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Writing ngày 17-04-2021

The bar chart shows type of media to get daily news, by age group 2011

The bar chart compares depicting media types of daily news by age
group 2011

Overall, social media is the most appreciated because it is the main

source of news for young people while the older age group prefers radio
to get news. Meanwhile, microblogging seems to be less popular than
the other two devices that collect news for people.

In terms of media, the percentage of news income users in the 10 to 17

and 18 to 29 population is 80%. Social media is the dominant source of
news with a very high rate compared to radio and microblogging is quite
low. At the age of 10 to 17, microblogging accounts for only 20% and
bradio has a higher index of 40%. From 18 to 29 years old, micro
blogging is increased to 20% and radio reaches 90%, surpassing social

Looking at other details, for the elderly group, social networks are less
popular with them, so its rate is not high. The percentage of social
network in 30-39 aged is 50%, in the group from 50 to 64, it moderately
decline to 40% and in the age of 65 above it only have 25%. The
microblogging percentage is the same as the social network. It also starts
to decline rapidly in the 30-49 group, it's around 18%, but the more
users age 65, it's only 10%. In radio equipment, it is the highest of the
three media. In the age groups from 30-49 50-64, it always reaches 90%
users. Even though it's over 65 years old, it's decreasing, but it's still the
highest media

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