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Sparse Matrix Algebra: Class Notes

Graduate Level Course - Instructor: Prof. Jane Anderson

Introduction to Sparse Matrices:

Sparse matrices are matrices in which most of the elements are zero. They arise naturally in
various applications such as network analysis, scientific simulations, and optimization problems.
Unlike dense matrices, where a majority of elements are non-zero, sparse matrices allow for
efficient storage and manipulation, making them crucial in large-scale computations.

Sparse Matrix Representation:

1. Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) Format: This format represents a sparse matrix using
three arrays: data, indices, and indptr. The data array stores non-zero elements row-
wise, indices array stores column indices of the non-zero elements, and indptr array
stores the starting index of each row's non-zero elements in the data and indices arrays.
2. Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) Format: Similar to CSR, but the roles of rows and
columns are interchanged. It's efficient for column-oriented operations.
3. Coordinate List (COO) Format: Stores the non-zero elements along with their row and
column indices in separate arrays.

Sparse Matrix-Vector Operations:

1. Matrix-Vector Multiplication: Sparse matrices allow for optimized multiplication with

vectors. Only non-zero elements contribute to the result, reducing computational
2. Matrix-Matrix Multiplication: Sparse matrices can be multiplied efficiently using
techniques like the Sparse Matrix Triangular Multiply (SpGEMM) algorithm, which
exploits the sparsity structure to minimize computations.

Sparse Matrix Factorizations:

1. LU Decomposition: Sparse LU decomposition involves decomposing a sparse matrix

into a product of a lower triangular matrix (L) and an upper triangular matrix (U). It's
useful for solving systems of linear equations.
2. Cholesky Decomposition: For symmetric positive definite sparse matrices, Cholesky
decomposition provides a factorization into the product of a lower triangular matrix and
its transpose, which can be used for solving linear systems and optimization problems.

Iterative Solvers for Sparse Linear Systems:

1. Conjugate Gradient Method: An iterative technique for solving sparse symmetric

positive definite linear systems. It converges rapidly for well-conditioned matrices.
2. GMRES (Generalized Minimal Residual): Iterative method for solving general sparse
linear systems. It minimizes the residual norm in the Krylov subspace.
Applications of Sparse Matrices:

1. Graph Algorithms: Sparse matrices are fundamental for graph analysis, enabling tasks
like shortest path calculations, connected components, and centrality measures.
2. Finite Element Analysis: In engineering simulations, sparse matrices arise when
discretizing partial differential equations using finite element methods.
3. Image and Signal Processing: Sparse matrices are used in image compression,
denoising, and feature extraction.

Sparse Matrix Storage and Libraries:

1. Memory Considerations: Efficient storage schemes are crucial for large sparse matrices.
The choice of format depends on the application and available memory.
2. Sparse Matrix Libraries: Popular libraries like SciPy, Eigen, and SuiteSparse provide
efficient implementations of sparse matrix operations and solvers.


Sparse matrix algebra is a powerful tool for handling large-scale data and computations
efficiently. Understanding sparse matrix representation, operations, factorizations, and
applications is essential for tackling real-world problems in diverse fields.

Note: These class notes provide an overview of the topics covered in the course on Sparse
Matrix Algebra. Further study and hands-on experience are recommended to fully grasp the
intricacies and applications of this important mathematical concept.

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