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Transfer into English!

1. Setahun Yang lalu saya dipanggil kepala sekolah dan diberi hukuman
untuk tidak masuk sekolah selama seminggu, karena saya tidak masuk
sekolah selama sebulan.
Jawab : Last year I was called by the headmaster and given a punishment
not to go to school for a week, because I didn’t go to school for a month.

2. Obat ini harus diminum tiga kali sehari setelah makan kemudian anda
dilarang mengendarai mobil atau motor.
Jawab : This medicine must be taken three times a day after meals, then
you are forbidden to drive a car or a motorcycle.

3. Laptop saya diinjak oleh adik saya, dan ini sudah diperbaiki tetapi
keyboardnya tidak bisa digunakan.
Jawab : My laptop was stepped on by my sister, and this has been
repaired but the keyboard cannot be used.

4. Ribuan orang sipil terbunuh dalam kerusuhan di negara itu beberapa

tahun lalu
Jawab: Thousand civilians were killed in the riots in that country a few
years ago

5. Sekarang dokumen itu sedang diproses yang kemudian akan dikirim ke

alamat mu minggu depan.
Jawab : Right now that document is being processed, then it will be sent
to your address next week.

6. Salah satu teman sekelas kita diundang untuk menjadi pembicara dalam
seminar nasional bulan Desember tahun lalu.
Jawab : One of our classmates was invited to be the presenter in a
national seminar Desember last year.

7. Proposal kita akan ditandatangani oleh kepala sekolah besok pagi

sebelum beliau menghadiri rapat bersama Gubernur.
Jawab: Our proposal will be signed by the headmaster tomorrow
morning before he attends the meeting with the governor.
8. Semua komputer di ruang ini harus bisa digunakan oleh semua siswa,
dan komputer itu harus dimatikan sebelum mereka meninggalkan
Jawab : All the computers in this room must be usable for all the
students, and those computers must be shutted down before they leave
the room.

9. Di Kawasan ini akan dibangun sebuah bendungan besar yang akan

difungsikan untuk berbagai kegiatan bagi penduduk sekitar.
Jawab : In this neighbourhood a large dam will be built which will be
used for various activities by the civilians.

A. Change into Passive form!

1. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established Camp David in 1942.
Jawab : Camp David was established by President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt in 1942.

2. He found the site particularly appealing in that its mountain air

provided relief from the summer heat of Washington.
Jawab : He found the site particularly appealing because a relief from
the summer heat of Washington was provided in its mountain air.

3. While they were running in the park, the man was cutting the grass
and the lady was picking vegetable.
Jawab : While they were running in the park, the grass was being
cutted by the man and the vegetable was being picked by the lady.

4. We will start our extra lesson by the third week of this month.
Jawab : Our extra lesson will be started by the third week of this

5. My brother will send me a message about his holiday travelling to

Jawab : A message about his holiday travelling to Singapore will be
sent by my brother.
6. To prevent the extinction of certain species, our government is taking
some steps and some people must avoid hunting activities.
Jawab: To prevent the extinction of certain species, some steps are
taken by the government and hunting activities must be avoided by
some people.

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