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Questionnaire on the problem Comparative Study on Mango Drinks in regards to Maaza and

1) Which Mango drink do you prefer?
a) Frooti
b) Maaza
2)Frequency of Consumption of your preffered drink in a week?
a) Daily
b) 2-5 times
c) More than 5 times
3) On what Occassions, do you often consume the Mango drinks ?
a) Feeling Thirsty
b) Parties/Celebrations
c) Without any reason (just like that)
d) Any other
4) What induces you to buy Mango drink?
a) Price with Quantity
b) Health Drink
c) Status symbol
d) Taste
e) Variety
5) How do you view Mango Drinks?
a) As a Health drink
b) As a Status symbol
c) As an aid to put off thirst
d) Any other
6) Do advertisements affect your purchases?
a) Yes
b) No
7) What do you feel about the price of Mango drinks ?
a) Very high
b) High
c) Medium
d) Low
e) Reasonable
8) Do you feel a Price reduction will increase your purchasing power?
a) Yes
b) No
9) Which pack do you Consume the most ?
a) Tetra pack
b) 250ml
c) 600
d) 1.2 lit.
10) Give your rating to following attributes of Mango drink?


Brand Image

11) Would you visit another store ,if you not find your brand at your store?
a) Yes
b) No
Thank You for participating in this Questionnaire! Your feedback will be valuable in
Understanding the comparative study on Mango drinks in regards to Maaza & Frooti.

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