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of the workshop when you are actually acting them out. Live in the moment.

Finding Limits You can and should discuss things before running the scenario, however, so
that once you start, you do not need to stop.
Overview –  All role playing should be done as if it were real life, if you think something
There are assumptions and culturally unspoken rules that we all follow and often you are trying to do would be better done as a meta activity, don't do it! The
these lead to tense situations or conflicts when different people have different whole point is exploring limits, pushing limits safely.
assumptions. This activity is intended to bring these things out in to the open in a  When someone says 'NO', they mean 'NO', and 'YES' they should mean
safe and productive manor so that they do not percolate into mistrust or 'YES'. If the answer is not a clear one of those, push for more details until
animosity. Finding Limits is meant as a workshop or full event that can be the answer is clear. You should try to do this without breaking from the
adapted for a range of settings, including: LARPs (Live Action Role Playing scenario because, unless you are explicitly playing a role other than your
Games), teambuilding, acting classes, single mingling, new employee own, the whole point of the workshop is to see how you would like to
orientation, or social soft skills teaching. The objective is to learn to feel respond in case such a thing happens in real life.
comfortable saying no to requests, saying yes to requests, and asking for socially  You should NEVER try to hurt or injure someone else. The objective is to
risky or awkward requests without cringing, feeling shame, or regretting things help others and bring passion and joy. Yes, some of the scenarios may be
and not feeling offended when someone asks you something you do not want to about thorny topics, but the people playing them should be trying to work
do. It can take a while (several hours to several days) if there are more than a together to push through the brambles and into the clearing that is a shared
few people; the objective is to really learn how people feel about each other, to understanding.
get over the awkward towards a shared understanding. If it is just done as a  Many of the scenarios will probably involve physical interaction. While
short workshop that takes only a few minutes, this is not enough time to physical interaction is crucial for a person's wellbeing; there is the risk of
feel accustomed to interacting with the other people and could actually passing on harmful viruses or bacteria. Many germs can be minimized by
have negative outcomes that leave people with biases lasting long after thoroughly washing your hands (and the rest of your body) but be sure that
the workshop is over! you know you do not have Covid-19 or other transmittable disease (by
getting tested and knowing who you have been in contact with) before you
General workshop procedures – start playing. This game is best done with people you are going to be close
with for a while, regardless of whether you are playing.
The general way the workshop goes is fairly simple. Split people into pairs, if there
 One more time: the whole point is to be able to say yes and no and really
are an odd number of people, have one group of three. For each pair or group, take
mean it. Some of the scenarios should be things that are incredibly taboo,
turns asking questions like "If we were XYZ in XYZ place, would you want to do
like sexuality or body functions. Therefore it is important that people are
XYZ activity?" or "Do you want to do XYZ together?" or "Can I do XYZ to you" or
honest and accepting. DO NOT RUN A SCENARIO UNLESS
"Can you do XYZ to me". The responses should be yes, no, or "yes in X contexts, no
in Y contexts" where X and Y are specific ways that the person would or would not
scenarios that both people really want to play, but feel ashamed to. These
want to have the scenario carried out. Then, if the answer was yes, roleplay the
are the boundaries we are trying to break.
scenario, if it was no, move on to another one. Take turns playing out scenarios
until the scenario quota is reached (see Rules below). Then switch up and pair with
someone else in the larger group. Topics and Ideas to Try and
General Rules – Power dynamics, Pet peeves, Love, Bathroom use,
 You should do a minimum of 12 'yes' scenarios (with or without qualifying Lust, Work habits, Social faux pas, Sexuality, Anger
modifications) and have turned down a minimum of 12 'no' scenarios.
Probably you will have more than 12 of one before you reach the quota for
the other.
 While roleplaying, although you are acting as yourself with your own ©2020 – Aaron E-J
personality and your own likes and dislikes, (unless you are doing it in the
context of an acting class) do not introduce personal topics outside the scope

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