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cm — Ca Coa fo 10-3. Parallel operation ‘The operation of punps in parallel results in sultip! ‘a conmon head ( Fig, 10). This type of application is very popular for 2 gysten requiring high capacity floy vith a relatively lov head or for a gysten where a nusber of pumps handle the load with one or nore PUES punp should have matched characteristics. loading: when operating singly. le capacity against shutting down as required. The Wotor should have asple power to avoid over Fic. {0— Two EQuat Capacity Punces, PARALLEL Orenaion 40-4 Series operation ‘The operation of pups in series resul capacity flor (Fig. 11). This type of application is for system requiring ts in gultiple head vith a connon a high head and relatively low capacity. Fie. J! —Two Equat Caracrry Punts, SERIES (OrsxaTion -9-

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