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Motivation letter for University

To: Admission department, Jönköping University

From: Serbescu Caius

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in applying for Jönköping

University, at Sustainable Supply Chain Management Bachelor
program for the 2022 term.
First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Caius
Serbescu, I am 23 and I am from Romania, living in Timisoara.
My favourite subjects during high school were geography and
sport, and during my leisure time I mostly spend it outside and
the other half of it I spend reading diverse books.
Since I was a little child I have been interested in the eco aspects
of my world and I could not help but notice I live in an age
where my planet is taking genuine environmental damage and I
am searching into sustainable ways of contributing with my part.
And as such, my primary reason for choosing Sustainable
Supply Chain Management was its eco-friendly methods of
doing so.
Besides the well-known aspects of reducing carbon footprints,
energy consumption and energy, Sustainable Supply Chain
appeals to me as one of those jobs that one can extend on his
own, in my case, the green aspect of the sustainable part
becomes so efficient : reducing waste, cost, and energy. The
more mindful a brand is regarding those aspects, the more likely
to achieve better reviews from customers who value
Its also the part of “you want something done you do it yourself”
part of this job which resonates with me.
So, Green Supply Chain Management is my aim, and it is the
best out of what I hope to make out of this degree.
Additionally, I have heard of Jönköping University from
Edmundo, which is a service in my country that provides
guidance for young students who seek in applying for studying
abroad. I looked at the programs which the University offers out
of curiosity and I found myself astonished by how much I
resonate with the Supply Chain program .
Moreover, after having spent a lot of my former years in and
with nature it is no surprise to me that now in my early
adulthood, I have the desire of pursuing a career which aims to
improve some of the harm that has been directly inflicted upon it
by mankind through sustainable ways of doing so.
I believe that the most important part for corporates is to make
sure that a product is recyclable. This could become a key factor
because nowadays, each consumer is concerned about green
As I mentioned above, Green Supply Chain introduces green
practices that said firms can put into personal use to mitigate any
potential damage while also boosting its economic performance.
I believe that something seemingly insignificant such as putting
a sticker on the product which informs the buyer of the
importance that recycling has, could very well be the first step
into stopping global pollution.
I am saying this because in my teenage years I started
volunteering in the local city program of “Let’s do it Romania”
the most known country wide social movement at that time for
dump collecting. I managed to work into small groups, as well
as bigger groups, which benefited me not only in the action
itself, but rather in the way that it has made a more sociable
person, the team spirit community which made more
communicative as well as a good listener to what people around
me have to say, and coordinating them at certain times if
With these skills this opportunity gave me, I started being
ambitious in seeing my city clean to the point where it became
mandatory for me.
So, I took this a step further and I managed to rally a few people
from my block building into gathering twice a week for a year in
street trash cleaning. I became this little local leader that my
peers always looked upon.
Finally, I would love to study in Sweden and I believe that the
program already offers what I am interested in the most and I
hope to use my education achieved at your University in
integrating green concepts into supply chain management.
Having all these summed up, I hope you will take my
application into consideration and I am looking forward to
hearing from your response în due time.
Yours faithfully,
Caius Serbescu

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