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Prepare for the Great Reset

Interview with Gideon – Part 2

Part 2 of 5 (additional parts will be posted soon and announced on the We

Are Sovereign Telegram)

Below are questions and responses shared on Telegram between Bill

Sweet and Gideon over the past year.

If you would prefer to LISTEN to the following be read by someone, here

is Alaska Prepper’s video of Part 2.

Gideon answers questions about the Financial Reset and the social credit
software that will be used known as CSRQ-SM (Part 1 is posted here,
videos of Gideon have been posted here and more of his story is posted

*These questions and answers were compiled and edited from messages
sent between January thru July of 2022. USDR discussed below has nothing
to do with any existing USDR tokens; SDR and XDR terms were also seen
within documentation by the hackers. Please see this disclaimer we have
posted about cryptocurrency.

Warning: The following may be distressing to some readers. Please prepare

yourself mentally and emotionally for what is to follow.

Bill: Can you describe what’s going to happen when this Financial
Reset happens?

Gideon: “The transition will happen over a few days during a period of
collapse. You login one day to your bank account, you see you have $708
U.S. Dollars. Right? It doesn’t buy much, because milk is $50, gas is $40 a
gallon and your rent just went up double digits.

Then the next day you login and you have this thing called USDR in your
account, a new section for your social score, you say, ‘What’s that?’ and you
see you have $1,000. You go outside and down the street, you see gas prices
are now set to $1 per gallon. You go in the store and milk is $2. The world
has changed.

You go online and you go to your prepper group and you say, ‘This is
Communism, we have to fight this!’ and within seconds, $25 is deducted
from your bank account and you receive a notice about your online
behaviour, with helpful articles on how to correct it and avoid future fines.“

Bill: Ok, but a lot of people will be anonymous, won’t they? Prepper
groups are pretty smart about that, so how will the bank know you
said that?

Gideon: “If you’re paying any attention at all, know a lot of VPN companies
are merging. They’re going to make sure when this happens, only a couple
are left and they are all keeping logs. So they will have direct access to your
real IP. They’re also going to do a lot of things in terms of restructuring the
Internet while this collapse happens, so on the other side of it, it’s a lot less

This also circles back to their AI systems that can link writing styles to
personal profiles. Since they have years and years of your real data online,
they can see you typing anonymously, too. Virtually no person has used the
Internet 100% anonymously in their lifetimes, so there are writing samples
always connected to you. The AI can then find you writing somewhere under
an anonymous account, based on your unique style, almost like a
fingerprint. It can be fooled, but you have be aware this technology exists.
Does anyone talk about this? No. They’re not aware.

This is why deleting your social and personal data within CSRQ-SM is so

Bill, since you and I, and your team are now Sovereigns, we can take a
breath and relax a little. What my guys do is replace our old profiles with a
ton of writing samples of a random Democrat or liberal, maybe their Reddit
comments over the years, and make some random changes. Now that’s us.
That’s our writing sample.

You and I writing or talking now won’t be linked to it, because we’re not
writing anything like that spoofed sample. Now that doesn’t mean we
shouldn’t use precautions, we do, of course. Having Michael edit all this is
key, he comes in and cleans it up.“

Bill: Ok, ok, stop. Hold on. I know a lot of this, but if we’re going to
put this in article form at some point, let’s slow down. People
reading are going to get confused. Let’s go step by step on this
writing sample stuff.

Gideon: “So, for those reading the article, Bill, and myself, and a few others
involved, we have all had our data deleted and we’ve all been moved into
Sovereign status, as of this moment.

The system thinks we’re a bunch of Democrats who got vaccinated. That’s
the data my guys put in and spoofed so the system thinks that’s who we are.
The system loves us.

If we write freely as ourselves now, bashing the Reset and speaking our
minds, it doesn’t matter. The AI can’t link us to our Sovereign account, yet. It
can’t link us to our old, real data, because that’s deleted.

After the Reset, if we keep talking the same way as we are right now, then it
can! It will look back and see our old writings and it will say, ‘These
Sovereigns over here sound just like these people complaining about the
Reset on Oculum Labs.’ Then they got us.

We avoid that by adjusting our writing style after the Reset. In this case,
we’ve made changes before the Reset, so that we can go back to our natural
writing styles after it. We won’t say anything that will flag us after the Reset,
of course, but we can at least be ourselves again.

Did I wrap it up better?“

Bill: Yes, thanks. I just felt it’s got to be explained because it’s a
bunch of concepts wrapped together.

Gideon: “Sure, it’s a lot.”

Bill: For people right now, who are Restricted or Quarantined, you’re
saying they don’t need to do anything now in terms of their writing

Gideon: “Well, it won’t matter. They’re already in a bad class. I guess if you
think you’re Restricted and don’t want to go into Quarantined, you could
hold your tongue? It just doesn’t matter, though, it doesn’t. At the end of the
day, you’re already in their system and they know your political views.

After the Reset, though, this is where it’s different, if you try to go online and
be anonymous, this is where you run into problems. It will be much harder
to be anonymous, and their AI writing tech will be able to catch you. It will be
able to link you to your identity. You can throw out the idea you can
coordinate anonymously after the Reset, unless your technical skills are at
an NSA-level.

That’s why I’m saying, if this Reset goes through, they have all the bases
covered, Bill. All these groups will get online after it happens, under fake or
anonymous accounts, maybe using VPNs or maybe not, and to their surprise
and shock, they will get caught instantaneously.”

Bill: You’re right, it won’t be as easy as it is now.

Gideon: “It’s not really easy now, either. They’re still tracking people because
of their unique writing styles. A lot more people are going online with
anonymous accounts now, but it doesn’t matter. How you wrote when you
weren’t anonymous is the same as how you write when you are, and the AI
can catch it.”

Bill: This is tough to hear but I know you’re right. Anyway, continue
your thought. You were describing what happens right when the
Reset happens.

Gideon: “Yes, anyway. Welcome to your new world. This is life now. You have
USDR. Prices are lower. You’re broke but you have enough to survive on.
You’re not happy about it, because you know it’s slavery.

What can you do? You can complain, protest, drain your USDR account to
zero, and in the process, lose friends and family, who, by their association
with you are having their social score impacted, it’s going down for them. See
how that works, Bill? Think about it.“

Bill: It’s total control. Families against families. Like vaccinated

versus the non-vaccinated but ten times worse.

Gideon: “Yes. This is ultimate control. It will turn your closest friend against
you. If your beliefs do not align with the new system and you express them,
you not only get fined and lose the little USDR they give you, you are going to
impact the social scores of those around you. They will quickly disassociate
with you.

Small groups will form, people who are against it. Their algorithms show
within one month, most of these people will start complying. The hold-outs
will be few and far between. The preppers will realize how difficult it is to
completely divest themselves, so some will start complying. But they will all
have to get vaccinated!

Others will not comply, they will stubbornly resist and try to survive without
USDR. They will get their power turned off, water and sewer by the city, if
they aren’t completely off-grid, because their social score is now about 0 and
they are all now Quarantined class, if they weren’t already.

They will get visits from the local police, then it will go up higher, the national
guard will pay a visit for a ‘check up’. These visits won’t typically be hostile,
because these are locals, they will be instructed not to be aggressive. There
will be a lot of back and forth, ‘Please sign this, Mr. Brown, please agree to a
search, Mr. Brown.’ This goes on, and with no progress, it gets escalated, the
same way I use that term for this online stuff, they use the same system for

Now with escalation, a military group shows up, or the drones are brought
in. There’s no mercy. They might issue one warning over loudspeaker, and if
there’s no quick compliance, there’s neutralization.

They will use gas or darts not to kill, but to render you unconscious, then the
drone will inject the vaccine.

They’ll leave. Now you’re vaccinated with the hydra parasite and nano tech.
They believe your behaviour will change, then you will begin to comply
because of the vaccine within you, but it doesn’t in everyone. The ones it
doesn’t are the ones who finally get marked for either elimination or
placement in a camp.

Keep in mind, if a single round from a single firearm is discharged at a police

officer, national guard personnel or a drone, the protocol is immediate
elimination by all means necessary, whether deadly poison gas, darts, lasers
and finally, they will use DEWs, missiles, mortars or high impact munitions to
blow an entire house to bits.

If a patriot is planing to use their firearms, they won’t get more than a few
rounds off.“

Bill: When I spend time in my prepper groups, the consensus is that

we’re going to fight and not back down. Does this cabal realize we
will never submit to this?

Gideon: “They have deployed the most advanced computer AI programs to

analyze this issue, they have teams of trained analysts, and of course, entire
armies of paid agents and disinfo shills working non-stop to infiltrate these
groups. So it’s an issue they are very focused on, one they believe they have
control over.

This is not considering the technology they have which can be deployed. The
biggest advancements are in drone and robotics technology, which are not
being shown to the public.“

Bill: What kind of technology, exactly?

Gideon: “The military has bee-sized drones and they have extremely robust
and fast drones that you would say are the size of a raven or bird. These are
equipped with a variety of weapons, whether it be sound weapons, gas or
chemical, or laser. They also deliver vaccines.

Now, Bill, I want you to take in your mind the idea of one of these and then
multiple it by 200 or 500. Now imagine a swarm of these that size
descending upon your homestead. A gun will offer zero protection. The
drones can perform dynamic maneuvers. They can block off a home, they
can drill holes in a home, they can disperse gasses into a home, they can fire
lasers or small projectiles. There’s no need for a group of military guys with
AR-15s and a Humvee to perform these extractions.”

Bill: That’s frightening as hell. So there is no defense? There has to

be something that can stop them.

Gideon: “I don’t see what. The technology is too powerful. Maybe you could
make a homemade EMP device that might disable the drones. If you do that,
they’ll just launch some missiles at your house and vaporize an area the size
of a city block and the only thing left will be a fifty foot wide crater.

I’m not exaggerating. My guys saw the documents that describe this. It’s not
explicit. It’s in legalese. But it’s effectively authorization to eliminate hold-
outs by any means necessary.“

Bill: Who is going to go along with this? The American military won’t
do this.

Gideon: “They will. For many reasons. The top leadership of the U.S. military
is completely corrupt, I would go so far as to say, mind-controlled and
certainly blackmailed. The non-vaccinated service people are being purged
and won’t be in the military much longer. They are the ones who will not fire
on Americans, so they will be removed. They have teams of drone operators
who fired on targets and civilians in Afghanistan for years. They are highly
skilled, and highly desensitized.

Beyond this, they have AI and computer programs that can operate the
drones with high efficiency, but these do require a small team of technicians
to oversee them. If they need Chinese military personnel, they will use them.“

Bill: Won’t patriots be able to coordinate and gather, and form

communities, and resist this? I’m still trying to think positively

Gideon: “Again, it goes back to what is feasible. We know they have plans for
this, we know they are prepared to use drone armies, so that leaves us with
few options.

Coordination and gathering together results in exposure. Going

underground is difficult, because simply coming up or out of your bunker
can be detected by the thousands of satellites above us. There are almost no
options, Bill. Even if you’re a Flat Earther, you know there’s a dome up there
and they’ve got stuff stuck to it watching us!”

Bill: True! Flat Earth or Round Earth, there’s no escape. What about
in Canada when the truckers did the protest? It didn’t seem like
they did a lot to knock them down.

Gideon: “No, they’re not deploying this now. It will be done after the
collapse. Doing it now would make no sense. It would expose the technology,
it would be talked about widely. They have no need to do that. They will
allow small insurrections.

They know what’s coming. The economic collapse renders all of this moot. It
means nothing. Every protest, all of the online chatter, all of the people who
are waking up, it means nothing, because when you pull the economic rug
out from under the 1st World, it’s over.

The people in charge of this world aren’t the slightest bit worried about
people rising up. Incredibly enough, they expect and want to see mass
protests. Klaus Schwab has openly talked about the ‘anger’ that will come.

Then they will offer their ‘solution’ to fix all of it. They want people to
experience some pain, economic pain, so they are ready to accept whatever
is offered. Very similar to letting the world be afraid of Covid for six months
or a year before a ‘vaccine’ solution was offered. This economic situation will
actually be scarier for people than Covid was, if you believed the Covid
narrative at the time.”

Bill: Ok, but what if enough people rise up we can burn their
institutions to the ground? We can have French-style Revolution.

Gideon: “People will be too weak from economic and food collapse to stage
much of a fight. The Americans have almost no fight in them at all, between
the vaccines, the poisons in their food, their chronic obesity, stolen
elections, pollution from electromagnetic devices and brainwashing from
their televisions which they worship, the threat of insurrection is minimal.

America’s election was blatantly fraudulent, and their own leader pushed a
deadly vaccine on them, and there was hardly a single protest. Americans
are completely demoralized, fractured, and hypnotized by online
distractions. Even the patriot groups lack robust coordination, most are
muddled in political arguments.

The simple fact is that it’s too late. America is not America. It is not a
Constitutional Republic. Its government does not reside in Washington D.C.,
and the powers that control it do not acknowledge or adhere to any human
laws. I can barely believe I’m saying this, but Canada may show more of a

Bill: People aren’t going to like what you just said, and I think
Americans will fight like hell. Let’s move on to another topic. How
does the Metaverse play into this?

Gideon: “It’s an extremely important part of their plans. Their long-term

vision is that human beings live in large cities, in small apartments or
cubicles, consume a bug-based diet, and spend most of their day in a virtual

They have complex social data, and they have determined they want the
large majority of people with higher intelligence to be addicted to this virtual
world. Those of lower intelligence will do the mundane work to keep the
planet running, such as manufacturing and infrastructure jobs.

This is partly why the vaccine was not heavily pushed in the 3rd World. They
do not want to kill all of these people, they seem to have other plans for

Bill: The more I look at this, the more I see how these class systems
will work. If almost everyone is Class Common, but hooked up to
this Metaverse, they won’t need much, will they?

Gideon: “It goes back to the idea of, ‘You will own nothing and be happy,’
that is their vision. The class system works under this vision.

Right now, people look outside and think, ‘This won’t change, people have
houses, cars, freedom, they won’t accept anything less than this.’ But they

When you pull back the veil and veneer of the modern civilized world, you
find degenerate behaviour, mental illness, depression, dislocation, the break
up of the family, drastically low IQs over the years, incredible problems with
substance abuse and addiction to digital devices. To transition this world
into their new vision is going to go smoother than you realize.”

Bill: Ok, what do you say to the people who say you’re just
demoralizing them with this stuff? Because if my prepper groups
read this, they’re going to say you’re just trying to bring us down.

Gideon: “I’m not, but if prepper groups are that fragile, then Bill, you can see
we’re in a bad position, can’t you? They can’t even handle reality, or a
different perspective.“

Bill: True, a lot of these people seem kind of fragile. Most are Q
people, they get defensive if you criticize Trump or suggest we’re
not going to win this.

Gideon: “Then they aren’t mentally ready for anything let alone a life or
death situation.

I’m not saying prepping is bad, I’m just communicating the reality of what I
know. I’m fully aware most people who fashion themselves as patriots are
comfortable with making a proverbial ‘last stand’ with their guns, and some
look forward to that! I’m talking about the reality of what will happen.

The country was lost long ago, and the patriot movement was co-opted long
ago, so no progress was really made to take the country back in a
meaningful way. And their leaders? Their alternative media and conservative
leaders are all corrupt, Bill, almost all are Sovereigns and not disclosing it.
We know that, I showed you all their accounts.“

Bill: True, so many are Sovereigns, filling up their accounts with tens
of millions in USDR. Mainstream conservatives. But I guess they
don’t talk about what we talking about do they?

Gideon: “No, they don’t. That’s why they are there and we’re going to get
ignored. Did anyone write you back yet?“

Bill: No, nothing, crickets! [This was before Guardians of the Looking
Glass were contacted.]

Gideon: “You will have trouble finding anyone who will touch it. Definitely no
one with a big following will. Keep it up, don’t give up, they aren’t all bad, Bill.
We just need to find the ones who aren’t Sovereign, they are the good ones.”

Bill: I won’t give up. So what do you say to those who say the
military is in charge behind the scenes?

Gideon: “If the military was really in charge, Bill, all of Congress, the FBI, the
IRS, the Fed would all be arrested. Biden would be arrested. The heads of
the vaccine companies would be arrested. By the Marines.

The military would flood into D.C. and guard everything after making the
arrests. That’s a military coup. They aren’t always a bad thing, did you know

Bill: I do know that. There have been good military coups in the
past. America could use one.

Gideon: “Yes, it could, but that’s how you know the military is corrupt or
useless. They’ve had twenty or thirty years to purge the foreign entities, but
they did nothing.“

Bill: What about Patel Patriot and Devolution? GESARA? Lots of talk
about those two things because they’re very hopeful.

Gideon: “They’re both complete nonsense. These psy ops are designed to
give people some hope that there are good actors behind the scenes, pulling
all the strings to bring about some justice. It’s not even within the remotest
glimpse of actual reality. These psy ops are for people who can’t handle
reality, so they are very attractive to those people. Their predictions also fail
time and time again, people are always waiting a few more weeks for
something and nothing happens.

Bill, you can open your eyes right now and see the Great Reset is happening.
We all can. We don’t need predictions of it. It’s happening now. That’s what’s
real. CSRQ-SM is real. Their nonsense is fiction.”

Bill: Yes it is, but you’re going to upset people with this stuff, you
know that? We want people to focus on this software and how bad
it is. Do you think your opinions will get in the way of that?

Gideon: “I think we might want to avoid opining too much in the videos we
release. I’ll avoid that. But in these discussions, I’m going to be frank. It’s
tough love. People need to hear the hard truth. We’re in a very bad position,
we’re losing, we’re behind, we barely stand a chance.”

Bill: This goes back to what we discussed about Sovereigns. We

really felt like, ok, lets take this and do something with it on the
other side. Sabotage.

Gideon: “It’s our only chance. Become Sovereign. Fight from within, after this
mess passes and they institute their new order. We can’t do anything if we
are Common, Restricted or Quarantined. We literally have zero power. Every
patriot will have zero power to do anything.”

Bill: Ok, but some people will think being Sovereign is like accepting
the Mark of the Beast. What about that?

Gideon: “For whatever reason, this cabal made the Sovereign status in
alignment with libertarian principles. It doesn’t even convey anything upon
the person, it simply has no restrictions at all. There’s no implant you have
to take, no vaccines, no oath, no pledge to Satan or Lucifer, none that we
can find. There’s this biometric ID but nowhere have we seen that a
Sovereign is required to submit a blood or DNA sample. We can just spoof
the data, and it works.

Why it’s done this way, I don’t know, but the public is not supposed to ever,
ever know about this. Ever. It is beyond top secret. They’re giving this to
themselves, while they’re giving the Mark to the public. Because the other
accounts require submission, allegiance, compliance and the vaccines.“

Bill: Well, I let you change me to Sovereign because of all that, it

made me feel better knowing that. But what if we can stop it
before this happens? Couldn’t mass awareness stop it?

Gideon: “It could. If 50 Million people see the video we are going to release, it
could. It’s an uphill battle.“

Bill: Before we move on to another topic, can you give me right now
the absolute best-case way a person can survive this, the exact
steps. What do they do?

Gideon: “You have to be as low-impact as possible. You need to be deep in

the woods, near a small water source, with some kind of shelter that is
totally obscured and looks like the surroundings. Something in a small cave
is ideal, or something buried in the ground and covered with leaves.
Absolutely nothing can be colourful or look modern or out of the natural

If you can do that and survive, you will last a while. But they do have plans
to have drones fly over these areas. They are doing a lot of testing in a lot of
places. They did some in Colorado and people saw it, the drones. It’s mostly
done in Nevada. They have fleets of drones in the size of literally millions of
the bird-sized ones, and sixty to eighty million of the bee-sized ones, those
are the numbers I know of. It’s hundreds of Billions of tax dollars given to
DARPA over 40 years, it’s the result.”

Bill: Yes, the black projects budget is huge. Let’s get into the
vaccines, since we haven’t covered that much. What is your
perspective on what they’re doing?

Gideon: “None of the vaccines have a single health benefit at all, and they
are all harmful except for saline solution and to some degree, the nano-
hydra vaccines, which aren’t supposed to kill you but they still do.

Some received a low dose, others medium, others a high dose. I would say
any dose will reduce life expectancy no matter what, though, so even if
someone got a low dose, they lost at least 10 to 20 years of their life
expectancy. And others received experimental parasites and nano
technology, part living tissue, part machine, that will be important in
integrating these people into the future Metaverse.“

Bill: How many will die from this, what are the projections? [The
U.N. recently announced the Earth’s population is nearing 8 Billion.
Gideon said this is false, and was released as disinformation, as the
population is rapidly falling.]

Gideon: “I don’t have any hard numbers. I’m sure we can make a good
guess. Billions are going to die between now and 2030. The birth rates will
drop. I don’t see us getting to 500 Million on the planet, though. By 2030, we
might be down to 2.5 Billion on the very low end, and 5 Billion on the high

Bill: So the plan is, kill a ton of people, but also inject the nano
garbage into a lot, too. Now, for all the Common, Restricted and
Quarantined classes, you’re saying they want to give them the nano
vaccines and not the deadly ones?

Gideon: “Correct. They don’t want to kill them, they want put the nano tech
into them so they can be hooked up to their Metaverse. This is part of their
delusional power-trip, to somehow convert these people who are set against
them and turn them into their own puppets or something.

Can it work? Unfortunately, it might. The vaccines with the nano tech seem
to change people, but not everyone. If somehow you avoid vaccination, now
you’re out in the woods running for your life, from drones that can zap you
dead from three hundred yards away, and you’re being tracked by Elon’s
thousands of Starlink satellites. They have us dead to rights, Bill, they do.”

Bill: Oh, God help us. That is evil, evil.

Gideon: “It is. And it’s ten times more evil than you even know. This is just
the surface of it. This why we have two chances here, inform people now of
this and get it to reach a lot of people. I don’t know how we do that, since all
of these alternative media people are Sovereigns and won’t help us and their
followers are totally brainwashed by them and worship them. Or plan B,
which is use our Sovereign status to destroy them on the other side of this.”

Please share this information so more can prepare and be aware of

what is coming. Part 3 will be posted soon.

Visit the WeAreSovereign website for links and resources. Join our
Telegram for discussion.


Oculum Labs, founded by Bill Sweet, is focused on 23 Phung Khac St, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
finding pathways and solutions to navigate the
coming Great & Financial Reset.

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