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Good Morning to all of us.....

The ladies and gentlemen of the jury that I respected, the principal of the school, the teachers, students
of Class 8, 9, 10 that I love and I proud of.

To all happy guests.....

For the first, let's give praise and thanks to Almighty God for his blessings and grace, so we can gather in
this place in good health and full of joy.

In this session, I'm Tassya Veronika from 11 PMIA 1,I would like todeliver my speech about EDUCATION

Education is the deadliest weapon in the world, because with education we can change the world.
Education is a process of increasing self-capacity by increasing knowledge. Education can be obtained
anywhere and anytime. Education is very important and education knows no age limit. Education can be
a means to add insight (Like this you used to be empty after knowing your education will be like this).
Education can hone a person's ability to solve problems, have logical thinking, improve a country's
economy, to get better job opportunities. (if you are willing to study and work hard you will become like
this but if you are just lazy you will become nothing)

Dear happy guests....

Many people waste education. every day they come to school wearing uniforms, but they waste
valuable time and do not take advantage of the opportunity

get an education well, they don't think about the costs that have been spent by their parents who hope
their children can gain knowledge and be successful.

Your parents only want you to be successful someday, but you take it for granted and forget about that

This is a case that still often occurs around us even though there are children out there who really want
to study but are forced to drop out of school due to economic and access limitations, so that those who
have to cross the river to come to school. Meanwhile, we have been fully facilitated. Wearing school
uniforms, wearing shoes, using transportation, but we don't take advantage of the opportunity to get a
good education

The Happy guests........

There is no use for someone who is knowledgeable but does not have good character.

Education is not only limited to knowledge but also about character. Character education is a process of
shaping one's behavior in order to become a useful and exemplary person.

Happy guests.....
Along with the advancement of technology, our characters are increasingly eroded, everything can be
replaced by cellphone. ( have we ever done this Action ?) This action is one example of bad character.
now with the advancement of technology we are getting lazy, lazy to innovate, lazy to learn Not to doing
school assignments and then copying friends' assignments, bullying others, talking dirty, and many more
Actions that reflect bad character

Let's to change our bad behavior, start with simple things, trash in its place and friendly to others have
self-awareness because with character you will be respected. by not cheating, doing assignments on
time, not being arrogant with the achievements we throw away Because by having a good character
your knowledge will develop well good

Happy guests.....

For those of us who have the convenience of getting an education, let's take advantage of it this
opportunity as well as possible, because with education we can get achievements as high as high and a
better future. with education our souls will be happy and our bodies will be safe Come on, come on,
young generation, let's improve our mindset, work hard, study hard really and always pray some success
can be ours.

Money can run out

Treasure can be lost

But education lasts forever

That's all the my speech that I can deliver this morning, forgive me if there are speech errors in my

That is all and thank you...

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