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All the tactics Tesco used as part of its campaign for its more inclusive range of

1.Product development
2.Influencer partnerships
3.Sharing customer stories
4.Creating visual content
5.Running social media contests
6.Product reviews
7.Guest blog posts
8.Social media takeovers
9.PR outreach

Running social media contests

Brands often use social media contests to get people excited about their products
or services. These contests usually involve asking followers to do something in
exchange for a chance to win a prize or get recognized by the brand. Social media
contests can take many forms and be held on different platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. They can help build a community around a brand, encourage
people to create their own content, and provide insights into customer preferences.
However, it's important to follow the platform's rules and be honest when choosing
winners and distributing prizes.

Product reviews

To promote its new range of plasters and raise awareness of the campaign, Tesco
worked with influencers and bloggers. One of the methods used was product reviews,
where Tesco sent the new range of plasters to influencers for review and asked them
to share their honest opinions with their followers. Tesco also created a dedicated
page on its website for the new range of plasters, which included a section for
customer reviews. Customers were able to leave reviews and ratings for the product,
which were displayed on the product page. Tesco also encouraged customers to leave
reviews for the new range of plasters on third-party websites such as Amazon or
Boots. Tesco partnered with influencers on social media to create sponsored content
that featured product reviews, and also used customer testimonials in its
promotional materials such as in-store displays and social media posts. These
reviews and testimonials helped to increase the visibility of the product, build
credibility with potential customers, and reach new audiences.

PR outreach

To promote their more inclusive range of plasters, Tesco used PR outreach, which
involved finding publications that would appeal to their target audience, creating
a press release that showcased the product's features and benefits, and sending it
to those publications. Tesco also followed up with them to answer questions and
gauge interest. This effort helped Tesco secure coverage in various publications,
both online and offline, which increased brand awareness and drove traffic to their
website. Tesco also maintained relationships with journalists and media outlets to
establish themselves as an authority on inclusivity in the beauty and fashion

Social media:
Tesco utilized its social media accounts on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram,
and Facebook to promote the new range of plasters and share the story behind the
campaign. The company used hashtags like #InclusiveHealthcare, #DiversityMatters,
and #TescoPlasters to generate buzz and encourage customers to share their own
experiences with the product.

Tesco used a variety of social media tactics to promote the new range of plasters
and encourage customer engagement. Some of these tactics included:

Sharing customer stories: Tesco shared stories and testimonials from customers who
had used the new range of plasters, highlighting the importance of having plasters
that matched different skin tones.

Creating visual content: Tesco created visual content such as images and videos to
showcase the new range of plasters and demonstrate the product's features.

Running social media contests: Tesco ran social media contests that encouraged
customers to share their own stories and experiences with the new range of
plasters. This helped to build a sense of community around the product and generate
engagement on social media.

here are some more details about how Tesco shared customer stories as part of its
campaign for its more inclusive range of plasters:

Sharing stories on social media: Tesco used its social media accounts on platforms
such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to share stories and testimonials from
customers who had used the new range of plasters. These stories highlighted the
importance of having plasters that matched different skin tones and the impact that
the new range of plasters had on customers.

Featuring stories on its website: Tesco created a dedicated page on its website for
the campaign, which featured customer stories and testimonials. The page included
quotes from customers, as well as photos and videos of customers using the new
range of plasters.

Using customer stories in promotional materials: Tesco used customer stories and
testimonials in its promotional materials, such as in-store displays and posters.
This helped to build credibility for the product and demonstrate the real-world
impact that it had on customers.

Encouraging customers to share their own stories: Tesco encouraged customers to

share their own stories and experiences with the new range of plasters on social
media, using hashtags like #InclusiveHealthcare and #TescoPlasters. This helped to
build a sense of community around the product and encouraged other customers to try
the new range of plasters.
here are some more details about how Tesco created visual content as part of its
campaign for its more inclusive range of plasters:

Product photos: Tesco created high-quality product photos of the new range of
plasters, showcasing the different skin tones and sizes available. These photos
were used in promotional materials, on the Tesco website, and on social media to
help customers understand the product features.

Videos: Tesco created several videos to promote the new range of plasters,
including an animated video that explained the importance of having plasters that
match different skin tones. The videos were shared on social media and on the Tesco
website to help customers understand the benefits of the product.

User-generated content: Tesco encouraged customers to share photos and videos of

themselves using the new range of plasters on social media, using hashtags like
#InclusiveHealthcare and #TescoPlasters. This helped to create a library of user-
generated content that Tesco could use in its own promotional materials.

In-store displays: Tesco created eye-catching in-store displays that showcased the
new range of plasters and the different skin tones available. These displays
included product photos and educational materials to help customers understand the
benefits of the product.

here are some more details about how Tesco ran social media contests as part of its
campaign for its more inclusive range of plasters:

Hashtag contests: Tesco created a hashtag contest on social media, encouraging

customers to share photos or videos of themselves using the new range of plasters
and using the hashtags #InclusiveHealthcare and #TescoPlasters. Tesco selected
winners based on criteria such as creativity, relevance, and engagement.

User-generated content contests: Tesco created a user-generated content contest,

inviting customers to create their own content (such as photos, videos, or artwork)
that promoted the new range of plasters. Tesco selected winners based on criteria
such as creativity, relevance, and engagement.

Prize draws: Tesco created prize draws on social media, inviting customers to enter
for a chance to win a prize (such as a gift card or a bundle of the new range of
plasters). Tesco selected winners at random from the pool of entrants.

Collaborations with influencers: Tesco partnered with influencers on social media

to create contests and promotions that encouraged their followers to try the new
range of plasters. These collaborations included giveaways, contests, and discount
codes that were exclusive to the influencer's followers.

Tesco also engaged with customers directly on social media, responding to comments
and feedback about the new range of plasters. This helped to build a sense of
community around the product and demonstrate the company's commitment to listening
to its customers.

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