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9/7/23, 16:39 Grammar: "Wh" questions: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / 2023-C-2-1799-469-ING-001 / Tema 7 / Grammar: "Wh" questions

Comenzado el Tuesday, 4 de July de 2023, 14:45

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Tuesday, 4 de July de 2023, 14:46
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 12 segundos
Calificación 100.00 de 100.00

Pregunta 1


Se puntúa 100.00 sobre 100.00

Open questinos
What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

Choose the correct answer.

1. Where  are my keys?

2. What  is the problem?

3. Who  is your favorite singer?

4. When  is your birthday?

5. - How  old are you? - I'm ten years old.

6. What  is your telephone number?

7. Where  are you from?

8. Who  is your best friend?

9. What  is your e-mail?

10. - How  are you? - I'm fine, thanks. 1/2
9/7/23, 16:39 Grammar: "Wh" questions: Revisión del intento

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Grammar: "ing" forms ► 2/2

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