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Python Installation

Prepared By
• Go to google and type “Python Install”
• Click on the “Download Python” : The following page will open
• Then Click on the latest version of Python “Download Python 3.11.4”
• The executable files will be downloaded to your local
• Run the file
• The python will be installed in your local system
• Click on Anaconda from your installed Program
The following page will be opened
• Click on “Launch” button on the jupyter notebook
• The following window will open on your system
• Click on “New” button, The following new page will open
• Click on Python 3, The following window will open
• You can rename the file name “Untitled5” by suitable choice of yours
and then click on rename
First Python Program
Click on “Run” button, the results will be shown
Other Way to Work with Python: Without Installation on local Drive
Go to google Colab: The following page will open
Click on Welcome to Colaboratory
• The following page will open: It will be link to your google/gmail
• Click on “New notebook”, The following page will be shown
Why to Use Google Colab:
7 Advantages of Using Google Colab for Python
1.Sharing. You can share your Google Colab notebooks very easily.
Thanks to Google Colab everyone with a Google account...
2.Versioning. You can save your notebook to Github with just one simple
click on a button. No need to write “git add...
3.Code snippets. Google Colab has a great collection of snippets you can
just plug in on your code. Just copy the...
4.Forms for non-technical users. Not only programmers have to analyze
data and Python can be useful for almost...

More ...
• Python scripts are very useful and can both be a great replacement and a
great addition to using spreadsheets.
• Thanks to Python it’s possible to make calculations over 100000 rows of
cells without breaking your spreadsheet
• Thanks to Python, it’s possible to include new cutting-edge machine
learning techniques for analyzing data and text.
• Thanks to Python, spending lots of time gathering data and executing
repetitive analyses is a thing of the past.
While Python is a great tool, there are some disadvantages to running
Python scripts locally, especially if you want to share your code. Different
Python configurations (versions, modules) can make or break your code.
Versioning, local machine performance, and user experience for non-
technical persons are other problems.
But Google Colab is coming to the rescue. It offers you the following
1) Sharing
You can share your Google Colab notebooks very easily. Thanks to
Google Colab everyone with a Google account can just copy the notebook
on his own Google Drive account. No need to install any modules to run
any code, modules come preinstalled within Google Colab.
2) Versioning
You can save your notebook to Github with just one simple click on a
button. No need to write “git add git commit git push git pull” codes in
your command client (this is if you did use versioning already)!
3) Code snippets
• Google Colab has a great collection of snippets you can just plug in on your
• E.g. if you want to write data to a Google Sheet automatically, there’s a snippet
for it in the Google Library. Just copy the snippet in your notebook and get
4) Forms for non-technical users
• Not only do programmers have to analyze data and Python can be useful
for almost everyone in an office job. The problem is non-technical
people are scared to death of making even the tiniest change to the code.
But Google Colab has the solution for that. Just insert
the comment #@param {type:”string”} and you turn any variable field
in an easy-to-use form input field. Your non-technical user needs to
change form fields and Google Colab will automatically update the
code. You can find more info
5) Performance
Use the computing power of the Google servers instead of your own machine. Running python scripts requires often a
lot of computing power and can take time. By running scripts in the cloud, you don’t need to worry. Your local machine
performance won’t drop while executing your Python scripts.
6) Price
Best of all it’s free.
Thank You

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