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J R Aruna Kapila Jayasooriya

PNO. P2733528
Batch Number - 928
SCOT ID - 509680

BSC (Hons) Quantity Surveyor and Construction

MR. Ezzat Razzouk

The construction industry has been developed with the introduction of modern technologies
and techniques. As a result of the development in the construction sector, precast concrete
construction was introduced. However, the use of precast concrete wall panels is limited
due to a lack of awareness of the cost and time benefits. Therefore, this research intendeds
to review the use and benefits of precast wall panels in high rise building construction.

A questionnaire survey was used to conduct the research, which included Sri Lankan
construction industry professionals. The primary data collection was conducted with the
use of a simple random sampling technique with 107 respondents who have experience
with precast concrete wall panels in high rise building construction. The data was analyzed
using the comparative percentage method.

Nowadays, most building construction projects use the precast construction technique as a
method of saving time, money, and human resources. Similarly, the research identified that
the use of pre cast wall panels saves both time and cost in high rise building construction.
However, the suitability of precast wall construction instead of in situ concrete wall
construction has not been assisted in terms of time and cost for high-rise building
construction in Sri Lanka. The research reveals that precast wall panels are effective during
the design stage and help save time. Moreover, the precast concrete wall panels are cost
effective despite the modification and transportation costs. However, the overall time, cost,
design, social, and environmental aspects of in situ concrete wall panels are beneficial. As
the outcome of this research, a guideline is developed to assess the suitability of precast
concrete wall construction in terms of time and cost perspective.

Keywords: Precast Wall Panels, High-rise buildings, Sri Lanka, Time, Cost


This research study is built on the dedication and preparedness of many individuals and
organizations that have made significant contributions to the study's completion. So I have
this wonderful opportunity to express my gratitude to every one of them.

First and foremost, I'm grateful to my supervisor, Mr. Ezzat Razzouk, and research
coordinator, Ms. Induni Abeysinghe, the Head of Department and Lecturer, Ms. Ishana
Wijesuriya, Lecturer Ms Imasha Abeywardhana and other lecturers and academic staff for
their excellent supervision, guidance, encouragement, and constructive criticism, which
significantly contributed towards the successful completion of this research.

A special thanks goes out to the interviewees and business professionals who provided me
with invaluable assistance in order to complete this research successfully. They provided
access to the project data, provided contacts, and extended thoughtful cooperation by
conducting knowledge-generating interviews and completing questionnaires in support of
the completion of this successful dissertation.

Last but not least, I want to thank my family, my classmates, and a lot of other people for
their unfailing support, guidance, and encouragement as I worked hard to complete the

Table of Content



Table of Content....................................................................................................................iii

List of

List of

Chapter 01...............................................................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................1

1.1 Background study.................................................................................................1

1.2 Research problem.................................................................................................2

1.3 Aim.......................................................................................................................3

1.4 Objectives.............................................................................................................3

1.5 Limitations............................................................................................................3

1.6 Proposed methodology.........................................................................................3

1.7 Roadmap...............................................................................................................4

1.8 Chapter Breakdown..............................................................................................4

Chapter 02...............................................................................................................................6

2.0 Literature Review.....................................................................................................6

2.1 Chapter introduction.............................................................................................6

2.2 High-rise building construction............................................................................6

2.3 Types of concrete construction.............................................................................6

2.3.1 Reinforced Concrete...............................................................................................7

2.3.2 Pre-cast concrete....................................................................................................7
2.3.3 Lightweight concrete..............................................................................................7
2.3.4 Fiber -reinforced concrete......................................................................................7
2.4 In situ concrete wall panels..................................................................................7

2.5 Precast concrete wall panels.................................................................................8

2.6 Importance of precast concrete wall panels........................................................11

2.7 Time aspects of the pre-cast concrete wall panels..............................................13

2.8 Cost aspects of the pre-cast concrete wall panels...............................................14

2.9 Benefits of precast wall panels...........................................................................14

2.10 Chapter Summary...........................................................................................15

Chapter 03.............................................................................................................................17

3.0 Research Methodology...........................................................................................17

3.1 Chapter introduction...........................................................................................17

3.2 Research Philosophy..........................................................................................17

3.3 Research approach..............................................................................................17

3.4 Research strategy................................................................................................18

3.5 Research process................................................................................................18

3.6 Data collection method.......................................................................................20

3.7 Data analysis method..........................................................................................21

3.8 Chapter Summary...............................................................................................21

Chapter 04.............................................................................................................................22

4.0 Results and Discussion...........................................................................................22

4.1 Chapter introduction...........................................................................................22

4.2 Demographic analysis........................................................................................22

4.2.1 Gender of the respondents..................................................................................22

4.2.2 Age of the respondents........................................................................................23
4.2.3 Profession of the respondents.............................................................................24
4.2.4 Professional experience.......................................................................................25
4.3 Design stage........................................................................................................26

4.3.1 Social and environmental impact.........................................................................29

4.4 Financial impacts................................................................................................31

4.5 General overview................................................................................................34

4.6 Chapter Summary...............................................................................................35

Chapter 05.............................................................................................................................37

5.0 Conclusions and Future Works..............................................................................37

5.1 Conclusions........................................................................................................37

5.2 Recommendations..............................................................................................41

5.3 Limitations..........................................................................................................42

5.4 Further research area..........................................................................................43



List of Tables

Table 1: Roadmap of the research..........................................................................................4

Table 2: Issues related to the sustainable features of the precast panels..............................12
Table 3: Research respondents’ sample selection.................................................................20
Table 4: Design factors of the precast and in situ concrete wall panels...............................27
Table 5: Social and environmental impact of precast and in situ concrete wall panels........30
Table 6: Financial impacts of precast and in situ wall panels..............................................32
Table 7: General overview of the precast and in situ wall panels........................................34

List of Figures

Figure 1: Concrete types.........................................................................................................6

Figure 2: Diversification of the precast concrete manufacturing...........................................9
Figure 3: Research process...................................................................................................19
Figure 4: Gender distribution of the questionnaire survey respondents...............................23
Figure 5: Age distribution of questionnaire survey respondents..........................................24
Figure 6: Profession distribution of questionnaire survey respondents................................25
Figure 7: Professional experience distribution of questionnaire survey respondents...........26
Figure 8: Design stage characteristics of precast and in situ concrete wall panels...............29
Figure 9: Social and environmental impact of precast and in situ wall panels.....................31
Figure 10: Financial impacts of different types of wall panels.............................................33
Figure 11: General overview of the precast and in situ concrete wall panels.......................35

Chapter 01

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background study

In the modern world, sustainability is identified as a different level of thinking in terms of

development (Scoones, 2007). According to the World Commission on Environment and
Development, sustainability is the process by which humanity can make development
sustainable. The construction industry is the largest creator of physical assets that are
directly affected by the development of human beings (Robin & Helen, 1995). Meanwhile,
construction is identified as the largest exploiter of natural resources. Hence, the process of
the construction industry is causing an irreversible transformation of the natural
environment. Ngowi, Pienaar, Talukhaba, & Mbachu (2005) identified that the construction
industry in ancient times was merely relying on environmental resources; however, based
on these characteristics, specialists were able to identify detailed knowledge of the use of
materials and the global climatic conditions. However, the development of the modern
construction industry emerged with the identification of modern construction materials.
Moreover, development in the construction industry focuses on the development of
construction performance, contractors, and technology (Ofori, 2015).

Concrete is the leading material in the construction industry, specializing in building

construction projects (Silvestre, Silvestre, & de Brito, 2015). Hence, its structural
applications, stiffness, strength, and cost are considerations of concrete and its contribution
to the construction industry. Garboczi (2009) illustrates how, with the technological
development in the construction sector, use of concrete in structural construction has been
modified with the application of nanotechnology. Despite the usage of concrete structures
in recent years, China has emerged as a technology in terms construction industry with the
use of advanced construction technology for precast concrete structures. In accordance with
the precast concrete structures’ application of green technologies in construction, energy
conservation and environmental protection were achieved (Ministry of Housing and Urban-
Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, 2017).

A comprehensive study regarding the in situ concrete wall operations has been conducted
to identify the temperature, precipitation and wind speed and their impacts on the
operational aspects (Larsson & Rudberg, 2019). Moreover, Li, et al. (2021) have reviewed
the structural properties and the experiments of the precast share walls and the bonding
properties of the cast in situ concrete walls. This study concludes that the use of cast in situ
concrete joints for the precast concrete walls demonstrates better bonding performance.
With continuous improvement and industrialization of the construction industry, the need
for more efficient and effective construction materials and technologies has been identified.
Because of these industrial needs, precast concrete was adapted to eradicate the negative
aspects of in situ concrete structures (Lofgren & Gylltoft, 2001).

According to previous scholars, several researchers have conducted the identification of

different characteristics and the usage of precast concrete walls in the construction industry.
This is because different studies have identified chemical and physical characteristics,
including the strength of the precast walls. Therefore, understanding the precast
construction and the use of precast wall elements in the construction industry in terms of
the global construction sector is a family aspect (Vaghei, Hejazi, Taheri, Jaafar, & Aziz,
2017; Kurama, et al., 2018; Li, et al., 2021).

1.2 Research problem

As demonstrated in the research background, modern construction industries depend on

emerging technologies and the use of construction techniques that are trying to reduce the
involvement of human resources. Because of that, precast concrete construction was
introduced, which helps reduce the use of human resources and increases the precision and
timeliness of the construction outcome. As per the scholar’s identification, several
researchers have been conducted in terms of precast concrete walls to identify the
characteristics and applications in the modern construction sector. Since there is no
research has been conducted to identify the applicability of precast concrete walls instead
of in situ concrete wall construction in high rise buildings; this research fulfills the
knowledge gap. Furthermore, the findings of this research support the professionals and
scholars to maintain an effective decision in terms of obtaining the relevant information for
the use of precast materials.

1.3 Aim

This research aims to assist the impact of using precast concrete wall panels instead of in
situ concrete walls in the construction industry.

1.4 Objectives

The aim of the research is fulfilled through the following objectives.

 To study the importance of pre-cast concrete wall panels in the construction

 To review the time and cost-saving with the use of pre-cast wall panels
 To assess the applicability of pre-cast wall panels instead of in situ concrete walls
 To recommend a guideline for the use of pre-cast wall panels

1.5 Limitations

This research is conducted focusing on the wall construction of high-rise building projects.
Currently, precast wall panels are used in low-rise construction projects. However, soft
precast wall panels instead of in situ concrete walls in a high-rise building project are
limited. Therefore, this research is focused on the assessment of precast wall panels in
high-rise building projects. Furthermore, the assessment of the precast wall panels is
considered only twisty non-load bearing walls, including internal walls. Moreover, this
assessment is limited to the Sri Lankan context, and most of the data was collected focusing
on the Colombo municipal area.

1.6 Proposed methodology

The research study is expected to follow the questionnaire service strategy with the use of a
quantitative research approach. Therefore, secondary data collected in the literature review
will be validated by the questionnaire survey, which will be distributed among construction
industry professionals who are engaged in high-rise building projects in the Colombo
municipal area.

Moreover, the quantitative data collected from industry professionals will be analyzed
using statistical methods and presented through tables, graphs, and relationships.

1.7 Roadmap

Table 01 illustrates the timeline of this research to provide an overview for the readers
regarding the milestones of the research.

Table 1: Roadmap of the research

Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De
y n l g p t v c
Chapter 01
Background study
Identifying aims and objectives
Completion of chapter 01
Chapter 02
Review of literature
Identification of knowledge gap
Completion of literature
Chapter 03
Identifying the suitable research
Developing the research process
Completion of chapter 03
Chapter 04
Distribution of questionnaire survey
Data collection
Analysis of the primary data
Completing research discussion
Completion of chapter 04
Chapter 05
Final review of the research
Including appendix
Research completion

1.8 Chapter Breakdown

Chapters of this research have the following outline contributing to the outcome of the

Chapter 01 – provides the foundation for this research media identification of background
information related to the research area. Moreover, chapter one is consisting of problem
identification aims and objectives of the research. The limitations of the research and the
proposed methodology are presented in the first chapter.

Chapter 02 – It is demonstrating the available information regarding the research topic,

which has already been published by researchers. The secondary information obtained
through reliable sources is presented in this chapter. Accordingly, the findings of the
chapter illustrate the key objectives of the research and connect the existing findings and
identification of the knowledge gap in this research.

Chapter 03 – this chapter is demonstrating the method of the research which has been used
for the achievement of the research aim and objectives. The chapter is comprised of
research philosophy, approach, strategy, data collection methods, and data analysis

Chapter 04 – Findings and analysis chapter demonstrates the findings of the research
obtained through primary data collection instruments. In accordance with this identified
data, which will be analysed using the methods illustrated in Chapter 3. Furthermore, the
information gained through the literature review and primary data collection is compared to
fulfill the research objectives.

Chapter 05 – the concluding chapter is demonstrating the conclusion of the entire research
in terms of research objectives. Based on the conclusions, recommendations are given for
the industry and education sectors for the development of the research area. Finally, the
chapter outlines consistent limitations and further research areas to support the upcoming
scholars in developing effective outcomes based on the findings of this research.

Chapter 02

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Chapter introduction

Precast concrete wall elements are commonly used in the Sri Lankan construction industry.
However, the use of these elements in high-rise building construction is limited. Therefore,
this section is trying to identify the applications of precast concrete walls in comparison to
conventional concrete institute wall construction and what the real benefit is in terms of
financial and construction perspectives. The literature review chapter develops based on
journal articles, books, conference papers, and end reports to identify the available
secondary data related to the industry. The main aim of this chapter is to fulfill the first two
objectives of this research through secondary data.

2.2 High-rise building construction

2.3 Types of concrete construction

According to (Mathews, Somayaji, & Ambedkar, 1999). Concrete has been classified
as precast, reinforced, fibre, in situ, lightweight, and self-compacted concrete. The
types of concretes have tensile and comprehensive strength including resistance to
freezing the thaw. Durability is another key feature of concrete.

Types of

Precast In situ Lightweight Fiber reinforced

Figure 1: Concrete types

The following sub-sections discuss the types of concrete available in construction common.

2.3.1 Reinforced Concrete

Reinforced concrete structures are consistent with ordinary concrete and

reinforcement. It is further identified as a composite fabric. The key feature of
reinforced concrete is that it provides tensile strength for the concrete elements since
concrete has only compressive strength. Therefore, this type of concrete provides
higher flexibility compared to other types (Mathews, Somayaji, & Ambedkar, 1999).

2.3.2 Pre-cast concrete

Precast concrete panels are cast off site and fixed on-site. As a modern construction
method, precast concrete elements are used for both building construction and civil
engineering construction. The ease of the construction process and higher quality improve
the use of precast concrete elements for modern construction projects. The only difference
between precast concrete and in situ concrete is, precast concrete elements are
prefabricated (Mathews, Somayaji, & Ambedkar, 1999).
2.3.3 Lightweight concrete

Lightweight concrete is having thermal insulation, water absorption and low

compressive strength characteristics. Light weight concrete elements have air drying
units to provide low weight for concrete elements. However, it is consisting ordinary
concrete in addition to the dry air units (Mathews, Somayaji, & Ambedkar, 1999).

2.3.4 Fiber -reinforced concrete

Fibre reinforced has a lower possibility of cracking due to its lack of tensile strength
(Mathews, Somayaji, & Ambedkar, 1999). The construction of the fibre-reinforced
concrete involves polypropylene, steel, glass fibres, and nylon instead of reinforced bars. It
is propped to use as wall panels, floor slabs, tunnels, rock slopes and asphalts for
stabilisation (Yee W. C., 2000).

2.4 In situ concrete wall panels

It is the most common type of concrete for the construction sector and is constructed using
reinforcement to achieve both compressive and tensile strength (Adenuga & Sotunbo). The
ordinary in situ concrete elements was changed with their features and ecological aspects
when using the recycled aggregates. The demolished components of the buildings and their

components are used as the ecological aggregate for the production of in situ concrete wall
panels in general construction practices. The recycled aggregates can be used in hey
construction of in situ concrete wall panels. Furthermore, instead of concrete which is
demolished the completion of its life cycle will be used as a landfill. Therefore, compared
to other times, concrete elements instead of concrete have recycling practises (Hajek, Oh,
& Xu, 2014).

2.5 Precast concrete wall panels

Precast concrete has been developed with the use of modern technologies compared to in
situ concrete (Adenuga & Sotunbo). The specialty of pre-cast concrete is that it can be
delivered earlier than in situ concrete elements. When constructing precast concrete
elements does been constructed with the use of reinforcement and ordinary concrete.
However, the only specialty of precast concrete is prefabricated (Tabassi, Ramli, Bakar, &
Pakir, 2014). The labour requirement and material requirements have been decreased in
significant numbers, which is another key aspect of precast concrete elements (Yee A. A.).

Precast concrete elements are capable of reaching a higher span and load bearing capacity
when it is incorporated with pre stressing applications (Hassan, Islam, & Bhuiyan, 2022).
Elaborated ability to quality control, save construction time, and cost saving, save material
usage and improved efficiency of the structure are advantages of pre-cast concrete elements
compared to in situ concrete.

(Henin, 2012). Expressed this concrete type supports the construction team to accelerate the
construction process during multistory construction. In addition to the acceleration of the
construction process, the precast concrete elements are capable of providing high quality
with structure, fire resistance, and vibration properties. According to a case study
conducted by (Jayasooriya & Denagama). precast concrete-based projects are capable of
delivering the project 33% faster than in-situ based construction projects. Similarly,
construction time and cost of construction are minimized with the use of precast concrete
elements. According to Riley, Chen and (Chen, Okudan, & Riley, 2010). use of precast
elements improves the tidiness of the site reduces the project duration, confirming the
above description. Similarly, (Chen, Okudan, & Riley, 2010) confirmed that cost-

effectiveness and reduction of construction and project completion time improve the
proficiency of the project while building the system. The ability to resist earthquake
incidents is a special feature of precast concrete elements (Yee W. C., 2000).

(Chen, Okudan, & Riley, 2010). Commented pre cast concrete elements have a
positive approach for the integration of plumbing, electrical mechanical and other
service lines along with the smooth construction flow while minimizing the overall
project duration. According to the same authors, precast concrete components are
prefabricated under factory supervision. How is it done to reduce the moisture content
within unused buildings, which increases the risk of incurable health problems?

The figure demonstrates the manufacturing process of the precast concrete elements
with different approaches.

Figure 2: Diversification of the precast concrete manufacturing

Source: (Chen, Feng, & Lu, 2019)

Waste reduction, improved quality of the design and final product, and possible to
standardise are significant differences between precast elements and in situ concrete
elements (Jaillon & Poon, 2007).

Incorporating precast concrete elements reduces the on-site labour requirement by 16% to
30%. Water consumption has been reduced by 41% compared to conventional concreting
methods (Yu, Poon, Wong, Yip, & Jaillon, 2013). Additionally, precast concrete elements
are manufactured off-site within factories. Therefore, the risk of hazards has been reduced
by 63%, and waste has been reduced by 65%. Most importantly, construction time is
reduced by 15%. (Peng & Pheng, 2011). Illustrating that the value for money has been
emphasized in this construction process meanwhile, (Schleyer & Brebbia, 2014). stated that
70% of material savings and CO2 emissions have been reduced to a significant level.
Therefore, the following benefits have been highlighted for precast concrete elements in the
construction sector.

 The precast concrete walls are used as interior surfaces, with the spare time and
cost of dispensing the required for isolated stud framing and drywall fetch.
 Precast concrete dividers are designed for future building extensions due to
their reusability.
 Precast concrete dividers are possible to manufacture with different textures,
linear shapes, and aesthetic appearances for the model.
 Electrical and plumbing installations are providing adequate conduit holes and
flush supplies to the panels.
 The precast concrete dividers are used as load bearing elements to support the
structural framework.
 Precast concrete elements have list maintenance schedule compared to in situ
 Able to withstand any type of weather and climate conditions
 The finishing has a higher quality, and different textures can be applied during
the manufacturing process.
 Aesthetic appearance is high.
 Different types of aggregates, cement, pigments, and finishing strategies are
incorporated into the construction and manufacturing processes.

The succeeding section discusses the importance of precast concrete wall panels.

2.6 Importance of precast concrete wall panels

(Kusuma, Budidarmawan, & Susilowati, 2015) Elaborated that due to the sustainable
planning process, operational costs and time are reduced. The concrete mixture plays a
critical role in achieving the sustainable features of the concrete elements, and it
decreases energy usage. When revealing the sustainable features of the precast
elements, expanding workability, decreasing segregation, and decreasing splitting are
directly affecting the concrete elements. Assistance for the decrease of energy and
waste related aspects are demonstrating the combination of the mechanism for
achieving sustainability (Kusuma, Budidarmawan, & Susilowati, 2015). Pre-cast
building frameworks have an overall contained power that is 19 per cent less than
typical Sri Lankan construction (Dissanayake & Jayasinghe). There is proof that a
pre-cast construction technique is more practical than a standard building plan for
residential homes.

According to (Dissanayake & Jayasinghe) the sustainability of pre-cast components

has reduced the disturbance factors like construction clamour, clean-up, and diverse
pollutants, with only mild contamination faced by the nearby activities. Additionally,
CO2 emissions are one of the environmental maintainability indicators as a result of
emerging knowledge of global climate changes (Peng & Pheng, 2011); (Pordesari,
Salleh, Shafigh, & Mahmuda, 2016). Claim that palm oil fibre, palm oil shell, and
palm oil fuels are agricultural wastes that can be used to produce concrete due to their
successful uses. Additionally, using those elements would allow mimics to be
employed to enhance concrete's inherent sustainability features. Additionally,
additional agricultural waste must be incorporated into concrete mixtures, with the
potential to advance the development of ecologically friendly buildings. Economic,
social, and environmental performance is the three main pillars of sustainability (Chen
& Poon, 2009); (Peng & Pheng, 2011). Additionally, construction duration, upfront
development costs, and lead in construction are studied to decide on building strategy.
The building crew should also take into account social considerations including labour
accessibility, available space, and settlement influence in the community. The natural
standards for safety, contamination, and recyclable materials were also taken into

Environmental benefits include pollution reduction and waste management (Peng &
Pheng, 2011) Concrete made from brick dust waste contributes to the sustainability of
the environment (Oti & Kinuthia). The precast concrete industry has encountered a
number of issues with sustainability. Compared to in-situ concrete processes, pre-cast
concrete technology saves time and labour incentives. But it is a contributing factor to
rising unemployment and might be a major challenge for society (Holton, Glass, &
Price, 2007). The challenges to the sustainability of the pre-advertised concrete
industry are as follows:

Table 2: Issues related to the sustainable features of the precast panels

Difficulties Explanation
Minimize water usage, material utilization, and expansion of
Resources electrical power usage is supporting the sustainability of the
precast concrete items
The Health and safety of the laborer have been ensured at the
site since the time for working at heights has been reduced.
Health and
Since the majority of the construction is conducted off-site it
helps the construction team to manage the workers with proper
health and safety guidelines
Transportation cost and time has been increased for the precast
Supply link
concrete elements compared to other types of concrete elements
Reduction of the carbon footprint of the precast concrete
construction process and reduced energy cost
External threat Increase the cost of the raw materials and increase tax on the
s locally produced and imported construction elements
Retention of skilled labour and the opportunities for unskilled
labour is diminishing
The complexity of the process and constant working
Legality environment cause legal issues under labour law and needs
unique contract documents for the process
The construction process allows the construction company to

Management conduct waste management in a centralized operational system
Environment The prefabrication and reduction of waste generation due to the
and linear construction process allows the construction team to
Community produce environmentally friendly items

Source: Adapted from (Holton, Glass, & Price, 2007)

The time and cost components are other key features assessed in this research which are
discussed in the next sections.

2.7 Time aspects of the pre-cast concrete wall panels

When assessing the importance of time aspects for the pre cast concrete wall panels,
fabrication of the external wall units saves construction fabrication and installation time
(Freedman, 1999). The use of three-way sandwich wall panels has higher time consumption
compared to two-way wall panels in the construction industry (Lee & Pessiki, 2006). The
key application of this outcome is to save time two-way sandwich wall panels are ideal.
However, both mechanisms have timesaving compared to in situ wall panels in the
construction sector. When pre-fabricating the concrete wall panels saves the time taken for
the finishes and allows the construction team to obtain all in one features. The shapes,
textures and surface finishes are maintained at their best quality for the features of the
structural panels made with pre cast concrete (Freedman, 1999). Win prefabrication is
combined with the speed of erection it saves overall construction time. Furthermore, the
production of precast concrete components and site preparation can be conducted
simultaneously. impact of weather has been eliminated when precast wall panels are used
for the construction process also the cost of on-site labour has been minimised. read the
modern development of Lord bearing precast wall panels provides the stability and
architectural features for the project. in the overall mechanism, a faster completion rate for
the construction project allows easy cash flow and early completion of the projects (Kulabi
& Avetisyan, 2016).
According to Jiao & Li (2018), precast concrete structures save time for construction and
removal of the project elements. Therefore, compared to in situ concrete wall panels
precast wall panels are ideal for the construction process to minimise the time in all
perspectives. Due to the speed of the construction process precast wall panels are proposed

by Ujianto, Ali, & Solikin (2019, June) for faster housing construction with higher
accuracy for calculations of the structural elements.

2.8 Cost aspects of the pre-cast concrete wall panels

Weerasri and Nanayakkara (2007), commented a case study conducted utilising four-
store residential buildings has proven precast concrete elements can save up to 17% of
the cost compared to in situ concrete construction. However, for single Storey
construction projects precast concrete members have a higher cost which is 33%
compared to in situ concrete. Therefore, precast concrete construction is more feasible
for midrise and high rise buildings rather than low-rise buildings. Focusing on the time
reduction of the construction projects, the repetitive construction process can we
fulfilled with the use of precast concrete elements. Additionally, even for single Storey
commercial buildings, precast concrete elements are effective.

As a tactical move of maintaining continuous flow inventories and the high stock level
is maintained at the factory location. since fabrication and handling require more time
maintenance of higher stock supports the construction team for the continuous flow of
the construction project (Chan & Hu, 2002). Nevertheless, labour and materials are
considered fixed costs for precast concrete element construction. The author has
emphasised that the factory and plant management Maintains the storage levels of the
precast concrete elements at a reasonable level to maintain the supply for the demand
(Arditi, 2000).

Payaianni and Anastasiou (2006) elaborated that due to the fast construction process,
low fetched, ability to recycle and quality of the elements are key components to
choosing precast concrete elements over in situ concrete for road construction. Liel
and Deierlein (2009) manifested that replacing in situ concrete elements with precast
concrete elements is an economical decision in terms of their diversified advantages.

2.9 Benefits of precast wall panels

The above sections illustrated the cost and time impact on the precast wall panels in
the building construction sector. The findings have argued that low rise building
construction with precast concrete wall panels is challenging. However, low rise

commercial buildings have shown effectiveness when using precast concrete wall
panels for the cost and time effective construction process. Precast concrete wall
panels are mostly emphasising the environmental benefits including conserving
energy, saving natural resources, and preserving the world's ecosystem (Yee & Eng,
2001). Historical information has proven the precast concrete elements are
demonstrating structural and architectural features. Accordingly, the precast elements
give additional strength to the structure enabling the design team to bring an aesthetic
appearance to the final product (Yee & Eng, 2001).

O'Hegarty & Kinnane (2020) mentioned low U values and energy saving applications
are beneficial for building users, which were constructed using precast concrete wall
panels. In addition to aesthetic appearance and other minor concerns, load bearing
capacity has been increased for precast concrete wall panels to ensure structural
stability (Freedman, 1999) the cost saving aspect has been emphasised by (Demiralp,
Guven, & Ergen, 2012) as the major benefit of the precast concrete wall panels.
Thermal insulation has been a critical key aspect of precast concrete wall panels since
that saves considerable costs related to air conditioning and building heating. In
summary use of precast concrete wall panels is affecting the entire construction
process of the high rise buildings while time, cost, environmental, and social features
are benefiting the project outcome.

2.10 Chapter Summary

In summary, the literature review chapter has discussed the effectiveness of precast
concrete wall panels from a cost and time perspective. According to the previous literature
review, precast concrete wall panels have higher cost certainty. Similarly, less time is
consumed for the construction process. However, according to contradictory opinions,
precast concrete panel transportation and fixing costs are high, and more time is consumed
for the process. The pre-cast wall panels have diversified characteristics; accordingly,
different types of pre-cast wall panels are produced. However, the contradictory ideas
regarding precast wall panels and their suitability in terms of cost and time parameters are
addressed with the help of primary data collected by industry professionals. Moreover, this
chapter indicated that the financial and environmental impact of precast concrete wall

panels is lower than that of in situ concrete wall panels. The literature review chapter has
already achieved the first and second objectives of this research with the use of existing
secondary information. In the analysis chapter, findings from the literature review and
primary data will be combined to achieve the research objectives.

Chapter 03

3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Chapter introduction

This chapter discusses the relevant research methodology used for this research, indicating
the research philosophy, research approach, and research strategy that are applied in this
research. Under research, philosophical thinking has been addressed while addressing the
different data collection and data analysis methods that are related to the research
development process.

3.2 Research Philosophy

According to Zukauskas, Vveinhardt, and Andriukaitiene (2017) positivism, interpretivism,

pragmatism, and realism are the research philosophies identified for the application.
However, when selecting a reliable philosophy for this research, the researcher needs to
consider relevant theories and ideologies that are considered when achieving the aim of the

As per the understanding of the research findings and the expected outcome related to the
research objectives the research is intended to evaluate the existing knowledge from a
different angle, identifying the economical and feasible solutions. Therefore, positivism has
been selected as the suitable research philosophy to answer the research problems.
According to the positive research philosophy, the existing knowledge on the use of in situ
wall panels and the use of precast wall panels have been comparatively addressed to select
the most appropriate methodology.

3.3 Research approach

As for the identified research philosophy, quantitative and qualitative are the major
research approaches available. However, with the modern development of research
methodologies, a mixed research approach has been developed which is a combination of
qualitative and quantitative methods to eradicate the negativity of either method and
achieve the positive aspects of both aspects.

Quantitative research approaches are used to obtain data and to conduct the research with
the use of primary information. However, a qualitative research approach has been
developed based on the textual data obtained from document reviews, case studies, or
interviewees. Meanwhile, the mixed research approach uses both types of data to ensure
the negative implications of either method.

Since this research is consisting of the required information related to the in situ concrete
wall panels and pre-cast concrete wall panels in the Sri Lankan context the primary data
collection is limited to the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey will be used to
assess the combinations and the validation of the secondary data obtained on common
grounds. The available data to assess the importance of the precast wall panels, time and
cost-related applications and the assessment, finally the applicability of the pre-cast wall
panels in the Sri Lanka construction industry is evaluated with the questionnaire survey in
this research

3.4 Research strategy

Survey strategy is used for the data collection process since the available data obtained
through secondary information is supporting the development of the research in terms of
the first and second objectives. Accordingly, a questionnaire survey strategy is used to
obtain the information and validate the available data through construction industry

Under the third objective, the questionnaire survey is combined with the secondary data
findings in the literature review were validated while obtaining some ideas from the
questionnaire survey respondents. According to the research primary data, the
questionnaire survey is consisting of both close-ended and a few open-ended questions to
facilitate the primary data findings with the outcome and the overview of the respondents.

3.5 Research process

The following Figure illustrates the research process aligning with the research objectives
and the methodological selections.

Background Survey

Research Problem

Objective 02 Objective 01

Literature Review

Research Methodology

Philosophy - Quantitative
Positivism Approach

Sample size - 110

Questionnaire Survey

Objective 03 Percentage Convenient Sampling

(MS Excel) technique

Objective 04
Conclusions &

Figure 3: Research process

3.6 Data collection method

Ask this elected service strategy questionnaire survey will be conducted using Google
Forms as an unbiased online platform to collect relevant data for this research. According
to this method, structured questions will be asked of the respondents to obtain relevant
information that applies to this research area.

The research population is made up of professionals in the construction industry. Since the
size of the population is significantly high the researcher is considering the convenience
sampling technique to select a suitable research sample. According to the convenient
sampling technique, suitable respondents were selected who were representing high-rise
buildings and had experience with precast concrete-based construction practices.

Therefore, the following table is used to select the suitable questionnaire survey
respondents for the research to address the research objectives.

Table 3: Research respondents’ sample selection

Type of Respondents No of Respondents

Quantity Surveyor 10

Architect 10

Civil Engineer 10

Project Manager 10

Construction Consultant 10

High-rise building developer 10

Therefore, the questionnaire survey is conducted with the participation of 60 questionnaire
survey respondents. The researcher is expecting more than 80% of the responses for the
research primary data.

3.7 Data analysis method

A percentage-based ranking method is used to obtain the related information, identify the
importance of each aspect of prioritizing, and develop the recommendations for the
guidelines to review the application and the suitability of pre-cast concrete wall panels in
high-rise building construction in Sri Lanka.

According to the percentage-based ranking method, the most important factors identified in
the research concerning the importance of precast wall panels, were their applicability and
the time and cost concerns of using them in construction projects for high-rise building
projects. Therefore, the analysis of the data collected is done using MS Excel to address the
research objectives.

3.8 Chapter Summary

To summarize, the research used a positivist research philosophy as well as a quantitative

research approach. The research is conducted using the survey strategy, and the
questionnaire survey is used to collect the primary data from the selected research sample
representing the construction industry. The convenient sampling technique has been used to
select the suitable sample under the nonprobability sampling technique. Finally, the chapter
elaborated on the use of MS Excel for data analysis and the selection of the percentage
comparison method.

Chapter 04

4.0 Results and Discussion

4.1 Chapter introduction

The results and discussion section demonstrates the achievement of the research objectives
by displaying the results of the questionnaire survey. This chapter consists of a
demographic analysis and an analysis of the critical factors in terms of the design stage,
financial aspects, and social and environmental impact. The chapter supports the researcher
in obtaining the outcome of this research by revising the outcome of the analysis.

4.2 Demographic analysis

The geographic analyses demonstrate the involvement of the different types of respondents
in the research. Reviewing the characteristics of the respondents, the research concludes
with the outcome of this research. The demographic analysis consists of gender, age,
profession, and professional experience. The research has been conducted with the
contribution of 107 questionnaire survey respondents who are engaged in the construction
industry, including precast construction, in the Sri Lankan context.
4.2.1 Gender of the respondents

The research has been conducted mostly based on male respondents, which illustrates that
the construction industry is a male dominant industry. only 13% of female respondents
have been involved with the research and 87% of male respondents are involved with the



Male Female

Figure 4: Gender distribution of the questionnaire survey respondents

However, gender does not have an impact on the research outcome since it is the general
composition of the construction industry.
4.2.2 Age of the respondents

Age of the respondent is another demographic facto which is evaluated in this

questionnaire survey. Even though it is evaluated which is not having an impact on the
outcome of the research. However, the reader can obtain an understanding that the research
outcome has been mostly affected by the particular category where a higher number of
respondents are represented.









19-28 years 29-38 years 39-48 years 49-58 years More than 59


Figure 5: Age distribution of questionnaire survey respondents

According to Figure 4, the 29 to 38 years age category has recorded the highest response
rate which is 60%. None of the respondents has been involved in this research who are
more than 59 years old. Considering the number of respondents only a 2.4% response rate
has been demonstrated in the 49 to 58 years age category. According to the demonstration
of Figure 4 above, a 23% response rate has been illustrated from those below the 28 years
of age category. Therefore, the outcome of the research is mostly focused on the younger
4.2.3 Profession of the respondents

The profession of the respondent sees another factor which was evaluated under the
demographic factors. Figure 5 demonstrates the different categories of professions that
have been involved in this research.

Structural engineer
MEP engineer

Quantity surveyor

Contract administrator
8% Project manager

Engineer Project manager Contract administrator Quantity surveyor

Architect MEP engineer Structural engineer

Figure 6: Profession distribution of questionnaire survey respondents

According to Figure 5, the majority of the respondents on engineers which is 47% of the
total respondents. among the different professions, 16% of the respondents are quantity
surveyors, 9% of project managers and 3% are structural engineers who have been involved
in this research's primary data collection. A similar number of respondents have been
participated in the research representing contract administrator and MEP engineer
professions. Since the research primary data collection has been done with the combination
of a wide range of professionals search outcome has higher reliability.
4.2.4 Professional experience

Among several demographic factors, professional experience is another aspect which is

reviewed in this research. Accordingly professional experience of 107 questionnaire survey
respondents was evaluated. As per the outcome of the data set the majority of the
respondents are having 5 to 10 years of professional experience, which is 35% of the total
number of respondents. Almost 4% of the respondents are having more than 20 years of
industry experience in the construction sector.

Professional Experience

More than 20 years

15-20 years

10-15 years

5-10 years

Less than 5 years

0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00%

Professional Experience

Figure 7: Professional experience distribution of questionnaire survey respondents

Figure 6 demonstrates more than 60% of the respondents are having in between 15 years of
industry experience. It is a positive sign for the research outcome since the reliability and
the quality of the primary data have been combined with the knowledge of diversified
experienced professionals in the construction industry.

The next key section of this research analysis chapter is the evaluation of the characteristics
of the research outcome. Therefore, the suitability of the pre cast wall panels is discussed in
several disciplines namely, designs stage, social and environmental impact, financial
impacts, time impacts ad general overview. According to these facts, the comparative
analysis is illustrating the best solution for the wall panels in high rise buildings in Sri

4.3 Design stage

Table 4 shows the level of acceptance of the primary data collection from the questionnaire
survey respondents. The design stage is a key stage of the construction process where the
time, cost, and quality factors are regulated at the initial point of the construction project.
Table 4: Design factors of the precast and in situ concrete wall panels

Factors Precast In-situ wall Both (%)

wall panel
panel (%)
The structure is easy to design 57 30.8 12.1
Effect on the design of the overall building 47.7 23.4 29
Easy to design for electrical service lines 37.4 44.9 17.8
Easy to design plumbing systems 29.9 51.4 18.7
Easily create requirements for light,
40.2 33.6 26.2
ventilation and heat
Best visual impact in terms of architecture
51.4 27.1 21.5
and aesthetics
Buildings or installation technique is the
72 12.1 15.9
better and simpler option
Can better control the quality of the raw
62.6 15.9 21.5
materials used
Better considering controlling human error
53.3 31.8 15
during construction
Easier to quality control in formwork, curing
80.4 9.3 10.3
and erection
Flexibility for modification and amendments
36.4 49.5 14
to the design
More problems arise in transportation 57 25.2 17.8
Takes more time to construct 36.6 57 9.3

Among the primary data collection 57% of the respondents have illustrated that when using
the precast wall panels, the high-rise building structure is easy to design. Moreover, 12.1%
have said both pre cast and in situ wall panels are easy to design the structural elements. In
terms of design flexibility, pre cast wall panels are accepted by 47.7% of the questionnaire
survey respondents. Twenty-nine per cent of the respondents have mentioned that both
methods are suitable t reaching design flexibility in the construction industry. However, the
design flexibility of the in situ concrete wall panels is higher for the electrical services. This

has been accepted by 44.9% of the primacy respondents who were involved in the research.
Similarly, the design flexibility of the structure for the plumbing systems was shown by in
situ concrete wall panels. However, 37.4% and 29.9% of the respondents have mentioned
that pre cast wall panels are supportive of the electrical and plumbing services structural

Even though pre cast wall panels are not supportive of the service lines light, ventilation,
and heat requirements can be easily incorporated in the pre cast wall panels compared to in
situ wall panels. It has been proved by 40.2% of the respondents. Almost 51% of the
respondents to the questionnaire survey have shown that pre-cast wall panels have the best
visual impact in terms of architecture and aesthetic appearance. The second highest
acceptance rate recorded for buildings or installation techniques is the better and simpler
option, which is 72%. This result signifies pre cast wall panels are an effective solution for
the high rise building construction in Sri Lanka. The ability to control the quality of the raw
materials of the wall panels in high rise building construction is high for pre cast elements.
This outcome was demonstrated by 62.6 per cent of the response rate. The primary data
53.3% have mentioned that pre cast wall panels are supportive of controlling human error
during the construction process.

Figure 7 shows that the highest number of respondents of the questionnaire survey which is
80.4% have elaborated that quality controlling in formwork, curing and erection is effective
with pre cast concrete wall panels. According to the data presented in this section precast
wall panels have less flexibility for modifications and amendments to the design. therefore
almost 50% of the respondents expected in situ concrete wall panels regarding the above
aspect. Furthermore, 57% of the respondents have elaborated more problems are arising
with the use of precast concrete wall panels. Nevertheless, the majority have accepted
precast concrete wall panels as a time saving structural element in high rise building
construction since it takes less time for construction compared to in situ concrete wall

D es i gn Sta ge C h ar a cter i s ti cs
Precast wall panel (%) In-situ wall panel (%) Both (%)


Figure 8: Design stage characteristics of precast and in situ concrete wall panels

In conclusion, the design stage of precast concrete wall panels has shown significant
improvement and acceptance by construction professionals. Figure 7 shows that precast
concrete wall panels are more structurally and qualitatively acceptable than in situ concrete
wall panels. The only negative aspects that were discussed in the design stage were
transportation issues, the limited possibility for amendments and modifications, and the
complexity of incorporating electrical and plumbing service lines.

The succeeding next section discusses the social and environmental impact of two different
types of wall panels from a comparative perspective. The conclusion of the design stage
has shown precast concrete wall panels are more effective than in situ concrete wall panels.
4.3.1 Social and environmental impact

This section discusses the social and environmental impacts of precast wall panels and in-
situ wall panels from a comparative perspective. Precast wall panels are highly effective for
minimizing the wastage of raw materials on the site. Only 26.2% of respondents stated that
the reduced impact on raw material waste at the site is due to in situ wall panels. According
to the primary data analysis, in situ concrete wall panels have recorded higher air and water
pollution, higher carbon emissions to the environment, higher energy consumption, and

higher sound pollution due to casting and construction activities. Therefore, precast
concrete wall panels have significantly reduced the environmental impact. For example,
when compared to in situ concrete wall panels, all types of pollution have been reduced.
Table 5 shows the numerical values of the questionnaire survey outcome to demonstrate the
social and environmental impact of the pre cast and in situ concrete wall panels.

Table 5: Social and environmental impact of precast and in situ concrete wall panels

Precast In-situ
Factors wall panel wall panel Both (%)
(%) (%)
Impact of raw material on the side effect of
62.6 26.2 11.2
minimization of wastage
High air and water pollution 11.2 61.7 27.1
High carbon emission to the environment 26.2 43 30.8
High energy consumption 33.6 44.9 21.5
High in sound pollution due to
18.7 58.9 22.4
casting/construction activities
High safety concerns during the construction
47.7 29 23.4

Figure 8 has shown that precast concrete wall panels have higher safety concerns during the
construction stage. Therefore, from a social and environmental perspective, precast
concrete wall panels have been accepted by the majority of the respondents. However, in
terms of safety perspective in situ concrete wall panels have higher concerns in the
construction stage.

Social and Environmental Impact

Precast wall panel (%) In-situ wall panel (%) Both (%)

Figure 9: Social and environmental impact of precast and in situ wall panels

it is essential to take the necessary steps to maintain better safety management practises
during the construction stage when handling precast concrete wall panels. In conclusion,
the social and environmental impact of the precast concrete wall panels is relatively less.
The next section of this analysis chapter discusses the financial impacts of precast wall
panels and in situ wall panels. It is another key aspect of this research when evaluating the
effectiveness of precast concrete wall panels for high rise building construction. According
to research objectives second and third objectives are achieved in these sections.

4.4 Financial impacts

The financial impact is another key aspect that demonstrates the suitability of precast
concrete wall panels and in situ concrete wall panels. Table 6 illustrates the findings of the
questionnaire survey to review the financial impacts of the two different wall panels
proposed for the high rise building construction in Sri Lanka.

Table 6: Financial impacts of precast and in situ wall panels

Factors Precast In-situ wall Both (%)

wall panel panel (%)

Highest cost due to the involvement of labour 21.5 67.3 11.2
The highest cost is due to the cost related to
43 40.2 16.8
transport and material handling
The highest cost is due to the cost of
26.2 57 16.8
supervision and quality control
The highest cost of curing 32.7 51.4 15.9
The highest cost involved with required
55.1 31.8 13.1
modifications for the installation services
High in cost and involves attending to defect
26.2 62.6 11.2
High cost for finishing works due to labour
18.7 68.2 13.1
High cost for the handling of raw material/pre
33.6 56.1 10.3
cast panels and formwork handling
High cost involved in the storage 43 41.1 15.9

According to the outcome of Figure 9, in situ concrete wall panels have a higher cost due to
the involvement of labour. Therefore, precast concrete wall panels have a lower cost due to
the involvement of labour. Nevertheless, the cost related to transport and material handling
is higher for precast concrete wall panels. It has been accepted by 43% of the survey
respondents. Almost 40% of the respondents have mentioned that the in situ concrete wall
panel construction process also involves higher transportation and material handling costs.
Therefore, both precast and in situ wall panels involve higher material handling and
transportation costs.

In addition to the transportation and material handling cost of pre cast wall panels, it has a
higher cost for modification and installation services. The outcome of the primary sources
has been demonstrated in an effective manner in Figure 9 below.

F i n a n c i a l Im p a cts
Precast wall panel (%) In-situ wall panel (%) Both (%)

Figure 10: Financial impacts of different types of wall panels

Additionally, Figure 9 has shown that 68.2% have mentioned precast concrete wall panels
have lower cost poor finishing works due to labour negligence. Similarly, lower cost is
recorded for precast concrete wall panels when attending for defect rectification. The
higher cost is involved with raw material formwork handling when preparing in situ
concrete wall panels. However, 43% of the respondents have mentioned higher cost ease
involved in the storage of precast concrete wall panels. a similar amount has been recorded
for the in situ concrete wall panels you cheese 41.1%.

In conclusion, precast concrete wall panels which are used for high rise building
construction involved lower costs for the construction process including labour, material,
handling and curing costs. According to the primary questionnaire survey respondents’
higher cost is involved for the precast concrete wall panels for storage, Transportation and
material handling, and modifications for installation services. The next section of this
analysis chapter discuss is the general overview of pre cast and in situ concrete wall panels
in a comparative format. Moreover, the next section discusses the time impact of these two
types of wall panels.

4.5 General overview

Figure 10 discusses the general overview and time impact of the precast and in situ wall
panels used in high rise building construction in Sri Lanka. Even though precast concrete
wall panels are showing a higher advantage against in situ concrete wall panels in the
design stage, social and environmental aspects, in financial considerations the general
overview has illustrated in situ concrete wall panels are suitable as load bearing elements.
Among the questionnaire survey respondents, 45.8% how mentioned institute concrete wall
panels are effective items as a load bearing element. Table 7 shows the general overview of
the pre cast and in situ concrete wall panels in high rise building construction.

Table 7: General overview of the precast and in situ wall panels

Better than effectiveness for use as a load

29.9 45.8 24.3
bearing element
Minimum time for the overall completion of
76.6 18.7 4.7
the project

Figure 10 shows that 76.6% of the respondents have mentioned precast concrete wall
panels are consuming the minimum time for the overall completion of the project. Hence
from a time perspective, precast concrete wall panels are more effective than in situ
concrete wall panels.

General Overview









Precast wall panel (%) In-situ wall panel (%) Both (%)

Better than effectiveness for use as a load bearing element

Minimum time for the overall completion of the project

Figure 11: General overview of the precast and in situ concrete wall panels

In conclusion, industry professionals consider in situ concrete wall panels a suitable

application as a load-bearing element even though higher time is consumed for structural
development. When considering the other perspectives which are discussed in this chapter,
precast concrete wall panels involved higher costs for handling, storage, and modification
for the service lines. Nevertheless, due to these disadvantages use of precast concrete wall
panels for high rise building construction in Sri Lanka cannot be neglected. These features
are possible to overcome with tactical practices incorporated into the construction industry.

4.6 Chapter Summary

According to the researcher’s understanding and experience Storage and material handling
can be arranged with better project planning practices. The project manager and project
team can arrange vacant lands what is storage facilities in a temporary process. However, if
it is possible to follow the linear construction practises then the requirement for the
additional storage facilities can be minimised since the construction process is conducted
simultaneously with the material delivery.

Furthermore, construction team with the collaboration of the design team; design changes
and modifications can be minimised hence the changes are not frequent during the

construction process. Project teams are mostly using scattered communication and
discussion methods therefore in situ concrete wall panels are more suitable. However, if the
construction team can develop the linear management and collaborative approach precast
concrete wall panels are suitable for the construction process with the consideration of
other perspectives.

Chapter 05

5.0 Conclusions and Future Works

This chapter is connecting the full research with its primary and secondary data to achieve
the research aim and objectives. According to the outcome of this chapter critical
suggestions are made on the use of precast concrete wall panels in the construction industry
in high rise building construction in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, this chapter is consistent with
conclusions, recommendations, limitations and further research areas. The concluding
remarks and recommendations are demonstrated in accordance with each objective of the

5.1 Conclusions

This research has been completed while achieving 4 objectives. Conclusions for each
objective have been written under each objective.

 Objective 01 - To study the importance of pre-cast concrete wall panels in the

construction industry

According to the secondary information of this research this first objective was achieved.
Previous literature related to precast concrete wall panels has illustrated the importance of
these panels depending on time and cost parameters. The literature review has
demonstrated precast concrete wall panels are ideal for high rise building construction in
the Sri Lankan context to save money and time. Furthermore, the study has identified the
availability of concrete has a diversified nature. Accordingly precast, in situ, fibre and light
weight concrete types are used for the construction work. In addition to the time and cost
aspects of the precast concrete wall panels, sustainable features were highlighted in the
Literature review. According to the findings of the literature review, health and safety,
supply link, energy, external threats, unemployment, enforcement of law, waste,
environment and community were considered as the critical features of sustainability.
Therefore, in all perspectives precast concrete wall panels are ideal for high rise building
construction to ensure the management practises and achievement of construction goals.

 Objective 02 - To review the time and cost-saving with the use of pre-cast wall

The second objective of the research was fulfilled with the use of a literature review and
primary data analysis. According to the existing literature, time is the critical factor for high
rise building construction sector. Several scholars have demonstrated time supports the
construction projects to achieve profitability and maintain accuracy for project
management. Similarly, the cost is another factor that balances the construction projects
and its outcome.

In addition to the findings of the literature review, primary data analysis which was
conducted with the combination of Sri Lankan construction industry professionals who are
experienced in high rise building construction time and cost perspectives were analysed.
According to these outcomes pre cast wall panels are a better solution to replace in situ
concrete wall panels. Comparatively, precast wall panels have higher acceptability for early
completion compared to in situ concrete wall panels. This was confirmed by the literature
review findings with the combination of international and local scholars. The primary data
analysis has accepted precast concrete wall panels as the cost effective construction
material for high rise building construction. However, the cost of storage, the cost of
modification and rectification, and transportation costs are having contradictory overviews
on the cost of the precast concrete wall panels and in situ concrete wall panels.

The primary data analysis has highlighted labour involvement for precast concrete wall
panels are comparatively low. Additionally, the cost of supervision, quality control, cost of
curing, defect rectification, labour negligence, cost of raw material, and formwork handling
is cost effective segments compared to in situ concrete wall panels. Therefore, pre cast
concrete wall panels are supportive of the construction industry with the cost perspective
applications. Therefore, it is important to apply the key concerns on the pre cast concrete
wall panels and support the high rise building construction in Sri Lanka.

 Objective 03 - To assess the applicability of pre-cast wall panels instead of in

situ concrete walls

The primary data analysis has assessed the applicability of pre-cast wall panels for Sri
Lankan high rise building construction. Therefore, the third objective was achieved from

the primary data of this research. The research outcome illustrated that in cost, time; social
and environmental perspectives precast wall panels are the best effective solutions to
address the wall panel requirement in Sri Lankan buildings. When focusing on the social
and environmental factors, precast wall panels are effective for waste minimization.
Furthermore, the reduction of water, air, and sound pollution during the construction
activities is helping the construction projects while using pre cast wall panels. During the
construction process, energy consumption is low for the pre cast wall panel construction.
Additionally, the analysis has demonstrated there is a recorded high safety at the site with
the use of pre cast concrete wall panels. Therefore, from a cost, time, social and
environmental perspective pre cast wall panel is the ideal solution.

The analysis has further addressed the suitability of the precast wall panels in the design
stage of the construction. Accordingly, design of electrical service lines, and plumbing
systems. The flexibility of modification, amendments and transportation issues are the only
concern highlighted as having negative impacts. Nevertheless, the project outcome has
illustrated that these discussed negativities are possible to overcome during the design and
construction stages of the building with suitable approaches such as linear construction.
The primary data analysis has demonstrated using proper designing features, pre-planning
the construction practices, and linear construction process is supporting the construction
team to overcome the above-stated issues with the use of pre cast concrete wall panels. In
the designing stage in situ concrete wall panels consume higher time compared to pre-cast
concrete wall panels for the designing ad construction. Overall precast concrete wall panels
are supporting the construction sector even during the design stage to achieve its outcome
through construction practices.

 Objective 04 - To recommend a guideline for the use of pre-cast wall panels

The fourth objective of the research was fulfilled with the combination of primary and
secondary data gained from analysis and literature review respectively. Accordingly, the
guidelines for the use of pre-cast concrete wall panels are consisting of the solutions for the
negative features which were highlighted through primary data analysis.
1. The designing stage for service lines

Proper design planning is supporting the construction team to locate the required spacing
for the service lines. Furthermore, when there is a collaborative discussion with the client,
contractor and design team it supports the entire team members to identify pitfalls and
provide the best solutions. Since there is higher uncertainty in the construction sector it is
better to provide adequate space and additional space for the service lines which will
support the construction team even during a change of designs. Therefore it is a positive
practise in the precast wall panel construction process to avoid inconvenience for the
construction team and client.

2. Transportation
Transportation of wall panels can be done during the night times. In the urban environment
for transportation, the design and construction teams are able to obtain the closest route for
the site. When designing precast concrete wall panels in manageable sizes and allowing the
site staff to fix the panels at the site. When the construction project is located in an
outstation precast wall panel construction has to be conducted at the site. If not, the
construction team will need to design a temporary manufacturing facility in close
proximity. Even though several alternatives and solutions are proposed transportation plays
a critical aspect in the Sri Lanka context. However, it should not be taken as the only
reason to reject pre cast concentrate wall panels to replace in situ concrete wall panels.
3. Material handling
Material handling incurs higher costs compared to in situ concrete wall panels since bulk
production is conducted. Therefore, the construction process mostly relies on machinery
rather than human capital. Therefore, the construction team at the manufacturing plant
needs to maintain better practices to ensure the construction projects with the collaboration
of machinery and human capital. The key concern of this practice is that the project team
needs to maintain the relevant construction timeline. Furthermore, providing adequate
training and induction programmes for the use of machinery while maintaining safety and
higher productivity are key features that have to be cultivated at sites. However, a liner
production process with higher quality assurance and quality controlling mechanism helps
the contractor to minimize the construction cost of the project.
4. The flexibility of modifications and amendments

The flexibility of modifications and amendments is another feature aligned with the design
stage. The design team allows provisions for flexibility modifications and amendments.
providing soft filling for the service areas is there one mechanism that can be followed by
the design team to ensure the modifications and amendments are flexible. the modern
development focus on the construction of flexible concrete panels and lightweight concrete
panels allows the construction team to apply modifications and amendments easily. When
adequate provisions are made for the amendments in the precast concrete wall panels
additional cost is reduced and time consumption can be minimised.

5. Storage
Storage is another concern that is inconvenient for the contractor and the developer.
Furthermore, it involves higher costs for the construction team. It is important to maintain
higher storage facilities for the construction process of precast concrete wall panels. if the
storage is limited for a particular project the project team can follow the linear construction
practises maintaining fewer inventories at the storage facility. construction facilities
minimise the cost and space requirement for the precast concrete wall panels. implementing
management plans and providing adequate training for the employees at the manufacturing
plants supports the construction team to obtain required concrete wall panels based on their
requirements. the planning and designing team of the contractor has to be vigilant when
ordering and planning the wall panel components for the project based on the exact timing.
6. Suitability as a load bearing element
The final aspect of the precast concrete wall panels is the suitability of load bearing
elements. The suitability of the precast concrete wall panels as a load bearing element is
supporting the structural stability of the building. when constructing the load bearing
elements with the use of precast concrete wall panels, it has to be constructed with more
stability and load bearing features. Furthermore, providing harden materials and
components supporting the wall materials ensures the load bearing capacity of the precast
concrete wall panels.

5.2 Recommendations

The recommendations of this research were drawn from the conclusions for each objective.
Therefore, this research has proposed recommendations for the construction industry and
its governing agencies.
 Construction authorities need to implement policies for the construction sector in
Sri Lanka for the implementation of sustainable building designs.
 Provide a guideline for the contractors and designers for the application of precast
construction elements as much as possible
 Revaluating green building evaluation criteria with the application of precast
components in the construction process
 Providing monetary facilities and consultation for the project team when using
precast concrete wall panels for the construction projects
 Motivate contractors and designers from a local perspective with tax
concessionaries and rewarding mechanics to promote the use of precast concrete
wall panels
 Increase the awareness of the developers and contractors in the construction sector
regarding the importance and benefits of using precast wall panels for the
construction projects
 Implement policies for foreign designers and contractors including developers The
use of precast concrete wall panels as a mandatory aspect of high rise building
projects in Sri Lanka.
 Motivate contractors and suppliers to involve with the precast concrete element
construction process to generalise the industry in Sri Lanka
 The generalisation of the precast concrete manufacturing process helps to sort the
transportation issues in Sri Lankan rural areas including areas far from Colombo.

5.3 Limitations

The researcher has confronted several limitations when conducting this research. Mainly
duty the COVID-19 pandemic the researcher was unable to provide a physical data
collection process. Hence the opportunity for obtaining construction industry professionals
was eliminated. However, with Google forms the researcher was able to collect reliable

data from construction industry professionals who are experienced in precast wall
construction. Furthermore, over 100 respondents were involved in the primary data
collection to avoid any bias and obtain high quality outcomes for the research. Since
precast concrete wall panels are not familiar in the Sri Lankan construction industry The
researcher has to tactically obtain relevant information from the questionnaire survey
respondents. However, all the limitations were overcome by the research with the use of
strategically applications.

5.4 Further research area

Based on the conclusions and recommendations of this research the researcher is proposing
the following research areas to be implemented based on this outcome.
 Evaluate the use of precast concrete panels for the Sri Lankan civil engineering
construction project
 assist the load bearing features of precast concrete panels used for the high rise
buildings in Sri Lanka
 Develop a national guideline for the construction sector to incorporate precast
construction materials


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Questionnaire Survey


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