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3/7/23, 18:42 Reading: Raven and the first people: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / 2023-C-2-1799-469-ING-001 / Tema 6 / Reading: Raven and the first people

Comenzado el Sunday, 25 de June de 2023, 14:07

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Sunday, 25 de June de 2023, 14:14
Tiempo empleado 6 minutos 24 segundos
Puntos 90.00/90.00
Calificación 100.00 de 100.00 1/4
3/7/23, 18:42 Reading: Raven and the first people: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 90.00 sobre 90.00

Read the story and answer the questions.

Raven was bored. He was walking along the beach in Haida Gwai, looking for some new way to amuse himself. As he walked along the
beach, the blue ocean in front of him and the green forest behind him didn't seem interesting. Raven wanted to play, but there was no one
to play with.

Then he heard a strange sound, unlike any sound he knew. He looked up and down the beach. Where was it coming from? As he walked he
noticed a large white clamshell lying in the sand. Inside the clamshell were tiny creatures, unlike any he had seen before. 

Raven bent down to get a closer look. The creatures seemed afraid of him, so he began to coax them in a gentle voice, "Come out. Come
out. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you.” 

A few of the creatures came out of the clamshell. They were very different from Raven. They had no feathers, no wings, and no beaks. Like
him, they walked on two legs, but they had arms, faces with mouths, and black hair. They spoke to each other in a language that Raven
didn't understand. These tiny creatures were the first humans.

Raven enjoyed watching these humans play and explore the world. After a while, when he was beginning to feel bored again, he noticed
that these humans were only men. There were no women. Raven had an idea. He wondered if he could find some women. He searched for
a long time. Then he saw some *chitons. He opened one of the chitons and found some lovely, tiny women. He brought the women to the

Raven enjoyed watching the behaviour of the men and women. He saw them begin to pair off and have children. The human families
moved to other parts of the island. Since that day, many generations of humans have grown and flourished, and Raven has never been

* Chiton: a large sea shell

1. Where was Raven walking?

through the forest.

along the beach.

in the water.

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: along the beach.

2. What did Raven want to play?

He was bored.

He was excited.

He was hungry.

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: He was bored.

3. What was Raven's problem?

His friends were all working.

Raven had nothing to play with.

His friends were too busy to play.

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3/7/23, 18:42 Reading: Raven and the first people: Revisión del intento

La respuesta correcta es: Raven had nothing to play with.

4. What did Raven hear?

A baby crying.

A bird singing.

A strange sound.

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: A strange sound.

5. Where was the sound coming from?

The birds.

The sea.

A clamshell.

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: A clamshell.

6. What did Raven see in the clamshell?

baby clams.

tiny creatures.


Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: tiny creatures.

7. How did Raven get the creatures to come out of the clamshell?

He coaxed them in a gentle voice.

He sang to them.

He grabbed them and pulled them out.

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: He coaxed them in a gentle voice.

8. What idea did Raven have?

He wanted to find some women for the male creatures.

He wanted the men and women to get married.

He wanted to get married. 3/4
3/7/23, 18:42 Reading: Raven and the first people: Revisión del intento

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: He wanted to find some women for the male creatures.

9. Where did Raven find the female creatures?

in the sand.

in the seaweed.

in a chiton.

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: in a chiton.

10. Why isn't Raven bored now?

He has children of his own.

He can amuse himself by watching the behavior of men and women.

He can create humans.

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: He can amuse himself by watching the behavior of men and women.

◄ Grammar: preposition of movement

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