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Lecture Of Academic : Dr.Suharsono, MN.

Class: Arimbi 1
Write By:
1. Fadilla Navisha Izha Mazzandarani P1337420522007
2. Tarisa Tria Agustin P1337420522012
3. Nadia Fadhila P1337420522028
4. Gita Della Agustina P1337420522054
5. Naswa Salsabila P1337420522056



Tuberculosis is an airborne infection contaminated with the bacterium
Mycobacterium tuberculosis attacks the lungs and can attack other parts of the body (Suryani,
Widianti, Hernawati & Sriati, 2016). Bacteria can enter through the respiratory system,
digestion and open wounds on the skin. But mostly through inhalation of droplets originating
from tuberculosis sufferers (Nurarif & Kusuma, 2015, p. 209; Arisgraha, Widiyanti & Apsari,
There are some steps about therapeutic communication:

a. Pra-interaction
The nurse reads the patient's identity information from the medical record and
prepares action and mental equipment and competencies before meeting with the
patient. So the nurse at this stage is indirectly acquainted with the patient.

b. Orientation
The introduction stage is carried out by the nurse when she first meets a patient.
The goal of the nurse at this stage is to foster mutual trust with the patient.
Nurse : "Good morning miss". (smile)
Patient : "Yes, good morning".
Nurse : "Introducing me, nurse Tarisa, I am in charge of caring for Ms. Rina
today." (smiles at the patient)
Patient : "Okay sus" (smiles at the nurse)
Nurse: "With Ms. Rina Ningsih, right?"
Patient : "Yes sus true, that's me"
Explain purpose
Nurse: "How is Ma'am now?"
Patient: "It's much better sus"
Nurse: "Miss, tell me the complaints you are feeling right now."
Patient: "Now I feel better, but my breathing is still a little heavy."
Nurse: "What efforts have been made miss?"
Patient: "Yes, just taking the medicine that is provided regularly, and using
oxygen assistive devices is sus."
Nurse: "All right, it means you have a complaint on your breath, Miss."
Patient : "Yes sus."
Nurse: "Miss, I will check the progress of your condition so that I know more in
detail about the results of your development, and what your complaints are."
Patient: "Yes, how long will it take?"
Nurse: "Not long sis, only 10 minutes."
Family: "Please sus"
Nurse: "Just sleep, sis, so you can also be comfortable and not tired."
Patient : "Okay sus."
Sign and symptom
The nurse do some medical checking, contains of asking how the patient
condition, feels, and  checking patient vital sign. 

Signs and symptoms

I feel an unwell feeling limp and sweaty at night.
The symptoms that I feel are a cough that has lasted for more than 3
weeks, my cough is accompanied by phlegm and blood, and my chest
hurts when I breathe or cough.

c. Giving Advice 
1. I suggest you to keeping the house clean by ensuring that the house has good
air circulation
2. My suggestion is always cover your mouth or wear a mask when talking,
sneezing, laughing, and coughing
3. You should take regular medication for 6 months in a row
4. If you ask my advice, you should not spit or phlegm carelessly
5. It's better for you don't sleep in the same room with other people
6. You must rest and sleep enough
7. The best way to increase endurance is to consume balanced nutrition
8. You must not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages
9. I'd like to suggest you that exercise regularly
10. You are prohibited from getting used to using personal items or tools together
11. I want to advise you that don't forget to eat foods that contain lots of
carbohydrates and high levels of protein
12. You should avoid cold air
13. My advice is to dry mattresses, pillows, and beds, especially in the morning
14. If I were you I would follow all the doctor's instructions
15. I suggest that you increase your faith and get close to God

d. Termination
nurse: "okay miss, is there anything else you want to say?"
patient: "i don't think so"
nurse: "do you have any questions, miss?"
patient: "nothing nurse"
nurse: "okay, then you should remember the advice that i've been told to you"
patient: "yes nurse"
nurse: "i will go back to the nurse's room, if you want to ask for help just go to
the nurse's room or press the bell button behind your bed."
patient: "sure nurse, thank you"
nurse: "you're welcome"

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