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This series provides an overview of current thinking in the more relevant areas of Oral Medicine, for primary
care practitioners.
The series gives the detail necessary to assist the primary dental clinical team caring for patients with
oral complaints that may be seen in general dental practice. Space precludes inclusion of illustrations of
uncommon or rare disorders.
Approaching the subject mainly by the symptomatic approach, as it largely relates to the presenting
complaint, was considered to be a more helpful approach for GDPs rather than taking a diagnostic category
approach. The clinical aspects of the relevant disorders are discussed, including a brief overview of the
aetiology, detail on the clinical features and how the diagnosis is made, along with guidance on management
David H Felix Jane Luker Crispian Scully and when to refer, in addition to relevant websites which offer further detail.

Oral Medicine: 1. Ulcers: Aphthous

and other Common Ulcers
and complain of soreness in relation to oral
Specialist referral may be indicated if the
ulceration. It is always important to exclude
Practitioner feels:
serious disorders such as oral cancer (Article
 The diagnosis is unclear;
3) or other serious disease, but not all patients
 A serious diagnosis is possible;
who complain of soreness have discernible
 Systemic disease may be present;
organic disease. Even in those with detectable
 Unclear as to investigations indicated;
lesions, the level of complaint can vary
 Complex investigations unavailable in
enormously – some patients with large ulcers
primary care are indicated;
complain little; others with minimal ulceration
 Unclear as to treatment indicated;
complain bitterly of discomfort. Sometimes
 Treatment is complex; Figure 1. A small erosion.
there is a psychogenic or cultural influence.
 Treatment requires agents not readily
 Unclear as to the prognosis; Terminology
 The patient wishes this. Epithelial thinning or breaches
may be seen in:
 Mucosal atrophy or desquamation – terms
often used for thinning of the epithelium
1. Ulceration which assumes a red appearance since the
underlying lamina propria containing blood
Ulceration is a breach in the oral
vessels shows through. Most commonly
epithelium, which typically exposes nerve
seen in desquamative gingivitis (usually
endings in the underlying lamina propria, Figure 2. Minor aphthous ulcer, labial mucosa.
related to lichen planus, or less commonly
resulting in pain or soreness, especially on
to pemphigoid) and in geographic tongue
eating spicy foods or citrus fruits. Patients vary
(erythema migrans, benign migratory
enormously in the degree to which they suffer
glossitis), a similar process may also be seen in
systemic disorders such as deficiency states (of propria. An inflammatory halo, if present, also
iron, folic acid or B vitamins). highlights the ulcer with a red halo, around the
 Mucosal inflammation (mucositis, stomatitis) yellow or grey ulcer (Figure 2). Most ulcers are
David H Felix, BDS, MB ChB, FDS can cause soreness. Viral stomatitis, candidosis, due to local causes such as trauma or burns
RCS(Eng), FDS RCPS(Glasg), FDS RCS(Ed), radiation mucositis, chemotherapy-related but recurrent aphthous stomatitis must always
FRCP(Edin), Postgraduate Dental Dean, mucositis and graft-versus-host-disease are be considered.
NHS Education for Scotland, Jane Luker, examples.
BDS, PhD, FDS RCS , DDR RCR, Consultant  Erosion is the term used for superficial Causes of oral ulceration
and Senior Lecturer, University Hospitals breaches of the epithelium. These often Ulcers and erosions can also be
Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, initially have a red appearance, since there the final common manifestation of a spectrum
Professor Crispian Scully, CBE, MD, PhD, is little damage to the underlying lamina of conditions, ranging from epithelial damage
MDS, MRCS, BSc, FDS RCS, FDS RCPS, propria, but it typically becomes covered by resulting from trauma, to an immunological
FFD RCSI, FDS RCSE, FRCPath, FMedSci, a fibrinous exudate and then has a yellowish attack as in lichen planus, pemphigoid or
FHEA, FUCL, DSc, DChD, DMed(HC), Dr appearance (Figure 1). Erosions are common in pemphigus, to damage because of an immune
HC, Emeritus Professor, University College vesiculobullous disorders such as pemphigoid. defect, as in HIV disease and leukaemia,
London, Hon Consultant UCLH and HCA,  Ulcer is the term used usually where there infections as in herpesviruses, tuberculosis
London, UK. is damage both to epithelium and lamina and syphilis, or nutritional defects such as in

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Causes Mnemonic
Systemic diseases So
Malignant disease Many
Local causes Laws
Aphthae And
Drugs Directives
Table 1. Main causes of oral ulceration.

Systemic disease Malignant neoplasms

Blood (Haematological) disorders Oral
Anaemia Encroaching from antrum
Haematinic deficiencies Local causes
Leukaemia and myelodysplastic Trauma Figure 3. Thermal burn, palate.
syndrome Appliances
Neutropenia and other white cell Iatrogenic
dyscrasias Non-accidental injury
Infections Self-inflicted
Acute necrotizing gingivitis Sharp teeth or
Chickenpox restorations
Deep mycoses Burns
Hand, foot and mouth disease Chemical
Herpangina Cold
Herpes simplex virus Electric
HIV Heat
Infectious mononucleosis Radiation
Syphilis Aphthae
Tuberculosis Drugs
Gastrointestinal disease Cytotoxic drugs
Coeliac disease Nicorandil
Figure 4. Chemical burn, right maxillary tuberosity.
Crohn disease NSAIDs
Ulcerative colitis Miscellaneous uncommon diseases
Skin (Mucocutaneous) disease Eosinophilic ulcer
Behcet syndrome Giant cell arteritis
Chronic ulcerative stomatitis Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Epidermolysis bullosa Lupus erythematosus
Erythema multiforme Necrotizing sialometaplasia
Lichen planus Periarteritis nodosa
Pemphigus vulgaris Reiter syndrome
Sub-epithelial immune blistering Sweet syndrome
diseases (pemphigoid and Wegener granulomatosis
variants, dermatitis herpetiformis Figure 5. Traumatic ulceration, lateral tongue.
linear IgA disease),

Table 2. Main causes of mouth ulcers dental local anaesthesia. Ulceration of the
upper labial fraenum, especially in a child
with bruised and swollen lips, or subluxed
teeth or fractured jaw can represent non-
vitamin deficiencies and some gastrointestinal or ionizing radiation or factitious ulceration, accidental injury. At any age, trauma, hard
disease (Tables 1 and 2). especially of the maxillary gingivae (Figures 3 foods, or appliances may also cause ulceration.
Ulcers of local causes and 4). The lingual fraenum may be traumatized
At any age, there may be burns Children may develop ulceration by repeated rubbing over the lower incisor
from chemicals of various kinds, heat, cold, of the lower lip by accidental biting following teeth in cunnilingus or in recurrent coughing

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as in whooping cough or in self-mutilating

Most ulcers of local cause have
an obvious aetiology, are acute, usually
single ulcers, last less than 3 weeks and heal
spontaneously. Chronic trauma may produce
an ulcer with a keratotic margin (Figure 5).

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS; aphthae;

canker sores)
Figure 6. Minor aphthous ulceration. Figure 7. Minor aphthous ulceration.
RAS is a very common condition
which typically starts in childhood or
adolescence and presents with multiple
recurrent small, round or ovoid ulcers with some oral healthcare products, may produce they may represent three different diseases.
circumscribed margins, erythematous haloes, oral ulceration;
and yellow or grey base (Figures 6 and 7).  Cessation of smoking: may precipitate or
1. Minor aphthous ulcers (MiAU; Mikulicz Ulcer)
RAS affects at least 20% of the aggravate RAS;
 Occur mainly in the 10–40 year age group;
population, with the highest prevalence in  Gastrointestinal disorders particularly coeliac
 Often cause minimal symptoms;
higher socio‑economic classes. Virtually all disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) and
 Are small round or ovoid ulcers 2–4
dentists will see patients with aphthae. Crohn’s disease in about 3% of patients;
mm in diameter in most situations but
 Endocrine factors in some women whose
often more linear when in the buccal sulcus,
Aetiopathogenesis RAS is clearly related to the fall in progestogen
a common site. The ulcer base is initially
Immune mechanisms appear at level in the luteal phase of their menstrual
yellowish but assumes a greyish hue as
play in a person with a genetic predisposition cycle;
healing and epithelialization proceeds. They
to oral ulceration. A genetic predisposition  Immune deficiency; ulcers of a similar
are surrounded by an erythematous halo and
is present, and there is a positive family appearance to RAS may be seen in HIV and
some oedema;
history in about one third of patients with other immune defects, although clearly the
 Are found mainly on the non‑keratinized
RAS. Immunological factors are also involved, aetiopathogenesis is different;
mobile mucosa of the lips, cheeks, floor of the
with T helper cells predominating in the RAS  Food allergies: in some studies
mouth, sulci or ventrum of the tongue.
lesions early on, along with some natural killer hypersensitivity to various food additives has
They are only uncommonly seen on the
(NK) cells. Cytotoxic cells then appear in the been shown to be important, although this is
keratinized mucosa of the palate or dorsum of
lesions and there is evidence for an antibody not a universal finding.
the tongue;
dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) Drugs (see below), Behcet
 Occur in groups of only a few ulcers (1–6) at
reaction. It now seems likely therefore that a syndrome, HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, auto-
a time;
minor degree of immunological dysregulation inflammatory states (periodic fevers) and skin
 Heal in 7–10 days;
underlies aphthae. diseases, such as erythema multiforme, may
 Recur at intervals of 1–4 months;
RAS may be a group of disorders occasionally produce aphthous-like lesions.
 Leave little or no evidence of scarring
of different pathogeneses. Cross-reacting
antigens between the oral mucosa and micro- Keypoints: aphthous ulcers 2. Major aphthous ulcers (MjAU; Sutton’s Ulcers;
organisms may be the initiators, but attempts  They are so common that all the dental team Periadenitis Mucosa Necrotica Recurrens (PMNR))
to implicate a variety of bacteria or viruses will see them; (Figures 8, 9, 10)
have failed.  It is important to rule out predisposing  Are larger, of longer duration, of more
causes (sodium lauryl sulphate, certain foods/ frequent recurrence, and often more painful
Predisposing factors drinks, stopping smoking or vitamin or other than minor ulcers;
Most people who suffer RAS are deficiencies) or conditions such as Behcet  MjAUs are round or ovoid like minor ulcers,
otherwise apparently completely well. In a few, syndrome that can cause aphthous-like lesions; but they are larger and associated with
predisposing factors may be identifiable, or  It is necessary therefore to enquire about surrounding oedema;
suspected. These include: eye, genital, gastrointestinal or skin lesions and  Reach a large size, usually about 1 cm in
 Stress: underlies RAS in many cases. RAS is fever; diameter or even larger;
typically worse at examination times;  Topical corticosteroids are the main  Are found on any area of the oral mucosa,
 Trauma: biting the mucosa, and dental treatment. including the keratinized dorsum of the
appliances may lead to some ulcers; tongue or palate;
 Haematinic deficiency (deficiencies of iron, Clinical features  Occur in groups of only a few ulcers (1–6) at
folic acid (folate) or vitamin B12) in up to 20% There are three main clinical one time;
of patients; types of RAS, though the significance of these  Heal slowly over 10–40 days;
 Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), a detergent in distinctions is unclear and it is conceivable that  Recur extremely frequently;
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 Full blood count;

 Haematinics;
- Ferritin;
- Folate;
- Vitamin B12;
 Serological screen for coeliac disease
(tissue transglutaminase antibody or anti-
endomysial antibody).
Figure 8. Major aphthous ulceration, soft palate
complex. Figure 10. Major aphthous ulceration. Table 3. Investigation of aphthae.

symptoms. Common preparations used

include four times daily:
– Medium potency topical
betamethasone sodium phosphate (eg
Betnesol), or
– Higher potency topical
corticosteroids (eg beclometasone – Clenil
modulite) (Table 4).
Figure 9. Major aphthous ulceration. Figure 11. Herpetiform aphthae. The major concern is of adrenal
suppression with long-term and/or repeated
application but there is no evidence that these
cause this problem.
 May heal with scarring; Management Topical tetracycline (eg
 Occasionally found with a raised Other similar disorders, such as doxycycline), or tetracycline plus nicotinamide
erythrocyte sedimentation rate or plasma Behcet syndrome, must be ruled out (Article 2). may provide relief and reduce ulcer duration,
viscosity. Predisposing factors should then be corrected. but should be avoided in children under 12
Fortunately, the natural history of RAS is one who might ingest the tetracycline and develop
3. Herpetiform ulceration (HU) of eventual remission in most cases. However, tooth staining.
 Are found in a slightly older age group few patients have spontaneous remission If RAS fails to respond to these
than the other forms of RAS; until after several years and, although there measures, systemic immunomodulators may
 Are found mainly in females; is no curative treatment, measures should be be required, under specialist supervision.
 Begins with vesiculation which passes taken to relieve symptoms and reduce ulcer
rapidly into multiple minute pinhead‑sized duration.
discrete ulcers (Figure 11);  Good oral hygiene should be maintained. Keypoints for patients: aphthous
Chlorhexidine or triclosan mouthwashes may
 Involve any oral site including the
keratinized mucosa, increase in size and
 There is a spectrum of topical anti-  These are common;
coalesce to leave large round ragged ulcers;
inflammatory agents that may help in the  They are not thought to be infectious;
 Heal in 10 days or longer;
management of RAS.  Children may inherit ulcers from parents;
 Are often extremely painful;
 Topical corticosteroids can usually control  The cause is not known but some follow
 Recur so frequently that ulceration may be
virtually continuous;
 Despite the name they have nothing to do
with herpes infection.
Steroid UK trade name Dosage every 6 hours

Diagnosis Medium potency Betnesol 0.5 mg ; use as

There are no specific tests, so Betamethasone phosphate tablets mouthwash
the diagnosis must be made on history and
clinical features alone. However, to exclude
the systemic disorders discussed above, it is High potency
often useful to undertake the investigations Beclometasone (Beclomethasone) Clenil modulite 1 puff (200 mg) to
shown in Table 3. dipropionate spray lesions
Biopsy is rarely indicated, usually
where a different diagnosis is suspected. Table 4. Examples of readily available topical corticosteroids .

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use of toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulphate, produce irregular painful ulcers (Figure 12).
certain foods/drinks, or stopping smoking; Gingival oedema, erythema and ulceration
 Some vitamin or other deficiencies or are prominent and the cervical lymph nodes
conditions may predispose to ulcers; may be enlarged and tender, and there is
 Ulcers can be controlled but rarely cured; sometimes fever and/or malaise. Patients with
 No long-term consequences are known. immune defects are liable to severe and/or
protracted infections.
Websites and patient information HSV is neuroinvasive and neurotoxic and infects neurones of the dorsal
document/11983 root and autonomic ganglia. HSV remains Figure 12. Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. latent thereafter in those ganglia, usually the
article/867080-overview trigeminal ganglion, but can be re-activated to result in clinical recrudescence (see below)
Infections Diagnosis is largely clinical. Viral
Infections that cause mouth ulcers studies are used occasionally and can include:
are mainly viral, especially the herpesviruses,  Culture – this takes days to give a result;
Coxsackie, ECHO and HIV viruses. Bacterial  Electron microscopy – this is not always
causes of mouth ulcers, apart from acute available;
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, are less  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection Figure 13. Herpes labialis.
common. Syphilis and tuberculosis are of HSV-DNA – this is sensitive but expensive;
uncommon but increasing, especially in  Immunodetection – detection of HSV
people with HIV/AIDS. Fungal and protozoal antigens is of some value.
causes of ulcers are also uncommon, but
increasingly seen in immunocompromised
persons, and travellers from the developing
Although patients have
spontaneous healing within 10–14 days,
treatment is indicated particularly to reduce
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) fever and control pain. Adequate fluid intake
The term ‘herpes’ is often used is important, especially in children, and
loosely to refer to infections with herpes antipyretics/analgesics, such as paracetamol/ Figure 14. Lichenoid reaction to propanolol.
simplex virus (HSV), a ubiquitous virus which acetaminophen elixir, help. A soft bland diet
commonly produces lesions in the mouth and may be needed, as the mouth can be very
oropharynx. HSV is contracted by close contact sore. Aciclovir orally or parenterally is useful
with infected individuals from infected saliva mainly in immunocompromised patients or tingling or itching. Lesions begin as macules
or other body fluids after an incubation period in the otherwise apparently healthy patient, that rapidly become papular, then vesicular
of approximately 4–7 days. if seen early in the course of the disease, but for about 48 hours, then become pustular,
Primary infection is often do not reduce the frequency of subsequent and finally scab within 72–96 hours and heal
subclinical between the ages of 2–4 years. This recurrences. without scarring (Figure 13).
is usually caused by HSV-1 and is commonly Recurrent intra-oral herpes in
attributed to ‘teething’, particularly if there apparently healthy patients tend to affect the
is a fever. However, primary infection can hard palate or gingivae with a small crop of
Recurrent HSV infections
occur at any age and present with stomatitis ulcers which heals within 1–2 weeks. Lesions
Up to 15% of the population
(gingivostomatitis). are usually over the greater palatine foramen,
have recurrent HSV-1 infections, typically
In teenagers or older, this may be following a palatal local anaesthetic injection,
on the lips (herpes labialis; cold sores), from
due to HSV-2 transmitted sexually. presumably because of the trauma.
re-activation of HSV latent in the trigeminal
Generally speaking, HSV infections Recurrent intra-oral herpes in
ganglion. The virus is periodically shed into
above the belt (oral or oropharyngeal) are immunocompromised patients may appear as
saliva, and there may be clinical recrudescence.
caused by HSV-1 but below the belt (genital or chronic, often dendritic, ulcers, often on the
Re-activating factors include fever such as
anal) are caused by HSV-2. tongue.
caused by upper respiratory tract infection
The mouth or oropharynx is sore
(hence herpes labialis is often termed ‘cold’
(herpetic stomatitis or gingivostomatitis): there
sores), sunlight, menstruation, trauma and
is a single episode of oral vesicles which may Diagnosis
be widespread, and break down to leave oral Diagnosis is largely clinical; viral
Lip lesions at the mucocutaneous
ulcers that are initially pin-point but fuse to studies are used occasionally.
junction may be preceded by pain, burning,
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Management  They are caused by a virus (Herpes of mechanisms, such as the induction of
Most patients will have simplex) which lives in nerves forever; lichenoid lesions (Figure 14). Cytotoxic drugs
spontaneous remission within one week to 10  They are infectious and the virus can be (eg methotrexate) commonly produce ulcers,
days, but the condition is both uncomfortable transmitted by kissing; but non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
and unsightly, and thus treatment is indicated.  They may be precipitated by sun- (NSAIDs), including rofecoxib, alendronate (a
Antivirals will achieve maximum benefit exposure, stress, injury or immune bisphosphonate), nicorandil (a cardiac drug)
only if given early in the disease, but may problems; and a range of other drugs, may also cause
be indicated in patients who have severe,  They have no long-term consequences; ulcers.
widespread or persistent lesions and in the  They may be controlled by antiviral A drug history is important to
immunocompromised. Lip lesions in healthy creams or tablets, best used early on. elicit such uncommon reactions, and then
patients may be minimized with penciclovir the offending drug should be avoided.
1% cream or aciclovir 5% cream applied in the
Websites and patient information
prodrome. In severe cases where recurrences Patients to refer:
are frequent, systemic aciclovir may be
information_leaflet/cold_sore  Patients with ulceration unresponsive to
indicated. Lip lesions in immunocompromised topical therapy;
patients require systemic aciclovir or other
tutorials/coldsores/htm/_no_50_no_0.  Malignancy;
antivirals such as valciclovir (the precursor of
htm  HIV-related ulceration;
 Syphilis;
 TB;
Keypoints for patients: cold Drug-induced ulceration  Drug-related ulceration;
sores Drugs may induce ulcers by  Systemic disease;
 These are common; producing a local burn, or by a variety  Mucocutaneous disorders.

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