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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Search (While You Type) in a


31-40 minutes

Today's users almost expect this to happen in all search boxes.

After all, if their favourite search engine juggles with tens of
thousand keywords while they type, and suggests matching
phrases on the fly, why shouldn't they expect the same from
your application?

Naturally, the unnamed search engine applies very advanced

technology, using massive pre-indexed tables with complex
relationships, and search statistics. This isn't the topic of this
article. The search used here is deliberately not optimized and is
only fitting for very small tables (let's say below 10'000 records).

Instead, the present article focuses on the user interface. A

combo box is used to show the results of the current search,
and is updated “on the fly”, while the focus remains in the
control. This allows to narrow down the search until the desired
information is located. Note that this is different from the built-in
auto-complete feature, which works only if the user always types
the first letters of the information displayed in the combo.

The specific “while you type” aspect might not be suitable for
every application. However, if that option is turned off, what
remains is a more classical search box, but using the combo's

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

drop-down section as search result window. This technique is

very well received by users, even if they have to press Tab in
order to see the result of the search. So, even if that aspect isn't
what you are looking for, you might still be interested in the
search mechanism and in the attached demo database.

It must be said that the complete solution is rather technical.

Several advanced techniques are used, which are not always
explained in full. This article was written for Access developers
who need to create a search box with a professional look and
feel, and not for novice users creating their first criteria form.

The Sample Data

I needed sample data for which an alphabetical sort doesn't

really help in finding a specific record. This is true for any search
in lengthy descriptions, but I wanted something simple.

I settled on hotel names, because a hotel is almost never know

by its full name. For example, everybody in Geneva can help
you find the “Hôtel des Bergues” or the “Hôtel du Rhône”, but
only professionals will know that they are currently called “Four
Seasons Hotel des Bergues Geneva” and “Mandarin Oriental

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Hotel du Rhone” (in typical Geneva Frenglish!). Even in the

simple popular name, the significant word is the last. An efficient
search engine should allow the user to type “bergues” or “rhone”
and locate the current full name. The second interesting
challenge with hotels is that you often need to add the city
name, to distinguish between hotels having the same name, but
in different locations. The search syntax should therefore
include the city name, or the state code.

I went through various lists of hotels available on the web and

gathered a few hundred names, complete with zip code, city,
and state. I added a few youth hostels to illustrate hotels having
the same name, but in different cities. Note that there are a few
duplicates, and that some of the data might be outdated, but
that isn't important. The data is realistic, and that was my only

The data resembles that of a real-life application where several

attempts had been made to make the alphabetical list “work”.
Transposed to the current sample, the word “Hotel” or “Hôtel”
isn't helping, as nearly one half of the hotel names start like that.
It was being removed through a function, which helped a little,
but of course it hadn't been removed everywhere, which created
confusion in the interface. This didn't address the central
problem, that the most significant word is never the first word in
the name.

The application was updated, and the combo box described

below was used everywhere when (the equivalent of) a hotel
needed to be selected. This was perceived as a major
improvement by all users, who quickly learned little tricks to
locate some frequently recurring names with the minimal
amount of keystrokes.

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Searching “On The Fly”

The first attempt, and I'm sure other developers have started
with this idea, is to trap the `change´ event of the combo box, in
order to perform a new search with each keystroke. This would
be a good idea if there was a way to interrupt a search when a
new keystroke occurs. As it stands, this is not really possible in
Access. The search runs in the same process as the interface,
and a fast typist will soon become very angry at the constant
pointless interruptions.

The search needs to occur only once the combo becomes idle.
This could be achieved by a trigger function, as described in
another article. The idea would be to use the `change´ event
merely to write the current search string to another text box, in
turn used as argument in a trigger function of a third. This
function gets executed as soon as Access is idle, which doesn't
happen when a fast typist is actively entering a search string.
This solution would be quite clean (it would effectively detect the
idle state), but not very elegant. On every form where a hotel
needs to be selected, three interacting controls would be used
(two of them hidden), which becomes hard to maintain.

Another solution is to introduce a timer. At each keystroke, the

timer is reset, and the search only occurs if it's allowed to run
out. This works relatively well, and a time out under half a
second seems to be a good choice (for me and for the users
who tested different speeds). However, the form's timer might
already be used for some other trick, so a perfectly modular
solution would require an independent timer. This can be
achieved through a specific timer form (see below).

Most implementations of “on the fly” filtering are done in two

distinct controls: a text box and a list box or a text box and a

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subform. If a single combo is to be used for both the entering of

the search string and the display of the results, a few additional
problems arise. This would not be possible at all if the combo
box locked it's row source while editing. Luckily, this is not the
case, and the record source can be altered dynamically. The
only side effect is that the drop-down portion closes, but it can
be reopened through code.

Since the edit portion is treated as a search string, the auto-

complete feature needs to be turned off. This looks easy
enough, but the feature is automatically activated whenever the
drop-down portion is visible, regardless of the property setting. A
workaround is needed to completely shut down this behaviour,
not so much because it would break the search process (there
are solutions for that) but because it creates an incoherent
interface. If the keyword “swiss” is entered, the combo box
would automatically select the first “Swisshotel” in the list; not so
for the keyword “suisse”, as no hotel name starts with these
letters. If the combo box never performs “auto-select”, the
behaviour is predictable; if it performs it only sometimes, the
user will have to check each time which it is.

This leads to the `not in list´ event. In almost all cases, the
editing will end with a search string that is not as such “in the
list”. However, if a single hotel has been identified, it makes
sense to automatically select that record. As a matter of fact, the
first hotel in the list could be selected whenever the user tabs
out of the control.

A Timer Form

Perhaps this would warrant a distinct article. Each form has a

timer event, triggered when the timer interval drops to zero. If a
timer is needed, it is therefore possible to create a tiny form for

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

the sole purpose of counting down some interval, and to trap its
timer event. This is of course a bit of an overkill — opening an
entire form just for a timer — but since Visual Basic isn't itself
multi-threaded, this is the only option. The form really only
needs a module (for easy instantiation) and an active timer

Another form's class module using the timer form could look like

Option Explicit

Dim WithEvents Timer As Form

Private Sub cmdTimer_Click()

Set Timer = New Form_zsfrmTimer
Timer.TimerInterval = 1000
End Sub

Private Sub Timer_Timer()

MsgBox "Time out!"
Set Timer = Nothing
End Sub

Open in new window

The command button creates a new (hidden) instance of the

timer form, called zsfrmTimer, and sets its timer interval to one
thousand milliseconds. A second later, provided the button
wasn't clicked again, the timer event is triggered.

When the first keystroke occurs in the combo box, a timer form
is instantiated. At each keystroke, the timer interval is reset. If
the timer runs out, the event is used to filter the combo box.

The mechanism is quite simple, and can be used whenever a

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

timer is needed. On a given form, the form's own timer is of

course the best choice, but the aim here was to leave the main
form's timer untouched, so that the same implementation of the
search combo could be used on all forms of the entire
application without special adjustments.

Should several features use the timer form, they would not enter
in conflict, as each module creates its own instance(s), with
independent timers.

Search String Syntax

For Internet search engines, a special syntax has been

developed, with quotes, plus and minus signs, and parentheses.
This syntax is now relatively well known, and a search box with
a commit button could implement something similar. However,
when searching “on the fly”, the search syntax should be
extremely simple. In the present example, it's not entirely trivial,
but quite.

The text is split into words, separated by spaces, and each word
is treated as a distinct search criteria. All keywords need to exist
in the hotel name, but not necessarily in the order give. This is
useful if the user first types “parc” and then, seeing the results,
adds another keyword as in “parc grand” to locate one of the
“Grand Hotel du Parc”. The search string “grand -parc” would be
interpreted literally, and would not mean “all grand hotels
excluding the parc hotels”.

The comma is used as separator to switch to another search

field, or rather search fields. Everything after the first comma is
used as a single keyword matched against the city. This makes
sense in this particular scenario — the user will always enter the
first letters of a city — but in other cases the search could

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continue with keywords.

For use in a combo box, I strongly advise against anything more

complex. One reason is that the syntax should support copy-
and-paste from another source. If the string “Hôtel de la Paix,
Gingins” is a possible value of the combo, that same string
should be usable in a search as well — and return that exact
hotel. This is also why the city name is appended with a comma:
it makes the search syntax quite obvious in addition to providing
copy-paste support.

One final special case is handled. Switzerland uses two-letter

codes for its states. When the second string is exactly two
characters long and corresponds to a state abbreviation, the
state field is used instead of the city field. So “ge” is not used as
“ge*” and matched against all cities, but instead as “GE”, finding
all the hotels in the state of Geneva (which is different from the
city of Geneva).

I made the syntax as rich as possible, to show the limits of the

method, but it is still relatively simple.

Implementing the Search Combo

After this lengthy introduction, let's look at some actual code. In

order to implement the exact same search in many different
forms, a class module is created, which will be instantiated
when needed. The call from each form is simply this:

Option Explicit

Dim ComboHotel As New claComboHotel

Private Sub Form_Load()

ComboHotel.Init cboHotel

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

End Sub

Open in new window

This means that, in order to add such a combo to a new form,

it's sufficient to copy it from another form and to add two lines to
the form's module. This makes it very easy to create a
consistent interface throughout the application.

The ComboBox

Before it can be copied from form to form, it needs to be

created. In this case, it will have five columns:

a hidden ID column (the number of the hotel),

the first non-hidden column combining the name with the city,

the name of the establishment alone,

the name of the city,

the two-letter state abbreviation.

However, it doesn't need to have a row source: that is provided

by the class module.

Const cstrSelect _
= " SELECT ID," _
& " Chr(9)+Establishment & ', '+City AS
Display," _
& " Establishment," _
& " City," _
& " State" _
& " FROM Hotels"
Const cstrOrderBy _
= " ORDER BY City, Establishment, ID"

Private Sub ResetRowSource(Optional Criteria)

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If IsMissing(Criteria) Then Criteria =

mcboAny.RowSource = cstrSelect & " WHERE " +
Criteria & cstrOrderBy
mfDirty = True
End Sub

Open in new window

The only surprise here is the Chr(9) in front of the first visible
column. This is the internal code for the Tab character, which
cannot be entered in any field in Access. Although this character
is not visible, it completely shuts down the auto-complete
feature. When the user types “royal”, it will not match the “Royal
Manotel, Genève”, because of the missing leading tab

Notice also that the standard sort order isn't alphabetic. In this
instance, it's more useful to sort on the city than on the hotel
name alone. After entering the keyword “jeune” (for youth
hostels), the city becomes the key column.

Initialization of the Combo

The call to the Init method from the form allows the class
module to trap all needed events.

Public Sub Init( _

Combo As ComboBox, _
Optional Criteria = Null)

Debug.Assert Combo.OnChange = "[Event

Debug.Assert Combo.OnEnter = "[Event
Debug.Assert Combo.OnExit = "[Event Procedure]"

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Debug.Assert Combo.OnNotInList = "[Event


Set mcboAny = Combo

mvarCriteria = Criteria

End Sub

Open in new window

The Debug lines are useful at design time; they will stop
execution if the combo box doesn't trigger the four events
needed. As can be seen in the form module above, the events
do not need to be handled by the form (unless this is needed for
some other purpose), but they must be active.

An optional criteria can be used at initialization, for example if

only some hotels should be selectable on that particular form
(only active hotels, only hotels for which a contract exists, etc).
This criteria is a top-level filter for that particular instance.

Combo Events

The basic events are entering, exiting, and changing the


Private Sub mcboAny_Change()

If mfrmClock Is Nothing Then Set mfrmClock =
New Form_zsfrmTimer
mfrmClock.TimerInterval = 300
End Sub

Private Sub mcboAny_Enter()

If mcboAny.ListCount Then Else
End Sub

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Private Sub mcboAny_Exit(Cancel As Integer)

Set mfrmClock = Nothing
If mfDirty Then ResetRowSource: mfDirty = False
mvarLast = Null
End Sub

Open in new window

As explained above, the `change´ event doesn't requery the

combo box. Instead, it resets a timer to 0.3 seconds. When that
time elapses without user input, the requery is triggered. Note
that the timer form is created only once and recycled for the
entire editing session. The `exit´ event is a clean-up routine,
releasing the timer form and resetting the combo box to it's
unfiltered state.

The `enter´ event contains a simple yet efficient hack: it

accesses the combo's list count. As a side effect, this forces
Access to actually populate the list. This makes the scroll bar
much more friendly and immediately usable to scroll through all
records (instead of only the first batch of retrieved records). This
makes sense in this demo, but not necessarily if the list is large.

Since auto-complete has been shut down, the `not in list´ event
should handle the exit from the combo in a graceful manner. If
the user ends the session with a mouse or arrow key selection
of a hotel, then a hotel has been selected. If not, the event
performs the selection.

Private Sub mcboAny_NotInList(NewData As String,

Response As Integer)

If mfrmClock.TimerInterval Then mfrmClock_Timer

With mcboAny

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

If .ListCount = 0 Then
.RowSource = "SELECT Null, Null, '***
no match ***'"
Response = acDataErrContinue
mfDirty = True
.RowSource = "SELECT " & .ItemData(0) &
", '" & NewData & "'"
Response = acDataErrAdded
mfDirty = True
End If
End With
mvarLast = "*"

End Sub

Open in new window

The core of the function simply selects the first item from the list.
If no items were found, the combo is used as a message box,
and shows “no match”. The code can easily be modified to
handle the case where more than one item is in the list. Instead
of just taking the first one, the function could force the user to
make a selection among them, with or without displaying an
error message. This is elaborated in the demo database.

Line 3 is a sanity check for really fast typists. If this event is

triggered before the combo box was even refreshed, the list
would not correspond to the current search criteria. In that case,
and that case only, the normal time-out of 0.3 seconds is
skipped and the combo is updated without delay. If a user has
discovered that the letters “tik” uniquely select a given hotel, he

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or she will not wait for the list refresh and tab out immediately...

The Search Itself

This is the most complex, yet probably the least useful code
sample, as it depends totally on the present data and on the
arbitrary search syntax created for it. However, a few essential
programming techniques are worth explaining.

Private Sub mfrmClock_Timer()

Static sfBusy As Boolean

Dim strCols() As String
Dim strWords() As String
Dim varW As Variant
Dim varWhere As Variant

On Error GoTo Done:

Do While sfBusy: DoEvents: Loop

sfBusy = True

mfrmClock.TimerInterval = 0
If mcboAny.ListIndex >= 0 Then GoTo Done
mfDirty = True

varWhere = "(" + mvarCriteria + ")"

strCols = Split(mcboAny.Text, ",")

If UBound(strCols) >= 0 Then
strWords = Split(strCols(0), " ")
For Each varW In strWords
If Len(varW) Then _
varWhere = varWhere + " And " _

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

& "Establishment Like '*" +

Swiss(varW) + "*'"
Next varW
End If

If UBound(strCols) >= 1 Then

varW = Trim(strCols(1))
If IsStateCode(varW) Then
varWhere = varWhere + " And " _
& "State='" & varW & "'"
ElseIf Len(varW) Then
varWhere = varWhere + " And " _
& "City Like '" + Swiss(varW) +
End If
End If

If mfrmClock.TimerInterval Then GoTo Done

If Nz(varWhere) <> Nz(mvarLast) Then

ResetRowSource varWhere
If mcboAny.ListCount Then Else
mvarLast = varWhere
End If

sfBusy = False

End Sub

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Open in new window

The core of the function splits the search criteria at the comma,
and further splits the first part at every space. Lines 20-28 build
the criteria against the hotel name, and lines 30-39 against
either the state field or against the city field. The boolean
function IsStateCode() performs a simple lookup of any two-
character search string in the appropriate table.

Line 11 is called a semaphore. This technique is essential for

any code that could potentially be reentrant, meaning in this
case that it could get called again before it has finished running.
For VBA, this is perhaps a very slight risk, but it's bad practice to
disregard it entirely. Similarly, after creating the criteria for the
requery, line XX checks whether a new timer has been set
(meaning an additional character was entered). If that is the
case, the current filter is already obsolete and should be
discarded. Finally, line 52 clears the semaphore and the next
timer event can be processed.

The Ô in Hôtel

A final refinement is needed, namely the treatment of accented

characters. Since the sample data is a list of hotel names, the
fact that some, but not all, are written with an “ô” cannot be
ignored. Creating accent insensitive searches in Access isn't a
simple topic, but since the application is limited to Swiss hotels,
there are only five languages to consider, with only a handful of

Function Swiss(ByVal pstrText As String) As String

pstrText = Replace(pstrText, "a", "[aàäâ]")
pstrText = Replace(pstrText, "e", "[eéèêë]")
pstrText = Replace(pstrText, "i", "[iî]")
pstrText = Replace(pstrText, "o", "[oöô]")

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

pstrText = Replace(pstrText, "u", "[uüû]")

pstrText = Replace(pstrText, "c", "[cç]")
Swiss = pstrText
End Function

Open in new window

The function simply replaces a few characters, including “o”, by

a pattern for the Like operator listing all possible variants, e.g.
“[oöô]”. This way, the user can type “hotel” for “Hôtel” and
“zurich” for “Zürich” without harm.


As stated in the introduction, “on the fly” searching is only

comfortable if the search itself is nearly instantaneous, or at
least under the 0.5 seconds threshold. Searching through a few
hundred records doesn't require any optimization, but for serious
data a specific data structure might be needed to achieve a
sufficiently low response time.

Still, even with a decent efficiency, it is rarely possible to requery

forcibly between every keystroke. Formally, the search should
occur in a separate process, using the time between keystrokes
to narrow down and refine the search. This is not possible within
Access, so the solution suggested here is to use a short timer.

1) Each keystroke resets a form timer, and doesn't requery

automatically. A fast typist can enter the entire search string
without any interruption.

2) When the timer runs out, the search string is analysed. A

string like “grand parc,vs” is split at the comma and each part is
treated separately. The first portion is assumed to contain
keywords, and yields the following criteria:

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Establishment Like '*p[aàäâ]r[cç]*' And Establishment Like


3) The second part, being two characters long, is matched

against the list of state codes. If that fails, the letters are
assumed to be the first letters (and not any letters) of the city
name. Since “VS” is the code for Valais, the criteria is:

4) The row source is rewritten, which forces a requery. As a side

effect, the drop-down portion collapses, so the code
automatically re-opens it. The requery cannot be interrupted and
it can be lengthy. For that reason, all possible precautions are
taken to avoid any unnecessary requery operations, for example
when the user types a space or a comma, which doesn't (yet)
change the current criteria.

5) Since auto-complete is deactivated, the `not in list´ event is

trapped in order to simulate — if not visually at least functionally
— the automatic selection of the first item in the list.

This list is more or less a repetition of the second section of the

article, but from another point of view, namely how the various
requirements have been met.

The very first code sample of the “Implementation” section

showed that only two lines of code need to be added for every
new combo box with the same purpose. The entire code is
encapsulated into a single class module, achieving perfect

It should be relatively easy to transform the module for another

application. The first step would probably be to determine the
exact search syntax needed. It need not be as elaborate as the
present example, which searches in three different fields based
on rather tenuous clues in the search string. The second is to
determine the columns and row source of the combo box, and to

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copy the corresponding SQL query to the class module; the few
places where field names are used must also be updated,
naturally. Finally, the search syntax must be implemented in
order to produce a valid criteria for any search string.

Search Optimization

This article is about the user interface of a dynamic search

combo. However, I feel I cannot leave the topic of search
optimization totally out.

The criteria for a state can be easily optimized by the engine,

and an index on that field can greatly improve the response
time. It is a direct comparison operation:

The assumption for a city search is that the first characters were

Again, the index can be used, even when the search pattern
starts with a set. However, the keywords for the hotel names
can be found anywhere. This requires a leading wildcard, as in:

Establishment Like '*b[aàäâ][iî]ns*'

This forces the database engine to physically read every name

from disk (or over the network) and to match it against the
pattern. This operation cannot be optimized, and no index can
help to perform the operation any faster.

However, users will almost always type the first letters of a word.
So if another linked table exists with the distinct words used in
every hotel name, then that table could be used in the criteria as
a subquery.

ID In (Select ID From Words Where Word Like 'b[aàäâ][iî]ns*')

The leading wildcard is gone, and the index can come back into
play. The engine will lookup the ID numbers of hotels containing

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the word “bains” (or starting like that), and never even open the
other records. What's more, database engines are optimized to
handle multiple joins as criteria and the resulting execution
speed is astonishing, even on large tables when combining
several of these criteria.

This isn't enough information to create a search based on full-

word indexing, but I felt it was important to at least mention it.
Without this sort of technology, search engines would run for
days before they could show you the first ten pages matching a
search string!

The Demo File

The attached database contains the class module described in

the previous sections and four forms. The code is heavily
commented and enhanced in that three variables control the
behaviour of the search.

OnTheFly toggles between “on the fly” or “search on commit”. I

have used “search on commit” combo boxes for some time, and
it is appropriate even for relatively slow searches (but under two

TimeOut is simply the delay between the last keystroke and the
search. I settled on 0.3 seconds, but feel free to experiment.

AutoSelect handles what happens if the user tabs out of the

combo and several items match the search string.

I had first considered writing two distinct articles, the first being
titles “using a combo box as search box” (basically with
OnTheFly turned off), but the code base is so similar that
making it an option is largely preferable. If your application
already has a user option dialogue, it is easy to add the option
to enable or disable “on the fly” searching.

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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

If you want to remove the option completely, delete the first two
variables described above and the object variable mfrmClock.
Then basically delete the lines that no longer compile; also, the
timer form is no longer needed.

Finally, this is only the demonstration of a technique, using a

specific data set and an ad hoc search syntax. The code is not
expected to work with any other data source and significant
development is needed to modify this sample for another
application, notably in rewriting the routine PerformSearch
almost from scratch.



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Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Performing searches “on the fly” isn't something you need in

every database. It is relatively complicated to set up, and it
should definitely serve a distinct purpose for the user. In most
cases, it's better to wait for the user to press the Enter (or Tab)
key before performing the search, although a combo box can be
used to display those results.

The application where I implemented this feature is used by a

very small company, and I have access to every computer,
meaning here the slowest ones, to test it. I probably wouldn't
have done this if I had less control over the benchmarking. I
don't like sluggish applications or unresponsive controls, and I
don't expect users to like them either. Unless you have direct
contact will your users, make the feature optional, as explained
in the demo database.

However, I have used with success combo boxes as search

boxes — the “on commit” version — in several situations,
including running stored procedures from a back-end database
engine. I have hinted to that possibility at the end of the article
The Smart Combo, and had planned a follow-up article.

A week ago, DatabaseMX has asked me about techniques

relative to “on the fly” searching. I decided to answer in the form
of an article and, while writing it and developing the demo
database, I realized that my planned article was no longer
necessary. My previous search combo boxes are identical to
those presented here, only without the additional “search while
you type” feature...

I hope you found this useful, as starting point for your own
search boxes, as demonstration of dynamic searches with a
custom search syntax, or as inspiration for other “smart combo”

22 of 23 5/26/2022, 2:13 PM
Search (While You Type) in a ComboBox about:reader?

Markus G Fischer

This article is part of the EE-book unrestricted Access.

23 of 23 5/26/2022, 2:13 PM

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