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is the entryway to a
Lecture 2-1

OR Cell membrane structure and function

Answer BEFORE you come to lecture
1. Describe the fluid and mosaic properties of a plasma membrane.
2. Describe the major functions of membrane proteins.
3. Define selective permeability with regard to the cell membrane.
4. Explain why osmosis is a special case of passive diffusion.
5. Explain the difference between active and passive transport.
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6. Explain how large molecules get into and out of cells.

• View the videos posted on Canvas and write your notes here:
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After this lecture you should be able to
• Explain why the membrane is not static.
• Describe the reasons why proteins are embedded in the
• Describe the most common pumps in animals and plants.
• Distinguish types of bulk transport across the cell membrane.
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Our big
picture today

What are our topics today?

1. Structure and function of the cell membrane

2. Passive and active transport across the cell membrane
3. Transport of large molecules via vesicles

The most difficult in this lecture is:
• Understanding how sodium-potassium pump, proton pump,
and cotransport work (part of topic 2)

Structure and function of
the cell membrane
Topic 1

How is the structure of the cell membrane
related to its function?
• All cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane.
• In eukaryotes, even the organelles are surrounded by
• Functions of the cell membrane are:
• To selectively isolate the cell content from its environment.
• To regulate the exchange of essential substances between the cell
and its environment.
• To allow communication with other cells in multicellular organisms.
• To create attachments within and between cells.
• To regulate many biochemical reactions. 8
Why membranes are fluid
bilayer Hydrophilic heads

* *
It reduces fluidity at
temperatures, and
delays the progress of
solidification at low
Figure 6.12 10
Previous figure in words
• Based on the latest theory, plasma membranes are fluid mosaics of lipids and proteins.
• They are composed of a phospholipid bilayer.
• Phospholipids have their hydrophobic parts (scared of water) and their hydrophilic parts (love
the water). Hydrophobic areas are “hidden” inside and face each other, while hydrophilic parts
are facing outside.
• By the term ‘fluid’ we mean that these phospholipids move within the membrane.
• (a) Membranes are not static sheets of molecules – movements are always present. There are
two types of movements inside the phospholipid bilayer of the membranes: lateral movement –
includes lateral exchanges between the neighboring phospholipids and also whizzing around each
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layer and flip-flop exchange.

• Lateral exchange occurs between two neighboring phospholipids, and is rapid. It occurs often (107
times per second). Flip-flop exchange occurs rarely (once per month).
• Why do cells do this? It is important in apoptosis (programmed cell death), for migration across,
maintaining lipid asymmetry. There is a rare inherited bleeding disorder – Scott syndrome, in
which transmembrane migration is impaired.
Previous figure in words
• (b) Membrane fluidity depends on the membrane structure. Here we have one type of
membrane, which is more fluid, and another type of membrane, which is more viscous. In
general, more fluid are membranes composed of unsaturated hydrocarbons with kinks (their
molecules cannot pack together due to the kinks), and more viscous are membranes composed of
saturated hydrocarbon tails. Also, membrane fluidity depends on the temperature at which a
membrane solidifies, and this temperature depends on the lipids. Note that the same membrane
may change viscosity at different temperatures.
• (c) In animal membranes we can find cholesterol. It is considered a “temperature buffer”, which
helps membranes resist changes in fluidity caused by temperature changes. As such it serves two
functions: it adds firmness and integrity to the plasma membrane and prevents the extremes.
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Plant cells do not have cholesterol in their membranes, but rather a related component (called
sterols) that fulfill a similar function.
• Conclusion: the membrane is fluid because phospholipids and proteins constantly move inside. If
it were not fluid, they would not be able to maintain their proper function in the ever-changing
environment, and diseases may happen (Scott syndrome).

Why membranes are mosaic
carbohydrates Peripheral proteins are often
attached to the integral

Integral proteins, also called

transmembrane proteins
span the membrane.

Peripheral proteins are found

only on one side of the

Figure 6.22
Why membranes are mosaic 1. As enzymes: they speed up
chemical reactions
2. In intercellular joining: to
1 connect two neighboring cells
3. For recognition: to tell the
body if another cell is foreign
or not
4. In transport: some chemicals
can enter and leave through
5 these (regulatory proteins)
6 5. As a signal receiver: received
signal may cause changes
inside the cell
6. Maintaining cell’s shape
(connection proteins)
Refer to figure 6.26
Let’s stop and review
• When you put phospholipids into an aqueous solution, they
tend to organize into a bilayer. What is the most likely reason
for this?
a. They are composed of hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads,
which both orient either against the water (the tails) or closer to
it (the heads).
b. They are composed of hydrophilic tails and hydrophobic heads,
which both orient either against the water (the heads) or closer
to it (the tails).
c. The phospholipids always contain proteins, such as in the cell

Passive and active transport
across the cell membrane
Topic 2

The structure fits its function
These are soluble in

These go slowly.

Proteins in the membrane

allow for the movement of

Figure 6.7 17
Aquaporin – a special channel protein allowing
transport of water (mostly) by osmosis. It also
controls the amount of water that moves
Water also moves across the phospholipid
bilayer but 10 times slower.

Channel proteins are highly selective.

Note the hydrophilic interior and the
hydrophobic exterior of the channel proteins.
Note that the aquaporins and ion channels are
gated. As such, they open and close in response
to the binding of a particular molecule, or to a
change in the electrical charge on the outside of
the membrane.
The flow of ions and small molecules through
membrane channels is carefully controlled.
Figure 6.26
Let’s discuss together
• What features of transport proteins allow them to carefully
control transport across the membrane?

Passive transport: diffusion
• Passive transport by straight up
diffusion, moves solutes down their
concentration gradient without the
help of proteins.
• It moves molecules that are usually
either small non polar, or small
uncharged polar molecules.
• Diffusion is an extremely slow process.
Passive transport: facilitated
carrier channel

• Two major classes of membrane transport

proteins are: carrier proteins and channel
proteins. Both span across the membrane.
• Channel proteins create a weak
interaction with their transported solute.
• Carrier proteins bind the specific solute to
be transported, and they undergo many
conformational changes in order to
transport this solute across the
Which of the two classes membrane.
of transport proteins are
faster transporters? 21
Summary of the passive transport
• Passive transport always moves solutes down their
concentration gradient with or without the help of proteins.
• Transport through channel proteins is always passive. What
does this mean?
1. Passive transport never requires energy.
2. Passive transport is powered by diffusion along an
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electrochemical gradient or down the concentration gradient.

• Carrier proteins can be involved in both passive transport
(via facilitated diffusion) and active transport.
Let’s stop and review
• What is the similarity between diffusion and
facilitated diffusion?
a. They both require energy.
b. They both transport a solute against its gradient.
c. They both transport a solute down its gradient.
d. There is no difference.
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Beware of this distinction, as this is a common mistake that students make.

Answer: C 18
Let’s stop and review
• How are channel and carrier proteins similar?
a. They both transport water molecules.
b. They both span the membrane and participate in facilitated
c. They are both peripheral proteins which participate in active
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d. They both have ATP attached to them.

Consider comparison such as this for your potential exam question.

Answer: B 23
Let’s stop and review
• In an aqueous solution, water still travels from the lower
solute concentration to the higher solute concentration by
osmosis, which is considered a passive transport. How is this
a. Because a solution with lower solute concentration has a lower
water concentration.
b. Because a solution with lower solute concentration has a higher
water concentration.
c. Because a solution with higher solute concentration has a
higher water concentration.
Important for maintaining concentration
gradient; acquiring food; excreting wastes,
and communicating with other cells.
Active transport
• Active transport moves solutes against
their concentration gradient.
• A transport protein has a binding site
for the solute to be transported, but
also for ATP = energy donor (facing
inside of the cell).
• The ATP donates energy to the carrier
protein to change its shape, and
inside transport the solute.
This is just 1 protein,
which can transport
2 different ions!
Figure 6.30 22
Primary active transport: sodium-potassium pump

Figure 6.29 27
Primary active transport: sodium-potassium pump

It is always 3 Na+ ions out for 2 K+ ions in!

Figure 6.29 28
Primary active
transport: proton
pump - +

• To be primary, an active -
transport must directly use H+
Proton pump
ATP to transport molecules. H+
• The proton pump is a H+
protein that can transport - + H+
only one type of molecule.
It is then called a uniporter.
- + H+
• Using the ATP for power, a
proton pump translocates Source: Campbell Biology

positive charges (in the

form of hydrogen ions).

Secondary active
• The voltage and proton
concentration gradient
represent a dual energy source.
• Cotransport can couple the
“downhill” diffusion of the
solute to the “uphill” transport
of a second substance against
its own concentration gradient.
• The proton pump makes an
active transport of large sucrose
molecules possible, and the ATP High sucrose Low sucrose
indirectly provides energy for concentration concentration
the cotransport. Source: Campbell Biology

Summary of the active transport
• Active transport always moves solutes against their concentration
gradient with the help of carrier proteins.
• Primary active transport directly uses metabolic energy in the form of
ATP, while secondary active transport uses dual energy source to
transport a different molecule via cotransporter.
• Sodium-potassium pump is the major pump in animal cells; very
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important to establish the membrane potential and the concentration

gradients in these cells.
• Proton pump is the the main pump for transport in plants, fungi,
protists and prokaryotes (also utilized in animals to maintain pH).
Let’s discuss together
• Describe a cotransport.


Transport of large molecules
via vesicles
Topic 3

• Endocytosis is engulfing of large particles or liquid,
when the cell takes IN molecules by forming new
vesicles from the plasma membrane.
• It uses energy to do so.
• There are three types of endocytosis:
• Pinocytosis is cellular “drinking”.
• Phagocytosis is cellular “eating”.
• Receptor-mediated endocytosis is very specific, and
Principle of endocytosis
• A vesicle pinches off of
the plasma membrane Molecules that the cell is
toward the inside of the after

Source: Campbell Biology 31

To remember from this figure:
• Receptor mediated endocytosis is very
• It takes into the cell only the molecules
that the cell is after.
• Compared to regular pinocytosis, this
one is more specific.
NO need to remember from this figure:
• The word endosome (you can replace it
with lysosome).
• Step number 3 entirely.
Figure 7.16
• Exocytosis moves large material OUT of the cell via vesicles.
• It uses energy.
• It involves formation of a vesicle around the material to be
expelled, and the membrane of the vesicle merges with the
plasma membrane.

Principle of exocytosis
• A vesicle forms and travels
to the plasma membrane,
Molecules that the cell is merging with it.
• The direction of the vesicle
movement is opposite to
the endocytosis.

Source: Campbell Biology

Let’s discuss together
• As the cell grows, its plasma membrane expands. Explain the
process behind this.

Summary on how the structure of the plasma
membrane fits its functions
• Functions of the cell membrane are: Phospholipids
• To selectively isolate the cell content from its environment.

• To regulate the exchange of essential substances between the cell and

its environment Phospholipids and proteins
• To allow communication with other cells in multicellular organisms.

• To create attachments within and between cells.

• To regulate many biochemical reactions.

• What the structure of the cell membrane is
• How the structure of the cell membrane fits its function
• How transport across the cell membrane is performed in its
most efficient way
• What different transports exist at the cell membrane
• What importance do different transports have for the cell

Key concepts
• Cellular membranes are fluid mosaics of phospholipids and
• Membrane structure results in selective permeability.
• Passive transport is diffusion of a substance across a membrane
with no energy investment (simple diffusion, and facilitated
diffusion via either channel or carrier proteins).
• Active transport uses energy to move solutes against their
gradients (via carrier proteins).
• Bulk transport across the plasma membrane occurs by exocytosis
and endocytosis.
This is expected that you know from the
prerequisite course
• To describe the fluid and mosaic properties of a plasma membrane.
• To describe the major functions of membrane proteins.
• To define selective permeability with regard to the cell membrane.
• To explain why osmosis is a special case of diffusion.
• To recognize different water balance in plant and animal cells when
placed in hyper-, hypo- and isotonic solutions.
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• To explain the difference between active and passive transport.

• To explain how large molecules get into and out of cells.

This is what I will ask on the test in addition
to the previous
• To illustrate why membranes are fluid, and to state the importance of
cholesterol in animal membranes.
• To describe membrane structure including transport proteins.
• To differentiate between carrier proteins and channel proteins.
• To explain passive, active, and co-transport.
• To provide and explain examples of one active transport in animal
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cells, and another in plant cells.

• To distinguish between different transports of large molecules via

Exit slips
• Answer (or ask) any of the following, please:

• What is still unclear to you about the learned topic, and how
would you rather had it explained?
• What excites you about this topic, and is there anything else
you’d like to ask about it?

The cell cycle
Next time
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