Technical Consultant Test Answers

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Technical consultant test answers

1.1 To remove the word "KYKLO" from the string "Welcome to the KYKLO family" in cell A1, you can
use the SUBSTITUTE function in Excel. Here's an example formula that achieves this:


1.2 We can use vlookup excel function to get the value regardless of the position (row) that Matt
appears in.

=VLOOKUP("Matt", B:C, 2, FALSE)

1.3 We can use transform it into pivot table from excel and allocate respective data to the desire cell

Html file -

Demo -

Desktop view –
Mobile view –
2.1 I prefer choosing option A for the following reasons: increasing the button size could potentially
disrupt the overall consistency of the buttons, especially since it is positioned next to the "Sign in"
button. Given the limited space available, relocating the button to another location is not a feasible
solution. Instead, I suggest considering a more visually appealing color for the button that can
effectively capture the user's attention.

2.2 in order to track the effectiveness of our changes, we should tracking the click counts of sign up

4.1 local_sku if customer prefer using their own internalId of each product and sku is the official
product code specified by manufacturer.

4.2 Interal ID column could be the map as local_sku because it is generated by their own ERP system.

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