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The History

of The 31st of November is a

Halloween religious ([rɪ'lɪʤəs]
религиозный) holiday known as All
Saints’ Day. The evening before became
known as Halloween. Many centuries
(['senʧərɪ] век) ago Celts ([kelts] кельты)
celebrated (праздновали) Halloween in
Ireland and Scotland. They believed (верили) that evil spirits (злые
духи) visited the earth on the 31st of October at night before All Holy
Ones' Day. Celts were afraid (боялись) of witches and dressed up
costumes to frighten (испугать) evil spirits. They also put food and
small presents for witches at the doors of their houses.
Today there are lots of Hallowe’en parties. People dress up as
witches, ghosts, devils, cats or bats. Houses are
decorated (украшать) with pumpkins (тыквы)
and candles inside them (внутри них). Today,
people and especially children enjoy Halloween
costume parties. They dress up as witches, vampires and ghosts.
Children in masks go from house to house and when the door opens,
they say: “Trick or treat!” If they do not get sweets, they can play a
trick on you, like splashing (плеснуть) water in your face. The classic
symbols of Halloween are horror characters:
black cats, spiders, witches and ghosts and big orange pumpkins.

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