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Assalamualaikum Wr.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

It's a pleasure to welcome you today.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Intan Dewi Cahaya from Semarang University.

What I'd like to present to you today is Urban Planning in London : future-proofing the

No matter how much we plan and model for the future, we will face unforeseen changes.
London does plan for its long-term growth, in terms of both population and economic growth.
In 2014, we saw the first infrastructure plan looking at London’s growth to 2050, a great first
step, but there is a always more we can do.
London faces major challenges : an ageing infrastructure, population and housing pressures,
the competing needs of residents and workers.
Infrastructure in the capital tends to be planned from an economic perspective.
Economic growth is a definite benefit to people, it improves people’s standard of living.
One of the recommendations is a limited green belt review to address the housing deficit. It
also proposes “creative clusters” to build on the success of EC1’s tech city ; area with
affordable, adaptable work spaces, where small businesses in the developing knowledge
industries such as artificial Intelligence and 3D printing can thrive.
Just to summarize the main points of my talk, We need to think more boldly and redefine the
outer areas of the city, making them somewhere people can find places to live and work,
instead of all working centrally which requires more and more expensive infrastructure to
funnel people into the centre.
Are there any questions?
Thank you

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