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( art cont)

5. what benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

=> I think the meditation efficiency worths mentioning first. Colors in some ways reflect our inner
thoughts and emotions very well and somehow stimulate our body to defense against our negativity
inside. For me, in particular, I think what’s so fascinating about painting is that you don’t have the
faintest idea about how harmonized colors can become until you actually try.

6. how often do you visit art gallery?

=> honestly speaking, I have never set foot in art galleries before. I feel that the quiet atmosphere
where a wide variety of drawings are on display doesn’t suit my active disposition.

7. what kinds of things do you like to draw?

=> my main source of inspiration is Japanese manga. The drawing topic is extremely varied, however
only manga seems to show great potency for my level. I have a big collection at home and as I
sometimes go through it again, I can keep track of how much I have improved.

8. is it easy to learn how to draw?

=> I think I must say it’s even challenging for a great number of people. I absolutely failed when it
comes to drawing still life paintings like fruits and flowers. It’s my conviction that for these who
succeed in drawing or arts in general, they first must be endowed with innate talent, then the long-
term commitment to arts that requires extreme practice and perseverance is the prerequisite.

( ads cont)

5. what kind of advertisements do you like the most?

=> like I have mentioned, I don’t like ads. Though if I must pick one kind, then I would choose TV

The type of commercials that win me over must be creative and clever in some way . For ex, I love
shampoo ads for Old Spice because they feature an angry man screaming at the audience about the
product’s superiority. The tongue- in- check humor and unsurpassed effects never fail to catch my

6. What makes a good advertisement?

=> well there exist tons of advertisements bombarding customers everyday but just like anything
else, there are always some that stand out from the rest. And I belive that those outstanding
commercials share one common trait: a relatable story and a powerful underpinning message
revolving around the product on offer. They are delicately delivered by veteran marketers to appeal
to the customers’ emotion, thereby subliminally encouring them to make the purchasing decision. In
fact, in this age of cut- throat competition, this subtle approach often deliver better results than
advertising gimmicks that allure customers with colorful images and exaggerated claims, all of which
are hell- bent on getting customers to buy on impulse.

7. do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?

=> I’d have to say that’s true for the most part. Don’t get me wrong, I can be really rational in my
everyday purchases, being able to walk into boutique stores selling glamorous attires without being
lured into buying anything unnecessary. But I have a soft spot for commercials, as they are so
captivating in visuals and so convincing with their promises. And so, much to my later regrets, I often
find myself splashing out on luxurious items that do not address any of my needs after watching

8. what sorts of ads leave the deepest impression on people?

=> I can’t speak for everyone, but in general there are two kinds of ads that get talked about: those
with catchy tunes and those that are designed to trigger sympathy and compassion in its audience.

9. do you think ads on TV should be banned ?

=> a big yes, actually. Nothing presents as much a nuisance as commercial breaks during a film or
drama, because they just spoil the flow of the whole show or series. To make matter worse, you
have no other choice than to sit through them until the show resumes. For these reasons, it would
make sense for broadcasters to restrict or even prohibit commercials altogether on TV.

10. how do advertisement influence people to buy things?

=> Due to the persuasive promises and captivating visual effects of advertisement, they powerfully
influence people in their purchasing decision. People can be really rational in everyday purchases,
being able to walk into the luxurious stores selling glamourous attires without being lured into
anything unnecessary but ppl have a soft spot for commercials, as they are so captivating in visuals
and so convincing with their promises. As a result, they often find themselves splashing out on
luxurious items that do not address any of their needs after watching ad.

11. How effective is advertising as a way of persuading people to buy things?

=> I think that advertisement is an efficient way to persuade people to purchase things bcs of the
relatable story and a powerful underpinning messsage revolving around the product on offer. They
are delicately delivered by veteran marketers to appeal to the customers’ emotion; thereby
subliminally encouraging them to make the purchasing decision. As a result, I think that these
convincing promises and these relatable story are much more efficient than advertising gimmicks
that allure customers with colorful images and exaggerated claims, all of which are hell- bent on
getting customers to buy on impulse.

12. Apart from advertising, what other factors influence people’s decision to buy things?

=> I think that the reasonable prices and company’s reputation. Yes, we come to affordability. I think
it is based on their financial situations. So customers will opt for the appropriate items that not only
suit their budget but also address their fundamental needs. And the second factor is the company’s
prestige. The company reputation is synonymous with the high quality of the merchandise
manufactured. As a result, customers will, in all likelihood, make a choice for the products from well-
known brands rather than unheard- of ones whose durability is not guaranteed. And it is
understandable why the majority of customers choose the product from the prestigious company
rather than those from local brands.

=> The likelihood is that S V

=> In all likelihood, S..

13. In what ways can advertising be bad or harmful to society?

* Ads of unhealthy products like alcohol and tobacco will exert detrimental impact on children’s
health. Why I mean is that teenagers at an impressionable age have a tendency to model themselves
on celebrities on the advertisements. As a consequence, they will fall into the bad habit of excessive
use. As time goes by, they will become compulsive drinkers without any awareness of the
debilitating health conditions they may cause.

- model yourself on sb: to copy the behaviour, style, etc of sb you like or respect in order to be like

- compulsive(a): doing sth a lot and unable to stop doing it: không dừng được

- be bent on Ving: be determined to do sth harmful: làm việc xấu

- fall into the bad habit: rơi vào thói quen xấu

* I think, the exaggerated claims and unrealistic expectations of some advertisements will hide the
negative impact of side effects of the product. In other words, the deceptive information will
misguide customers and as a result, customers are disillusioned with the true quality. To make
matter worse, the product wreak virtually irrevocable havoc on customers’ health. For ex, the mixed
cream which is made from a combination of detrimental ingredients. It claims to rejuvenate and
transform skin texture after one night. However, as time elapse, the deleterious effect of ingredients
can take a heavy toll on skin condition.

- deceptive (a): lừa đảo

- misguide (v): lầm đường lạc lối

- deleterious (a): có hại /ˌdel.ɪˈtɪə.ri.əs/

* Come to finance, commercials are fraught with deceptive/ misleading information. So they are
bent on carrying out unscrupulous conducts to trick ppl out of their money. For ex, celebrities
advertise enthusiastically the so-called Forex, a stock market that embraces the use off online coins.
As a result, this virtual market collapse and members lost all their property.

- embrace (v): accept sth enthusiastically

14. why do you think that some people say advertising is a form of art?

=> It’s some people conviction that advertisig is a form of art bcs of its visual effect and underpinning
messages. First of all, I believe that the harmonious combination colors of advertisement create
effective visual effects, together with sought- after celebrities with stunning beauty to produce the
optimal impacts. And the second thing is that it is undeniable every form of art have to convey some
educational and humanitarian value to the audiences . And the advertising have things in common
with the common art which are the relatable story and the underpinning message. And these are
delicately delivered by veteran marketers to appeal to the customers’ emotion. As a result, some
people may feel very released and can let out some steam after watching funny advertisement

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