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Registration Number 19225740007

Question 1:
Explain the importance of motivation in organisations and also
describe the types of motivation.


Motivation is something that encourages people to achieve

something they desire. In organizations, people need
motivation to do their best to achieve goals. The motivation
can be beneficial in organization in following ways:
1. Greater profitability: When employees are motivated, they
contribute their best and work with better efficiency and
this result in greater profitability for organization.
2. More involvement in team: When employees are
motivated, they are more creative in a team work.
3. Positive Environment: The motivated employees in an
organization create atmosphere of positive energy and
optimist attitude at workplace.
4. Stability: The motivated employees become loyal to
organization and there are less chances of attrition,
thereby preventing organization of losing talented and
experienced workforce.

The types of motivation are:

1. Intrinsic motivation: It is the self desire to work towards
goal. It comes from within. It is a desire to test oneself
and seek knowledge.
2. Extrinsic motivation: It is the desire that comes from
outside. It is not voluntary. An outside force create desire
to achieve something because of hope of reward or fear of
failure or punishment.

Question 2:
Explain work stress, its sources and consequences with
examples. Also comment on the various stress management


Work stress is the physical or emotional or both responses

experienced against a difficult or challenging situation at
It can also be described as being overloaded with work, or
worried about some task.
Its sources can be:
1. Environmental factors: Changes in economy and
technology can create stress in employees as they impact
organization and this may cause anxiety and insecurity.
2. Organizational factors: Poor work culture, Unpleasant
relationship with co-workers, work overload, rude
supervisors, absence of clarity about job profile and
unsatisfactory incentive policy may cause stress.
3. Personal factors: Personal problems, family issues, money
crunch, poor habits, depression and frustration cause a lot
of stress.

The consequences of stress are:

 Sleep disturbance, anger, mood swing, irritation,
depression, low confidence etc.
 Headaches, Disease, Tiredness, Blood pressure etc.

The various stress management techniques are:

1. Positive attitude and being optimist.
2. Socialising i.e. talking with co-workers, friends and family.
3. Good and adequate sleep, exercise and yoga keep body
healthy and reduce stress.
4. Healthy diet.

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