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Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson

Messaging has been widely used with the power of Internet. People can use messenger to talk to
family, friends, co-workers, even make new friends, join a discussion or talk to anyone in the world.
Messaging is among the most popular methods of communication among students. The advantages of
messenger is it makes it faster to communicate with your friends and classmates; it is like texting and
calling but without the cost. It is easier to discuss assignments and make new ideas for projects.

With messenger, students can produce sentences that are true with real-life communication purposes.
In short, it is easier and faster to discuss homework or ideas from school that aren’t easy to understand.
You can talk to your friend about something that’s happened at school or develop and refine new or
creative ideas.


Messaging has been widely used with the power of Internet. People can use messenger to talk to
family, friends, co-workers, even make new friends, join a discussion or talk to anyone in the world.
Messaging is among the most popular methods of communication among students. There are
disadvantages of using messenger such as it takes away the face to face, personal experience. It is still
better to communicate or talk to other people in person than through text/chat or call. You also don’t
know if the person you are talking is really that person because it can be posers or hackers in

Though it is more convenient to use messenger, it has its disadvantages. The disadvantage of messenger
is that it takes away the face to face, personal experience that people have when talking to someone in
person. You can’t get a good understanding on the emotion of someone through messenger or you are
not sure who you are talking to. There are also many posers, stalkers and hackers in messenger. You can
be deceived if you are not careful enough.


Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson

Our body is made up of water and we can only love 3 to 5 days without water. Water has many
important functions in the body such as flushing waste from the body, regulating body temperature
and transporting nutrients in our body. The advantages of drinking water is that it helps with digestion,
moisturizes our skin, eyes, nose and mouth and protects our body organs and tissues. Moreover, water
is used to grow plants, animals, and make our environment clean. Water is essential for life.


Our body is made up of water and we can only love 3 to 5 days without water. Water has many
important functions in the body such as flushing waste from the body, regulating body temperature
and transporting nutrients in our body. Water is important but there are also disadvantage of it.
Drinking too much water can cause water poison. It can cause headaches, and vomiting (pagsuka). If
there is too much water, the kidneys can’t flush water out of our bodies quickly enough. So, drinking too
much water is also not good.


Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson

Foodpanda is a food delivery service that is new in the Philippines. It is one of the most popular online
delivery services. The advantages of food panda delivery is the convenience it can give and you don’t
have to get dressed up when eating since you can stay at home. You can just pick up your phone, place
an order and your food panda driver will bring you your food. You can check new restaurants and find
reviews from their customers. You can choose from different kinds of food and restaurant before
ordering. You can also avoid going out when it is hot or raining because food will be delivered to you.


Foodpanda is a food delivery service that is new in the Philippines. It is one of the most popular online
delivery services. Food pandy delivery is very easy but there are disadvantages of it. One of the
disadvantages of Foodpanda is that you need to wait longer for the delivery. If there is traffic or the
restaurant is busy, you need to wait longer. Ordering through food delivery is more expensive (mahal)
than eating in the restaurant because there is additional charge. You can also lose the feel (ung feeling
na mgkain sa restaurant) when eating in the restaurant.


Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson

A ballpen is always used by students at school. It is used for writing in the paper. There are different
kinds, colors, and types of ballpen. Pen is very important in the lives of students because we use it to
write our assignments, lessons, and all things we learned. The advantages of using a ballpen is that you
can use it to write things on the paper. Ballpen is also a good tool to express yourself and improve your
handwriting. Moreover, ballpen is used to create designs and be creative in your assignment, project or
any school works. Ballpen is an important writing tool for students.


A ballpen is always used by students at school. It is used for writing in the paper. There are different
kinds, colors, and types of ballpen. Pen is very important in the lives of students because we use it to
write our assignments, lessons, and all things we learned. There are still disadvantages on using a
ballpen. One of the main disadvantages is that you cannot erase a pen. Once you’ve written something
using a pen it stays on the paper. So, if there is a mistake on what you wrote, you cannot erase it.
Another disadvantage is you will need to change pens or refill inks from time to time because pens can
run out of ink. Unlike a pencil you can’t sharpen a pen. Again, pens can be useful but it has its
disadvantages too.

Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson


Uniforms serve as an identity to students.


Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson



Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson



Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson

They say money is the root of all evil.



Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson



Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson



Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson

Does getting a medal important? Or Are medals a basis for your success?


Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson


Many people believe that grades are a reflection of us. But for me, I believe that Grades are not as
important as it seems. Grades don’t define who we truly are. It is a matter of numbers only. Grades are
just numbers. What truly defines us are our personality, character, behavior, skills, and other things
that are more essential. These things make us who we are. Though grades are one of the factors that
measure how well you studied in a test or who good you are in theories. However, at the end of the day
it does not make us who we truly are.


Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson

Any meal we eat without rice is not enough. Most of us are used to eating rice every meal because rice
is important. Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates that keeps us energized. There are different kinds of
rice such as white rice, black rice, and brown rice. The advantage of eating rice is that it gives you energy
all day. Rice also has vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Moreover, rice is part of our culture
and day to day life. As a student, I need rice to help me get the energy I need to answer my assignments
and to participate in class.


Any meal we eat without rice is not enough. Most of us are used to eating rice every meal because rice
is important. Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates that keeps us energized. There are different kinds of
rice such as white rice, black rice, and brown rice. The disadvantage of eating rice is that too much rice
will make you fat. Anything excess is not good. Eating too much rice may cause diabetes and heart
problems. That is why you should control yourself when eating rice because too much is not good for
your body.


Advantages/Importance/Moral Lesson
Time is essential because they say time is gold. Time is gold because it is very important and limited.
There are many things in life we can do, buy, make if we have enough time. Many people make use of
their time doing important things while some use time to relax and do nothing. The advantages of
managing time is that it helps you achieve your goals faster, and it helps you prioritize work. If you know
how to manage your time, it is easier to get things done in less time. It means you can actually save up
time to do other things. Moreover, if you know how to manage time, you can directly reduce your stress
level because you can finish your work right away. So, you always make use of your time.


Time is essential because they say time is gold. Time is gold because it is very important and limited.
There are many things in life we can do, buy, make if we have enough time. Many people make use of
their time doing important things while some use time to relax and do nothing. The disadvantage of not
managing time efficiently is that it can cause a lot of problems because you don’t get the things done
right away. Moreover, if you don’t know how to make use of your time, it can cause stress and no time
to rest.

I do believe there are tons of things I do to waste my time. However, many of us have different views
about time. I may think that what you are doing is a waste of time, but for you it is not a waste of time.
For example, watching tv, using my gadget, sitting or just hanging around may be things that aren’t as
productive as it looks or a waste of time. However, these may be a form of relaxation to me. There are
many things we can do with the time we have. What is important is you never regret these things and
you always keep in mind that time is precious. So, you always make use of time.


Do you have enough time to do the things you want to do?

Time is perhaps one of the most limited resources. There are many things in life we can make of, buy
more of, or repeat again if we don’t get it right first time. Time is actually not one of those
commodities. With the many homework, projects, quizzes, exams, and other school activities, I
sometimes can’t juggle my time. I sometimes don’t have enough time to do the things I want to do,
especially sleeping. However, I know that all the time I put into studying, making projects and doing
school activities is a small price to sacrifice so that I can reach my goal and become successful. As hard
may it seems, but I won’t give up. There are many things we can do with the time we have. What is
important is you never regret these things and you always keep in mind that time is precious. So, you
always make use of time.


Why is honesty so difficult at times?

One of the famous quotes, “Honesty is the best policy.” It means that even if one finds lying an easier
option, telling the truth is the best course of action. Honesty is hard oftentimes and we find ourselves
easier to lie, just a small life we always say. It is quite true that honesty is always the best policy, but
nowadays people don’t follow this. Although everyone knows the truth, but no one wants to admit it.
Sometimes we have to care about others opinion and feelings as well while speaking honestly. Even we
lie to ourselves. But, at the end of the day we are always haunted with the consequences of our actions.
Whatever we lie, the truth will always come out eventually. So, honesty may be difficult at times. But,
we should try our best to be honest all the time because the truth will set us free.


What is truly essential is invisible in the eyes.

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