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Jason Mervin G.

CT_AT2U1- BS in Autotronics

Reading in Philippine history

First Voyage Around The World

First Voyage Around the World by Antonio Pigafetta is an important historical document that provides
a first-hand account of Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe. However, like all
historical documents, it is not free from biases and limitations.

One of the main biases in Pigafetta's account is his unquestioning loyalty to Magellan. As a member of
Magellan's crew, Pigafetta was a committed supporter of the expedition and its goals. He portrays
Magellan as a heroic figure and downplays any faults or mistakes he may have made. This bias may
have led Pigafetta to ignore or minimize any negative aspects of the voyage, such as conflicts or
mistreatment of indigenous peoples.

who is the author? The author of the document "First Voyage Around the World" is Antonio Pigafetta,
an Italian scholar and explorer who was one of the members of Ferdinand Magellan's crew during
their voyage around the world from 1519 to 1522.

How does the author gender and socioeconomic class compare to the people whom s(he) is writing?

- Antonio Pigafetta, the author of "First Voyage Around the World," was a male member of the
European nobility with a classical education. The people he wrote about were the indigenous
populations of the places Magellan's crew encountered, who likely had different social and economic
systems compared to Pigafetta's privileged position in European society. Additionally, Pigafetta was a
man writing about societies and cultures that may have had different gender norms and roles
compared to what he was used to in Europe. These differences in gender and socioeconomic class
should be considered when analyzing Pigafetta's account as they may have influenced his perspectives
and biases towards the people he encountered during the voyage.

Why did he/she write sources? Pigafetta was a member of Magellan's crew and his account is based
on his personal observations and experiences during the voyage. It is likely that Pigafetta wrote the
account to record the events of the voyage and to provide a historical record of this important
moment in European exploration and colonization. Pigafetta's account also helped to popularize the
idea of circumnavigation and the possibility of discovering new lands and trade routes.

What are the unspoken assumption of the text ? The unspoken assumptions of "First Voyage Around
the World" by Antonio Pigafetta include a Eurocentric perspective and unquestioning loyalty to
Ferdinand Magellan. Pigafetta's account demonstrates a strong loyalty to Magellan and portrays him
as a heroic figure who overcomes obstacles and leads his crew to greatness. This perspective may
overlook the contributions of other members of the crew and downplay the challenges and failures
encountered during the voyage. These unspoken assumptions reflect the biases and perspectives of
Jason Mervin G. Abbu
CT_AT2U1- BS in Autotronics

Pigafetta and his contemporaries, and should be considered when analyzing the account as a historical

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