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Digital Marketing

You have a problem, we have the solutions

Digital marketing adalah bagian dari marketing.

Marketing MIX (4P)

1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion: paid adds, digital adds, KOL



1 Colour pen with IDR 5000 – 7000 Available on Social media
black colour Cheaper in dozen indomaret & alfamart
Affordable price IDR 3000 if you buy 12 Available on tokopedia POS, POSM

Brand adalah kumpulan dari persepsi atau hal-hal yang ada di marketing mix. Brand mencakup


1. Research
2. Analysis
3. Insight
4. Strategy
5. Execution

4C Diamonds (S.T.E.E.P.L.E)

1. Company (Jangan langsung eksekusi, pikirin dulu ini!)

1) What makes this product unique?
2) What do we want to say for this product?
3) How confident we can sell this product?
4) How much we want to gain profit from this?
5) Do we have enough stocks to sell?
2. Customer
You need to understand your customer really well. It’s a must. They are a human, not a
number. Male, in his 30’ish, Single (Salah)
1) Who will buy our product the most?
2) Who is our segments?
3) Who has the most money?
4) Who has the need to buy our products?
5) How old are they? Where do they live?


500.000 bottles ready Health freak 22 – 30 Direct: Youvit. Socio-culture: Doctor
by the end of year. y.o Indirect: Blackmores. become health
Halal on progress. They live a busy life. Promo in retail: Technology: Health
Need a new way of Discount 20%. sections on E-
daily replenishment. Commerce.
Warehouse ready in Love cuka apple but Active in social media Environment:
Jakarta doesn’t love the taste by creating quizzes Government just
giveaway. disbanded PPKM.
Already got halal

3. Competitor
Direct dan indirect competitor sama pentingnya.
1) Direct competitor
Similar category, product, uniqueness. Big threat to your product.
2) Indirect competitor
Can be category, product, uniqueness, but consumer can replace you with their
products. Small – medium threat to your product.

Perlu mapping:

1) Siapa?
2) Apa yg sudah mereka lakukan?
3) Di sosmed seperti apa?
4) Siapa yg mereka target?
5) Berapa besar budgetnya?
6) Bagaimana channelnya? Channel yang digunakan apa?
4. Change (VUCA)
Responsive to change, not just reactive.
1) Volatility = kondisi yg naik turun. Misal covid.
2) Uncertainty
3) Complexity
4) Ambiguity


1. Strength
2. Weakness
3. Threat
4. Opportunity

Strength (S) Weakness (W)

Gummy texture doesn’t taste like apple cider. Doesn’t have Halal certificate.
Sweet hint taste. Limited stocks and distributions.
Opportunity (O) Threat (T)
Healthy lifestyle on the rise. Bigger competitor with big budget.
Doctor influencer.
In Summary

1. Be patient. Don’t rush the pr ocess.

2. Don’t jump directly to the execution.
3. Have fun! Think creatively!


1. Basic of Branding
Why do we need a ‘brand’? meaning (brand) experience


Marketing terms that describes a brand value. That value is determined by consumers perception of
and experiences with the brand.

If people think highly about the brand, it has a positive brand equity.

Elemen Brand Equity:

a. Brand awareness
Do they know your brand?
b. Brand association
What words that come into your mind when you hear the brabd?
c. Perceived quality
Do they satisfied with the experiences we give them?
d. Brand loyalty
Do they want to repurchase and told about us to their friends?
e. Brand asset
Are they able to distinguish us compared to others?
Elemen-elemen yang dimiliki brand, meliputi:
a) Color assets: single color, combinations, color and design.
b) Word assets: taglines, fonts, words.
c) Story assets: style, components, moments.
d) Human face assets: spokespeople, celebrity, characters.
e) Music assets: background instrumental, jingles, popular songs.
f) Shape assets: symbolic images, pack shapes, logos.
g) Sound assets: non-vocal, vocal, styles.


How brands help business grow?

1. Physical Availability
Can I easily find your products/services in the market?
Ketersediaan produk.
2. Mental Availability
Can I remember you when I want to buy/download?
Sebuah brand mudah diingat.
We need to have a good brand story and appeal emotionally to our target audiences.

Fads Lovemarks


Commodity O Trademark

1. Fads
Produk yg sedang naik daun. Contoh: Makanan viral tiktok
2. Lovemarks
3. Commodity
Perang harga
4. Trademark

Know what you stands for is a start!

1. To… (Target)
Who is the consumer target? What slice of the population is the most motivated to buy
what you do?
2. Your brand is the… (Category)
Where do you play? What is the frame of reference that helps to define the space in the
marketplace that you compete in?
3. That is the… (Benefit)
Where do you win? What promise will you make to the consumer target, thinking about
main benefit (rational/emotional).
4. That’s because… (Support points)
Why should they believe us? What support points help to back up the main benefit?


1. Emotion
Emotion made our customer feel…
Analysis conducted by Procter & Gamble into its own creativity showed that work yielding an
emotional response was eight times more likely to be successful than work eliciting
Emotional intensity is linked to memory encoding, which is crucial for long-term brand-
building. In other words, if you want to have ‘mental availability, emotional appeals help.
Emotion are driven by insight.
2. Insight
Insight is not a problem.
Great branding start from insight.
Contoh brand Airbnb.
Problem: shortage of quality, affordable hotel accommodation in cities. >>> Solution: rent
someone else’s home for your trip. It’s cheap and convenient.
Insight: tourist travel sucks, I wish I could get under the skin of a country. >>> Positioning:
travel like a local like you belong in that place.


Introduction to Social Media

The Benefits of Social Media

Main reason for using social media:

1. Keeping in touch with friends and family

2. Filling spare time
3. Seing what’s being talked about
4. Looking for things to do or buy
5. Finding content
6. Reading news stories
7. Finding products to purchase
8. Watching live streams
9. Finding like-minded people
10. Making new contacts
11. Shaing oppinions
12. Posting about your life
13. Activities for work
14. Avoiding missing out (FOMO)
15. Supporting good causes.

Benefits of Social Media:

1. Increase brand awareness

2. Humanize your brand
3. Stay top of mind
4. Customer and audience engagement
5. Keep an eye on the competition
6. Increase website traffic, sales, and leads

Social Media Characteristic

Most Used Social Media Platforms (Feb 2022):

1. WhatsApp
2. Instagram
3. Facebook
4. Tiktok
5. Telegram
6. Twitter
7. Facebook messenger
8. UNE
9. Pinterest
10. Kuaishou
11. LinkedIn
12. Snapchat
13. Discord
14. Skype
15. Likee

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