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Booking: 6496MI
Company: Comuto Pro (BlaBlaCar Bus)
Price: EUR 69.99
Passenger: Abdul halim Kayomi
Adult 15.09.1964

Departure: Arrival:
17.08.2023 17:50 18.08.2023 09:30
Venice - Mestre Paris - Bercy Seine
Venezia, Viale Stazione 8C Gare routière Bercy-Seine, 208 - 210 quai de Bercy
30171 Venise 75012 Paris

a How to find my bus

Your bus will have the following number in the front:

Bus number: 4782

Boarding Good to know

Breaks and intermediate stops are included in the
Arrive no later than 15 minutes before
journey time.
Label your bags Times are expressed in local time.

Show your ID card (or passport, if you are from outside When crossing borders, you may be subject to
the Schengen area or are travelling to the UK) inspection by authorities.

Check your seat number - assigned 1h before boarding. If travelling with a child under 3 years old, it is
mandatory to bring a baby seat with you.

Make sure you have the required documents for the countries you
are travelling to. Emergencies
If you fail to comply with these regulations, you will not be allowed +33 (0)1 70 96 86 40
to board Only for emergencies during your journey (24/7)
Outside of France, it is still required to wear a mask when
travelling on cross-border lines.
Booking: 6496MI
Company: Comuto Pro (BlaBlaCar Bus)
Price: EUR 69.99
Passenger: Shogofa Kayomi
Adult 08.07.1973

Departure: Arrival:
17.08.2023 17:50 18.08.2023 09:30
Venice - Mestre Paris - Bercy Seine
Venezia, Viale Stazione 8C Gare routière Bercy-Seine, 208 - 210 quai de Bercy
30171 Venise 75012 Paris

a How to find my bus

Your bus will have the following number in the front:

Bus number: 4782

Boarding Good to know

Breaks and intermediate stops are included in the
Arrive no later than 15 minutes before
journey time.
Label your bags Times are expressed in local time.

Show your ID card (or passport, if you are from outside When crossing borders, you may be subject to
the Schengen area or are travelling to the UK) inspection by authorities.

Check your seat number - assigned 1h before boarding. If travelling with a child under 3 years old, it is
mandatory to bring a baby seat with you.

Make sure you have the required documents for the countries you
are travelling to. Emergencies
If you fail to comply with these regulations, you will not be allowed +33 (0)1 70 96 86 40
to board Only for emergencies during your journey (24/7)
Outside of France, it is still required to wear a mask when
travelling on cross-border lines.
Booking: 6496MI
Company: Comuto Pro (BlaBlaCar Bus)
Price: EUR 69.99
Passenger: Mustafa Kayomi
Adult 09.07.2008

Departure: Arrival:
17.08.2023 17:50 18.08.2023 09:30
Venice - Mestre Paris - Bercy Seine
Venezia, Viale Stazione 8C Gare routière Bercy-Seine, 208 - 210 quai de Bercy
30171 Venise 75012 Paris

a How to find my bus

Your bus will have the following number in the front:

Bus number: 4782

Boarding Good to know

Breaks and intermediate stops are included in the
Arrive no later than 15 minutes before
journey time.
Label your bags Times are expressed in local time.

Show your ID card (or passport, if you are from outside When crossing borders, you may be subject to
the Schengen area or are travelling to the UK) inspection by authorities.

Check your seat number - assigned 1h before boarding. If travelling with a child under 3 years old, it is
mandatory to bring a baby seat with you.

Make sure you have the required documents for the countries you
are travelling to. Emergencies
If you fail to comply with these regulations, you will not be allowed +33 (0)1 70 96 86 40
to board Only for emergencies during your journey (24/7)
Outside of France, it is still required to wear a mask when
travelling on cross-border lines.

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