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Contemplate this: most educated persons were not born rich, but almost every

educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So, it is safe to say education is a

fundamental solution to poverty. Growing up in a poverty-stricken family means you cannot

afford certain resources, and even if you do afford it, you have to sacrifice one thing for the

other. Being without something, by human nature, enables our desire for it. This has caused

me to work harder on my pathway of education, which is the only visible fundamental

solution to poverty that I see right now. I sincerely hope that one day, I will be the light that

will lead my family through the darkness.

"Why do I deserve this scholarship?" I thought about this question for quite a while

and what came to mind was my family, especially my parents. I am from a poor family of

six, two parents, three siblings and me. My mother is a housewife and part-time market

vendor, while my father was a taxi operator. He is now off duty due to some circumstances.

While thinking about this question, I remembered how they worked hard providing for my

siblings and I, giving us all they have and neglecting their own needs. I thought about how

receiving this scholarship will reduce some of the pressure they have to endure and the

arduous work they have to do. My parents didn't acquire a level of education above the high

school level, so they have mediocre jobs that can barely provide for my family. Even more

so, now that I am attending Westwood High School as a boarding student. Each term they

have to accumulate a large sum of money to pay for my boarding fee. When this time comes,

it is evident that they are stressed and barely pulling through. I want to reduce their stress

and the burden they have to carry as parents. I believe that receiving this scholarship will

help my family financially and also me, academically. As you will be paying for my tuition

and boarding fee, the burdens my parents have to carry will be lessened. You providing me

with a computer will aid me in the completion of my School-Based Assessments (SBAs) in

the coming school year and also doing school-related research. You will also be providing

me with textbooks, which will aid me in my studies and reduce the pressure on my parents.

If you bestow this scholarship onto me, I promise you that you will not regret this

decision. I will work hard to keep and secure it. I am a very dedicated and determined

person and when I set a goal, I will not stop until I have achieved it. I have set the long term

goal of taking my family out of poverty and the only way out that I now see, is acquiring a

high level of education and obtaining a career with a scope for numerous branches and

promotional opportunities. I believe that this scholarship will be the fire that keeps my

candle burning and make me a brighter light that will lead my family through the darkness.

Growing up in a poor family ignited my desire for a very comfortable and relaxed lifestyle

without arduous work. This obstacle that I am trying to overcome taught me to value

education as it will take me a long way. I will take this value with me throughout high school

and beyond as I strive to achieve excellence.

My ambition in life is to become a medical and surgical doctor who owns their own

hospital. Having a life goal to become a medical and surgical doctor is difficult but I believe

that I can accomplish it with great dedication and if God wills. As we all know, every great

accomplishment begins with a small seed of a dream. I was inspired to choose this life goal

because of two reasons. Firstly, it is because I watched a movie called "Critical". It is about

surgeons operating on patients with various diseases and because they are helping to save

people’s lives I would want to do the same. Secondly, it is because of their salary which will

be used to provide for my family and I's basic needs and wants. Medicine is a career that

requires many years of preparation. This preparation is done in school and this scholarship

will aid me in obtaining the CSEC and CAPE subjects required to go to university to study

medicine. A medical doctor and surgeon typically needs a bachelor's degree, a degree from a
medical school, which takes four years to complete, and, depending on their specialty, three

to seven years in internship and residency programs.

I cannot promise that I will be the richest person in the world, but I know that in the

future, with the aid of this scholarship, I will be able to give my family a relaxed lifestyle.

With this scholarship, I will be one step closer to achieving my goal. I have a strong feeling

that my dream of being a medical and surgical doctor is on the horizon of the not too distant


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