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J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 64, 18–25, 2018

Parathyroid Hormone Levels Are Independently Associated

with eGFR and Albuminuria: The Dong-gu Study

Seong-Woo Choi1, Sun-Seog Kweon2,3, Young-Hoon Lee4, So-Yeon Ryu1, Jin-Su Choi2,
Hae-Sung Nam5, Kyeong-Soo Park6, Sun A Kim2 and Min-Ho Shin2,7,*
Department of Preventive Medicine, Chosun University Medical School,
309, Pilmun-daero, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61452, Republic of Korea
Department of Preventive Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School,
264, Seoyang-ro, Hwasun 58128, Republic of Korea
Jeonnam Regional Cancer Center, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital,
264, Seoyang-ro, Hwasun 58128, Republic of Korea
Department of Preventive Medicine & Institute of Wonkwang Medical Science, Wonkwang
University School of Medicine, 460, Iksandae-ro, Iksan 54538, Republic of Korea
Department of Preventive Medicine, Chungnam National University Medical School,
266, Munhwa-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon 35015, Republic of Korea
Department of Preventive Medicine, Seonam University College of Medicine,
439, Chunhyang-ro, Namwon 55724, Republic of Korea
Center for Creative Biomedical Scientists, Chonnam National University,
77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea
(Received July 3, 2017)

Summary  Increased parathyroid hormone (PTH) was associated with cardiovascular

mortality and morbidity in CKD patients. Our aim was to investigate the associations among
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) and PTH inde-
pendent of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). This study included 9,162 individuals who
completed the baseline survey of the Dong-gu Study, which was conducted in Korea from
2007 to 2010. The eGFR, ACR, PTH and 25(OH)D were measured in participants who met
the detailed inclusion criteria. After being adjusting for covariates (sex, age, waist circumfer-
ence, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, hypertension medications, diabetes medica-
tion, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol) and log-ACR, the PTH value stratified by
25(OH)D level significantly decreased with increasing eGFR levels in each 25(OH)D stratum.
Moreover, after adjustment for the same covariates and log-eGFR, the PTH value stratified
by 25(OH)D level significantly increased with increasing ACR levels in each 25(OH)D stra-
tum. In conclusion, the PTH values significantly decreased with increasing eGFR levels and
increased with increasing ACR levels independently of 25(OH)D in an adult Korean popula-
tion $50 y of age.
Key Words  parathyroid hormone, glomerular filtration rate, albuminuria, vitamin D

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is character- (12), insulin resistance (13), CVD, and increased mor-
ized by a low glomerular filtration rate (GFR), affects tality in CKD patients (14). Thus, the National Kidney
10–15% of American adults (1). Impaired GFR is a risk Foundation’s Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initia-
factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) (2) and is cor- tive (KDOQI) clinical practice guidelines recommend
related with cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in the measurement of PTH concentrations in the early
high-risk groups (3, 4) and in the general population course of CKD (GFR ,60 mL/min per 1.73 m2) (15).
(5). Albuminuria is a well-known predictor of CKD pro- In CKD patients, levels of plasma phosphate increase
gression, end stage renal disease, cardiovascular events, while levels of plasma calcium and 1,25-dihydroxyvita-
and mortality (6–8). Thus, the detection and treat- min D (1,25(OH)2D) decrease; these changes result in
ment of the risk factors associated with decreased GFR the development of hypocalcemia, which stimulates the
and albuminuria will help prevent the progression of production of PTH (16). However, it is unclear whether
advanced kidney disease and reduce the risk of cardio- the relationship between kidney function and PTH
vascular events (9, 10). would remain, independent of vitamin D, in subjects
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is important for calcium with a normal range of kidney function.
and phosphate homeostasis (11). Recently, it was shown Although there is particular interest in the Korean
that increased PTH was associated with hypertension population, the population with the highest overall prev-
alence of vitamin D deficiency in the world (17), there is
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. a relative lack of studies investigating PTH in Koreans.
E-mail: Furthermore, the burden of CKD is increasing in Korea.

Parathyroid Hormone Levels Associated with eGFR and Albuminuria 19

Table  1.  Characteristics of the subjects according to eGFR levels.

eGFR (mL/min per 1.73 m2)

Variable Total p value
,30 30–44 45–59 60–89 $90

N (%) 59 (0.6) 300 (3.3) 1,815 (19.9) 6,354 (69.6) 604 (6.6) 9,132 (100.0)
Male (%) 28 (47.5) 142 (47.3) 809 (44.6) 2,493 (39.2) 181 (30.0) 3,653 (40.0) ,0.001
Age (y) 72.668.0 73.667.3 69.367.8 64.167.7 58.964.8 65.168.2 ,0.001
Height (cm) 159.169.2 157.469.4 158.668.7 158.368.3 157.467.7 158.368.4 0.013
Weight (kg) 62.0610.9 61.3610.3 61.969.3 60.969.3 60.269.2 61.169.3 ,0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 24.463.2 24.763.1 24.662.8 24.362.9 24.263.0 24.362.9 0.001
Waist circumference 90.7610.2 90.169.6 88.968.1 87.768.5 87.068.6 88.068.5 ,0.001
Smoking (%) 6 (10.2) 28 (9.5) 199 (11.1) 675 (10.8) 75 (12.6) 983 (10.9) ,0.001
Alcohol intake (%) 13 (23.2) 85 (29.8) 702 (41.1) 2,799 (46.3) 293 (49.3) 3,892 (44.8) ,0.001
Physically active1 (%) 5 (8.9) 45 (15.4) 310 (17.3) 1,158 (18.8) 106 ( 18.3) 1,624 (18.3) 0.138
Hypertensive 45 (77.6) 188 (63.3) 848 (47.2) 1,992 (31.6) 148 (24.7) 3,221 (35.6) ,0.001
  medication (%)
Diabetes medication 19 (32.8) 80 (26.9) 296 (16.5) 701 (11.1) 66 (11.0) 1,162 (12.8) ,0.001
Total cholesterol 188.2640.8 193.1644.2 203.2642.3 201.1639.2 202.0638.4 201.2640.0 ,0.001
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 144.8675.3 151.2690.4 149.3697.5 140.3696.4 147.96146.8 143.06100.5 0.004
HDL cholesterol 46.4610.9 48.4612.2 49.8611.4 52.0611.9 54.1612.9 51.6612.0 ,0.001
PTH (pg/mL) 118.46110.5 57.9635.6 44.3619.5 41.7617.0 40.8617.9 43.2621.5 ,0.001
25(OH)D (ng/mL) 15.465.9 16.565.5 16.965.8 16.765.8 16.065.6 16.765.8 0.014
ACR 399.46508.6 110.16237.1 46.96141.4 29.7696.0 28.1675.1 38.16123.8 ,0.001
 (mg/mg creatinine)

All values are given as n (%) or mean6standard deviation.

BMI, body mass index; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; PTH, parathyroid hormone; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; ACR,
albumin/creatinine ratio.
Subjects who performed 30 min or more of moderate activity at least 5 d a week or 20 min of vigorous physical activity at
least 3 d a week were regarded as doing physical activity.

Therefore, the present study assessed the associations data (n5125) such as PTH or 25-hydroxyvitamin D
among PTH, estimated GFR (eGFR), and the albumin/ (25(OH)D) or serum creatinine, and a high urine albu-
creatinine ratio (ACR) after adjusting for covariates in min/creatinine ratio (n53, ACR$3,000 mg/g) indica-
an adult Korean population $50 y of age. tive of nephrotic-range albuminuria and altered vitamin
D metabolism (19), we included 9,132 subjects (3,653
males and 5,479 females) in the final analyses.
Study population.  The Dong-gu Study is an ongoing Data collection.  Trained examiners interviewed the
prospective population-based study investigating the patients using a questionnaire that included items on
prevalence and incidence of, and risk factors for, chronic smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, history of dia-
disease in an elderly urban population. The Dong-gu betes and hypertensive medication. Smoking status was
Study complies with all tenets of the Declaration of based on self-reported cigarette use: never-smokers had
Helsinki and was approved by the Institutional Review smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime, and
Board (IRB) of Chonnam National University Hospi- participants who had smoked 100 or more cigarettes
tal (No I-2008-05-056). All participants gave written were classified as past or current smokers based on their
informed consent. Detailed information on the study current smoking habit. Alcohol intake was assessed
participants and the measurements performed in rela- according to the participants’ drinking behavior dur-
tion to this population have been previously published ing the month prior to the interview. Physically active
(18). National resident registration records were used was indicated as ‘yes’ when the participant performed
to identify potential study participants. From 2007 to moderate or strenuous exercise on a regular basis (more
2010, 34,040 eligible subjects aged $50 y who resided than 20 min at a time more than three times a week for
in the Dong-gu district of Gwangju City in South Korea strenuous exercise or more than 30 min at a time more
(35˚N) were invited by telephone to participate in the than five times a week for moderate exercise). Weight
study, and 9,260 subjects were subsequently enrolled was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg while the subjects
(response rate: 27.2%; 3,713 males and 5,547 females). were dressed in light clothing. Height was measured to
After excluding 128 participants because of no vital the nearest 0.1 cm in stocking feet. Body mass index
20 Choi SW et al.

Table  2.  Characteristics of the subjects according to ACR levels.

ACR (mg/mg creatinine)

Variable Total p value
,10 10–29 30–299 $300

N (%) 3,498 (38.3) 3,777 (41.4) 1,673 (18.3) 184 (2.0) 9,132 (100.0)
Male (%) 1,448 (41.4) 1,398 (37.0) 719 (43.0) 88 (47.8) 3,653 (40.0) ,0.001
Age (y) 63.267.6 65.767.9 67.768.7 67.768.0 65.168.2 ,0.001
Height (cm) 159.268.1 157.668.4 157.768.6 158.768.8 158.368.4 ,0.001
Weight (kg) 61.468.9 60.669.4 61.569.7 62.0610.3 61.169.3 ,0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 24.262.8 24.463.0 24.763.0 24.663.1 24.362.9 ,0.001
Waist circumference (cm) 87.568.3 87.968.8 89.068.5 89.769.1 88.068.5 ,0.001
Smoking (%) 380 (11.0) 410 (11.0) 166 (10.0) 27 (14.8) 983 (10.9) 0.002
Alcohol intake (%) 1,579 (47.2) 1,548 (43.1) 702 (44.3) 63 (36.6) 3,892 (44.8) 0.001
Physically active1 (%) 700 (20.5) 622 (17.0) 271 (16.6) 31 (17.4) 1,624 (18.3) ,0.001
Hypertensive medication (%) 1,011 (29.1) 1,313 (35.2) 789 (47.6) 108 (58.7) 3,221 (35.6) ,0.001
Diabetes medication (%) 231 (6.7) 455 (12.2) 387 (23.3) 89 (48.4) 1,162 (12.8) ,0.001
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 198.5638.2 202.5639.4 203.3643.7 208.3646.7 201.2640.0 ,0.001
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 133.3686.0 142.4693.6 161.46134.8 170.06101.7 143.06100.5 ,0.001
HDL cholesterol (mg/dL) 51.6611.8 52.0611.9 50.8612.3 49.7612.8 51.6612.0 0.001
PTH (pg/mL) 40.2617.8 43.6617.9 46.9625.3 57.0663.1 43.2621.5 ,0.001
25(OH)D (ng/mL) 17.366.0 16.365.6 16.365.6 15.766.4 16.765.8 ,0.001
eGFR (mL/min per 1.73 m2) 70.8612.6 69.4613.0 66.0615.2 56.5620.9 69.1613.7 ,0.001

All values are given as n (%) or mean6standard deviation.

BMI, body mass index; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; PTH, parathyroid hormone; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; eGFR,
estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Subjects who performed 30 min or more of moderate activity at least 5 d a week or 20 min of vigorous physical activity at
least 3 d a week were regarded as doing physical activity.

was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the ity with 24,25(OH)2D3, and minimal cross-reactivity
square of the height in meters. Waist circumference with 3-epimer of 25(OH)D3 (2.7%). Hypovitaminosis D
(WC) was measured with a flexible tape at the narrow- was defined as a level of ,15 ng/mL and hyperparathy-
est point between the lowest rib and the uppermost lat- roidism was defined as a level of .65 pg/mL, based on a
eral border of the right iliac crest. Blood samples were previous study (21).
drawn from antecubital veins following 12-h overnight Measurement of kidney function.  Kidney function
fasts; the sera were separated within 30 min, and sam- was assessed by eGFR, which was calculated with the
ples were stored at 270˚C prior to analysis. The levels of Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration
total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), and high-den- (CKD-EPI) equation as follows (22):
sity lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were measured using eGFRCKD-EPI51 413 min(Scr/ k , 1) a 3 max(Scr/ k ,
enzymatic methods on an automatic analyzer (Hita- 1)21.20930.993Age31.018 (if female),
chi-7600; Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). where age is in years, Scr is serum creatinine in mil-
Measurement of serum concentrations of PTH and ligrams per deciliter, k is 0.7 for females and 0.9 for
25(OH)D.  Serum PTH and 25(OH)D levels were mea- males, a is 20.329 for females and −0.411 for males,
sured with the aid of a microparticle immunoassay min indicates the minimum of Scr/k or 1, and max indi-
system that detected chemiluminescence (ARCHITECT cates the maximum of Scr/k or 1.
i2000; Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park, IL). In a com- Urinary albumin and creatinine concentrations were
parative study of automated immunoassays and liquid measured using a turbidimetric immunoassay and the
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methods Jaffe method (23) with a Hitachi-7600 analyzer (Hita-
(LC-MS/MS) (20), the Abbott 25(OH)D assay was com- chi, Ltd.). Albuminuria was defined according to the
parable to LC-MS/MS; the concordance correlation coef- ACR, which was calculated by dividing the urinary
ficient was 0.85, and the mean bias was 4.56 ng/mL. albumin concentration (mg) by the urinary creatinine
The coefficient of variation for the total analytic preci- concentration (mg).
sion of the PTH assay was #9% and the lower detec- Statistical analysis.  Data are presented as means6
tion limit was 1.0 pg/mL. The coefficient of variation for standard deviations (SDs) or as percentages by the
the 25(OH)D assay was #10%, and the lower detection eGFR levels (,30, 30–44, 45–59, 60–89, $90 mL/min
limit was 3.0 ng/mL. According to the manufacturer’s per 1.73 m2) and ACR levels (,10, 10–29, 30–299,
specifications, the assay has 105% cross-reactivity with $300  mg/mg creatinine). Analysis of covariance
25(OH)D3, 82% cross-reactivity with 25(OH)D2, 12.6% (ANCOVA) was used to compare the PTH value stratified
cross-reactivity with 1,25(OH)2D3, 112% cross-reactiv- by 25(OH)D levels (#10.0, 10.1–20.0, .20.0 ng/mL)
Parathyroid Hormone Levels Associated with eGFR and Albuminuria 21

Table  3.  Comparison of PTH values stratified by 25(OH)D levels according to eGFR levels.

Model 1 Model 2
25(OH)D level eGFR level
(ng/mL) (mL/min per 1.73 m2)
Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI)

,30 173.3 (148.9–197.7) 169.2 (144.5–193.9)

30–44 77.8 (66.5–89.1) 77.1 (65.8–88.4)
45–59 50.9 (45.7–56.1) 50.8 (45.7–56.0)
#10.0 60–89 51.5 (48.8–54.2) 51.6 (48.9–54.3)
$90 54.8 (46.9–62.8) 54.9 (46.9–62.8)
p ,0.001 ,0.001

,30 133.9 (127.5–140.4) 131.6 (125.2–138.1)

30–44 56.3 (53.4–59.3) 55.7 (52.8–58.7)
45–59 44.7 (43.5–45.9) 44.6 (43.4–45.8)
10.1–20.0 60–89 42.3 (41.7–42.9) 42.4 (41.7–43.0)
$90 41.5 (39.5–43.5) 41.3 (39.3–43.3)
p ,0.001 ,0.001

,30 56.6 (48.0–65.2) 55.3 (46.6–63.9)

30–44 46.6 (43.0–50.3) 45.8 (42.2–49.5)
45–59 38.5 (37.0–39.9) 38.4 (36.9–39.9)
.20.0 60–89 36.8 (36.0–37.6) 36.9 (36.1–37.7)
$90 36.5 (33.7–39.3) 36.5 (33.7–39.2)
p ,0.001 ,0.001

All values are given as mean (95%CI).

25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration; ACR, albumin/creatinine ratio.
Model 1: Adjusted by sex, age, waist circumference, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, hypertension medications,
diabetes medication, hyperlipidemia medication, total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol.
Model 2: Adjusted by Model 1 plus log-ACR.

according to eGFR and ACR levels. be associated with older age, higher BMI and waist cir-
The eGFR, ACR and 25(OH)D data were not distrib- cumference, higher use of hypertensive medication and
uted normally; thus, to approximate normal distribu- diabetes medication, and higher TC, TG, and PTH. More-
tions, the eGFR, ACR and 25(OH)D data were log-trans- over, higher ACR levels were associated with a lower
formed prior to ANCOVA. Model 1 was adjusted for sex, level of alcohol intake and lower 25(OH)D and eGFR.
and age, waist circumference, smoking, alcohol intake, Comparison of PTH values stratified by 25(OH)D levels
physical activity, hypertensive medications, diabetes according to eGFR levels
medication, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and HDL cho- The PTH values (95% confidence interval (CI)) strati-
lesterol levels. Model 2 included the variables of Model fied by 25(OH)D levels according to eGFR levels are
1 and the log-ACR or log-eGFR. All statistical analy- shown in Table 3. After adjusting for covariates (sex, age,
ses were performed using SPSS software version 18.0 waist circumference, smoking, alcohol intake, physical
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). A p-value ,0.05 was consid- activity, hypertension medications, diabetes medication,
ered to reflect statistical significance. total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol and log-
ACR) (Model 2), the PTH value significantly decreased
with increasing eGFR levels in each 25(OH)D stratum.
Characteristics of subjects according to eGFR levels Comparison of PTH values stratified by 25(OH)D levels
The characteristics of the 9,132 subjects according to according to ACR levels
eGFR levels included in the study are shown in Table 1. The PTH value (95% CI) stratified by 25(OH)D levels
Higher eGFR levels tended to be associated with higher according to ACR levels are shown in Table 4. After
levels of alcohol intake, and higher HDL cholesterol. adjusting for covariates (Model 2), the PTH value sig-
Moreover, higher eGFR levels were associated with a nificantly increased with increasing ACR levels in each
lower percentage of male subjects, younger age, lower 25(OH)D stratum.
height, weight, and waist circumference, lower use of Distribution of PTH value according to eGFR and ACR lev-
hypertensive medication and diabetes medication, and els, and to 25(OH)D and ACR levels
lower PTH and ACR. Figure 1 shows the distribution of PTH values accord-
Characteristics of subjects according to ACR levels ing to eGFR and ACR levels, and to 25(OH)D and ACR
The characteristics of the subjects according to ACR levels. When the PTH values were compared according
levels are shown in Table 2. Higher ACR levels tended to to eGFR and ACR levels, the PTH values were lowest at
22 Choi SW et al.

Fig.  1.  Distribution of PTH values according to eGFR and ACR levels (A), and to 25(OH)D and ACR levels (B).

Table  4.  Comparison of PTH values stratified by 25(OH)D levels according to ACR levels.

Model 1 Model 2
25(OH)D level ACR level
(ng/mL) (mg/mg creatinine)
Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI)

,10 51.1 (46.7–55.4) 51.1 (46.8–55.3)

10–29 51.2 (47.6–54.7) 52.0 (48.6–55.5)
#10.0 30–299 59.3 (54.0–64.5) 59.4 (54.3–64.5)
$300 78.3 (64.8–91.7) 65.3 (51.4–79.2)
p ,0.001 0.029

,10 41.1 (40.2–42.0) 41.3 (40.4–42.1)

10–29 43.7 (42.9–44.5) 44.1 (43.3–44.9)
10.1–20.0 30–299 47.3 (46.0–48.6) 46.8 (45.6–48.0)
$300 60.0 (56.1–64.0) 53.5 (49.7–57.4)
p ,0.001 ,0.001

,10 36.1 (35.1–37.1) 36.2 (35.2–37.2)

10–29 37.9 (36.8–39.0) 37.9 (36.9–39.0)
.20.0 30–299 40.2 (38.5–41.8) 39.9 (38.3–41.5)
$300 45.5 (40.4–50.6) 44.2 (39.1–49.3)
p ,0.001 ,0.001

All values are given as mean (95%CI).

25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration; ACR, albumin/creatinine ratio.
Model 1: Adjusted by sex, age, waist circumference, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, hypertension medications,
diabetes medication, hyperlipidemia medication, total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol.
Model 2: Adjusted by Model 1 plus log-eGFR.

the highest eGFR level ($90.0 mL/min/1.73 m2) and ism, and hypovitaminosis with hyperparathyroidism was
the lowest ACR level (,10  mg/mg creatinine). The PTH 44.2%, 9.8%, and 6.1%, respectively. The percentage of
values were highest at the lowest eGFR level (,30.0 mL/ hypovitaminosis D was highest (55.9%) in subjects with
min/1.73 m2) and the highest ACR level ($300  mg/mg eGFR ,30 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and tended to stay at
creatinine). approximately 40% with increasing eGFR level. The per-
When the PTH values were compared according to centage of hyperparathyroidism tended to decrease with
25(OH)D and ACR levels, the PTH values were lowest at increasing eGFR level (,30: 64.4%; 30–44: 30.7%;
the highest 25(OH)D level (.20 ng/mL) and the lowest 45–59: 12.3%; 60–89: 7.7%; $90: 7.9%). The per-
ACR level (,10  mg/mg creatinine). The PTH values were centage of subjects with both hypovitaminosis D and
highest at the lowest 25(OH)D level (#10.0 ng/mL) and hyperparathyroidism tended to decrease with increasing
the highest ACR level ($300  mg/mg creatinine). eGFR level (,30: 40.7%; 30–44: 17.0%; 45–59: 7.7%;
Hypovitaminosis, hyperparathyroidism, and hypovitamino- 60–89: 4.8%; $90: 6.1%).
sis with hyperparathyroidism according to eGFR levels
Figure 2 shows the percentage of hypovitaminosis D,
hyperparathyroidism, and hypovitaminosis with hyper- We investigated the association of PTH with eGFR
parathyroidism according to eGFR levels. In all subjects, and ACR in an adult Korean population aged $50 y.
the percentage of hypovitaminosis D, hyperparathyroid- The PTH value significantly decreased with increasing
Parathyroid Hormone Levels Associated with eGFR and Albuminuria 23

Fig.  2.  Percentage of hypovitaminosis [25(OH)D,15 ng/mL], hyperparathyroidism (PTH.65 pg/mL), and hypovitamin-

osis with hyperparathyroidism according to eGFR levels.

eGFR levels independently of 25(OH)D. The PTH value associated with eGFR in the general population, similar
significantly increased with increasing ACR levels inde- to our results.
pendently of 25(OH)D. In the present study, PTH values stratified by 25(OH)
Most previous studies were conducted with a medical D level was positively associated with ACR. To the best
database of hospital patients (24) or with CKD patients of our knowledge, the direct relationship between PTH
(25, 26) and showed a robust association between eGFR and ACR has rarely been investigated. In a study of
and PTH. The mechanism of the relationship between CKD patients (25), patients with higher PTH had higher
eGFR and PTH in renal deficiency is well documented. 24-h urine protein (p,0.001). In addition, in the analy-
As kidney function declines, levels of plasma phos- sis from the Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP)
phate increase while levels of plasma calcium and (26), the prevalence of microalbuminuria and mac-
1,25(OH)2D decrease. A reduction in 1,25(OH)2D also roalbuminuria increased with increasing PTH levels
contributes to a reduction in intestinal calcium absorp- (p,0.001), similar to our results. Several mechanisms
tion. All of these factors contribute to the development may underlie the association between PTH and ACR.
of hypocalcemia, which is the impetus for an increased Hypovitaminosis D raises the PTH concentration, and
production of PTH (16). However, in our data, strati- increases the ACR level by activating the renin-angio-
fication by 25(OH)D level revealed that PTH value tensin system (33) and the nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB)
decreased significantly with increasing eGFR levels pathway (34), increasing podocyte apoptosis (35). How-
in every 25(OH)D level. Our findings indicate that the ever, our findings indicate that PTH was related with
relationship between PTH and eGFR may be mediated ACR via a 25(OH)D-independent mechanism; higher
by a 25(OH)D-independent mechanism. Impaired renal PTH raises intracellular calcium in target tissues and is
function causes the increase of fibroblast growth fac- related to vascular calcification (36) and left ventricu-
tor-23 (FGF-23) in part due to a consequence of phos- lar hypertrophy (12). Additionally, PTH might have a
phate retention, but also due to decreased renal clear- prosclerotic effect on vascular smooth muscle cells (37)
ance of FGF-23 (27, 28), and FGF-23 directly decreases and is associated with increased arterial stiffness and
PTH mRNA expression and protein secretion (29, 30). intrarenal arterial resistance (38), which contribute
Moreover, in our analysis, the negative association to vascular endothelial damage within the glomerular
between eGFR and PTH was significant in subjects with basement membrane, thus leading to the excretion of
eGFR ,60 but also in subjects with eGFR $60 mL/ albumin into the urine (39).
min per 1.73 m2. In a study with non-nephrotic ure- In the present study, the percentage of hyperparathy-
mic patients (31), PTH concentrations were negatively roidism tended to decrease with increasing eGFR levels
correlated with GFR (r520.57, p,0.001) and median and that of hypovitaminosis D tended to stay at approxi-
PTH (range) values were increased with decreasing GFR mately 40% with increasing eGFR levels. Moreover, the
[5.6 (2.2–13.0) in GFR 60–90, 8.1 (2.9–24.0) in GFR subjects with both hyperparathyroidism and hypovita-
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24 Choi SW et al.

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