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Tarea #3

Ingles lV

Sección: En línea

Alumno: Reniel Fabricio Gómez Rosa

No. Cuenta: 202010060220

Catedrático: Ing. Mayra Guadalupe Jacome Ruiz

Campus: Tegucigalpa

Common Comparative When Clauses

Comparative adjectives are used to compare When is a wh-word. We use when to ask
differences between the two objects they modify questions, as a conjunction and to introduce
(larger, smaller, faster, higher). relative clauses.

Better When did

Worse When are

Bigger When will

1. My car is faster than yours.

2. I’m higher than Gerardo.
3. I want to buy a more expensive smartphone.
4. I’m having the worst day of my life.
5. I play better soccer than tennis.
6. When do you arrive here?
7. I was thinking about when my packager will arrive to my house.
8. When I get out of my job, I would like a hamburger.
9. I have a great day when I visit my girlfriend.
10. I was wondering since when I’m making this homework.

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