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“Stages of Manipulation”; an excerpt from the book “Practical

Female Psychology”
762 upvotes | 20 October, 2016 | by Auvergnat

“Practical Female Psychology: For the Practical Man” by Joseph South, David Clare and Franco is a book
I am currently reading after seeing it mentioned in the comments of a recent post on The Rational Male.
Put simply, it’s the best book on red pill theory I have ever read. Right up there with Rollo’s books. It
was published in 2008, so was written by contemporaries of our esteemed elders Pook, Roissy, Roosh,
Rollo and others.
It is so good, and yet, in one year of red pill awareness, I had never seen it mentioned or suggested
anywhere. So I thought it’d deserve its own post, rather than me casually mentioning it in a comment
next time someone asks for book suggestions.
I so strongly encourage you to get it and read it that I’ll allow myself to reprint here a particularly good
chapter to motivate you. Hopefully it's ok to do so and will bring some traffic to the authors' amazon
page. Before I’d do so, I’d provide a quick lesson learned:

Frequent other red pill websites than this sub, and particularly the comments sections of blogs.
There are some gems out there.

PS: Feel free to debate and oppose the ideas but remember the following are not my writings – just

Chapter 11 Stages of Manipulation

When it comes to marriage, one man is as good as the next. And even the least accomodating is
less trouble than a mother. - Marquise de Merteuil in "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," by
Choderlos De Laclos.

We believe that manipulation is an instinctual behavior deeply rooted within female biology.
Manipulation is also a learned behavior, due to one's need for survival. From a biological point of view
there is not too much of a difference between biologically-rooted and learned behavior. In fact, from the
point of view of both modern neurobiology and evolutionary psychology, behaviors repeated and learned
over time become deeply rooted in the neurological patterns within the brain, to the point where the
behavior becomes largely unconscious. As individuals are prone to choose behaviors which support
survival, manipulation has certainly been selected as a desirable survival skill.
Manipulation can be defined as the attempt to influence another person's mind to achieve a certain
outcome. Manipulation is very often seen as a negative thing. We, however, are not judgmental about
manipulation, and actually consider it a positive feature, which has been designed to keep life continuing
on this planet.
In order to best manage relationships with women, the Modern Man should understand that there are
various stages of manipulation that a woman will go through during the course of a relationship with a
On the biological level, the female of our species is programmed to: Page 1 of 34
1. Elicit a strong sexual attraction in one or more strong males.
2. Feel a strong sexual attraction for such males.
3. Become impregnated by her choice of male.
4. Have a male to provide materially for both her and her infant child.
5. Afterwards, she will subconsciously tend to operate in such a way so as to have her sexual
attraction for that male decrease.
6. Wash, rinse, repeat: she will tend to have more sexual intercourse and more children with other
strong males.

We call this process betaization, where the strong, alpha male is rendered beta — which means
"secondary" or "subservient" — within the relationship, over a period of time. Quite often, this process
occurs gradually and almost imperceptibly to both parties.
Manipulation is widely used by women to achieve:

Safety and comfort for her and her children, with their survival being the primary purpose.
To thereby influence the man's mind in such a way that he will feel compelled to protect her and
her children, especially before pregnancy, during the pregnancy and throughout the children's early
developmental years.

Female manipulation can be either creative or destructive, depending on the desired outcome. From the
point of view of the man, female manipulation can be considered "good" when it supports life and the
man's interests and "bad" when it destroys life and/or damages the man's interests.
Succinctly, the more manipulation is used by a woman, the more it becomes natural and unconscious to
her. It is like learning to play a musical instrument: at first it is difficult and one needs to pay conscious
attention to each note being played, Then, as mastery is gradually achieved, manipulation becomes more
and more unconscious.
Behaviors are slow to develop and also slow to be unlearned. In the modem woman of the industrialized
countries, the way instincts are expressed has changed slightly with time, due to less-demanding survival
conditions. However, the influence of the female's primal instincts on her behavior remains evident.
It is important for you to learn to recognize manipulation. In fact — as we discussed in Chapter 4 "Female
Basic Conflict" — for a woman's sexuality to be satisfied, it is important that her manipulation attempts
against her man not be too effective. You must learn to observe female behavior and give the right
responses, with the goal of making her happy on the emotional level, as opposed to responding to
manipulation attempts on a logical level.
Learning to respond appropriately requires knowing the various stages of female manipulation.

Stages of Female Manipulation

A woman's attempt to own you mentally will follow certain incremental stages, which predictably occur
with mathematical precision. We will now discuss each of the following stages in detail:

Testing the Male

Seeking Communication Page 2 of 34
Putting him to Work
Evolutionary Selfishness

Depending on the woman's self-esteem, there are big differences in the way these stages will play
themselves out. If a woman has high self-esteem (HSE), she will test you and manipulate you in a totally
different way than a woman who has low self-esteem (LSE).

Testing the Male

"Let me be a little bitch to him.” A woman knows on the instinctual level — and also on the rational
level — that a man can impregnate a large number of women without too many consequences. In our
modem age of mandatory child support, this is not always true in practical terms, but biologically it
remains the case that the female has a much higher risk and burden when it comes to pregnancy than the
man does.
A woman also knows that a weak male will not be able to protect her or her children in any way. Imagine
as a man how your thoughts about survival would be different if every time you made love to a woman
you faced the possibility of carrying a baby in your belly for the next nine months, followed by the
primary responsibility of taking care of the baby for many years to come. Imagine how you would feel if
you knew that your partner could leave you at any time and impregnate other women and/or leave for war
or for hunting. Get the picture? You would become much more selective in your choices of who to mate
with. From this biological reality stems the deep need that a woman has to test the male for his physical
and leadership qualities. In our modern society, the need to test for physical qualities and financial
stability has become less important than the need for qualities such as leadership, intellectual capacity,
and strength of personality; but that would be quickly reversed in the case of war.
One thing is for sure: a woman in this stage will test the male for his skill of being a hunter. This will
happen whether you are skilled in hunting animals in the grassy field or company shares in the business
field; you can be sure that at the first stage of manipulation a woman will test you.
A woman will always test a male who she is sexually attracted to. For a psychologically healthy woman,
survival and sexual desire must always harmonize with each other. A woman who tests men only for
survival benefits — such as a man's ability to provide — is denying her sexuality. A woman who tests
men only for their sexual appeal, is either planning to live her life without men, or is being self-

Seeking Communication
"Open up to me, please."
Once a woman has tested the male, and is relatively sure that he is strong enough to serve her purposes,
her concern begins to revolve around making the man serve her exclusively. Many men who are relatively
strong and pass the tests of the first stage, fail to understand the meaning of this second stage. This stage
is extremely difficult for the average man to detect. It is instinctually and often unconsciously masked by
the woman as a purely innocent attempt to "communicate" with the male.
It is a feature of the feminine psyche to appreciate communication above all else, but from an
evolutionary point of view what the female of our species is really doing at this stage is using language to
befuddle her partner, which will hopefully cause him to serve her and her purposes.
This stage is extremely important to the success or failure of couple relationships. Couple therapy fails so Page 3 of 34
frequently because it tends to disregard the real, evolutionary meaning of this stage. A very common
pitfall for couples is when the woman starts to feel that the man is displaying an inability or unwillingness
to "communicate properly" with the woman. Modern couples therapy almost invariably places the blame
for this supposed lack of communication squarely on the man's shoulders.
In the first stage, the woman has screened out the weaker males; the man was specifically chosen by the
woman for a relationship. In this second stage, the woman acts as if she is seeking deeper communication
with the man. A strong man will start to sense that an attempt is being made to weaken him, and he will
then usually react with certain predictable behavior patterns. He may get angry or he may withdraw.
Arguments that seem to the man to be based on nothing logical at all will often occur at this stage.

Putting Him to Work

"Honey, please take out the trash and wash the cat, and please hurry!" When and if a man opens
himself emotionally up to a woman — in the sense of what we discussed in the preceding subsection —
from that point onwards the woman effectively owns the frame of the relationship. Now, the active
destruction of attraction can begin in earnest, as she starts her attempts to take over aspects of the man's
life which directly affect his material interests. For example, purchase decisions can now be made
"jointly" which, in the cool light of rational analysis, really are the result of the woman's manipulation
attempts and the man's desire to maintain some semblance of peace in the household.

Female Evolutionary Selfishness

"I am never satisfied no matter what you do or how hard you try." This stage begins once the woman
has succeeded in having her formerly-strong male open up to her emotionally. In this stage, any
communication with her male partner is only for the purpose of deriving something useful for her and her
children. At this stage she will exhibit a total disregard for the man's psychological and material interests.
The man will be put under the power of a strong and constant psychological double bind, along the lines

"If you don't open up to me I am not satisfied. You don't communicate with me."

simultaneous with

"As soon as you open up to me I will use the information you provide in a totally selfish way
for my own needs."

Either way, the end result for the male is usually guilt, shame, or confusion, finally giving way to
resentment and anger. Assuming he takes her seriously — and most men do — he will get caught into an
ongoing psychological mechanism, which will make him weaker and weaker, with terribly-negative
results for her sexual attraction towards him. At this stage, he is no longer the strong male she admired at
the beginning.

Female Self-Determination
"I am full grown, independent woman now." Of course, the female in the relationship never was a
"little girl." In the self-determination stage, however, another double bind — even more powerful than the
preceding — will be thrown at the male. Once he starts to seek out the emotional communication that she
had been asking for all along, she will begin to express sentiments such as she is feeling oppressed, or
that the man is boring, or that he is too nice, or that he doesn't understand her, and so on. Again, the usual
effect of such feminine expressions on the man is bewilderment, shame and guilt. Page 4 of 34
If at this point the man decides that he does not care at all about what she says or does, she will assert that
"he is not a loving husband /boyfriend" or "I cannot live with him because he does not understand me," or
"I do not feel anything for him anymore," or "sex without communication is a turn off"; once again
inducing some very negative feelings within the man.
In the Self-Determination Stage, the female expresses her resentment and dissatisfaction with the
relationship. This happens virtually without exception in the case of male partners who have become
progressively psychologically weaker with time.
Men who are able to pass through these stages without a corresponding decrease in their women's sexual
attraction towards them are exceptionally-strong men. These men avoid becoming psychologically
weaker through the process. We believe that such men are more the exception than the norm. It is much
better for nature to first create attraction between a male and a female and soon after have it decrease.
That helps to ensure both a safe upbringing of the offspring as well as more sexual interactions with other
sexual partners, which in turn results in more offspring and a wider spreading of genetic materials.
This is not much different from what happens with many animal species, including species where the
female kills the male after copulation. In the case of humans, this "killing" happens on the psychological
level. The killing of human males by their female partners is largely symbolic, but we must also take into
account those men who take this process so seriously that they start to destroy their health through the
abuse of alcohol or drugs, or start to abuse their partners, or even murder their partners or commit suicide.
In other words, permanently-monogamous sexual relationships are not necessarily natural. They are
partly a modern, social construct. Or, put another way, they are a social construct, the evolutionary
purpose of which lasts for as long as Nature considers it useful.

Manipulation End-Game
In traditional, male-dominated societies, if the female cannot leave the relationship when her attraction
evaporates through the process discussed above, the end result is often clinical depression and/or
cheating. Clinical depression occurs when her sexual attraction for her mate decreases or dies out
completely, and she is prevented from having sex with other males by social restraint. The woman in this
case has to face a practically impossible conflict between her emotions, which demand sexual
satisfaction, and her societally-restrained behavior, which prohibits sexual satisfaction.
In modem, politically-correct societies, a common end result of the manipulation process is the woman
ending the relationship, or acting in such a way that the man has no other choice but to end the
relationship. Infidelity is very likely to happen in either case.
Psychological counseling and family therapy usually fail to help couples in this situation because they
start from the shaky assumption that exclusive committed relationships are always "healthy" and that
having sex with different partners is "sick." They also fail miserably in detecting the slow and dangerous
psychological process whereby the mind of the male is confronted with schizophrenic double messages
from the female, which would be considered to fit the clinical definition of Borderline Personality
Disorder by most experienced clinicians on the planet.
Usually what happens in therapy and psychological counseling in the western world is that the male is
made to be the scapegoat of a process which has been actively maintained by the female. There are some
professionals who understand this process better than most, but they often do not have the courage to
speak out about it. On a meta-level, what is happening with this social process is simply another
evolutionary mechanism, one which allows for more pregnancies and for the upbringing of children in the Page 5 of 34
most viable way possible.
There is certainly a strong cultural influence at work here and it behooves men to understand these forces
and to work hard to make themselves strong men who do not succumb easily to female manipulation.
Above all, a man with children should start from the premise that he is an equally important and vital link
to a child's psychological well being. There are countless studies which show that statistically, children do
better in every social and psychological respect when they enjoy the equal influences of a healthy male
and a healthy female parent.

Practical Advice
Although the onset, intensity and order of occurrence of each of these stages in the betaization process
may vary from woman to woman, in our experience this process has occurred in every long-term
relationship we are familiar with: ours, our friends, and our families, and in countless case studies that we
have researched. In fact, this process is exactly the means by which women turn short-term relationships
into long-term relationships. However, female manipulation is not difficult to counter once a man
understands the process. Let's revisit each stage in turn.
Testing never ends. Women test unconsciously. Testing is the woman's primary method for determining
congruency and for discerning a man's authenticity; his ability to be genuine. Testing ceases to be an issue
of any significant consequence when the man is fully congruent — both internally and externally. The
woman will still always test, but once a man has it together, he will pass the woman's tests without much
effort or even realizing he is being tested.
Since testing is so closely related to the mechanisms controlling sexual attraction, it is important to
remember that testing never ends. Maintaining an appropriate level of attraction within any romantic
relationship is very important. One way we, the authors, maintain attraction with our mates is through
regular, social interaction with other attractive females. For more information on why maintaining
friendships with the opposite sex is important to your relationship, please see Chapter 19, "Male Qualities
Attractive to Women."
Seeking Communication is really her signal that she is suffering from emotional ambiguity. Most men
view a woman's pronouncement of "I don't feel we are communicating" as a logical statement addressing
the exchanging of facts — or a lack of such activity — between two people. It is not. It is an emotional
statement involving her confusion and emotional disconnection from the relationship.
When the woman puts the blame on the man, this is normal, for two reasons. For one, women habitually
blame their own emotional distress on external factors, thus absolving themselves from responsibility.
When a man happens to be the most convenient "blame receptacle", then he gets the blame. The second
reason she does this is that she is actually making a request for masculine leadership. She wants her man
to step up and deal with her out-of-control emotional state with masculine strength, and without fear.
The only important word in any such statement coming from a woman is "feel." It's so important that in
many cases it doesn't matter what she feels, as long as it's any emotion stronger than indifference.
Anything with passion will do, as long as it's followed up, in all cases, with the appropriate level of
physical commitment. And always make sure that intense displays of passion are followed by intense
displays of affection. Let's be blunt: keep her well-sexed.
Being Put to Work can be stopped simply by saying "no." Do it sometimes. Just say no! If your woman
has become habituated to your instant obedience, then refusing a request is going to stop her in her tracks.
She will literally not know what to do. Lots of drama could ensue, so be prepared. Page 6 of 34
Another way to handle her constant requests is in a spirit of teasing and fun. You can gently make fun of
her being "bossy," and so forth.
Yet another effective way to handle a woman's attempts to put you to work is to negotiate with her. For
example, if she demands that you take the kids shopping for clothes, you can kindly request that she
prepare a special meal while you are gone. While tit for tat may seem thoroughly unromantic, by the time
a man is in this situation, we believe the romance is far gone anyway. There is nothing to lose, and your
self-respect to regain.
Best yet, be proactive and act like a leader: women want to feel useful and contribute to something
meaningful. Spend some time to give your female counterpart meaningful work, ensuring that you are the
one who determines the direction of the family. You will find that agreeing on specific tasks becomes
much easier. When you appreciate a good woman for her specific contribution, she will be delighted in
her relationship, and feel she made an excellent selection in a man.
Evolutionary Selfishness is understandable when we consider that the female's primary concern is
always for her own well-being and that of her children, It is difficult — if not impossible — for most
women to feel altruistic or merciful towards a grown man. Your role as the man is to be her protector, or
to get out of her way. However, as a strong protector you have great value in the eyes of a healthy
woman. So the key here is to assert your value and put a price tag on your leadership of her and the
family. This means simply that you lead the relationship and continually give her tasks within the context
of the relationship.
Putting a price to your leadership also means having your own moral standards, whereby it's
subcommunicated from the beginning and throughout the relationship that you, as a man, expect certain
behaviors and certain types of treatment from the female, if she is to retain your interest in being her
leader and protector. As we discussed in the chapters on Screening and Female Self-Esteem, certain
women, obviously, will never be able to submit to male leadership, no matter how strong you are.
Self-Determination This stage is a very strong signal from the woman that — in her mind — the
relationship has ended, or is about to end. She is effectively telling you that she no longer views the two
of you as a unit. As difficult as it may seem, at this stage you may need to be prepared to let her go. Your
best chance to salvage the relationship may be to start right back at the beginning; let her know that you
are equally prepared to leave the relationship if you are not getting the respect and admiration that you
want and deserve.
You never want to be in a position where you are chasing or begging a woman. Not only is that a pathetic
position for a man to find himself in, but any shred of sexual attraction that had remained in the woman
will be completely destroyed by such actions.
In reality, a man can survive just about anything, including the ending of a cherished relationship.
Therefore, consider this stage as the ultimate test of how much of a man you really are. If you fail this
test, the game is over with this particular woman.

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103342 • 144 points • 20 October, 2016 09:43 PM

Really good post. This type of stuff is what got me hooked to TRP a couple of years ago.

dissentforall • 3 points • 25 October, 2016 12:17 AM

This is a well written and thought of version of Patrice O'Neal's "Ho management" system with full evo
psych backing.

Chippendork • 94 points • 20 October, 2016 11:11 PM

We call this process betaization, where the strong, alpha male is rendered beta.

Most important thing that most TRPers don't seem to understand. A lot of those pathetic betas out there used to
be killer alphas. Fat bitchy wives used to be hot submissive plates.

[deleted] • 32 points • 21 October, 2016 12:53 AM

They understand well. It's the entire focus of mrp, de programming men and building them up to where they
used to be...
Or built for the first time.
I often wonder if some of the tougher younger guys in here are taking their lessons, when they have a multi
year long assault on their psyche like this.

Dis_mah_mobile_one • 13 points • 21 October, 2016 01:30 AM

They do I think, or at least I do, but it's hard without a masculine group to keep you grounded.
Marriage/LTRs should never be an isolated relationship of just you and your woman, they should be
networks of strong, properly dominant men complementarily loving beautiful, properly submissive
women in order to build civilization.
Both sexes need same sex groups to deepen relationships with and build the best version of their sex, and
each sex's polarity should be heightened by the other's.

Allegro6 • 3 points • 22 October, 2016 08:01 AM

I surely do, I'm 22. Enjoying my anger phase, no fap and lifting after my 2 years LTR ended.
I did also quit videogames.
But I know I'm still blue as sky. Could use one advice.

joeyjojosharknado • 16 points • 21 October, 2016 10:06 AM

It's because women are relentlessly and subconsciously manipulative, as OP's book suggests. Men have to
make an effort to manipulate. We have to be 'on' to do this and it takes focus and diligence. Women's
manipulative forces are 'on' all the time and they do it effortlessly. Even a formerly top alpha is worn down
after 20 years of this.
Bill Burr did a (hilarious) bit on this, how women are relentless, like 'psycho robots'. No matter your frame
and strength, you can't help but be worn down by this over appreciable time periods.

JorixKienu • 4 points • 21 October, 2016 12:26 PM Page 8 of 34
So true.
Probably there is only one solution to this almost inevitable (given enough time) wear and tear made drop
by drop by this 'psycho robots' what call themselfs womans.
For me the solution is male only space (self-space or shared male only space) and male only time (time
for yourself only and/or time alone with men only).
Personally I prefer (and value most) self-space and time for myself, as in our society any man is
'betaizated', someone more (up to ridicule) someone less but still 'betaizated' inside .... but gentlemen,
your mileage will certainly be different.

its_meKnightSwolaire • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 10:02 PM

And look at Bill Burr now... perfect example

quieroser • 1 point • 20 November, 2016 03:50 PM

uff.. he is going through every step described in this article, and he doesn't even know it. I want to
hear what he'll say when shit hits the fan.

[deleted] • 7 points • 21 October, 2016 06:38 PM*

This reminds me of Al Bundy. Went from scoring 4 touchdowns in one game to being locked down by his
wife and kids

sd4c • 9 points • 21 October, 2016 07:15 PM

No Ma'am! Great show.

Matilda: I don't understand it. I was a size six before aerobics class. All the jumping must've expanded
my foot.
Al: And I see you must've fallen on your but a time or two.
Matilda: How dare you say that to my face?
Al: Well I'd say it behind your back, but my car's only got half a tank of gas.

Obio1 • 49 points • 21 October, 2016 04:59 AM

This post is among the top-five I have ever seen on TRP.

Vote to have this on the sidebar.

Ephidemical • 17 points • 21 October, 2016 06:18 AM

This book should be part of the required books to read. Seriously. It's like TRP for dummies without the

its_meKnightSwolaire • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 09:57 AM

Seconded.. I've read quite a few and this is my fav so far.

[deleted] • 35 points • 21 October, 2016 03:31 AM

The secret to passing this and ALL tests are to never take them seriously
No matter how angry or upset a woman gets never forget they are tempermentally children and you are in charge
of the relationship.
She can not have a relationship without you much like you can not have sex with her, it is your call on when
things are serious and when they're not. Page 9 of 34
sd4c • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 04:44 PM

Yes, this. Your commitment is your pussy. Never be eager to have a "relationship" with a woman- because
with women, commitment is a one-way street.
It's like being eager to have a pet cobra. Yes, there are cool aspects of it. But one day that motherfucker is
gonna bite me.

[deleted] • 5 points • 23 October, 2016 02:33 AM

Make women work for your commitment, don't just give it away on date one is the motto here

beAn0n • 117 points • 21 October, 2016 01:11 AM

I don't know if I've figured women out or if I just really fucking hate them.

[deleted] • 99 points • 21 October, 2016 02:00 AM

Maybe you hate them because you figured them out, or maybe you hate your past self for not figuring them
out soon enough. I'm in both camps myself.

[deleted] • 9 points • 21 October, 2016 07:20 PM*

I definitely hate my former self. I look back and can't even believe I had girlfriends in high school. I was
extremely into lifting and played multiple sports so I guess I did have that going, but damn, I was such a
I think back to what my life was like before I met my wife: House parties on the weekend, everyone
jamming out, everyone had a guitar or something, going out on boats, pick up basketball and baseball
games, all the way into my early 20s. Then right after we got married, boom, all gone.
Since I found TRP almost a year ago, I've put on 40lbs, mostly muscle (because I am a hardgainer), I
look great, I'm back shooting hoops, jamming with friends, and I even coach my son's baseball team.
We've never had a drop in sex but damn, she craves it now.
But I'm coming to terms with it all, realized it was a brainwashing, raised on Disney movies, by a single
mother, luckily my older brother is alpha as hell and I had that to help but accepting the true nature of
women is something that still gets to me.

[deleted] • 9 points • 22 October, 2016 03:07 AM

You were raised by a single mother? Probably age mid-30's by now? I have one more book for you,
my friend. Iron John by David Bly. Time to un-brainwash your impression of what it means to be a
man from your mother growing up.
Source: Only child, raised by single mother.

[deleted] • 2 points • 22 October, 2016 11:20 AM

Thanks I'll check it out. Late 20s btw

pfffft_comeon • 42 points • 21 October, 2016 02:51 AM

Why would you hate them? Cause you got duped by society? By a specific girl? These aren't conscious
maneuvers on her part. They are definitely, seemingly the best actions for her to take. But they aren't her best
case scenario and won't make her happy in the long run. She has no idea what's going on. Every woman does
this. The likelihood of a girl doing this is 100%. Who she is doesn't matter; what she is does. She sits when
she pees. Page 10 of 34
Similarly you took steps not really knowing why. Like the girls, you took actions that you erroneously
believed would make you happy. Neither her's nor your's are viable actions to reach happiness.
Did you hate school for forcing you to expend mental energy in order too learn? If youre really pushing
yourself you'll feel discomfort. Some people hate that discomfort and refuse to learn. The ones who learn are
better off. Its worth your time to learn because your true happiness depends on it.
Once you've learned and practiced, the ineffectual actions she take in her quest to find happiness dont matter.
Shell join you and choose you to lead her.

ForgingFakes • 40 points • 21 October, 2016 04:00 AM

This book spells out something that I think we are missing; something that I just realized. AWALT is
nature's way. A woman's nature has evolved to serve a purpose. When was the last time you got pissed at
the wind blowing, the sun shining, or waves crashing?
Either be the little boy who cries when the high tide destroys your sand castle, or the evolved man who
harnesses nature's power and builds a sailboat.

beAn0n • 17 points • 21 October, 2016 04:23 AM

something that I just realized. AWALT is nature's way.

Yes. And as a male, I've been nurtured. From mom, dad, school, relationships, friends. Feel let down.
Just a little "oh my god this makes so much sense and it really chaps my ass" type of day for me right

RPFlame • 8 points • 21 October, 2016 08:45 AM

Either be the little boy who cries when the high tide destroys your sand castle, or the evolved man
who harnesses nature's power and builds a sailboat.

This is responsibility and ownership of your future, in it's best.

You can see it throughout the history of many civilizations. It's the nature of evolution and life.
The ones who sat around and complained got perished. The ones who sat around and put the hard
work and thinking towards overcoming the obstacles and somehow managed to push through, won.
We are the seed of those people.
It's survival of the fittest, the ones who adapt and grow. Will you overcome your tides or will they
drown you?

BobbyPeru • 5 points • 21 October, 2016 06:02 AM

This is an evolved viewpoint. Well said.

SetConsumes • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 07:03 PM

Yes, AWALT comes from women's very nature, their very brain wiring. Hence, no unicorns, because
all women have female brains, and must conform to AWALT.
Thinking male and female brains are not physically different is bp feminist dogma.

SetConsumes • 5 points • 21 October, 2016 07:00 PM

Because their nature is pathetic, mostly mindless, like an animal following its base instincts with little
more. Page 11 of 34
Im totally fine with women being selfish and self interested. But vapid?
That is what gets me more than anything else. Their sheer and utter vapidity. A large part of what makes
us human is our intellect and being able to go against our instincts and nature for intellectual reasons.
Women hardly do this if at all, and lack appreciation for basically anything outside of themselves.
So perhaps if I was brought up not expecting women to be like men in the simple case of having true
interest in humanity, I wouldn't look down on them so much for their vapidity. But I can't help it really,
and I hold men to this standard too, but most men care about things outside of themselves.
Combine that with women's inability to be good, as they are all amoral, being incredibly selfish and
Machiavellian, makes them pretty rather evil in a textbook like way(selfish, amoral, Machiavellian).
So great, I appreciate women better for what makes them them, but I hate them far more than previously
How to move on to acceptance without hatred? I don't know.

pfffft_comeon • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 07:11 PM

you only have so many resources. focus on a negative thing is focus you could be applying to a
productive thing. it's a wasted emotion because in this case your anger does not result in a solution.
adopting this mindset has nothing to do with them or anyone else, but has everything to do with your
internal game and frame.
you're wasting your time.

SetConsumes • 4 points • 21 October, 2016 07:33 PM

you only have so many resources. focus on a negative thing is focus you could be applying to
a productive thing. it's a wasted emotion because in this case your anger does not result in a
solution. adopting this mindset has nothing to do with them or anyone else, but has everything
to do with your internal game and frame.
you're wasting your time.

You didn't really address my points, but okay.

I've always sought truth and to understand the human mind, so understanding the female mind is
not a waste of time for me.
Part of it is my nihilism and lack of purpose for myself and for the existence of humanity. Women
were like my solace and with that destroyed, I'm left in darkness.
Which, perhaps it is simply my perspective, but I haven't yet been able to come close to
outweighing the overall negativity of civilization and life with the positivity of it.

mummersfarce_is_done • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 09:48 PM

I think you are still passing through the 5 stages. You don't need to worry. It will pass.
Humans are inherently good ----> you expect people to conform to a moral standard at a
Women are more saintly than men ----> you hold women to even higher standards
Actually both are pedestalisations.
BP dogma leads you to emotionally invested expectations. When you have such
expectations, frustration is sure to follow because anything that does not conform to it will
shatter your ego invested world view. You said you are left in darkness. Just because humans Page 12 of 34
are not the way you want them to be... Think about it.

Thaweed • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 03:00 PM

well, why not, i also hate lions when they eat little zebras.

[deleted] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 08:01 AM

Probably because we don't get taught these valuable lessons, and have to go through them first to learn
the lesson.

[deleted] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 08:03 AM

Probably because we don't get taught these valuable lessons, and have to go through them first to learn
the lesson.

Sensei_Hensei • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 06:45 PM

Anger phase is a struggle to get out of but you've put it in great perspective.

trippinallday • 12 points • 21 October, 2016 05:03 AM

Things are always worse than you imagine. Before you had fairy tales ingrained in your subconscious with
regards to women, so it was easy to think well of them. As you chip away at that, away goes all the magic
and fantasy and you're left with the truth.
Better now than the tail end of a failed marriage.

Chris_Phoenix • 11 points • 21 October, 2016 09:40 AM

"One must choose between loving women and knowing them" - Ninon de L'Enclos

uniquevoid • 7 points • 21 October, 2016 05:32 AM

Anger is normal, I certainly feel that as well...

I met a girl at uni this week, everything was going smooth but then I realized how she just wants a man, any
will do even though I'm top 3 alpha in my class.
She said everything I wanted to hear to catch me, now I listen to hear talk to other guys in the class room and
I'm disgusted
I nexted her ofc

[deleted] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 02:52 PM*

I know exactly how you feel. The more I learn about women the less I like them, that's for sure. On the one
hand we have a lot of spoiled, entitled bitches who actually do evil to men without a care (eg the false rape
accusation epidemic, and feminists generally), and those don't really deserve any kind thoughts from us,
anymore than a man behaving that way would.
On the other hand, there is just basic women's psychology, as this book goes into. When I compare with male
psychology, for all its faults (which are many), I have come to appreciate men far more than women, the
exact opposite of the way it used to be, and the way society tries to persuade us to feel. And it is true that just
any ordinary woman can be maddeningly frustrating to deal with, and entirely out for herself.
It is hard sometimes to just step back and say, "well, that is just their nature. They are not responsible for
their evolutionary past. You just have to learn to deal with it." Nonetheless, that is the main choice we have
(other than avoid them altogether), and in fact women can also be delightful to be with when they are not Page 13 of 34
misbehaving. So the more we learn how to handle them, the more of the delightful behaviour we get and the
less of the shitty, maddening behaviour. Can't change women, but we can change how we interact with them.

[deleted] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 08:08 PM

I'm kinda in your camp. I wouldn't say I hate women though, I just know I can't trust them, and maybe it's
my age group (18-22 - I'm 23) that contains a lot of girls that are shit.
For me, I can't stand women at this point because they just want all of my god damn time and I need that
time to keep improving myself and reach my goals. Thus my loathe of women, especially when they attempt
to weaponize their pussy. Not worth it.
Additionally, back to the subject of this post, every moment with women - outside of fucking - is stressful
and saturated with a litany of tests attempting to betatize you. Just absolutely unnecessary hoops I have to
jump through, so fuck em, MGTOW, or ONS or strict FWB at this point.

Lawlesslaw • 2 points • 22 October, 2016 08:44 PM

I'm 32. I can tell you now, they're no better in my age group or above. no one is safe.

PaperStreetVilla • 4 points • 21 October, 2016 04:13 PM

You hate them because you want them to act like you do, and for you.
They don't, once you accept it, you can like them for what they are

e4tshit • 1 point • 23 October, 2016 05:16 PM

You hate them because you want them to act like you do

exactly, with an iota of integrity. I'm not in the camp that excuses away their behavior because "it's in
their nature" or "that's just the way their made". Meanwhile they have agency they just choose to follow
emotions and instincts because why develop character when no one holds you accountable. When those
tits sprout it's like when Mario gets the star.

PaperStreetVilla • 2 points • 24 October, 2016 12:59 PM

I wish I could remember where it was, Roissey had a nice post on this in CH. Morality if largely a
male thing. women have their own measuring stick. It's largely because men bought into this
'equality' bullshit, that they try to judge womens actions by male standards.
They will always fall short, the same as you'll never function as well in the female social matrix. It's
not a value judgment, it's the wrong measuring stick

its_meKnightSwolaire • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 10:23 AM

I often comment on this sub as well as the MGTOW sub...

Too many flat out woman haters on MGTOW... you can definitely rise above the hate

HonestyOverCivility • 46 points • 20 October, 2016 11:16 PM

It seems like researched, informative, and objective redpill posts are really lacking these days.
Your post is a fantastic contribution to the community

pyrrhic_victor • 17 points • 21 October, 2016 02:08 AM [recovered]

Looks like an interesting read, thanks for posting this gem. Page 14 of 34
This book seems to be available in text and epub formats on too.

Campes • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 01:35 PM

thanks! hopefully this can get added to the sidebar.

bigk12345 • 16 points • 21 October, 2016 01:42 AM

This post took me in a trip to the Beta memory lane where I have seen the ghosts of all my Exes.
Good shit.
Will order the book.

its_meKnightSwolaire • 2 points • 22 October, 2016 10:24 AM

I'm reading it now on my kindle... it's gold and belongs on the side bar

NeoreactionSafe • 57 points • 20 October, 2016 11:02 PM

This is why male Game is required from day one until the end.
Masculine polarity must be established in order to short circuit this "betafication process" that develops when
things are done unconsciously.
The man who isn't Gaming his woman and shifting things towards a masculine (for him) and feminine (for her)
polarity is doomed.

What "works" is Captain to Firstmate.

What "fails" is the "Yes Ma'am". (beta)

Johnny_Lawless_Esq • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 03:23 PM [recovered]

Frame is a far better way of thinking about it because:

That's what it is. Keeping things going your way according to your vision of the world.
Frame is gender-agnostic. As some anonymous reporter once said "Bill Clinton doesn't just seduce women,
he seduces everyone. Game just gets you laid. Frame is a universal way of approaching your interactions
with all people. If you're an awkward, off-putting gawk with other guys, co-workers, and your family, odds
are overwhelmingly good that you aren't going to be any good with women, either.

NeoreactionSafe • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 03:28 PM

Some say that Frame is just "inner Game".

Ultimately the universe, both inner and outer, are bendable with Game awareness.
We are taught to be rigid and inflexible... to be betas... caught in a mythology.
But when we are free we can be aware of self (Frame) and others (Game) and have influence on
We choose to be free or to be a slave in all areas. Page 15 of 34
Eastuss • 5 points • 21 October, 2016 09:51 AM

TIL that being a stubborn piece of shit for 10 year in my LTR may actually have had positive effects. Like,
unwillingness to do what I'm asked, asking for counterparts, calling her emotional imbalance bullshit...

NeoreactionSafe • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 01:57 PM

Yes, having a strong will strengthens the relationship rather than weaken it.

immyownworstenemy • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 05:38 AM

What are your thoughts on the viability of an existing LTR for men who: are 'somewhat masculine' because
of having applied PUA since day 1, but each day are becoming a more 'true masculine' because of having
applied TRP more recently?

NeoreactionSafe • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 02:01 PM

Masculine polarity is always better than Androgyny.

It's always better to be more Masculine than less.
But be sure to include Rewards and Punishments so that she gets both sides.
Reward with Comfort when necessary. (don't be an asshole all the time)

immyownworstenemy • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 01:43 AM

Hmm, thanks. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I'll keep it simple and continue to increase masculine

pfffft_comeon • 29 points • 21 October, 2016 02:38 AM

"Your woman will never stop trying to bitch you up"

-Patrice O'Neal
Im paraphrasing but that sentiment is 100% on point. This post fills in on details and responses to her behavior.
Great post. Remember she has no idea that she's doing this and can't help herself. You dont need to know the girl
to know that she will. It doesn't matter who she is; you only need to know what she is. She sits down when she
Put yourself first guys. Always be selfish. Only times I wouldn't are in necessary situations with your boys (and
you should vet who let in your inner circle) and obviously blood relationships.

NeckbeardVirgin69 • 13 points • 21 October, 2016 03:24 AM

Very good post. Best I've read in a looong time, on here.

I like the way the tone remains detached and unemotional.
Too many people on here get pissed about the constant testing. To be honest, if a girl is right for you, you'll pass
her tests easily (that was also mentioned in the post).

[deleted] • 10 points • 21 October, 2016 01:02 AM

This book is excellent at decoding female covert communication. It's all about plausible denialibility for them Page 16 of 34
through open ended communication that is way too subtle for the male brain to pick up.
I just finished the book and agree that it is one of the best things out there. And it is definitely a different read
than your standard RP stuff.

Auvergnat[S] • 9 points • 21 October, 2016 09:29 AM*

This is not much different from what happens with many animal species, including species where the female
kills the male after copulation. In the case of humans, this "killing" happens on the psychological level.
The killing of human males by their female partners is largely symbolic, but we must also take into account
those men who take this process so seriously that they start to destroy their health through the abuse of
alcohol or drugs, or start to abuse their partners, or even murder their partners or commit suicide.

(emphasis mine)
This is, to me, the most powerful part of this chapter.
Women have evolved manipulation skills that allow them to extract the resources they need from a
physically stronger partner that will always remain reluctant in giving away the precious resources he manages
to build up. Like the herbivore "extracting" precious calories from plants. Like the female praying mantis
"extracting" precious calories from the very body of the male.
But the methodology used to extract these resources in the human species, short of killing males, is so fucking
sneaky that, for the man who doesn't understand this process, it constitutes a very real psychological torture.
You hear of men bailing on their family, getting verbally or physically violent or committing suicide, and you
hear people who knew these men being dumbfounded because "John as always been so peaceful, so loving, so
joyful. I don't understand. It doesn't make sense". And society refuses to acknowledge the actual female
roots of many of men's destructive behaviors. Quite the contrary, such anecdotes are always used as more ammo
by feminists and manipulated men (white knights / manginas) to expound on how men are evil and how women
are innocent victims and how we need to do more for women, which then confirms women in their behavior,
increasing the issue ever forward...
But fear not, my friends. We don't have to get angry. We don't have to complain. We don't have to give up on
sexuality. We just have to do as men do: gather knowledge and act on it. Which in this case is understand
female's manipulation and play with it. The more this knowledge spreads and reaches out to men, the more
men will remain in control of their relationships, the more men (and women) will be happy, the less male self-
destructive behaviors will occur, the less relevant the feminist discourse will become...

[deleted] • 5 points • 21 October, 2016 10:52 AM

But fear not, my friends. We don't have to get angry. We don't have to complain. We don't have to give
up on sexuality. We just have to do as men do: gather knowledge and act on it. Which in this case is
understand female's manipulation and play with it. The more this knowledge spreads and reaches out to
men, the more men will remain in control of their relationships, the less male self-destructive behaviours
will occur, the less relevant the feminist "logic" will become.

and the sooner life will return to normal, just like in the good old days!

sd4c • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 06:49 PM

and the sooner life will return to normal

Not in this age of robotic assembly lines, and information-management work. Life won't "return to
normal" until there is war, as the post says: Page 17 of 34
In our modern society, the need to test for physical qualities and financial stability has become less
important than the need for qualities such as leadership, intellectual capacity, and strength of
personality; but that would be quickly reversed in the case of war.

War (one which seriously threatens civilians on BOTH sides) brings value to men because while women
can aim and shoot just as well as we can, they can't carry ammunition worth a DAMN. Only physically
elite females can survive carrying an 80-lb pack for 20 miles- a routine, mundane task for average male
Tanks, drones, and bombers can destroy, but to OCCUPY, infantry is needed. Even if the ammo carried
by that infantry is energy packs for laser rifles, suppression is king and if your weapon's dry, you're dead.

graffix13 • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 04:05 PM

Yes this part stuck out to me too. And it's actually pretty terrifying because it's done on a subconscious level.
Some of us are lucky to realize this and found TRP, but for others...they aren't so lucky. They are either too
oblivious or due to having children with their partner, accepting of their fate.
Thanks again for the wonderful post. I'm buying the book right now.

sd4c • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 07:05 PM

But the methodology used to extract these resources in the human species, short of killing males, is so
fucking sneaky that, for the man who doesn't understand this process, it constitutes a very real
psychological torture.

This betaization, this sneaky and slow cooking of the frog, is so powerful that for some men, we give up our
time and resources without even getting sex. I've noticed a progression in my timeline of various objects of
affection (Oneitises):
1) Early High School: I'd get a crush on a gorgeous girl I had seen but who barely knew I existed, or a cute
girl who friend-zoned me
2) Late High School: I'd get oneitis for girls who would date and make out with me (teases)
3) College: I'd get oneitis for all one night stands/hook-ups
4) Post-College: I'd get oneitis for one night stands that were HB7+
5) Present Day: I'm able to get oneitis, but only for pretty girls who give me a regular supply of sex (aka,
Mind-Control Mucous)
My goal is to be able to reserve my feelings only for a woman who bears a child for me. Not sure if I'll get
there, or when. But getting burnt helps, as has having raised my SMV.

its_meKnightSwolaire • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 12:48 PM

Yep getting burnt enough will eventually create a cold heart of stone. It's a better place to be honestly

[deleted] • 8 points • 21 October, 2016 02:04 AM

This is exactly what my last ex did to me and I fell for it. From the initial sexual attraction all the way to ending
it by some dumb doublespeak. I won't ever be that guy again.

J_AsapGem • 8 points • 21 October, 2016 07:55 AM

God dude... the accuracy of this is staggering, what's worst i have a prime example under my own roof, and
everything that was stated checks out, my brother and his girlfriend, she started the relationship very loving with Page 18 of 34
him then as your post statement the " emotional connect " from there she put him to work, he has been cooking
and cleaning after her for the pass year name.

e4tshit • 3 points • 23 October, 2016 05:34 PM

everything that was stated checks out

2nd that, grinding my damn teeth while reading it.

Temperfuelmma • 7 points • 21 October, 2016 04:01 AM

Whoever wrote this is a complete genius.

Great material, totally going to give it a read when I get the time.

sd4c • 7 points • 21 October, 2016 07:42 PM

Whoever wrote this is a complete genius.

Yes. And so is the OP, check it out:

If you're 100% overt/masculine, you'll be attractive but you'll get mentally owned like a child and
eventually lose. If you're 100% covert/feminine, you'll play masterfully at women's game but you'll
eventually lose attraction because you're not being masculine (and not being exploited as she needs you
to be). So overall, play both games: let the overly masculine in you speak, get exploited a bit (but be
aware of it), then switch tactics and don't let yourself owned, then be blunt again, etc. Keep her on her

[deleted] • 7 points • 21 October, 2016 06:06 AM*

She wants her man to step up and deal with her out-of-control emotional state with masculine strength, and
without fear.

The book "Way of the Superior Man" by David Dieda is a great "how-to" practice book for doing this.
For example, sometimes when a woman gets angry, sometimes we men want to try to reason with them.
Because, that's what we do - we reason to de-escalate, right? Well the book says next time a woman gets angry -
go up and hug her. Tell her you love her .etc. This may not make sense to the man, but it's a show of courage to
"go above logic" and "go above the illogical emotions" being displayed by the woman at the moment. I also like
the book because it already acknowledges that the feminine within a woman won't necessary be logical. A
woman might say one thing and feel another thing at another time. But it's part of why we are attracted to the
feminine of a woman - it's who she is. We tend to be attracted to our polar opposite. The book also is written in
such a non-confrontational way, but deep beneath the language is the secret towards understanding - and dealing
- with women's emotions.
Edit: The book uses a far softer language than the book OP has mentioned in this thread. Even so, this book says
a man will courageously handle a woman's emotions, but at some point he'll leave if it's too much. I'm
paraphrasing, but essentially, learn how to handle the fire by playing with the fire, not resisting it. But if it's too
hot, a real man leaves his hand intact.

Eastuss • 5 points • 21 October, 2016 10:24 AM

The more I read through this thread, the more I believe I've been partly having the natural right behaviour.
But the weird part is I've always thought my girlfriend was extra crazy deluxe, and so I just stopped trying to
figure out logical solution and tried to directly hit on the emotional level. Sounds like a general thing to do Page 19 of 34

[deleted] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 10:46 AM

Exactly. Now the thing here is - you learn how to communicate with them, but at some point if it's too
crazy - if it's too hot - then be prepared to leave. The book uses a far softer language than the book OP
has mentioned in this thread. Even so, this book says a man will courageously handle a woman's
emotions, but at some point he'll leave if it's too much. I'm paraphrasing, but essentially, learn how to
handle the fire by playing with the fire, not resisting it. But if it's too hot, a real man leaves his hand
Edit: By the way, since you stopped trying to figure out the logical solution, how has it been going?

Eastuss • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 12:18 PM

Edit: By the way, since you stopped trying to figure out the logical solution, how has it been

Not well every time because I'm not yet capable to distinguish everything, I've hard time not taking
things personally and am not consistent. Lately I would often just tell her that I'll talk to her when she
stops her bullshit and wait a mood switch or an event that would re approach us in an affectionate
manner. Other times I would take it personally and I would bullshit the same way she does, and fun
thing is that works too, switching pressure and showing shared pain.
Some other times if I am convinced it's not about me I'll just display affection, try to boost her self-
esteem, and try randomly telling things reassuring her "Afraid to loose your job? Why do you even
care? I'll assure you stability until you find another one." and it's about guessing right, the example
above works well, maybe it is the "stability" part that hits the right spot, like explained in the post it
may be asserting my value.
I think I failed all the "I don't feel we are communicating" or variants "You ignore me all day" / "We
didn't even talked to each other today". I haven't any valid concious strategy for this, most of the time
she would throw these things when I actually used most of my time being with her and while having
very little time for myself. It's weird because at these moment I'm like depressed because I don't have
time for myself, I believe that this whole shit is just the result of me showing weakness or instability.
At many moment I thought that I would be better leaving, but I never had the strength to do it.
Instead, I started taking care of myself and my body, raised my SMV, tried to apply strategies so that
our interactions are better and so that my place in the couple is strong. Lately I had her accept many
things from me she never accepted before, and am slowly teacher her how I really am and that I will
not hide anymore. Basically I'm trying to make her swallow a big red pill about me...
Sorry for the wall of personal life.

SetConsumes • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 07:19 PM

What truly helps me a lot is seeing her like a child. Most of her illogical statements I simply react
now with positive feelings or funny distractions, or the occasional negative feelings.
Works so much better than being logical. Regardless of my woman being more logical than
plenty, she still isn't really logical.
Ha, I remember when she said she wanted to have more input on decisions in our life. I asked her
where or what specifically after arguing for 5 min, she had nothing, crickets.
That was my turning point. I truly knew without an inkling of doubt that there isn't some chain of Page 20 of 34
logical truths in her head. Or else she wouldn't say I want these things, and then not be able to
define those things at all.
Madness, all of it.

Eastuss • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 08:07 AM

Haha that sounds really like the random "i want more X" without any reason. I think I start
getting it :) thanks!
What if one day that request is legitimate?

[deleted] • 1 point • 23 October, 2016 01:20 PM

Thanks for sharing, Eastuss. Looking at her like a child is exactly what works. Men get in
trouble because we start to uphold logical agreements as well as emotional agreements -
and it's a trap. Or as OP of this thread might say, based on the book, it's just the
programming women do. Just understand women are not logical.

silentlyfurious • 1 point • 23 October, 2016 01:45 PM

ask her why she feels that way, and/or figure it out yourself from observations of her
dont ask her why she thinks that.
its not a thought.
its a feeling.
or just distract her with other feelings as /u/SetConsumes says above

SetConsumes • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 02:45 PM

Haha that sounds really like the random "i want more X" without any reason. I think I
start getting it :) thanks!

Pretty much. When you see it so blatantly it can still catch you off guard.

What if one day that request is legitimate?

If it's a legitimate request she'll have legitimate reasons to back up the request. It's the hard
part to figure out, so I ask for reasons while not taking her seriously to begin with, and if a
serious reason is given then I will act accordingly.

tekende • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 08:42 PM

Well the book says next time a woman gets angry - go up and hug her. Tell her you love her .etc. This
may not make sense to the man, but it's a show of courage to "go above logic" and "go above the illogical
emotions" being displayed by the woman at the moment.

But isn't that just rewarding shitty behavior?

[deleted] • 2 points • 22 October, 2016 02:32 AM

See that's the logical explanation. But it's actually living in abundance. For example - she gets pissed at
you. You hug her. She cheers up. The mood changes. You've manned up. Everyone's happy.
Note - Again, remember feminine women aren't logical when they are emotional. She will probably be Page 21 of 34
relieved that you were the positive influence and snapped her out of her angry emotion.
Now if she ends up using that as a way to fish hugs from you, then that's a negative pattern about her and
that's another issue.

cesarfd • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 03:49 PM

In other words, permanently-monogamous sexual relationships are not necessarily natural. They are partly a
modern, social construct.

They are not natural and are certainly a modern, social construct. That's the reason a male has to have other
sexual options on the side at all times regardless of the LTR he's into.
Long term sexual monogamy only serves women's interests.

Psychological counseling and family therapy usually fail to help couples in this situation because they start
from the shaky assumption that exclusive committed relationships are always "healthy" and that having sex
with different partners is "sick."

Societal programming is sick.

sd4c • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 07:57 PM

Long term sexual monogamy only serves women's interests

Make it serve your own. Flip the script. If you're providing her with something you can't get back (your time,
your status and connections, food, a space to live in) then make sure she's providing you with something she
can't undo, either:
One or the other, but preferably, both. Sex doesn't count, because the man does most of the work and birth
control means she's not risking much. Find a hot girl, who is sane and has a decent family. Knock her up.
Yes, she can turn her back on you. Yes, she can extort you for child support. Even turn the kid against you.
But no matter what, she cannot take that kid back. You've heard before, "At least one good thing came out of
that relationship..." It's true.

sonder_one • 5 points • 21 October, 2016 05:12 AM

Tests are constant. IOIs reveal whether you're passing.

[deleted] • 4 points • 21 October, 2016 07:46 AM

[permanently deleted]

Auvergnat[S] • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 08:59 AM

This is exactly the dynamics that led to our current feminized society where women complain to get more
and more stuff and get it.
From this book and other reads (particularly from the awesome IllimitableMan), I start seeing the
pervasiveness of Manipulation as the main power tool of the weaker.

A child manipulates his (more powerful) parents into providing him resources. (Steven Pinker's "the blank
slate" is a great read touching on this topic)

Women in society manipulate the (more powerful) males into providing them more stuff. Page 22 of 34
A wife manipulates her (more powerful) husband into getting more of what she wants.

[deleted] • 4 points • 21 October, 2016 12:26 PM*

Pure gold. Bought it straight away. Thanks for the steer! Interestingly, I wrote in a comment just a few days ago
that women suck at relationships, even though they generally think they are good at them (and certainly better at
them than men). This book brings out exactly why they suck, and why they can be so exasperating to deal with.

scrodzilla • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 12:20 AM

Man, my reading list keeps getting longer and longer.

BobbyPeru • 5 points • 21 October, 2016 06:04 AM

This one should go right to the top... Trust me

Vuhrami • 3 points • 20 October, 2016 09:55 PM

Fantastic Read - Will look at picking up the book. A question I have is how to surpass the seeking
communication stage. It seems that the response to that question should be to escalate sexually?

Auvergnat[S] • 10 points • 21 October, 2016 08:51 AM

I'd say combine a number of things:

First, DO "communicate". If you shut off conversation or get angry at her lack of logic, you comfort her
claim that you're not "communicating" indeed, and when faced with the truth of that statement at later
stages, your man logic will crumble. But "communicate" as women do (manipulating, obfuscating, lying,
etc.) rather than as a man (taking discussion logically, providing useful information, accepting blame, etc.).
Practical advice: do sit down and talk. Talk nonsense and lie. Keep a smirk on your face. Alternate
accepting the blame and refusing it.

Second, increase the feelings. Her "need to communicate" means she's unhappy with the relationship. To
make a woman happy, make her feel. Good or bad, doesn't matter. But she needs to feel. Sex is a great way
to make her feel, but she might withhold it because it's your "reward" for complying with her demands and
she's currently unhappy with your compliance if she's complaining about "communication". Practical
advice: the occasional bum smack, some dread, some nice one-off surprise, some adventure, etc.

Third, step up as an alpha man. Again, facing her unhappiness that prompted her "need to talk", take it as a
sign you need to lead more, lift more, dread more. The woman getting the exclusive resources of an alpha
man doesn't "need to talk".

GodZDeaD • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 01:59 PM

That's solid advice. I've come to realize that arguing logically with women is a lose-lose situation. You
get frustrated and she becomes confused or embarrassed. So we have to "beat" women at their own
game? The game they are evolutionarily predisposed to excel at? That has to be a though one.
And you contradict yourself because you mention accepting/refusing blame as a logical form of
communication and then you advice it. Is alternating between the two what makes it a successful

Auvergnat[S] • 4 points • 21 October, 2016 03:02 PM

So we have to "beat" women at their own game? The game they are evolutionarily predisposed to
excel at? That has to be a though one. Page 23 of 34
You are right. And worse than that, I think playing entirely that game might be counterproductive. I
know I contradict myself a bit, but mind you I'm still learning too. For now I believe that you have to
play both overt and covert games alternatively and randomly. If you're 100% overt/masculine, you'll
be attractive but you'll get mentally owned like a child and eventually lose. If you're 100%
covert/feminine, you'll play masterfully at women's game but you'll eventually lose attraction because
you're not being masculine (and not being exploited as she needs you to be). So overall, play both
games: let the overly masculine in you speak, get exploited a bit (but be aware of it), then switch
tactics and don't let yourself owned, then be blunt again, etc. Keep her on her toes.

And you contradict yourself because you mention accepting/refusing blame as a logical form of
communication and then you advice it. Is alternating between the two what makes it a successful

"Thinking on the situation at hand, analyze it logically and decide to accept OR refuse the blame and
stick to it" is male and logical. Saying one thing and then saying the opposite is female and illogical. I
was advocating for obfuscation: if she blames you, accept it... then refuse it... then accept it again...
then say you never accepted it in the first place. Women's game. Or politician or businessman's game
if you prefer. (Gotta love Trump's awesome use of that technique consisting in saying one thing, then
denying he ever said that only 30 minutes later. That's the best way to avoid all responsibility and
move the conversations towards better topics for you)

sd4c • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 07:41 PM

If you're 100% overt/masculine, you'll be attractive but you'll get mentally owned like a child
and eventually lose. If you're 100% covert/feminine, you'll play masterfully at women's game
but you'll eventually lose attraction because you're not being masculine (and not being
exploited as she needs you to be). So overall, play both games: let the overly masculine in you
speak, get exploited a bit (but be aware of it), then switch tactics and don't let yourself owned,
then be blunt again, etc. Keep her on her toes.

Perfect. This guy gets it.

GodZDeaD • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 03:36 PM

Leave them guessing, leave the feeling. Sound strategy. Just, what do you mean by "being
exploited as she needs you to be"? Didn't quite get that one.

Auvergnat[S] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 03:45 PM

I think that because women are basically "designed" to extract resources from a man through
exploitation/manipulation, you need to give her the feeling that she's doing it successfully. For
example, comfort tests: the day she cries because she needs some love, you give her some.
Makes her feel good to see that she can get you to do her biddings... at least once in a while.
that part's got to be the least difficult. that's what we men naturally do the best: getting
manipulated by women. Unless you're a shit hot alpha that is..

GodZDeaD • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 03:57 PM

I think Pareto's 80/20 principle applies here: Engaging in masculine modes of

communication 80% of the time and 20% feminine.
Allow for slight/innocent (consented) manipulation 20% of the time, while remaining stoic
to her advances the remaining 80%. Page 24 of 34

Auvergnat[S] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 04:05 PM

sounds good to me. apply, analyse and report!

SetConsumes • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 07:10 PM

Yes, you have to beat women at their own game. Which is quite doable, especially because men can
be objective whereas women have a hard time, especially when emotional.
The greatest con artists are men, not women, after all.

Eastuss • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 10:27 AM

How about the tests? I have hard time understanding what are those tests, i've read few things about
answering and addressing them (shit test 101 in the sidebar) but can't really get a proper example.

Auvergnat[S] • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 10:44 AM

A shit test is a subgenre of subcommunication.

Subcommunication is this: A comment is made that hide some important subtext behind facade
boring information.
A shit test is one where the subtext is meant to verify your congruence with what you appear,
typically some alpha trait (dominance, leadership, etc.). The girl is basically sending you a verbal
screwball subtext to see if you can pick it up and answer in line with what you project. If you answer
to the facade information and failing to pick up the subtext, you fail. If you pick up the subtext but
fails to provide an answer congruent with what you project, you fail. To pass, you need to pick up the
subtext and answering in congruence with the image you project.
Your bible should be:

I’ll give you an example of a common shit test women use, for the sake of the example let’s
pretend your name is Tom: “Haha Tom is one of those player guys, you can tell just by looking at
him!” It will sound like a complaint, but it isn’t, it’s a shit test and she wants to see how you
respond to her bullshit. She is conjuring up inane accusatory nonsense purely to incite a response
and determine your level of confidence. After she says this she will look at you to gauge your
body language and get a better read on your frame.
Strong response: “Sounds like you’ve got an eye for talent.” Body language wise give her strong
“I’m gonna fuck you ’till I split you like the Grand Canyon” eyes, or be aloof and distant as if to
suggest her test is pathetic. Shit test passed, vagina’s beginning to moisten.
Weak response: “I would never dream of stringing a girl along!” and then you start idiotically
justifying how “you’re not like that” eyes widening, palms are sweaty, wishing you were at home
with your mum’s spaghetti. Shit test failed, she’s drying up.

The best way for you to understand shit tests is to expose yourself to it. It starts by talking with girls
and at some point after a comment, you realizing "wait a second. There is some subtext here.". It'll
come with practice.

Eastuss • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 12:31 PM

Thanks, the words you use make more sense to me! Page 25 of 34
Your post helped a lot, especially for the seeking communication part that I was totally oblivious
of. But for shit test I am really not getting them. I had already put my eyes on your link, I've not
read it entirely but most examples aren't really adapted to my 10 yo LTR. Both shit tests and
frame seem very different.
Maybe common shit tests she my be doing are jokes about me. To which I used to answer that it's
not possible because other women ignore me.
But I changed recently to a messages inducing me being picky or me having spent too much time
educating her sexually for having sex with an inexperienced woman. That's cringy and all jokes
but at least it doesn't seem to lower my value.
It's not bad considering I wasn't aware of TRP and that I emerged lot successful behaviours that I
then saw on TRP. Still not great.

SetConsumes • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 07:12 PM

Shit tests are typically complaints, demands. Seeing what she can get you to do with
emotional manipulation.

imbeciI • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 01:58 PM

It's a long read, but incredibly useful.

Thanks for your contribution. It should be added to the sidebar as well.

postreformedpua • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 07:15 AM

Sometimes it feels like the only winning move is not to play. It makes me appreciate MGTOW a bit more.

Auvergnat[S] • 6 points • 21 October, 2016 09:03 AM

I get you. If I could take a pill to become asexual, I wouldn't hesitate a second. But since testosterone flows
through my veins and sex drives me, fuck it, I'll play the game. But be sure I'll play to win.

SetConsumes • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 07:20 PM

How fucked is that? To wish being asexual? Fuck.

[deleted] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 08:56 AM

Thanks for posting this. I now completely understand the dynamics of my last relationship (and maybe alle of
the LTRs I have been in). Too bad that this book is only in Kindle version. I would like this on my shelf.

redknightcrusader • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 01:01 PM

Holy shit, this is soooo true of every single LTR I have had. Thank you for sharing I am getting this book!

P4_Brotagonist • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 04:56 PM

I have a question that I've been curious about for a long period of time. You say that manipulation is a learned
thing from observation. I think this is definitely true. You observe other people do it, and follow suit.
However, you also talk about "how would you feel if every time you had sex, you had a chance to get stuck
carrying a baby for 9 months." That however is no longer true. Most younger women I know have had at least
one abortion, and I know a few in particular are nearing double digits on them to the point I wonder if they will
be sterile soon. If learning manipulation through observation is valid, then how is the other also valid? You don't
have to carry a child at all anymore, and it seems like most women opt into the "get out of jail" card. Page 26 of 34
Auvergnat[S] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 05:13 PM

1. I didn't write the post, I reprinted it.

2. The authors don't say manipulation is learned by observation. They suggest it might be instinctive
and/or learned by habit of doing it and benefiting from the results.

Read about evolutionary psychology (for example, Matt Ridley's "the red queen").
In short, people have some behaviours because these behaviours favored survival and reproduction of our
ancestors that had them. For example, you have a strong desire for sex right? What do you think happened to
your ancestors that did not have this desire? They did not reproduce and therefore the genes for "not desiring
sex" didn't make it to our generation. Those ancestors that had this desire? They reproduced shitloads and
therefore the genes for "desiring sex" are widespread in our generation.
Today, birth-control makes "desire for sex" almost irrelevant to reproduction, but back in the days, there was
no birth control. To see which behaviours might have been selected-for, you only have to think of them in
the past, not today. Men are still desiring sex like crazy even though it doesn't necessary lead to
That's how you can understand modern people's behavior: by analyzing how such behavior was beneficial
for survival and reproduction in the past. Manipulation in women is a good example: women who could
manipulate men in the past were more likely to survive and reproduce, therefore we can start assuming it is
an instinctive behaviour.

[deleted] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 07:00 PM

A quick question, are there advice or chapter dedicated to maintaining attraction in a relationship in the book ?

grewapair • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 08:04 PM

This is simply the best post I've read in three years on Reddit. Thanks for posting it.

[deleted] • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 08:35 PM

This is the stuff I come to TRP. Amazing post, op. I'm gonna bookmark this and buy the book.

its_meKnightSwolaire • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 08:38 PM

Awesome post... adding this to my kindle right meow...

jaggedlittleredpill • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 10:28 PM

Good god man this is an eye opener. If only I had this knowledge in my younger years.
Just bought the book. Your post pure gold.

[deleted] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 03:36 AM

You make it look like women are simple animals that only follow their instinct. Not saying you are wrong lol.

Obio1 • 7 points • 21 October, 2016 05:04 AM

More importantly: So are men just following instincts.

Consider this: We males are all programmed (to varying extents) to want to be tested, provide and share
Knowing, understanding and internalizing that potential weakness is essential to redpill theory, and Page 27 of 34
ultimately to exploiting the dynamic for our advantage.

SetConsumes • 0 points • 21 October, 2016 08:00 PM

Men don't just follow their instincts. They came up with institution of monogamy which goes against
their instincts because of intellectual reasons for example.
Men through their intellect can defy their instincts and urges and base animal ways.

Auvergnat[S] • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 08:55 PM

Yeah? How long can you remain willingly without sex?

SetConsumes • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 03:29 PM

If someone wants and trains themselves to, they can be celibate.

Auvergnat[S] • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 05:31 PM

you don't believe in evolutionary psychology do you?

SetConsumes • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 06:02 PM

Generally, yes I agree with many evo psych positions.

I know people that are celibate out of choice. It is quite doable.

Areu4realm8 • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 08:30 PM

beta men came up with the institution of monogamy, and forced everyone to follow it, becaus ethat
was the only way they could get pussy.

joeyjojosharknado • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 10:23 AM

I think TRP is essentially about understanding the deep instinctive motivations of both women and men that
go on behind the veneer of rationality and culture. These are realities that as a female-focused culture we are
conditioned to not overtly mention or acknowledge, which of course is beneficial females but detrimental to
males. As a man I'm glad there are places like TRP that at least attempt to redress that balance.

BobbyPeru • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 06:00 AM

I just finished reading this book yesterday. 200 pages, and I was upset that there wasn't more. I agree – by far
one of the best RP books I've ever read.

SetConsumes • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 08:02 PM

You'd enjoy The Anatomy of Female Power perhaps.

CynicalGreek • 1 points • 21 October, 2016 06:09 AM [recovered]

Franco and jsw are fcking gold. I really miss the mASF days.

Auvergnat[S] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 07:13 AM

I need to know more about these guys. What's mASF?

CynicalGreek • 1 points • 21 October, 2016 11:18 AM [recovered]

was the first pick up forum back from usenet days. it was called went down near 2010 i
think. you can find archives from their posts up till 2008 in puazone i think. franco (used the nick Page 28 of 34
zarathustra or something) was one of my personal favorites alongside blackdragon ijjjji and jsw.

Auvergnat[S] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 12:40 PM

Got it. Awesome stuff. thanks.

CynicalGreek • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 01:38 PM [recovered]

no its not that there s a complete collection of pdfs of every post.

Auvergnat[S] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 01:44 PM

? Ok I'll look for more. pretty good start anyway

RedPillHanSolo • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 08:11 AM

Very good. Reminds me of past quality posts here. OP, thanks for suggestion, it will be next book I pick up.

Driv3n • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 09:01 AM

Great post. Completely outlined my last relationship! Buying the book tomorrow!

Chris_Phoenix • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 09:37 AM

It was a long read but all of it was gold. The last major relationship of my beta days followed this exact pattern
to a tee. Even now there are days where I notice subtle changes in my LTR attempting to chip away at my
authority in the relationship. Stay vigilant, and always be willing to walk when she crosses a line, no matter who
she is to you, or you'll forever be doomed to beta servitude

[deleted] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 01:50 PM

Reading a lot of posts like this, I guess I'm filling the role of the lazy beta male sitting back relaxing and
thinking, "Too much work."
Don't get me wrong, I'm in shape but the primary motivation behind that is mental health. I look at a most
women around me and I see danger to my mental health. Omega, beta, alpha, sigma, whatever, I'm just the guy
who strives to be too relaxed to play the game.

sd4c • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 08:02 PM

LTR Game. It's not work as long as you are punching at your own weight class (SMV) and as long as you
enjoy it. I find that I enjoy regular sex with the same beautiful woman, enough that I'm willing to invest
some time in it. But when I'm busy, it's not worth it.

[deleted] • 2 points • 22 October, 2016 02:13 PM

I agree that a woman's SMV in comparison to one's own would factor in a lot in that.

rayboomboom • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 02:55 PM

This post thoroughly unbefuddled me.

ChickenBalotelli • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 04:00 PM

I'd be so fucked if I'd never found RP. Thank you baby krishnah! Page 29 of 34
desno • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 04:01 PM

Great post my man. It's posts like these which keep us on our toes and prevent us from getting too complacent
(and hence becoming more blue pill and beta)

[deleted] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 05:57 PM

This post actually helps me appreciate women. Also the 'manosphere' for taking the time to articulate their
findings, and myself for swallowing this jagged pill over the last few years.

[deleted] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 06:41 PM

Wow, I am sold. Buying this book now... incredible.

YourRussianUncle • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 07:57 PM

This is the reason men who want to be "loved" will fail.

The goal as far as her feelz is: respect, admiration, emotional dependency, and so on.
"Love" is something they feel for kids and kittens. They can't handle "loving" a man and being sexual with him
at the same time.

mrHappyPotatoe • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 08:04 PM

But as a strong man to who and when we can dump our emotions and other stuff that is not that manly? We cant
just swallow all up or lock it behind some door or bury it. I understamd that as a man we should never really
"open up" to a woman?

Auvergnat[S] • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 08:56 PM

close family (parents), mates, a professional therapist, a dog

OneInAZillion • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 01:35 AM

Am I allowed to throw a download link on here or is that some sort of illegal?

10211799107 • 1 point • 16 November, 2016 12:05 AM

I'll take a download link via PM.

JackGetsIt • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 09:05 AM

It seems like Jack Donovan's stuff is a lot more put together and marketed/error checked. Question. Why can't
Mr. Tomassi and Mr. South find good editors and publishers?

p3n1x • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 04:21 PM

Read the whole book guys. Great stuff.

throwaway13831571 • 1 points • 21 October, 2016 05:18 PM [recovered]

Writing here may be a mistake but it seems to me that there are two subs that would have the best feedback for
me TRP, and Swingers
So here's my story and situation. I'll be as brief as possible so as to cut to the meat of the matter.
I'm a former dead bedroom guy. I've been married to the same woman for some time and throughout our
relationship her interest in sex has been minimal at best. A few years ago we tried to have children but found out Page 30 of 34
that it was not in the cards (her issue not mine). The knee jerk reaction from TRP community will likely be to
drop her and go find some other pussy to pound. While that's "great" advice, it's bullshit. This woman I'm with, I
truly love her. It's not the fabled one-itis. The situation is that everything else between us is amazing. There is
simply a missing part and that part happens to be the sex part.
But before you groan and shoo me out, hear me out.
I've recently met another woman. She is the antithesis of my wife. She is liquid sex. She is sensual, sensational,
intense, and just as salacious as I am. The connection between us is incredible and the god the sex is
just out of this fucking world. Now she is the antithesis to my situation in another way. She herself is married.
Her husband knows of her affair with me and he supports her in it. Yes...that's right. I went from "dead
bedroom" to being the bull in their cuckold/hotwife relationship. It's a bizarre situation but I'm riding it out is strange and why the fuck not.
So I'm writing here for advice...not because I need it...but more so because I have no one else to bounce ideas off
of. My plan is to have my wife get introduced to my lover. Not that she would know that was the case at first. I
have suspected for a long time that part of our 'dead bedroom' condition comes from possible lesbian leanings.
My new fling has already expressed an interest in...testing this. So that's what the goal is. So here's my plan and
this is the part that I'm looking for feedback on. Introduce her to my mistress in a comfortable setting by making
it seem like it was her idea. My mistress is a yoga teacher, so my plan is to concoct a "free month" sort of give
away that we can take advantage of as a couple. I'll play it cool and collected and I'd get my mistress to pay my
wife a lot of compliments. That part shouldn't be hard since she already thinks she's really cute. Introduce her to
my mistress' husband. The point of this is to make these interactions "couples" things. That should make it easier
for my wife to accept spending more time with them. It will also give time for me and the husband to chat while
the girls chat. Introduce more private situations for interaction. Basically having them over or us going over to
their place. The plan with this is again to concoct some reason why I would need to be at their place, such as to
help with renovations etc. This would give the girls time together.
Introduce sexual tension. At this point taking her out of our house and out of the yoga studio there should be
enough rapport between everyone that she feels comfortable. At this point, I would have my mistress ramp up
her flirtations and test my wife. If she had the husband hit on her that would never work. But having another
woman hit on her...I think it would be a novelty and an exciting one at that for her. If she tells me about the
flirtation I'd react with a "that's hot!" to let her know I'm cool with it. If she doesn't tell me but reacts positively
to my mistress then that'll work as well since the added excitement of hiding the feelings will likely be a turn on
for her.
Open everything up and just let go. My ultimate goal, honestly, is just to have my wife be able to open up and
have something sexually exciting in her life. It hasn't been me so maybe this new thing can open up those locks
and throw open the doors. If not, then the ultimate trump card will be played. I gave you every opportunity to
adapt and you haven't. I'm going to spend time with my mistress regardless. I'd rather you be involved but if you
don't want to, that's fine. I'm going to do it anyways. So this is a very long response to a post that it may not
really fit with, but like I said, I need a sounding board and you gentlemen seem like the type that would
understand where I'm coming from and give advice that pushed this in the correct direction. I welcome your

SetConsumes • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 08:09 PM

Intriguing. Plans like this rarely work out the way you expect, but your general premise may still go through.
However, you do have oneitis, or else you wouldn't be figuring out how to save what you have with her so
indepthly. I'm curious, is she very feminine overall or somewhat masculine too? What gives you the idea of
lesbian leanings? Page 31 of 34
throwaway13831571 • 1 points • 23 October, 2016 05:39 AM [recovered]

She's feminine overall but does have some masculine qualities. No more than any other woman though.
The lesbian leanings isn't just me shooting in the dark. There have been signs. Some subtle, some not so
much. I've had arguments with her in the past about the lack of sexual connection and in a few of those I
had questioned if she was attracted to women. Her reaction was not one of someone that knew the answer
was an obvious, "No." Instead her answer was delayed and, "I don't know" was the answer instead. That's
the most clear cut reason. Now it could be construed that these were in the heat of the argument and I
may have been hitting her with a lot of hard questions causing her brain to reel. But if you're asked point
blank, "Are you gay?" and you have to pause and think about it....generally the answer is not, "No."
Because if it's "No" it's really fkn easy to say, "No."
There's that....and there's the normal thing that women do where they check out other women. Perhaps
her gaze is just like all other women...just comparing themselves and that's all. But her look is...perhaps a
little more suspicious. So that combined with my preceding example is what leads me to believe that
there is lesbian leanings within her.
Sorry for the long winded response.

SetConsumes • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 02:43 PM

I see what you're saying. Women do tend to be demisexual, not have concrete positions about their
sexuality, so, there's a good chance you're right.

Y0gurtDestiny • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 09:19 PM

Would love to know how this turns out! I think you're on the right track as far as how to set it up. I can't offer
too much in the way of specific situational advice but my one suggestion if this start to turn in the wrong
direction is to maintain your frame. If she doesn't go for it or reacts badly, it's important that you don't freak
out or get weird - maintain your calm and composure and don't make it a big thing. If it's a big thing for you,
it will be for her.

sd4c • -1 points • 21 October, 2016 08:05 PM

This has nothing to do with OP's tremendously useful post. Please delete this and put this up in AskTRP

D3termined • -9 points • 21 October, 2016 03:38 AM

I almost started reading all of this but I mostly scanned over it.....I'll say this
Find a girl with a job, stop dating chicks with no direction, stop dating women who have no desire to go out
there and make something of's 2016 fellas....there are literally millions of young, good looking,
professional women out there who are waiting for an actual man to come along and sweep them off their feet.
Try not to make all of this seem so complex when in the end it's all so very simple.
Take care of your body, take care of your mind, and most definitely take pride in your matter what
you do, take pride in your work.
Also, excuse my language but stay away from those basic ass hoes out there unless you're just looking for a solid
one night stand.
If you want a good girl.....
Get out there and earn it, one day at a time....before you know it, you'll be looking right at her and you'll know
what to do. Page 32 of 34
Good luck out there fellas

postreformedpua • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 07:24 AM

I almost started reading all of this but I mostly scanned over it.....I'll say this

I'll say something almost completely irrelevant because I didn't read it (I almost did though - do I get bonus
Also this can be copy / pasted below any TRP post blindly.
Actually read it next time and you might get to write a relevant reply.

[deleted] • 3 points • 21 October, 2016 02:26 PM

If you want a good girl..... Get out there and earn it, one day at a time....before you know it, you'll be
looking right at her and you'll know what to do.

You heard it here first. Guys, there really is a unicorn out there waiting for you, you just have to make
yourself good enough for her. And no need to read anything on how to handle her or the relationship, you
can just trust her. </sarc>

suchhound • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 07:38 AM

I did not read the post but I'm going to give you my opinion anyway.,,

SetConsumes • 1 point • 21 October, 2016 08:12 PM

Career women are more logical and masculine and less feminine.
While that makes them more rational, it also makes them less attractive with a less passionate dynamic.
And they're still going to adhere to every single point listed in the OP. AWALT does not stop for
masculinized women, if anything, they're even more manipulative since they have a little more direction and
higher intelligence to apply to their madness.

D3termined • -2 points • 21 October, 2016 10:18 PM

I've never had so many replies to a comment lol.

At least you guys are taking this sub seriously, I can dig it.
I guess all I'm saying is yes, there just may be a unicorn out there for you, me, and whomever.
Also no I didn't take the time to read the post. I'm a busy guy lol, sorry op.
Again, good luck to all of you.
Lux Veritas

remyseven • -1 points • 21 October, 2016 04:21 PM

So the underlying text is to be like the Romans and be bisexual. Find a male partner that can share the same love
and procreate with women.

Areu4realm8 • 1 point • 22 October, 2016 08:33 PM

wtf... you can still love women, but love like an adult, not like a little child who wants to be with mommy

sd4c • 0 points • 21 October, 2016 08:09 PM Page 33 of 34
In no way is this the "underlying text". Gay and bisexual behavior is worse than incel, it's omega male
activity. Better to reserve and re-direct one's sexual energy into something constructive, than waste it on non-
reproductive partners (dudes, animals, blow-up dolls, whatever)

remyseven • 2 points • 21 October, 2016 09:23 PM

So the roman soldiers were omegas?

sd4c • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 06:52 PM

Don't confuse physical toughness with social dominance. The alphas were all at home banging these
men's wives

remyseven • 1 point • 24 October, 2016 07:06 PM

So lifting doesn't always make you a man? Page 34 of 34

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