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IA Activity 1 Module 2

Content / Skills / Concepts

Students will know the following content:
How to properly document their design process
How to test and evaluate the development of their product.

Students will develop the following skills:

Highlighting important aspects of their product.
Creating and running test cases.

Students will grasp the following concepts:

Importance of going through different stages while developing a product for a real client.
Importance of Client communication while developing a product

Objective /Aims
Enable students to apply and use a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that
characterize computer science
Develop logical and critical thinking as well as experimental, investigative and problem-
solving skills
Develop and apply the students’ information and communication technology skills in the
study of computer science to communicate information confidently and effectively

My Chosen Product:
Before approval
Student need to submit a proposal for approval to the teacher: The teacher needs to see:
If the student has chosen a specific problem for a real client, has clearly stated the aim of
the Internal Assessment.
Has evidence of meeting with the client in form of interview, questioner, discussion etc.
The consultation with client must be included as an appendix.
The product will meet the requirements of all the components of IA.
There should not be any Health, Safety or ethical issue while working on the product.

Product – brief description

A client who has a problem, student describes the problem briefly.

Shows evidence of consultation with the client and agreed upon a solution.
Student describes briefly the suitability of their solution in form of brief outline of what their
product will do to solve their client’s problems.
Student has identified success criteria.
Example for success criteria for a small hotel / guest house

The client can add guests with details.

The client can easily edit details of the guests.
The program can delete reservations.
The program can calculate the cost for their stay.
The program can calculate the total cost of the guest’s stay.
The program can search for a guest to see if they are currently staying in the hotel.
The program allows the client to see the list of all the current guests.
Client and/or advisor

Student to keep evidence of their meeting with client

Design methodologies appropriate to the type of IA product being designed
Furnish different levels of draft design, such as the overall structure as well as the internal
layout of the product itself. This can also include investigation into specific elements used
within the product.
Student has identified range of appropriate resources and techniques required for the
development of the product.

Criterion C: Development
Stages of development of product –
This is the most significant step in making the product? After the student has explained in
Criterion B.
Detailed layout design sketches that include annotations for complex techniques, evidence
of algorithmic thinking in the form of flowcharts and pseudocode have been given.
In this criterion the complexity of the solution should be evident and the techniques used
should be explained. There should be clear evidence of algorithmic thinking and creativity.
Algorithms use should be explained. The documentation should be clear and structured.
Student should aim to explain their understanding of use of the techniques involved and to
showcase their algorithmic thinking and creativity.

Language to be used – with justification

Student can justify the use of a language to develop the product if the student can
demonstrate knowing the following :
Write programs that can declare, initialize, modify, and access arrays.
Write programs that incorporate user input, processing, and screen output.
Use sequence, selection, and repetition control structures to create programming solutions
Write algorithms with nested structures.
Demonstrate the ability to use sub-programs within the program.
Demonstrate the ability to identify and correct syntax, logic, and run-time errors in in that
Demonstrate the ability to interpret error messages displayed by programming tools at
different times during the software development process (e.g writing, compilation, testing)
Use a tracing technique to understand program flow and to correct logic and run-time
errors in computer programs.
Demonstrate the ability to validate a program using a full range of test cases.

Reasons for choosing this product

Student has explored and identified a problem after discussing with the client. Student
feels that the task is challenging enough to allow them to use techniques which could
highlight their algorithmic thinking and organizational skills.
It is essential that whatever way the student approaches the problem to find a solution it
should ensure that the student can explicitly demonstrate and document their algorithmic
and thinking skills.

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