh in the rise and fall of his
chest. "There are some people… well, let's just say this wasn't the first time I'd had to use the
time-warp spell, though it was the first time on such a scale. Hopefully the only one, as well…."

"Oh, Clef…" She hugged him tighter. "How many?"

"About… two hundred or so, I guess. Normal people – the last village that was left on Cephiro.
Eagle's people were coming, we'd all seen what happened to everyone else, and I'd just found the
spell… They agreed to, Umi, though they didn't know if they'd ever come out of it. To get them
out of Eagle's reach… we knew the souls of the dead were being drawn on, even if we weren't
sure who exactly was behind it."

"Doesn't mean the burden was any lighter." She said, wisely. "Or that you weren't going to be
lonely, fighting on your own."

"No." He agreed. "Still, it's over now. In about… half an hour, I guess. As soon as I've gone, the
people of Earth will be released – I'll break the spell as we transport. They won't know what
happened, and you are all going to have to pretend the same, you know."

"I know." She whispered. There was a pause, then… "Doesn't mean I won't be lonely, either."

"Umi… If I could, I'd…"

"I know, but you can't." She pulled back to look at him. "I wish I had the time to know you
better, Clef." He began to speak, but she lay a finger over his lips and continued. "Do you
remember when Ascot attacked us – when we were separated? I saw that building fall, Clef. I
thought you were dead, and I couldn't stop crying… and it was still your voice which gave me
the power I needed, to find Selence, for him to accept me."

"I thought you were dead…" She went on, leaning forwards, "and it hurt. More than it should. I
barely know you, but it felt as if a part of myself had been torn out. I don't know if I can take that
again, Clef, so you'd better promise you're coming back."


"After Cephiro's up and running, once Tokyo is rebuilt, whatever. I don't care how long it takes,
but promise me, if it's possible, you'll come back."

For a long moment, Clef just stared at her, his eyes sad. "You know how little a chance there is,
don't you." He said. It wasn't a question, she nodded anyway. Even if everything is rebuilt
properly, there's virtually no possibility I'll find a way back. Without Emeraude's power being
used to join the two worlds…" Still Umi just watched him, and he smiled that little grin again,
but this time it touched his eyes. "Of course, if there ever was to be a way, I'd be back again
before I could think about it."
"Good." She pulled his head down again, and there was no more speaking.

A few minutes later Fuu walked n, unnoticed, and froze. Colouring, she span and walked out,
pushing Hikaru out of the doorway and closing it behind them. "We'll leave those two alone,
okay?" She told the others, and they walked off in search of a different sink.

The sun was finally brushing the horizon as the girls watched the Castle disappear… and the two
men with it. Clef's eyes remained watching Umi for as long as possible, but then he was gone
and Umi shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. The other two glanced at her, and then
each other, all three very quiet.

"It'll work out, Umi." Fuu said, blinking hard. "It has to."

"He promised me he'd come back if it was ever possible. It never will be, but he promised me
anyway." Umi smiled through the tears slowly overtaking her again. "Yes, it'll be okay. We had
our moments together…"

As the sun finally sank the people of Tokyo began to wander around, wondering what on Earth
could have happened to their city, and them. No one noticed the three girls wandering through
the chaos, going home at last.


By: Heart


            I hate you. I hate the way you cuss and complain about small things that you shouldn't be
complaining about. I hate the way you squeal and shout like a banshee when you see something
you do not like or encounter something that you detest. I hate the way you walk; the air of great
pride and almost unreal gracefulness around you. You are graceful, yes, but also loud. You ruin
the silence I always have treasured. Sometimes I even think you're doing it on purpose just to
irritate me. And you do irritate me! You infuriate me! And you're the only one who can do that
in a short period of time considering that I am a very patient man.

It is true. I am patient. Patience is a characteristic I possess of great quantity. But you

were able to irk me in just a short period of time after meeting you. You were able to make me
shout at you. And to think that I have never shouted at anybody in my entire life! But you were
able to make me do it.

You are a witch! A very beautiful witch. A very beautiful and graceful witch. Yes…that's it---a
witch. How else could you have made me do things I thought I would not do? How else could
you have made me think of things I thought I would never think about? You distract me. And it's
not just by the way you chase the little fluffy creature noisily at the corridor outside my silent
library almost everyday---not just by your loud statement of eating the fluffy creature as soon as
you get your hands on it. No…not just that.
Your presence itself, distracts me…Even if you are not near, the image of you in my
mind distracts me---your long, blue hair…your clear eyes…your porcelain skin…They distract
me. It's the certain look of concern you give to your friends…your strong will…your laughter…
They all distract me.

I was right, you are a witch and you have enchanted me!

I want so much to hold you close to me, wrap my arms around you, kiss your lips…I
want so much to tell you things…about the moon and stars…about magic…I want so much to
hold your hand…I want to share my knowledge to you…I want to share everything I am with
you…My blue-haired goddess…

See what you have done to me? I shouldn't be thinking of these things! I am the great
mage of Sefiro! I should not be acting like a love-struck youth! And yet you made me.  This is all
your doing! It is right that I blame you. I am merely a victim---your victim.

But I know that what I just said was a lie. It wasn't your fault. I was merely throwing all
the blame on you because of my pride. The great mage of Sefiro is in love with a young girl from
another world! How wrong it sounds…how wrong…My pride could not take it! Yes, my pride…
And that is all I ever have left. Strip away my pride and I have nothing…You have all of me
already, even if you are not aware of it. You own me…I am nothing but your servant.

A part of me wants to tell you all these…But I would not tell. I will keep it…deep within
me. A secret…a heavy, but wonderful secret. A secret that only I would know…Because
someday you will leave…and I will remain. I will not tell you…because I know, I do not deserve


            There you are in that room again.  You have buried yourself through your awful books
again. Sometimes I have this urge to drag you out of that awful room. I long to see you…just see

What am I talking about? Why would I want to see you for? There's nothing really
interesting for me to see…Nothing except maybe your childish exterior, your lavender hair, your
eyes…Except maybe the man behind the childish façade…Except maybe the knowledge you
have earned from years of existence…Except the way you narrow your eyes when you're
angry…or the way you smile, because you do it not so often…or the way you walk, your head
held up high with an aura full of pride and confidence around you…or the way you talk, your
voice soft yet clear…or the way you…Enough!

I will have to chase that furry creature again…Yes, that's it! In that way, I'll be able to
pass by your library. I will shout of course…shout and rave at that fur-ball…because I know that
you will have to go out and demand silence from me…I will be able to see you then…I will be
able to hear your voice…
Even if you only shout at me…Even if you look at me with disgust and hate…At least I
get to see you…At least I get to hear your voice…

Do you really hate me that much? That you have to hide in that room so that you will not
have to see me? I know I am the reason why you are constantly there…alone. I am not daft; I
know it's because of me…Tell me, do you really hate me that much?

I thought that we got along pretty well the second time we came back here. We didn't
argue even once back then…you remember? Remember when the second battle ended? You
even thanked me…and you smiled at me.

So now we are back, the third time around…why are you suddenly acting this way? Why
do you act as if you hate me so much? Why is it that you get irritated with even just a small
thing? Didn't you know I came back because of you? Because I fell in love with you?

 I love you! Haven't you notice? Haven't you notice me steal looks at you? Haven't you
notice the warmth of my eyes when you catch me staring at you? Haven't you notice the way I
try to be with you? Haven't you noticed my sighs? Haven't you noticed all of these?

I am a fool. Of course you haven't. Why should you? You are the great mage of Sefiro! I
am just a girl. A young girl from another world. I am nothing compared to you. You cannot love
me back. Because to you I am nothing…I do not deserve you.

His POV:

I will not let you see me like this! I'd rather stay in this room the whole day and starve
myself to death but you will not see me like this! I will not let you see the spell that my
subconscious mind had cast on my own body that I, the master mage of Sefiro, could not break. I
will not let you see the result of my raging emotions triggered by your presence. If I had to stay
in this room all by myself for the whole day I don't care! I wouldn't care if I had to stay for
weeks…or months even. I will not let you see the new me!

Of course I know what caused this change in me. I am the master mage of Sefiro after all.
I know what had happened…I have seen it before to that youth who also fell in love with you…
but I had never expected that it would happen to me. He willed it to happen to him…but I did not
ask for this!

I did not ask for this body! If I had I would have not kept the body of a child that I had
been accustomed to for years. And yet here I am---sitting on my private desk in the library…
hiding from you because of…of this!

Yes it is better I stay here. Maybe I can find the cure somewhere from these books. At
least here I am safe from you. From you and from those emotions you make me feel---Those
emotions that I cannot control. Those emotions that made me into this…man! This man I do not
My God! There you are shouting down the corridor again! Can't you see that I need
silence now more than ever? I'm having a huge crisis in my hands! I need to think! I need my
silence---What the---! What was that noise?

Congratulations, you have done it again and I've had it! I've had enough of you and your
noisy chase of that fluffy animal…I've had enough and I am going to tell you not to pass by this
corridor again. I don't care if you call me a grumpy old man because of what I am going to tell
you as long as you give me my peace!

Her POV:

            I was getting worried. They said you haven't left that room since you entered it early this
morning. You haven't even gone out to eat with us. Good thing that one chubby creature had
decided to be helpful. It wasn't long until it came down your corridor, me following it shouting
and swearing…

            The creature was actually helpful enough to stand on your door and lure me into bumping
into it, my body crashing on the solid wood in front of me while the animal easily got out of my
way. Well…I guess that noise is enough to get you out of there.

            I heard you shout at the top of your lungs, demanding peace and quiet. Yes, that was your
voice all right…I can hear you open the door…at last I will get to see you again! I look at the
door with anticipation. What I saw was definitely not I had expected…

            There in front of me stood the most beautiful male I have ever seen---scowling at me.
Light blue eyes met my own. The same light blue eyes you have…

It was not until you spoke that I finally recognized that the one before me is you. You
asked me why I am staring at you. You asked me, in an irritated manner, if I had never seen a
male youth before. I instead, foolishly bit my lower lip as a response and whisked unruly
lavender hair away from your face. You seemed to have cringed away from my touch…Yet my
hand never left your cheeks.

            It was then that I realized how tall you were. Six feet perhaps…or a few inches more…
The childish look on your face is gone…Your body will never be mistaken to be of a young child
ever again…Is this why you chose to hide away from us? Is this why you chose to hide away
from me? I smiled at you…

His POV:

            You smiled at me…something I had never expected. Neither have I expected it when you
whisked my hair away from my face…nor have I expected you touching my cheeks. Why are
you touching me like this? Why aren't you laughing at me like I had thought you would do when
you see the new me? If I hadn't known better…I'd say, you're looking mesmerized. But do I
really know better?
            I'm getting confused again…your presence always does that to me. It took me quite some
time and a great amount of willpower to tell you to chase that creature somewhere else.
Somehow it didn't sound the same as I had planned it should be. I didn't sound angry…I
sounded…unsure? Unsure and nervous…Yes that was how I sounded. Worst of all, my voice
ended up too deep…and well…at the same time…to soft. There wasn't any anger there at all. I
tried again…only to be distracted by the way you nervously licked your lips. I ended up letting
out something like a croak instead, followed by a quick cough.

            If you continue staring at me like that I think I am going to end up on the floor. You see, I
feel like my stomach is doing somersaults and my heart is beating too fast. Not to mention that
my knees are getting weak and…I need to get a grip on myself. Please don't smile anymore.

Her POV:

            If you are looking like this it just only mean that you---Yes, that's it! I finally realized it! I
finally found the reason why you had been avoiding me…why you seem to be irritated at my
presence…why you are actually looking like this.

            I smiled at you again and boldly caressed your cheeks. I watched how you tensed against
my touch. Yes…I know now what is wrong with you. It's the same as what had happened to him,
isn't it? You love me don't you? You stared at me with surprise at that questions I dared say out
loud. You didn't answer; instead you tore your gaze away from me. Quickly I held your arm
tight, before you even try turning your back on me.


His POV:

            You asked me if I wanted to hear what you want to say. I answered I'd rather not. I'd
rather not because I don't want to hear you say you are sorry. I do not want to listen as you
babble about our differences. I have had enough of that. My pride had already repeated all that to
me over and over. I do not want to look at your sorrowful smile, fidgeting and trying to choose
your words to make it less hurtful. I don't need all of that.

            You have seen my weakness; you do not have to rub it in. So I love you…You are a
genius! You had finally figured it all out. Now if you'll excuse me I would go back to the
company of my old books…where I belong.

            But still you held me back. This time I pleaded with my eyes. Please, let me go. You told
me you cannot. Have you no mercy at all?

No, you said, flashing a determined look in your eyes. And then you told me…those three
words I had not been expecting to hear from you. Wishing, yes, but never expecting. My eyes
widened with wonder…No, I must be dreaming. I must be…How else would I hear you tell me
you love me?
            It was when your lips touched mine that I realized that this wasn't a dream after all. It was
a moment when nothing else mattered, but you and me. It was that moment, that I am not the
master mage, nor you are a girl from another world. It was that moment that I am just a man and
you are just a woman…not more not less.

            And then you said you came back for me. And you will remain for me. And that we
deserve each other. 

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