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Prepare for the Great Reset

What CSRQ-SM will mean for your life and

the future
CSRQ-SM (Social Management) Software is the program that will be used
worldwide by select governmental and banking institutions when the
financial reset occurs.

Social scores will soon be as common as

credit scores

The financial reset will be a complete restructuring of the current system,

eliminating all existing fiat currencies overnight. The CSRQ-SM software
will intercept all banking transactions, all credit and debit card
transactions, and all known financial transactions over a period of 3 to 5
days once the system is activated.

A worldwide monitoring network is being

implemented to scan and update end-user
accounts based on social behaviour

The currency planned to be used is known as USDR. For those with a

Japanese bank account, for example, their Yen will be converted to USDR
overnight. Nearly all countries on Earth will use the new system. The
software is designed to process all financial transactions centrally, and
issue social credit scores for all users.

People will share their social score status

online and compare them to each other.
This will be encouraged by the media and

When the conversion takes place, you will see new information when you
login to your bank account, including screens indicating your social credit
score. The score will operate on a scale of 1 to 1000, with 1000 being the
highest score achievable, and 1 being the lowest.

No bank account shall contain more than $1000 in USDR at any time for
Class C accounts (which includes 99% of the world). Class C accounts will
receive $1000 USDR once at the beginning of each month.

Separate accounts, known as Class S accounts, are reserved for

government leaders and the highest echelons of the rich and elites of the
world. Class S accounts can contain unlimited USDR funds and have
additional privileges.

To gain social score points, people will be

encouraged to get vaccinated and engaged
in other activities

Everyone must immediately comply with the new system. Those who
resist, those who protest or complain online, will receive immediate fines
and deductions to their score and account.

It is expected in the first month about 20% of the human population will
have their accounts reduced to nearly zero due to “bad behaviour”, but
that by the second month, this behaviour will be “corrected.”

According to the documentation for the software, once people realize

they can’t have more than $1000, and can easily lose it with unapproved
behaviour, they will change their behaviour and comply. Click here to
learn more about the CSRQ-SM class system.


Oculum Labs, founded by Bill Sweet, is focused on 23 Phung Khac St, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
finding pathways and solutions to navigate the
coming Great & Financial Reset.

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