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On Earth Heaven The Cosmic Roots of the Bible Ry Michael Ledo Edited by Willian Burtus. 2009 by Michacl Lede 18 As It Is In surgecom to order additional the general population to be able te samprehend th Ss tess, it has been stressed duals that a certain taf bee! is mecessar ration T had originally intended! oa be seattered endnotes and parts of y of 2 group of Jewish eammentaries on the Hebrew Seriptures compiled between joo and 100 CE and based on exegesis, parable, and hagyadic legend Thue question of whe pidrestin were weitter is up fal TI early a5 200 BCE, When Greek rei icwarled Judea, the Hebrew people began te.ask questions such as, “Where did Czi wile come from?” In order to answer these simpk but apparently never tabbis created stores to ans af inguisitive minds Thave found th miidrashien to be more than a sand answers. Indeed, Upon examination of many of these stories, Robert Graves has discovered paraliels te Grocks Greek myths have lnown cosmik or lation connections. Th ws us ta synchronize the ensmie connection and stellar location of Bible stories. Thus methodology certainly nm yomeams fo) deterrnsine casmic Joeations, ner is it foolproo! or all-inchasive. 11 must ba coupled with other criterta to pive us 4 samplete pirture,

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