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Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Experiment No: 06
Experiment Name: Study of The Cast Iron on Foundry Practice

Name: Md. Ashab Siddique Zaki

Student ID: 1811053
Group: B4
Course: MME-346
Level-Term: 3-2
Department: MME

Date of Performance: 30/01/23

Date of Submission: 13/02/23

This experiment aims to cast irons using different raw materials and additives and to study the
effects of process variables on the nature and properties of cast iron.


The study of cast iron in foundry practice is a critical component of the metal casting industry.
Due to its strength, longevity, and resistance to wear and corrosion, cast iron is a common
material for casting. Cast iron can have variable qualities and performance traits depending on
the additives and raw materials used in its production. Cast iron is an iron alloy having 2 to 4
percent carbon, various levels of silicon and manganese, and traces of sulfur and phosphorus
impurities. The silicon increases the casting performance of the molten metal. Manganese and
other contaminants like sulfur and phosphorus may also be present in trace amounts.

There are several types of cast iron, each with its own unique properties and characteristics,

✓ Gray Cast Iron: The most commonly used type of cast iron is gray cast iron. It is
characterized by its gray appearance and fine-grained structure. It is known for its good
machinability and resistance to wear..
✓ Ductile Cast Iron: Ductile cast iron, also known as nodular cast iron or spheroidal
graphite iron, is a form of cast iron that is distinguished by its ductile qualities. It is very
similar to gray iron in composition. Graphite is present in nodular shape which is the
main reason for its ductility. .
✓ White Cast Iron: White cast iron is a kind of cast iron that has a high carbon content and
a white color. When carbon in solution cannot solidify into graphite, white cast iron is
formed. Carbon is present as carbide. Although it is tough to machine, it is renowned for
its great hardness and wear resistance.
✓ Malleable Cast Iron: Malleable iron is a type of cast iron that is characterized by its
ability to be shaped and molded after casting. Malleable iron starts out as white iron
casting but is then treated at a heat of roughly 1,650°F and then left to cool very slowly.

Different raw materials can be used in the production of cast iron, including pig iron, scrap iron,
and iron ore. The chemical makeup of cast iron, which in turn affects its mechanical qualities and
casting behavior, can be affected by the kind of raw material utilized. For instance, iron ore
contains more iron and less carbon than iron ore, whereas pig iron typically contains more
carbon and silicon.

The components of the alloy have an effect on cast irons characteristics. Cast iron's high carbon
content also makes it brittle, which means that it is susceptible to breaking or cracking under
pressure. White cast iron is created when carbon remains in solution and forms iron carbide due
to a low silicon level. Graphite and grey cast iron are the products of forcing carbon out of
solution due to a high silicon content. Cast iron comes in three different colors: white, grey, and
ductile. White cast iron has carbide impurities that let cracks pass straight through; grey has
graphite flakes that deflect a passing crack and start countless new ones as the material breaks;
and ductile has spherical graphite "nodules" that stop the crack from spreading. Except for
malleable cast irons, cast iron is brittle.

Depending on the need, cast iron is frequently produced with additives to change certain
characteristics and enhance performance. Carbon, silicon, chromium, nickel, and other elements
are examples of these additions. A high silicon content, for instance, causes carbon to precipitate
out of the solution, resulting in graphite and the creation of grey cast iron. Other alloying
elements like manganese, chromium, molybdenum, titanium, and vanadium work against silicon,
aid in carbon retention, and help create those carbides.


1. A wedge-shaped cast iron sample was already made and the sample was polished over
the emery paper graded from 120 to 1500.
2. Dry grinding, wet polishing, and etching were done.
3. The sample was correctly positioned in the microscope on a glass plate.
4. Several phases could be identified from the microstructure.
5. The sample was collected in order to calculate Brinell’s hardness.
6. Sample diameters, applied force, and indenter diameter readings were collected.


For Brinell hardness:

Force, P= 1000 kgf

Diameter of indentation, D = 10mm

Depression diameter,

for the ‘a’ point, da = 52 division =3.85 mm

for the ‘b’ point, db= 53division=3.90mm

Figure 2: The wedge-shaped casting
for the ‘c’ point,dc= 52division=3.85mm and its cross-section

for the ‘d’ point,dd = 55division=4.02mm

for the ‘e’ point, de = 55division=4.06mm

for the ‘f’ point, df= 52division=3.85mm

Brinell hardness Number, BHN = 1
πD(D−(𝐷2 −𝑑 2 )2 )

Name of The Indentation Depression Applied Force, P Brinell Hardness

Point Diameter, D Diameter, d (kgf) Number, BHN
(mm) (mm) (kgf/mm2)
a 3.85 82.5

b 3.90 80.4

c 3.85 82.4

d 10 4.20 1000 75.5

e 4.06 73.9

f 3.85 82.7


Figure 1: Microstructure of point ‘a’ Figure 2: Microstructure of point ‘b’

Figure 3: Microstructure of point ‘c’ Figure 4: Microstructure of point ‘d’

Figure 5: Microstructure of point ‘e’ Figure 6: Microstructure of point ‘f’

1. Discuss the influence of cooling rate and inoculation on the structure and properties
of cast iron:
a) Effect of cooling rate on the structure and properties of cast iron:
The structure and qualities of the finished cast iron are significantly influenced by the cooling
rate during solidification. The amount of time allowed for the formation of certain
microstructural characteristics, such graphite nodules and carbide precipitation, which influence
the mechanical qualities of the cast iron, is determined by the cooling rate.

In general, slower cooling rates result in the formation of larger, more coarsely distributed
graphite nodules and a higher amount of carbide precipitation. This can lead to reduced
mechanical properties, such as lower strength and ductility, as well as increased porosity and
susceptibility to cracking.

On the other hand, faster cooling rates result in smaller, more finely distributed graphite nodules
and less carbide precipitation. This leads to improved mechanical properties, such as increased
strength and ductility, as well as reduced porosity and improved resistance to cracking.

It is important to keep in mind to that the cooling rate needs to be precisely managed to maintain
the right equilibrium between favorable and negative microstructural features. Very slow cooling
rates can lead to poor graphite nodule formation and excessive carbide precipitation, whereas
rapid cooling rates can result in excessive shrinkage and poor mechanical characteristics.

b) Effect of inoculation on the structure and properties of cast iron :

Inoculation is the process of adding particular alloys to molten cast iron to change its
microstructure. Cast iron solidifies as an austenite matrix, which is an iron-carbon alloy.
Austenite becomes a mixture of pearlite and graphite when it cools. The presence of graphite
helps to prevent the formation of cracks and porosity in the cast iron although large,
irregularly shaped graphite flakes can result in decreased mechanical characteristics and a
coarser microstructure. The purpose of inoculation is to control the solidification process of the
cast iron, formation of fine, evenly distributed graphite nodules, rather than large, irregularly
shaped graphite flakes.

Increased growth of eutectic cells during eutectic solidification is the result of inoculation. Due
to this, the iron has finer cell walls and improved mechanical properties such as, increased tensile
strength and ductility, but there is no apparent hardness increase.

Cast iron undergoes structural modification due to inoculation, which modifies the solidification
process.The purpose of inoculation is to generate nuclei in the liquid iron that facilitate the
nucleation of graphite at extremely low undercooling. In turn, this will encourage the
development of Type A graphite structure in gray cast irons. By inoculating an iron that would
have otherwise been white due to a low carbon equivalent value, a grey iron can be created.

Most preferable inoculation adding technique is Late addition. The liquid metal is inoculated
right before pouring since the inoculants lose their effectiveness after 10 to 20 minutes.
Additionally, at this time inoculants work at their best. As a result, it is preferred to administer
the inoculant as close to casting as possible; this process is known as late inoculation. The fading
is practically eliminated when late stream inoculation procedures are used.

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