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Ex*men de session cl'automne 2S10

Session rmale - ianvier 2010
Epreuve: Anglais commercial I Rq sp o ns a b/e .' Moham Tned HANIDOUCHI
Niveatt ; 2è't' année - semestre 03 DLtrée : Ih30 Ie Mercredi20/01/2010 à I5h

One of the main ihernes of the g Associaiion conference this year is the concept of
n adding value > to Products bY imP g their periormance, design and presentation to the
pubiic. This is ân areâ in which sing, by its inftuence on people's perception of a
product or device, can play a crucial helping to establish particular brands with their own
benefits and characteristics.

The concept had been demonstrated ccessfutly by Britain's biggest company, lCI, most
recently in the launch of two new paint products under the Dulux bands name - the
Whites" range of shades, with names such as Appte White and Barley White, and
emulsion" Paint.

Both producis were conceived as way of adding value to the most basic
line on the paint
market - white .- and thus proiecting lux's share of the business from inroads being rnade
by cheaper paints sold under retallers' labels.

"The brilliant \ /hite market was in da Eer of becoming a commodity market," says
Ferguson, marl{eting manager for lCl nts Division. "The brands were under threat and we
had to siop that. What is significant is t two such dissimilar innova-tions should have come
oui of wlrat were very similar objecti , from the same market background and the same
company environment".

While the launch of solid emulsion basecJ on â iechnological breakihrough, producing a

completely new type of paints which is more convenient to apply
a marketing development,
offerîng custcmers new and mûre s shacies.

"ln looking at ways to present white nts fi-om becoming a commodity, we identified a
people wanted to be braver in their choice
consumer need for something more th n white -
,:f colours", Mrs Ferguson says-
almost 20 percent of the white
Since iis {ar-rnch in 1982, the Naturaï hite range has taken premium
paint market, more tlran fLrlfilling ihe mpany's expectaticns- The fact that it is a
product sold at a Premium Price s ihar people are willing to pay more for a quality
product that fulfils a need, which is the ole essertce of ihe adding-value philosophy'
ConrPrehens!on: (6 marks)
the following questions your o\rn words as far as possible: (2 marks)
A) Answer
ln what way can value be ed io a Product?
2- What consumer need was

r (2 marks)
B) What do the underlined words
1- Dissimilar innovations:
2- A Premiurn Product:

the article to complete the following sentences'
c) Use words and exPresstons
first letter is given: (1 mark)
s under their own
1- Some suPermarkets sell g
vertising by both manufacturers and
2- A lot of moneY is sPent on a

the same as: (1 mark)

D) Find in the articlè words meani

1- Very imPortant'

2- Adirantages'

Vocabulary: (10 marks)

(2 marks)
with a word in the right box:
A) Match each vvord in the left
3 C' ofl"er )
Price Ë^
camPaigns \
special ôW
prornotian 9-
B) Use the expressions formed in A to complete the following sentences:

(4 marks)

1- are im bland-build ing activities.

2- Marketiçg tactics such as *- aim to boost sales quicklY.

3- During a safe in a dePartme many goods are o 1'1 ----.:.--

4- Launching a new into the market is a costly and risky business.

c) Compleie each sentence with correct word: (4 marks)

1- Benetton produced a seri of eye-catching for their products.

(advertising / advertisement

2- We expect all our *-*-. activities to 'cost around 72 millions.

(promotional / Promotion)

J- igh in Britqin and on the increase in other European

countries. (consumer / mption)

4- To ntake rnoney, you don't ust need a good product; you also need
(market / marketing)

tommunication: {4 rnarks}
Complete the following exchanges lvlth he appropriate

the cost of produetion.

A) Mr Brown: (statîng Your Position is to reciuce

how to,achieve that.

Mr Srniih: (interruPting); I donlt

to increase our income'

B) Mr Jones: (making a suggestion first on hovl

Mr Carson: (Agreeing) ? Go a

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