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Faculty of Economics and Management


For obtaining the fundamental degree in Economics and Management Sciences

Sub theme:



Carried out by : Framed by :

AIT AJAOU Adam Teacher. HAJJAJ Mouna

Academic year: 2022-2023

I would like to express my sincere thanks to my professor HAJJAJ Mouna for his help,
encouragement and advice during the preparation of this work. Thanks to his support, I was
able to approach this project with confidence and obtain good results. I am deeply grateful to
her for her dedication to helping me succeed.

I would also like to express my gratitude to all the professors who have contributed to my
university education throughout my career. Their teachings, expertise and mentorship have
been essential for my academic and professional growth. I am grateful to them for the skills
and knowledge they imparted to me, which were invaluable in the realization of this project.

Finally, I would like to thank my family, my friends and all the people who have contributed
to the development of this present work, from near or far. Their unconditional support,
encouragement and advice have been of great help throughout this project. I am grateful for
their invaluable contribution to my success and I am deeply grateful to them for being by my
side throughout my academic journey.

The thesis presented is focused on digital marketing. The first chapter deals with the
fundamentals of digital marketing, starting with the definition of concepts, advantages and
strategies. The second section of this chapter explores the different forms of digital marketing.

The second chapter highlights the importance of social networks in digital marketing, with a
first section on the definition and history of social networks and a second section on the
objectives and interest of their use.

The third chapter deals with a case study, which is presented in the first section. The second
section presents an analysis of the data and key results obtained from this study.

Overall, this thesis aims to provide an in-depth and practical understanding of digital
marketing, focusing on fundamental concepts, forms of marketing, the use of social networks
and a real case study to illustrate the application of these concepts in practice.


Chapter 1: Digital Marketing Fundamentals:

Section 1: Definition of concepts, advantages, strategies

Section 2: Forms of digital marketing

Chapter 2: The Importance of Social Media in Digital Marketing:

Section 1: Definition and history of social networks.

Section 2: the interest and objectives of social networks

Chapter 3: Case study:

Section 1: Presentation of the study.

Section 2: Data analysis and main results.

With the rise of digital, companies are faced with the obligation to change their strategies to
adapt to an ever-changing environment. This is reflected in particular by the use of new web
technologies to communicate with their customers and suppliers, distribute their products and
services, and organize their marketing department. While some companies have been able to
adapt quickly to these changes, others are still struggling to understand the new challenges of
digital marketing, particularly with regard to the use of social networks.

Indeed, social networks are now used by millions of consumers and are attracting more and
more companies of all sizes looking to take advantage of their potential to make themselves
known, export or find new customers. However, the ecosystem of social networks is very
large and diverse, which makes it difficult to understand and use them optimally.

In this context, this study aims to analyze the advantages of digital marketing for companies,
the different strategies they can adopt to protect their reputation and brand image online, the
interests and risks of using social networks in their marketing strategy, as well as the practical
solutions to effectively manage these risks and achieve their business objectives.

The problem of this study is therefore the following: How can the adoption of digital
marketing strategies and the use of social networks help companies to develop their online
presence and achieve their business objectives while minimizing the associated risks? To their
reputation and brand image?

In order to answer this question, this study will draw on theoretical research as well as
concrete examples of companies that have succeeded in developing their online presence and
achieving their business objectives through the effective use of digital marketing and social

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of digital marketing:

To start this chapter, we will give a general definition of digital marketing; explain its
advantages and its strategy. Then, in the second part, we will present the different forms of
digital marketing.

Section 1: Definition, Benefits and Strategies of Digital Marketing:

1- Definition of Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing is about using digital channels and tools to reach potential customers and
retain them. This includes activities such as email marketing, online advertising, social media
marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), display advertising, online reputation
management and search engine optimization (SEO).
Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it uses digital technologies to
reach customers, instead of more traditional marketing methods such as television or
newspaper advertising. This allows businesses to reach a wider audience in a more
personalized way, using data to target potential customers based on their interests and online
The benefits of digital marketing are numerous, including the ability to measure results in real
time and adjust accordingly, increased brand visibility, improved customer relationship,
increased reach and audience engagement, as well as reduced marketing costs compared to
traditional methods.
In terms of strategy, digital marketing involves the use of different digital channels to achieve
business goals, such as generating leads, acquiring new customers, retaining existing
customers, and improving the brand awareness. The digital marketing strategy should be
aligned with business goals and based on a deep understanding of customer needs and
In summary, digital marketing is a marketing approach that uses digital channels and tools to
reach potential customers and retain them, thus offering many advantages over traditional
marketing methods. The digital marketing strategy should be tailored to business goals and
needs, using a deep understanding of customer needs and behaviors to achieve the desired

2- Benefits of digital marketing:
Digital Marketing encompasses all marketing practices used in digital media and channels.
With the changing relationship between buyers and sellers, consumers can now learn about
different brands using the internet, which provides many benefits.
 Direct communication with customers: thanks to Digital Marketing, customers can
get all the information they need without having to communicate or go to the seller.
This offers a new customer experience.
 Cost and budget savings: Compared to traditional marketing, Digital Marketing is
less expensive. For example, with Google Ads, the cost of advertising is charged only
when the user clicks on it, which makes the return on investment (ROI) more
 Improved brand image and reach: Digital Marketing helps to enhance the brand
image of the company via the various digital channels. This shows customers that the
company has mastered new media and is modern.
 Access to international markets: Thanks to the Internet, Digital Marketing provides
access to different markets from those of traditional marketing. Ads can be configured
to reach global audiences 24/7.
 Large Business Challenge: Digital Marketing provides a competitive advantage
because it helps compete with bigger and more powerful companies. Digital tools are
easily available and can be used financially, even for SMEs and VSEs, which can thus
become multinationals in their sector of activity thanks to digital technology.
 Quick and easy to implement actions: social media ads can be created with a single
click and delivered instantly around the world, with no waiting times or price
negotiations. This allows actions to be implemented quickly and efficiently.

3- Digital marketing strategies:

To build an effective digital marketing strategy, it is important to focus on the fundamentals

of the business or brand, such as:

 Increase traffic to the company's website.

 Increase the number of transactions on the website to generate quality leads.
 Strengthen the transparency and visibility of the brand online.
Once these strategic axes have been established, it is important to identify the internal drivers
of each function or team and to define the management and coordination methods to translate
them into an action plan. The digital marketing strategy is just a series of actions aimed at
achieving several objectives through the following six steps:

Step 1: Analyze your situation on the market:

Before implementing a digital strategy and making important decisions, it is essential to
understand the current market situation. This step consists of evaluating the competition,
analyzing consumer behavior and monitoring market developments. By knowing the
competitive environment, it is possible to better position yourself against the competition, to
target the public more precisely and to design the digital project in terms of marketing and
communication. The SWOT analysis is an essential tool to assess the situation and make
relevant strategic decisions.

The SWOT analysis:

The SWOT matrix is a strategic tool that allows companies to make informed decisions by
analyzing the internal and external factors that affect them. This analysis is divided into four
categories: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (or SWOT in English). The
objective is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as the
opportunities and threats of the market. This SWOT analysis helps companies compile a list
of essential information, identify priority issues and define business and communication
objectives accordingly. In addition, it also helps to better understand the needs and
expectations of customers by identifying the target people.

Figure 1: Presentation of the matrix or the SWOT analysis.

Step 2: Define your objectives:

The implementation of a strategy in a company requires the participation of all members and
managers, in order to define new objectives for a given period. To do this, it is important to
have several methods for the achievement of these objectives, such as:

 Visibility: to develop the notoriety of the brand image and the online presence of the

 Traffic: to drive traffic to the website.

 Leads: to generate leads and increase conversion.

 Customer experience: to improve the experience for the company's consumers.

Step 3: Define key performance indicators:

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are key performance indicators that allow you to measure
the effectiveness of your digital strategy. They can include measures such as:

 The SEO ranking (natural referencing) of your website;

 The rate of traffic generated on your website;
 The conversion rate of your visitors into customers or prospects;
 The time spent on your website;
 The ROI (return on investment) of your online advertising campaigns or other digital
marketing activities.

Figure 2: Illustration of the KPI

Step 4: Define the budget:

Indeed, the budget is a key element in the implementation of a digital marketing strategy. It
makes it possible to determine the means necessary to achieve the objectives set, by
evaluating the financial investments necessary for the various actions to be implemented
(online advertising, website development, content creation, etc.). It is therefore important to
define a realistic budget adapted to the resources of the company, while taking into account
the expected results and the expected returns on investment.

Step 5: Identify the people targeted:

In order to better target and communicate with customers, it is important to identify their
detailed profiles and understand their purchasing behavior, expectations, habits and
specificities. Social networks are an effective tool to quickly and easily obtain this necessary

Analysis tools such as Twitter Analytics, Facebook Insights or Instagram Analytics provide a
detailed view of customer characteristics and their profiles. They offer a complete and in-
depth study to better understand the expectations, habits and specificities of each targeted

Step 6: Reflect on the website:

The website is the company's showcase and allows effective communication with customers,
suppliers, employees and partners. The choice of domain name is also crucial because it
represents the gateway to the brand's universe. It is essential to define the type of website you
want to create, whether it is a merchant site, an online sales platform or a blog, according to
the commercial objectives and corporate communications.

Step 7: Design your action plan:

The action plan must be consistent with the customer's journey through the conversion funnel,
which includes the acquisition, conversion and retention phases. For each phase, specific
mechanisms must be defined:

 The acquisition strategy focuses on online levers related to traffic or the value
obtained, such as the purchase of sponsored links, the establishment of an affiliate
program or an e-mailing campaign. The results of these strategies can be measured
quickly and their impact and return on investment can be assessed.
 The conversion strategy is linked to the website and often requires technical skills.
The marketer must know a precise indicator to measure the value created according to
the traffic, for example the bounce rate. The goal is to facilitate conversion by
encouraging visitors to view other pages of the site.
 The loyalty strategy aims to maintain and repeat the value created over time. Loyalty
is often overlooked in favor of traffic, but it is now considered essential. An entire
chapter is dedicated to this subject to develop the details of this strategy.

Section 2: Forms of digital marketing:

The different forms of digital marketing:

Digital marketing is a set of marketing methods and practices that can be used on different
channels and digital media. It includes a large number of techniques to reach potential
consumers and retain them. Here is an overview of the different forms of digital marketing.

1- Natural and paid referencing :

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising) are two important
techniques for digital marketing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): This is the optimization for search engines, which
consists of improving the visibility of a website on the results of search engines like Google.
Optimization techniques can include using keywords, creating quality content, optimizing
website structure, building inbound links, etc.

SEA (Search Engine Advertising): this is online advertising on search engines, such as
Google Ads. This involves creating text or visual ads and showing them on search results
using relevant keywords. Advertisers pay for each click on their ad.

Both techniques are complementary and necessary to improve the visibility of a website.
2- Other forms of digital marketing :

Besides SEO, there are other forms of digital marketing, such as inbound marketing, affiliate
marketing, emailing, content marketing, display and social media.

 Inbound marketing: it's a marketing approach that involves attracting potential

customers through the creation of relevant and useful content. The goal is to pique the
interest and engagement of potential customers rather than "harassing" them with
intrusive advertisements.
 Membership: it is a marketing technique where an affiliate (usually a website)
promotes an advertiser's products and receives a commission on each sale generated.
This can be achieved through affiliate links, banner ads, etc.
 Emailing: it is the sending of electronic messages to a list of customers or prospects.
Emails can be used to promote products, share news, or maintain a relationship with
customers. This can be achieved through personalized or automated email campaigns.
 Content marketing: it is the creation and dissemination of quality content to attract,
inform and engage potential customers. This can include blog posts, videos,
infographics, white papers, etc.
 Display: these are online advertisements in the form of banners, videos, pop-ups, etc.
These advertisements may be served on partner websites or advertising networks.

 Social networks: it is the use of social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
LinkedIn, etc. to promote a brand, interact with customers, and share content. Social
networks can also be used for paid advertising via sponsored campaigns or targeted


Digital marketing includes all the marketing activities of a company that are carried out
through various channels and digital media such as websites, smartphones and television. It
makes it possible to transmit information through different digital channels in order to
influence consumers and involve them in the company's strategy by soliciting their opinions
on social networks. The benefits of digital marketing lie in its ability to change the way media
consumption evolves and becomes more complex. The ever-changing forms of digital
marketing are driving changes in the way businesses communicate. New strategies such as
search in search engines and display offer companies the possibility of gaining new contacts
and getting closer to their target. Social networks have become the preferred target of
marketing departments, which must understand them, master them and integrate them into
their communication systems.

Chapter 2: the importance of social networks on digital

In this section, we will discuss social networks. First, we will provide an overview of the
definition and history of social networks. Next, we'll look at the benefits and purposes of
using social media in business.

Section 1: Definition and history of social networks:

1- Definition of social networks:

Social networks are online platforms that allow users to create profiles, connect with other
users and share different types of content such as texts, images, videos, audio files, links and
even more. These social networks allow individuals to connect with friends, acquaintances
and colleagues, share common interests, discuss specific topics, find professional
opportunities and discover new communities online.

Social networks are generally free for users, but they are funded by advertising and collected
user data. In addition to basic functions such as profile creation and content publication, social
networks offer interaction and communication tools such as likes, comments, shares, instant
messaging, discussions in groups and events.

Visitors or Internet users who use social networks can be individuals, households,
associations, interest groups or companies. Social networks also offer features for privacy
management and online security, allowing users to control who can see their content and
personal information, as well as to report inappropriate content or abusive behavior.

In summary, social networks are online communication and sharing tools that have
significantly changed the way people interact and communicate online. While there are
benefits, it is important for users to understand the potential risks associated with using social
media and to take steps to protect their privacy and security online.

2- Social media history:

The history of social networks dates back to 1954, when the term "social network" was
introduced by the English anthropologist John A. Barnes.

 In 1967, the notion of network refers to Stanley Milgram's theory of "six degrees of

 In 1997, made it possible to create profiles and a network between

different users.

 In 1998, Open Diary offered its users the possibility of publishing their diaries online
in public or in private.

 In 2001, was created to bring together as many people as possible in

virtual life and also in real life.

 In 2003, MySpace, WordPress and LinkedIn appeared and changed the use of the Web
either in the professional side, or in the private life of the users.

 In 2004, Facebook was launched by its famous creator Mark Zuckerberg, its first
nomination was

 In 2005, YouTube was launched.

 In 2006, Twitter was created and 140-character writing was introduced.

 In 2007, Tumblr made it quick and easy for its subscribers to share photos, text, notes,
and links with their communities.

 In 2009, Foursquare was created to allow you to track your friends and know where
they are and what they are doing in real time.

 In 2011, Google+ was created to compete with social networks like Facebook and

 In 2012, Pinterest was created as a social network dedicated to images.

Figure 3: Illustration of social media history.

Section 2: Social Media Interests and Purposes:

1- Interests and advantages of social networks:

There are multiple advantages for companies to use social networks to improve their digital
strategy, increase their brand image and attract new customers. For this, it is important to
respect several points so that the company can achieve its objectives, including:

 Make yourself known: social networks are a real lever for developing the visibility
and notoriety of the company. It is a way to make yourself known to suppliers,
partners, competitors and above all future customers by using the principle of virality,
which is a principle based on word of mouth but in a virtual way to transmit
information simply and quickly.

 Acquire new customers and retain current ones: using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
or others is a good solution to diversify and increase your sources of customer
acquisition. Social networks are therefore a tool to be used for commercial
prospecting, but also in the process of customer loyalty.

 Instant communication: communicating on social networks makes it possible to

satisfy their demand. Many people and companies use social networks for personal
more than professional purposes. Another advantage is to transmit messages directly
and quickly. To schedule communication on these social networks, there are
management tools such as Hootsuite.

 Long-distance communication: through communication on social networks, a large
geographical area and several different communities will be affected around the world,
which makes it possible to develop the company in all four corners of the world.

 Communication at a lower cost: advertising on social networks is free, unlike that of

traditional social media such as television, radio, the press. Exchanges with the target
communities also make it possible to acquire new skills in the field of communication.

It is therefore important to communicate with various Internet users on social networks

through clear and convincing messages in order to attract their attention and convert them into
customers for the company.

The advantages of the company's presence on social networks:

 The presence of the company on social networks makes it possible to effectively

manage its online reputation, monitoring user comments and opinions and improving
the image of the company.

 The presence of the company on social networks strengthens its expertise, creativity
and proximity to customers, partners and suppliers, which improves the efficiency and
speed of the company.

 Social media is an effective way to share company news, including promotions, sales
and new pros.

2- Objectives of social networks:

Social networks are now an important way for companies to manage their reputation, attract
new customers, highlight their news and achieve their goals. Companies can thus improve
their image on the web, strengthen their expertise and creativity, increase their efficiency and
speed, react to what competitors are doing in terms of marketing actions, etc. To achieve these
goals, it is essential to develop a clearly defined social media strategy, accompanied by
performance indicators or KPIs. The latter make it possible to measure the evolution of the
notoriety of

the company, the attraction of new prospects, the improvement of customer satisfaction, the
conversion of Internet users into qualified leads, the improvement of the company's
engagement rate, the strengthening of its visibility on the Internet, as well as the improvement
of its natural referencing. Differentiation strategies include the development of an original
concept, the targeting of new customers according to their profile, the improvement of
product quality using new ideas and new concepts collected by Internet users on social
networks. In short, social networks are essential today for companies wishing to optimize
their online presence and achieve their development and growth objectives.


Rather than viewing social media as a threat, businesses should consider the benefits it offers
in terms of branding and reputation management. Here, brand valuation does not refer to its
monetary value, but rather to the company's ability to shape the image it wishes to project to
its customers.

Chapter 3: Empirical study of social media
marketing practices:

This section of our project focuses on an empirical study that uses a quantitative approach in
the form of a questionnaire to better understand the use of social networks in marketing.
Before starting our analysis, it is important to define and present the key social networks that
will be the subject of our study: Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter, which are
major and practically unavoidable social networks today. We have implemented a rigorous
methodology to collect useful information for our thesis.

Section 1: Presentation of the study:

Before exploring the use of social networks in marketing, it is important to present the four
most popular platforms.

First of all, Facebook is the most important social network with more than 2.5 billion active
users, created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. It allows you to share various content such as
texts, images, videos, and even live conversations, for personal or professional use.

Next, WhatsApp is an instant messaging application for smartphones, which allows users to
exchange messages, images, videos, audio messages and make phone calls. It has more than
1.6 billion users internationally.

Instagram, launched in 2010, is a mobile app with over 1 billion active users, focused on
photo and video sharing. It also allows live streaming of events.

Finally, Twitter is a social media that has more than 321 million members and was created in
2006 at the instigation of Jack Dorsey. Based on 280-character messages, called Tweets, it is
very easy to post information and it is considered one of the best tools for real-time
information on any subject.

1- Presentation of the Questionnaire:

The questionnaire aims to assess the effectiveness of social media marketing by measuring the
level of customer approval of business publications. It contains 13 questions, including 5
single-response questions, 3 multiple-choice questions, 2 numerical questions, 1 scaled
question, and another 2 numerical-response questions.

The tool used to develop and analyze the questionnaire is Google Forms. The administration
method used is CAWI, which is an online survey.

The sample is made up of 88 people, made up of young men and women who use social
networks. The selection criterion is a confidence threshold of 95%, a risk of 5% and a margin
of error of 10%. The sample presentation table shows that 64.4% of the participants are
women and 35.6% are men.

Section 2: Data analysis and main results:

1- Data analysis :

After examining the results, they are presented as follows:

 Gender:

Figure 4: gender studied.

This means that the majority of respondents, or 64.4%, are women (56 people), while men
represent 35.6% of respondents, or 32 people, total of 88 people.
 Age range :

Figure 5: the age group that uses social networks.

After analyzing the results of our sample of 88 people, the graph above indicates that only 1
person, or 1.1% of respondents, is 18 years old. On the other hand, 54 people, or 62.1% of our
sample, are between 18 and 25 years old. The remaining 32 people, or 36.8%, are over 25
years old.

 Socio-Professional Category :

Figure 6: Professional categories that often frequent social networks

This graph shows that out of a total of 88 people constituting our study sample, 35 or 40.2%
are students, 22 or 25.3% are civil servants, 20 or 23% have a diploma, and 10 or 11.5%
belong to other professional categories.

 The most used media:



Figure 7: The most visited social media.

Of the 88 respondents who participated in the study, 50 people or 56.81% use Facebook, 18
people or 20.45% use Instagram, 15 people or 17.04% use WhatsApp and only 5 people or
5.68% use Twitter.
 The reliability of the information:

Figure 8: reliability of information

Of the 88 people surveyed, it appears that 73 people or 86% consider the information
published on social networks to be reliable, while 12 people or 14% do not consider it
 Frequency of online purchases:

Figure 9: The number of times of online shopping attendance.

Of the 88 respondents, the majority, 30 people (38%), shop once or twice a month. 29 people
(36.7%) buy a maximum of twice a year. Three people (3.8%) shop once or twice a week and
17 people (21.5%) shop purchases more of two time by year.

 Product satisfaction:

Figure 10: Customer satisfaction with products purchased online.

The results show that the majority of respondents, ie 51.9% represented by 41 people, are not
very satisfied with the quality of their purchases. On the other hand, 43% or 43 people are
very satisfied with their purchases and only 4 people, or 5.1%, are not satisfied. In conclusion,
the majority of buyers are happy with their purchases.

 Most notable ads:

Figure 11: the type of the most striking advertisements.

These results show the importance of social networks in advertising, as the majority of
respondents are influenced and attracted by advertisements containing images. Of the 88
respondents, 40 of them representing 46% of the sample were marked by advertisements with

On the other hand, a minority is attracted by advertising links. As for those who are attracted
by advertisements of recommended articles, they represent approximately 35% of the sample,
or 30 people. Finally, the other types of advertisements attract 11 people, or a population of
2- Interpretation of the results obtained:

Choice of Social Networks: The results of the study show that the most used social networks
for digital marketing are Facebook and Instagram. This conclusion is also confirmed by the
annual report published by WE ARE SOCIAL and HOOTSUITE which reveals that Morocco
is rather well placed on the African and global scale in terms of access to the Internet and use
of social networks. Indeed, the report indicates that Morocco has 22.57 million Internet users,
a penetration rate of 62%. Among the most active social media platforms, Facebook ranks
first with 76% of users and Instagram comes second with 45%.

The most effective communication tool: When it comes to the most effective
communication tool for digital marketing, the results of the study show that Facebook has the
greatest impact on consumer opinions. Indeed, 57% of the subjects questioned were informed
through the Facebook platform. This result is consistent with the fact that Facebook is the
most used social network in the world with two billion users and a penetration rate of 47% in
Morocco, which corresponds to approximately 14 million Facebook users in the Country.

The most attractive advertising content: The study also shows that the most attractive
advertising content for consumers is that which uses images. Indeed, advertising images have
a visual language whose meaning is immediate, which responds to the challenges of
modernity. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter are experiencing such
valuation thanks to the importance of images in publications. Today, no less than 3 billion
images are exchanged every day on the Internet, which confirms the attractiveness of images
in advertisements. The majority of the samples interviewed in the study are also attracted to
image advertisements.


A quarter of a century ago, the Internet did not exist. Less than fifteen years later, platforms
such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn were not yet present. The advent of these
new technologies has quickly pushed companies to digitize and to develop digital
communication strategies essential for their success. Today, it is impossible to imagine the
world without this digital culture which has invaded all aspects of society. It is the source of
innovation, creativity, openness, sharing, collaboration and the future.

Digitalization has profoundly changed the way companies communicate with their audience.
Before the advent of the Internet and social networks, communication was unidirectional,
companies broadcast their advertising messages and consumers were the passive receivers of
these messages.

Today, thanks to new technologies, consumers have the opportunity to express themselves,
give their opinion and share their experience online. This has profoundly changed the
relationship between companies and their audience, and companies now need to be present on
social networks to interact with their audience and manage their online reputation.

Social networks have become essential tools for companies in their digital marketing strategy.
They make it possible to reach a very large and diversified audience, and to retain existing
customers by offering them a personalized experience. Companies must listen to their
audience, meet their needs and expectations, and use social networks to build a relationship of
trust and proximity with their audience.

As part of this study, a quantitative survey was conducted to measure the impact of social
networks on companies' digital strategies. The results showed that Facebook and Instagram
were the platforms most used by companies for their digital communication, and that images
were the most attractive type of advertising content.

In conclusion, social networks have become an indispensable tool for companies looking to
develop their online presence and interact with their audience. However, it is important to
fully understand the risks and opportunities associated with the use of social networks to
avoid the pitfalls and maximize the benefits of this new form of communication.


Figure 1: Presentation of the matrix or the SWOT analys

Figure 2: Illustration of the KPI

Figure 3: Illustration of social media history.

Figure 4: the type of sex studied.

Figure 5: the age group that uses social networks.

Figure 6: Professional categories that often frequent social networks.

Figure 7: the most visited social media.

Figure 8: characterizes the reliability of the information.

Figure 9: attendance of online purchases.

Figure 10: customer satisfaction with products purchased online.

Figure 11: the type of the most striking advertisements.


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SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

GENERAL INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................................................... 6

FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL MARKETING .......................................................................................................... 6


1- DEFINITION OF DIGITAL MARKETING ......................................................................................................... 6

2- THE ADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL MARKETING......................................................................................... 7

3- DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES ...................................................................8

SECTION 2: FORMS OF DIGITAL MARKETING ..................................................................................................... 11

1- NATURAL AND PAID REFERENCING............................................................................................................ 12

2- OTHER FORMS OF DIGITAL MARENTING .................................................................................................. 12

CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 14

THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ON DIGITAL MARKETING ....................................................... 14

SECTION 1: DEFINITION AND HISTORY OF SOCIAL NETWORKS................................................................... 14

1- DEFINITION OF SOCIAL NETWORKS........................................................................................................... 14

2- I'HISTORY OF SOCIAL NETWORKS .............................................................................................................. 15

SECTION 2: INTERESTS ANDOBJECTIVES OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ................................................................ 16

1- INTERESTS AND ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ........................................................................ 16

2- OBJECTIVES OF SOCIAL NETWORKS.......................................................................................................... 17


SECTION 1: PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY ....................................................................................................... 19

1- PRESENTATION FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRE .......................................................................................... 20

SECTION 2: DATA ANALYSIS AND MAIN RESULTS ............................................................................................ 20

1- DATA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................... 20

2- INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED...................................................................................... 24

GENERAL CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................... 26

LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................................................... 27


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