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The Legend of Stingy Jack

One of the most popular symbols of Halloween is the Jack-o’-

lantern. A Jack-o’-lantern is a hollowed out pumpkin and has a
face carved into it. A candle or battery-powered light is placed
inside the pumpkin. Jack-o’-lanterns are common Halloween decorations. There are
many versions of the origin of the term Jack-o’-lantern. Some sources claim the
word “Jack-0’-lantern” first appeared in print in 1750 in reference to a night
watchman or man carrying a lantern. Other sources say carving pumpkins with silly
or scary faces came from an old Celtic practice of carving out turnips to make
lanterns. These turnip lanterns were used to find the path home as the winter
nights became longer. One of the most interesting stories about the origination of
the jack-o’-lantern comes from a Celtic myth about a man with the nickname,
“Stingy Jack.” He was an Irish man who was mean, stingy, and played tricks on
people. Below you will find the story:
One night Stingy Jack went out to eat with the Devil. Stingy Jack did not want
to pay for his meal, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin. After
the Devil did this, Jack picked up the coin and put it into his coin purse. He also had
a silver cross inside his coin purse. This symbol of the cross kept the Devil from
changing himself back to his original form, so he was trapped inside of Jack’s coin
purse. The Devil begged Jack for his freedom, and Jack finally agreed to free him
if the Devil promised not to bother him for a year. The Devil also agreed that if
Jack should die anytime within the next year, the Devil would not claim his soul, so
Jack freed the Devil.
After the year was up, the Devil came back again, but the clever
Stingy Jack tricked the Devil into climbing up into a tree to pick some
fruit. Once in the tree, Jack carved a cross in the tree’s bark,
trapping the Devil once again. He could not come down, so he had to
bargain with Jack again. He promised not to bother Jack for ten
years in exchange for his release this time. Jack agreed.
Stingy Jack died before the ten years passed. The legend says
God would not allow Jack into heaven because of his evil and stingy
ways. The Devil promised not to take Jack’s soul, so he had to turn
him away too. At this point, Jack supposedly asked the Devil, “How
will I find my way in the darkness?”
The Devil gave Jack one burning coal to light his path, which he placed inside of a
carved out turnip so he would not burn his fingers. To allow the light to shine
through, he poked holes in the turnip, making a lantern. The soul of Stingy Jack has
been roaming the earth ever since looking for a place to rest. The Irish referred
to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the lantern.” The term was shortened to Jack-
o’-lantern over the years.
The Irish started carving out turnips and putting lights in them to keep the
spirit of Stingy Jack away near Halloween. When the Irish immigrated to America,
pumpkins were more readily available than turnips. The tradition changed to
carving pumpkins for Jack-o’-lanterns. The Irish continue to warn people, “If you
see Jack’s light, don’t follow it, for it will always lead to trouble.” ©Teaching to the Middle

The Legend of Stingy Jack

MATCHING: Match the term with its description.
1. _____ coin purse A. The Devil gave Jack a burning piece to light his path

2. _____ Devil B. Stingy Jack used this type of gourd to his lantern

3. _____ coal C. Years the Devil was not supposed to bother Jack

4. _____ Ireland D. Stingy Jack made a deal with this person

5. _____ ten E. Stingy Jack trapped the Devil in this the first time

6. _____ turnip F. Type of gourd typically used for Jack-o-lanterns now

7. _____ candle G. “The Legend of Stingy Jack” originated in this nation

8. _____ tree H. One of the items put inside a Jack-o-lantern

9. _____ Heaven I. Stingy Jack was denied entry into this place

10. _____ pumpkin J. Stingy Jack trapped the Devil here the second time

TRUE OR FALSE?: Place a check in the correct column.

Statement T F
11. “The Legend of Stingy Jack” tells the origination of the Jack-o-lantern.

12. Stingy Jack was allowed into Heaven by God.

13. The Devil was not allowed to take Stingy Jack’s soul.

14. Stingy Jack tricked the Devil three times.

15. Stingy Jack and the Devil made an agreement for Jack’s freedom.

16. Stingy Jack walked around with a turnip lantern.

17. Some sources say the term “Jack-o-lantern” was first used in 1750.

18. A silver cross forced the Devil to stay up in the tree.

19. Stingy Jack was not very clever.

20. Stingy Jack outsmarted the Devil twice.

©Teaching to the Middle
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer.
21. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this selection?
A. To persuade the reader to put out Jack-o’-lanterns on their porch.
B. To entertain the reader with a story of the origination of the Jack-o’-
C. To explain how to make your own Jack-o’-lantern.
D. To inform the reader about the history of Halloween.

22. Which of the following events occurred first in the story?

A. Stingy Jack was denied entrance into Heaven.
B. Stingy Jack made a lantern.
C. Stingy Jack tricked the Devil.
D. Stingy Jack freed the Devil.

23. Which of the following BEST completes the analogy:

Stingy Jack : Turnip :: Americans : ______________
A. Irish B. Pumpkin C. Gourd D. Coal

24. “Some sources claim the word “jack-0’-lantern” first appeared in print inn
1750..” What is the BEST definition of claim as used in the preceding quote?
A. Demand as a right B. To assert or maintain as a fact
C. Declare one entitled to D. Demand something as due

25. What is the overall mood of “The Legend of Stingy Jack?”

A. Cheerful B. Disappointed C. Light-hearted D. Overwhelmed

26. With which statement would Stingy Jack mostly agree?

A. Tricking people is wrong. B. It is fun to haunt people.
C. Sometimes you must be nice. D. Live a good life to be rewarded.

27. Which of the following is the BEST theme of this selection?

A. Facing Beauty B. Fear of Failure
C. Greed as Downfall D. Will to Survive

28. Which event would BEST complete the flow map?

Stingy Jack traps Stingy Jack traps Stingy Jack
the Devil in his the Devil in the wandered around
coin purse tree with his lantern
A. Stingy Jack is denied entrance into Heaven.
B. Stingy Jack makes a deal with the Devil that he will not bother him for one
C. The Devil begs Stingy Jack for his freedom from the coin purse.
D. The Devil gives Stingy Jack a turnip to use as a lantern.

©Teaching to the Middle

The Legend of Stingy Jack
One of the most popular symbols of Halloween is the Jack-o’-
lantern. A Jack-o’-lantern is a hollowed out pumpkin and has a
face carved into it. A candle or battery-powered light is placed
inside the pumpkin. Jack-o’-lanterns are common Halloween decorations. There are
many versions of the origin of the term Jack-o’-lantern. Some sources claim the
word “Jack-0’-lantern” first appeared in print in 1750 in reference to a night
watchman or man carrying a lantern. Other sources say carving pumpkins with silly
or scary faces came from an old Celtic practice of carving out turnips to make
lanterns. These turnip lanterns were used to find the path home as the winter
nights became longer. One of the most interesting stories about the origination of
the jack-o’-lantern comes from a Celtic myth about a man with the nickname,
“Stingy Jack.” He was an Irish man who was mean, stingy, and played tricks on
people. Below you will find the story:
One night Stingy Jack went out to eat with the Devil. Stingy Jack did not want
to pay for his meal, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin. After
the Devil did this, Jack picked up the coin and put it into his coin purse. He also had
a silver cross inside his coin purse. This symbol of the cross kept the Devil from
changing himself back to his original form, so he was trapped inside of Jack’s coin
purse. The Devil begged Jack for his freedom, and Jack finally agreed to free him
if the Devil promised not to bother him for a year. The Devil also agreed that if
Jack should die anytime within the next year, the Devil would not claim his soul, so
Jack freed the Devil.
After the year was up, the Devil came back again, but the clever
Stingy Jack tricked the Devil into climbing up into a tree to pick some
fruit. Once in the tree, Jack carved a cross in the tree’s bark,
trapping the Devil once again. He could not come down, so he had to
bargain with Jack again. He promised not to bother Jack for ten
years in exchange for his release this time. Jack agreed.
Stingy Jack died before the ten years passed. The legend says
God would not allow Jack into heaven because of his evil and stingy
ways. The Devil promised not to take Jack’s soul, so he had to turn
him away too. At this point, Jack supposedly asked the Devil, “How
will I find my way in the darkness?”
The Devil gave Jack one burning coal to light his path, which he placed inside of a
carved out turnip so he would not burn his fingers. To allow the light to shine
through, he poked holes in the turnip, making a lantern. The soul of Stingy Jack has
been roaming the earth ever since looking for a place to rest. The Irish referred
to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the lantern.” The term was shortened to Jack-
o’-lantern over the years.
The Irish started carving out turnips and putting lights in them to keep the
spirit of Stingy Jack away near Halloween. When the Irish immigrated to America,
pumpkins were more readily available than turnips. The tradition changed to
carving pumpkins for Jack-o’-lanterns. The Irish continue to warn people, “If you
see Jack’s light, don’t follow it, for it will always lead to trouble.” ©Teaching to the Middle

The Legend of Stingy Jack

MATCHING: Match the term with its description.
1. _____ coin purse A. The Devil gave Jack a burning piece to light his path

2. _____ Devil B. Stingy Jack used this type of gourd to his lantern

3. _____ coal C. Years the Devil was not supposed to bother Jack

4. _____ Ireland D. Stingy Jack made a deal with this person

5. _____ ten E. Stingy Jack trapped the Devil in this the first time

6. _____ turnip F. Type of gourd typically used for Jack-o-lanterns now

7. _____ candle G. “The Legend of Stingy Jack” originated in this nation

8. _____ tree H. One of the items put inside a Jack-o-lantern

9. _____ Heaven I. Stingy Jack was denied entry into this place

10. _____ pumpkin J. Stingy Jack trapped the Devil here the second time

TRUE OR FALSE?: Place a check in the correct column.

Statement T F
11. “The Legend of Stingy Jack” tells the origination of the Jack-o-lantern.

12. Stingy Jack was allowed into Heaven by God.

13. The Devil was not allowed to take Stingy Jack’s soul.

14. Stingy Jack tricked the Devil three times.

15. Stingy Jack and the Devil made an agreement for Jack’s freedom.

16. Stingy Jack walked around with a turnip lantern.

17. Some sources say the term “Jack-o-lantern” was first used in 1750.

18. A silver cross forced the Devil to stay up in the tree.

19. Stingy Jack was not very clever.

20. Stingy Jack outsmarted the Devil twice.

©Teaching to the Middle
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer.
21. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this selection?
A. To persuade the reader to put out Jack-o’-lanterns on their porch.
B. To entertain the reader with a story of the origination of the Jack-o’-
C. To explain how to make your own Jack-o’-lantern.
D. To inform the reader about the history of Halloween.

22. Which of the following events occurred first in the story?

A. Stingy Jack was denied entrance into Heaven.
B. Stingy Jack made a lantern.
C. Stingy Jack tricked the Devil.
D. Stingy Jack freed the Devil.

23. Which of the following BEST completes the analogy:

Stingy Jack : Turnip :: Americans : ______________
A. Irish B. Pumpkin C. Gourd D. Coal

24. “Some sources claim the word “jack-0’-lantern” first appeared in print inn
1750..” What is the BEST definition of claim as used in the preceding quote?
A. Demand as a right B. To assert or maintain as a fact
C. Declare one entitled to D. Demand something as due

25. What is the overall mood of “The Legend of Stingy Jack?”

A. Cheerful B. Disappointed C. Light-hearted D. Overwhelmed

26. With which statement would Stingy Jack mostly agree?

A. Tricking people is wrong. B. It is fun to haunt people.
C. Sometimes you must be nice. D. Live a good life to be rewarded.

27. Which of the following is the BEST theme of this selection?

A. Facing Beauty B. Fear of Failure
C. Greed as Downfall D. Will to Survive

28. Which event would BEST complete the flow map?

Stingy Jack traps Stingy Jack traps Stingy Jack
the Devil in his the Devil in the wandered around
coin purse tree with his lantern
A. Stingy Jack is denied entrance into Heaven.
B. Stingy Jack makes a deal with the Devil that he will not bother him for one
C. The Devil begs Stingy Jack for his freedom from the coin purse.
D. The Devil gives Stingy Jack a turnip to use as a lantern.

©Teaching to the Middle


The Legend of Stingy Jack

MATCHING: Match the term with its description.
1. ___E__ coin purse A. The Devil gave Jack a burning piece to light his path

2. __D___ Devil B. Stingy Jack used this type of gourd to his lantern

3. __A___ coal C. Years the Devil was not supposed to bother Jack

4. __G___ Ireland D. Stingy Jack made a deal with this person

5. ___C__ ten E. Stingy Jack trapped the Devil in this the first time

6. __B___ turnip F. Type of gourd typically used for Jack-o-lanterns now

7. ___H__ candle G. “The Legend of Stingy Jack” originated in this nation

8. __J___ tree H. One of the items put inside a Jack-o-lantern

9. __I___ Heaven I. Stingy Jack was denied entry into this place

10. __F___ pumpkin J. Stingy Jack trapped the Devil here the second time

TRUE OR FALSE?: Place a check in the correct column.

Statement T F
11. “The Legend of Stingy Jack” tells the origination of the Jack-o-lantern. X
12. Stingy Jack was allowed into Heaven by God. X
13. The Devil was not allowed to take Stingy Jack’s soul. X
14. Stingy Jack tricked the Devil three times. X
15. Stingy Jack and the Devil made an agreement for Jack’s freedom. X
16. Stingy Jack walked around with a turnip lantern. X
17. Some sources say the term “Jack-o-lantern” was first used in 1750. X
18. A silver cross forced the Devil to stay up in the tree. X
19. Stingy Jack was not very clever. X
20. Stingy Jack outsmarted the Devil twice. X
©Teaching to the Middle
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer.
21. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this selection?
A. To persuade the reader to put out Jack-o’-lanterns on their porch.
B. To entertain the reader with a story of the origination of the Jack-o’-
C. To explain how to make your own Jack-o’-lantern.
D. To inform the reader about the history of Halloween.

22. Which of the following events occurred first in the story?

A. Stingy Jack was denied entrance into Heaven.
B. Stingy Jack made a lantern.
C. Stingy Jack tricked the Devil.
D. Stingy Jack freed the Devil.

23. Which of the following BEST completes the analogy:

Stingy Jack : Turnip :: Americans : ______________
A. Irish B. Pumpkin C. Gourd D. Coal

24. “Some sources claim the word “jack-0’-lantern” first appeared in print inn
1750..” What is the BEST definition of claim as used in the preceding quote?
A. Demand as a right B. To assert or maintain as a fact
C. Declare one entitled to D. Demand something as due

25. What is the overall mood of “The Legend of Stingy Jack?”

A. Cheerful B. Disappointed C. Light-hearted D. Overwhelmed

26. With which statement would Stingy Jack mostly agree?

A. Tricking people is wrong. B. It is fun to haunt people.
C. Sometimes you must be nice. D. Live a good life to be rewarded.

27. Which of the following is the BEST theme of this selection?

A. Facing Beauty B. Fear of Failure
C. Greed as Downfall D. Will to Survive

28. Which event would BEST complete the flow map?

Stingy Jack traps Stingy Jack traps Stingy Jack
the Devil in his the Devil in the wandered around
coin purse tree with his lantern
A. Stingy Jack is denied entrance into Heaven.
B. Stingy Jack makes a deal with the Devil that he will not bother him for one
C. The Devil begs Stingy Jack for his freedom from the coin purse.
D. The Devil gives Stingy Jack a turnip to use as a lantern.

©Teaching to the Middle

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