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International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 82 (2016) 38–42

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Swallowing dysfunction among patients with laryngeal cleft: More

than just aspiration?
Julie E. Strychowsky a,c,*, Pamela Dodrill a, Ethan Moritz a, Jennifer Perez a, Reza Rahbar a,b
Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Enhancement, Boston Children’s Hospital, 333 Longwood Ave, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Department of Otology and Laryngology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Western Ontario, 800 Commissioners Rd E, VH B3-444, London, ON, N6A 5W9, Canada


Article history: Background: The Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) is the most widely utilized instrumental assessment of
Received 12 June 2015 swallowing disorders in children; however, the exact role in the evaluation of laryngeal clefts remains
Received in revised form 30 November 2015 controversial.
Accepted 28 December 2015
Methods: This study was an IRB-approved retrospective review on patients diagnosed with laryngeal
Available online 7 January 2016
cleft from 2002 to 2014. The objective was to describe the range of swallowing dysfunction that may be
present in patients with laryngeal clefts both pre- and post-intervention (conservative management
versus surgery). A speech-language pathologist reviewed MBS studies and medical records to determine
Laryngeal cleft
Penetration–Aspiration Scale (PAS) and Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) scores.
Modified barium swallow Results: One hundred seventy-five patients who underwent laryngeal cleft repair during the study
Swallow study period (type 1, n = 111; type 2, n = 54; type 3, n = 9; type 4, n = 1) were included. Fifty patients who were
Dysphagia managed conservatively (type 1) were also included. Swallowing impairment was demonstrated in all
phases of swallowing for all cleft types. Oral phase impairment ranged from 27–67% pre-intervention to
19–75% post-intervention, triggering impairment from 24–42% pre-intervention to 24–75% post-
intervention, and pharyngeal phase impairment (laryngeal penetration and aspiration) from 57–100%
pre-intervention to 40–100% post-intervention. Laryngeal penetration and aspiration on thin and thick
liquids, silent aspiration, PAS, and FOIS scores are reported. Significant improvements in swallowing
function (p < 0.05) were documented in all of the conservatively and surgically managed sub-groups.
Conclusions: The MBS study is a useful tool for evaluating swallowing function in patients with laryngeal
cleft and provides information beyond the lack or presence of aspiration. Understanding impairments in
all phases of swallowing may be beneficial for perioperative management.
ß 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction laryngeal clefts may present with airway and/or swallowing

impairments, which can lead to recurrent aspiration pneumonia,
Laryngeal clefts are rare congenital anomalies that result from respiratory distress, and failure to thrive [1–3]. Therefore, appro-
failure of fusion of the tracheoesophageal septum or two lateral priate and timely diagnosis is paramount.
growth centers of the posterior-cricoid cartilage during embryo- Management of laryngeal clefts ranges from conservative
logical development [1–3]. The annual incidence ranges from 1 in monitoring to surgical intervention. Both groups generally require
10,000 to 1 in 20,000 live births, with a male predominance feeding therapy input to address potential swallowing impairments.
[4]. Most cases are sporadic while others associated with Feeding therapy techniques may involve skill building activities (e.g.
syndromes such as Opitz-Frias or Pallister-Hall, or congenital oral-motor therapy) and/or teaching the patient or their care-givers
anomalies such as tracheoesophageal fistulas [5]. Patients with how to use compensatory strategies, such as the use of modified
liquids/foods (e.g. thickened liquids, pureed foods), modified feeding
equipment (e.g. slower or faster flow bottle nipples, open cups vs
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 685-8242, Fax: +1 519 685-8185. straw cup), modified feeding positioning (e.g. upright vs reclined)
E-mail addresses: (J.E. Strychowsky), and modified feeding strategies (e.g. having the feeder actively pace (P. Dodrill), the feed, having the child take single sips from a straw vs sequential
(E. Moritz), (J. Perez), (R. Rahbar).
sips). It is the role of the Otolaryngologist, with input from the
0165-5876/ß 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.E. Strychowsky et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 82 (2016) 38–42 39

speech-language pathologist, to determine whether a patient would Table 1

Laryngeal Penetration–Aspiration (PA) Scale [16].
best be managed through feeding therapy alone or if they also
require surgical repair of their cleft. 1 Material does not enter airway
2 Material enters the airway, remains above the vocal folds, and is ejected
There is a lack of standardized evaluation for the diagnosis of
from the airway
laryngeal cleft [1–3,6–9]. Diagnostic practices include history and 3 Material enters the airway, remains above the vocal folds, and is not
physical examination, chest X-ray, swallowing assessment (modi- ejected from the airway
fied barium swallow [MBS] and/or fiberoptic endoscopic evalua- 4 Material enters the airway, contacts the vocal folds, and is ejected from
tion of swallowing [FEES]), flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy, and the airway
5 Material enters the airway, contacts the vocal folds, and is not ejected
the gold standard of operative endoscopy to gently palpate the from the airway
interarytenoid area. Other diagnostic adjuncts include measure- 6 Material enters the airway, passes below the vocal folds, and is ejected
ment of lipid laden macrophage levels obtained by bronchial into the larynx or out of the airway
alveolar lavage [10] and interarytenoid injection [11–13]. The MBS 7 Material enters the airway, passes below the vocal folds, and is not
ejected from the trachea despite effort
(also known as video fluoroscopic swallow study, VFSS) is the most
8 Material enters the airway, passes below the vocal folds, and no effort is
widely utilized tool for the assessment of swallowing disorders in made to eject
children [14,15]; however, the exact role in the diagnosis and
monitoring of laryngeal clefts remains controversial.
The purpose of this study was to describe the range of The diagnosis of laryngeal cleft was confirmed by palpation of
swallowing dysfunction that may be present in patients with the interarytenoid area during direct laryngoscopy by the senior
laryngeal clefts both pre- and post-intervention (conservative author (R.R.). The type of laryngeal cleft was defined by the
management versus surgery). Benjamin–Inglis classification system, which describes type 1 as an
interarytenoid defect to the level of the vocal folds, type 2 as partial
2. Materials and methods extension through the posterior cricoid cartilage, type 3 as
extension completely through the posterior cricoid cartilage and
A retrospective review of a prospective database on all patients possible extension into the cervical trachea, and type 4 as
diagnosed with laryngeal cleft at Boston Children’s Hospital was extension into the intrathoracic trachea [19].
performed. Institutional review board approval was obtained. All Statistical analysis was performed (P.D. and K.K.) using the SPSS
patients who were diagnosed with laryngeal cleft from 2002 to Statistics for Windows (Version 19, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Chi-
2014 by the senior author (R.R.) and had MBS studies performed square analysis was used to analyze trends in dichotomous
were included. A speech language pathologist (P.D.) reviewed all of measures (e.g. presence/absence of oral phase impairment,
the MBS studies to classify types of swallowing impairments and pharyngeal phase impairment, laryngeal penetration, aspiration).
determined Penetration–Aspiration (PA) scale [16] scores and Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U analyses were used to
Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) [17] scores for each MBS study. compare non-parametric measures (e.g. PA scale and FOIS scores).
The original reports from the MBS studies were used for data t-Tests and ANOVAs were used to compare parametric measures
collection and when this data was insufficient, the radiologic (e.g. number of MBS studies, ORL visits, pneumonias). A p-
examination was reevaluated. value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
MBS swallowing impairments were classified as follows: oral
phase impairment, swallow triggering impairment, and pharyn-
geal phase impairment (including laryngeal penetration on thin 3. Results
liquids, laryngeal penetration on thickened liquids, aspiration on
thin liquids, aspiration on thickened liquids, and silent aspiration). One hundred seventy-five patients underwent laryngeal cleft
Laryngeal penetration was defined as food or liquid penetrating the repair during the study period (type 1, n = 111; type 2, n = 54; type
laryngeal inlet above the level of the vocal folds, whereas 3, n = 9; type 4, n = 1), while 50 patients with laryngeal cleft were
aspiration was defined as food/liquid passing below the vocal managed conservatively with feeding therapy and compensatory
folds. For those who underwent surgery, the MBS study that strategies (type 1 only). Pre-operative MBS studies were available
preceded surgical repair was analyzed. In addition, where for 138 surgical patients (79%) (type 1, n = 98; type 2, n = 37; type 3,
available, post-operative MBS studies at or around 4 months n = 3; type 4, n = 0) and all conservatively managed patients.
post-surgery were analyzed for comparison (a four-month time- Patient demographics and comorbidities are detailed in Table 3.
frame was used to allow for adequate surgical healing and MBS swallowing impairments varied by cleft sub-type and for
assumed swallowing retraining). For those who did not undergo pre- versus post-surgery (Table 4). All laryngeal cleft sub-types
surgical management, the first MBS available was used as a demonstrated some degree of oral phase impairment, triggering
baseline measure. A subsequent study at or around 4 months post- impairment, and pharyngeal phase impairment (including laryn-
initial assessment was used for a similar comparison. geal penetration, aspiration, and silent aspiration). Interestingly,
PA and FOIS scores were determined based on the findings and within these groups, some patients did not demonstrate any
recommendations at the time of each MBS study. Rosenbek and
colleagues developed the PA scale in 1996 [16]. It is an 8-point Table 2
validated multidimensional assessment tool for swallowing Functional oral intake scale (FOIS) for infant/toddler [17] Table 14-8.
impairment that relies on the classification of the depth to which 1 Nothing by mouth
material passes into the airway and whether or not it is expelled 2 Tube dependent, with minimal attempts at liquids/food
(Table 1). The FOIS pediatric scale was adapted by Crary and 3 Tube dependent, with consistent intake of liquids/food
colleagues [17] from an existing adult tool [18]. It is a 7-point 4 Total oral diet, but requiring modified liquids  compensations*
4.5 Total oral diet, but requiring modified solids  compensations*
ordinal scale that documents the functional intake of food and
5 Total oral diet, without special preparation (i.e. developmentally
liquid in patients (Table 2). appropriate), but with compensations*
Data from patient medical records was extracted by one 6 Total oral diet (developmentally appropriate), with no restrictions
member of the research team (E.M.) and included: patient *
Compensations = special feeding equipment (e.g. special nipples/cups), special
demographics, type of cleft, medical comorbidities, symptomatol- therapy strategies (e.g. pacing), or special positioning (e.g. side-lying for infants,
ogy, feeding history, and number of clinic visits and MBS studies. head support for older children).
40 J.E. Strychowsky et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 82 (2016) 38–42

Table 3 population since the analyses are underpowered to detect a

Patient demographics and comorbidities by cleft type.
No repair Cleft 1 Cleft 2 Cleft 3 Mean PAS and FOIS scores improved for all cleft sub-types with
Demographics management (Table 5). Note that for the PA scale, a smaller number
Age at 1st MBS (mean in years) 2.0 3.0 3.5 2.8 post-surgery reflects improved swallowing, while for the FOIS
Age at pre-op MBS used in analysis NA 3.5 4.4 1.3 score, a larger number post-surgery reflects a less restricted and
(mean in years) more age-appropriate diet.
Age at surgery (mean in years) NA 4.0 4.5 1.4a
The mean number of MBS studies and Otorhinolaryngology
Time from 1st ORL visit to surgery NA 1.9 0.86 0.34
(mean in years) (ORL) visits pre- and post-operatively by cleft type is reported in
Table 4. Of note, those children who did not undergo surgery still
Pneumonia (%) 47 58 78 83
required several ORL visits and MBS studies to monitor their
G-tube (%) 14 26 41 83 progress.
TEF (%) 9 6 19 50
EA (%) 5 3 13 50 4. Discussion
GER meds (%) 77 82 91 100
Seizure meds (%) 4 4 9 0
CP (%) 4 4 6 0 To our best knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the
Syndrome (%) 9 16 28 50 utility of the MBS for the management of laryngeal clefts in
Neuro-developmental (%) 16 15 13 0 pediatric patients. It is the first detailed analysis that illustrates the
GI (%) 86 91 94 100 etiopathogenesis of swallowing impairments among patients with
Respiratory (%) 72 65 82 50
Cardiac (%) 12 16 13 33
laryngeal clefts, attributing dysfunction to all phases of swallowing
and not simply aspiration. We have demonstrated that these
CP, cerebral palsy; EA, esophageal atresia; GER, gastroesophageal reflux; GI,
impairments are present at baseline and may persist beyond
gastrointestinal; MBS, modified barium swallow; NA, not applicable; ORL,
otolaryngology; TEF, tracheoesophageal fistula. surgical correction and/or feeding therapy. We have also shown
Not all patients had a pre-operative MBS. that MBS measures of swallowing function improve after laryngeal
cleft repair and/or feeding therapy.
We propose that the utilization of the MBS study for patients
laryngeal penetration or aspiration on baseline MBS: 36% of those with laryngeal clefts is two-fold: (1) to guide surgical decision-
with type 1cleft who received conservative management only, 21% making, and (2) to guide feeding therapy. Surgical decision-making
of those with type 1 cleft who underwent surgical management, is usually based on the degree of laryngeal cleft and function as
and 46% of those with type 2 cleft. However, all patients with type qualified by the presence of feeding difficulties and respiratory
3 laryngeal clefts (100%) demonstrated aspiration at baseline. complications. Whereas type 2 to 4 clefts are primarily repaired
Significant improvements in swallowing function (p < 0.05) due to the presence of the anatomical abnormality alone, type
were observed in all of the surgically managed sub-groups 1 clefts are usually repaired when conservative management fails.
(aspiration in type 1 = 64% vs 32%, type 2 = 38% vs 24%, type This decision is rarely straightforward and is reflected in our data;
3 = 100 vs 50%), as well as in the sub-group who underwent patients with type 1 laryngeal clefts had a greater number of pre-
conservative management (46% vs 3%). However, some degree of operative MBS studies and a longer duration of time from initial
swallowing impairment remained across all cleft types post- assessment to surgery.
intervention. This is likely due to the high prevalence of Some patients underwent surgery despite a normal MBS study.
comorbidities across all sub-groups of children with laryngeal The decision to proceed to surgery is independent of the MBS study
clefts (see Table 3), in particular cardiac disease (12% conservative results and can be attributed to the presence of respiratory
management sub-group, 16% type 1, 13% type 2, 33% type 3), complications in the setting of a diagnosis of laryngeal cleft on
neuro-developmental disorders (16% conservative management interarytenoid palpation. This is an inherent weakness to the MBS
sub-group, 15% type 1, 13% type 2, 0% type 3), and gastro- study since it is an assessment at one point in time. Patients may
esophageal reflux (77% conservative management sub-group, 82% have intermittent aspiration that is not captured during the MBS
type 1, 91% type 2, 100% type 3). Although statistical analyses are study.
presented for patients with type 3 laryngeal clefts, these results The pre-operative MBS study can demonstrate the patient’s
need to be interpreted in the context of the small patient baseline swallowing impairment to help guide the patient and

Table 4
MBS outcomes for pre- versus post-intervention by cleft type.

Pre-intervention Post-intervention

No repair Cleft 1 Cleft 2 Cleft 3 No repair Cleft 1 Cleft 2 Cleft 3

n = 50 n = 98 n = 37 n=3 n = 32 n = 72 n = 38 n=4

Oral phase impairment (%) 36 27 38 67 19* 21 18* 75

Triggering impairment (%) 40 42 24 33 41 36 24 75
Pharyngeal phase impairment (%) 64 79 57 100 56 61* 40* 100
Laryngeal penetration on thin liquids (%) 64 79 54 100 53 60* 40* 75
Laryngeal penetration on thickened liquids (%) 28 48 32 100 13* 24* 11* 50
Aspiration on thin liquids (%) 46 64 38 100 3* 32* 24* 50
Aspiration on thickened liquids (%) 18 34 22 100 3* 13* 8* 50
Silent aspiration (%) 24 53 33 33 3* 29* 16* 25
PA scale (mean score) 4.7 5.7 4.0 6.7 2.7* 4.1* 3.0 4.8
FOIS (mean score) 4.1 4.1 4.2 2.3 4.8* 4.8 4.8 3.3
# MBS 2.8 2.3 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2
# ORL clinic visits 5.1 3.7 3.7 1.8 3.5 4.2 7.5

FOIS, functional oral intake scale score; MBS, modified barium swallow; n, number; ORL, otolaryngology; PA, laryngeal Penetration–Aspiration Scale score.
p < 0.05.
J.E. Strychowsky et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 82 (2016) 38–42 41

Table 5
PA and FOIS scores pre- and post-surgery by laryngeal cleft type.

Pre-intervention Post-intervention

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean difference (95%CI) p

PA scale score
No repair (n = 50) 4.7 (3.1) 2.7 (1.8) 2.0
Type 1 (n = 62) 6.6 (2.5) 4.1 (2.9) 2.5 ( 1.6, 3.3) <0.001
Type 2 (n = 26) 3.9 (3.1) 2.5 (2.5) 1.4 ( 0.1, 2.7) 0.038
Type 3 (n = 2) 7.0 (1.4) 5.0 (1.4) N/A N/A

FOIS score
No repair (n = 32) 4.1 (1.35) 4.8 (1.4) 0.7
Type 1 (n = 63) 3.8 (1.0) 4.8 (1.2) 1.1 (0.8, 1.3) <0.001
Type 2 (n = 26) 4.4 (1.6) 5.2 (1.3) 0.8 (0.3, 1.3) 0.002
Type 3 (n = 2) 3.0 (1.4) 4.0 (2.8) N/A N/A

PA scale score = laryngeal Penetration–Aspiration Scale, ranging from 1 (best) to 8 (worst score), FOIS score = functional oral intake scale score, ranging from 1 (worst) to 6
(best score), p-Value from paired t-test.

caregiver’s expectations for swallowing function after feeding the overall swallowing impairments in all of the phases of
therapy and when warranted, surgical correction. If the im- swallowing (oral phase, swallow triggering, and pharyngeal
pairment is attributed to laryngeal penetration and/or aspiration impairments) may be beneficial for the surgical decision-making
alone, the use of thickening agents or repair of the cleft alone may and perioperative management of these patients. The findings
be successful. However, if a patient demonstrates oral phase from the MBS study should be reviewed by the clinical team
impairment, delayed triggering of the swallow, or functional (Otolaryngologist and speech-language pathologist) and dis-
pharyngeal phase impairment, these elements of impaired cussed with the patients and their caregivers to help guide their
swallowing may persist despite rigorous surgical repair or therapy. management expectations.
Underlying neurological impairment or syndromic associations We observed significant improvements in swallowing function
may raise suspicion for dysfunction in these areas of swallowing. in all of the surgically managed sub-groups at our facility, as well as
The MBS study can help to direct feeding therapy both pre- and in the sub-group who underwent conservative management.
post-operatively. Regardless of laryngeal cleft type, a team However, it should be noted that no sub-group experienced
approach to feeding, including a feeding specialist, is paramount. complete resolution of swallowing issues. This is likely due to the
The presence or absence of laryngeal penetration and/or aspiration high prevalence of comorbidities across all sub-groups of children
can help direct appropriate feeding compensations and/or wean- with laryngeal clefts and the multifactorial etiology of their
ing protocols. We have also demonstrated that many patients with swallowing impairment.
laryngeal clefts demonstrate silent aspiration (i.e. aspiration with
no overt clinical signs). This could be easily missed on clinical Acknowledgements
examination or FEES assessment. The presence of silent aspiration
on MBS study may preclude the decision to wean thickeners or The authors would like to thank Dr Kosuke Kawai for his help
other compensations. with the statistical analyses and Kayla Hernandez and Kara Larson,
There is only one study in the published literature that speech-language pathologists, for their guidance and support.
evaluated swallowing function in children after laryngeal cleft
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