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Received: 30 April 2020    Revised: 26 May 2020    Accepted: 28 May 2020

DOI: 10.1111/jocd.13531


Why we should be avoiding periorificial mimetic muscles when

injecting tissue fillers

Greg J. Goodman MBBS, FACD, MD1,2,3  | Firas Al-Niaimi MSc, MRCP, EBDV4,5,6  |

Cara McDonald MBBS, MPH, FACD7 | Antoinette Ciconte MBBS, FACD8 |
Catherine Porter MBBS9

Monash University, Carlton, Vic., Australia
2 Abstract
Skin Health Institute, Carlton, Vic.,
Australia Background: Tissue fillers are generally safe and well tolerated by patients. However,
University College of London, London, UK complications do occur and may be very severe, such as intravascular injection (with
Guy’s Hospital London, London, UK occasional residual tissue loss, visual and neurological sequelae) and late nodularity
152 Harley Street Clinic, London, UK
and swelling. Methods to lessen the likelihood of complications have been the sub-
Department of Dermatology, Aalborg
University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark ject of much recent literature. Depth of injection has been identified as a key safety
St Vincent’s Hospital Fitzroy, Fitzroy, Vic., consideration.
Patients/Methods: The role of injection of facial filler into the muscular layer of the
Box Hill Hospital, Box Hill, Vic., Australia
face is explored in this article. Literature was explored using available search facilities
All Saints Clinic, Double Bay, NSW,
Australia to study the role of injections in or around this layer in the production of significant
adverse reactions.
Greg J. Goodman, Dermatology Institute of Results: A body of literature seems to suggest that injection into mimetic muscula-
Victoria, 8-10 Howitt St South Yarra 3141, ture of the face especially the musculature in the periorbital and perioral regions is
Victoria, Australia.
Email: prone to adverse reactions.
Conclusions: Injection of agents into the perioral and periorbital mimetic muscular
layer may produce, product clumping, displacement, and tendency to late nodularity
and swelling. It also risks intravascular injection as compared to injection of other lay-
ers of the face. Injection into the mimetic muscles especially the sphincteric muscles
should be avoided to minimize the risk of complications.


COVID-19, mimetic muscles, orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, Tissue fillers

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N 2 | A DV E R S E R E AC TI O N S

The burgeoning use of filling materials has brought with it an increas- Adverse reactions to filler materials may be divided into vascular1,2
ing interest in safety aspects of these agents. Although well-toler- and nonvascular issues.3,4
ated in general, there are serious albeit rare adverse reactions that The vascular issues have been well-described. They consist of
demand attention. the following:

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC

1846 J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020;19:1846–1850.
GOODMAN et al. |

• Minor bruising and ecchymosis from transient contact with or multiple coordinated actions required for their basic functions as well
puncture of the prevailing vasculature as their role in expressions in both verbal and nonverbal forms.
• True intravascular injection and embolization of fillers with tissue They differ in a number of aspects. The orbicularis oculus mus-
ischemia in the angiosome distribution of the vascular occlusion. 5 cle is more of a true sphincteric muscle.6 Its functions are to close
Dependent on the exact anatomy of the obstruction, tissue loss the eyelid and assist in pumping the tears into the nasolacrimal
may be cutaneous only and/or involve deeper structures system. The orbicularis oculus muscle is a large muscle with three
• Distant embolization of fillers, in some individuals, may result in components. The outermost is the orbital component under volun-
partial or complete unilateral and rarely bilateral visual loss and tary control to allow expressions such as closing the eye, winking
neurological deficit and smiling, the next section moving inward toward the eye is the
pre-septal component which functions to squeeze the eyes shut ei-
Nonvascular issues may include: ther by voluntary or involuntary blink response means and the in-
nermost pre-tarsal that keeps the eyelids opposed during sleep. The
• Misplacement or over correction often by poor injection tech- orbital component attaches medially to the medial canthal tendon
nique or product choice and periosteum whereas the pre-septal and pre-tarsal components
• Inadvertent placement into the retroorbital space divide medially into deep and superficial heads before insertion.
• Migration of a high G prime filler from the cheek into the tear Laterally, the muscle attaches to the lateral canthal tendon, raphe,
trough region. and surrounding tissues.
• Frank sepsis, which is serious but rare and usually seen in the con- The orbicularis oris muscle has no periosteal or bony insertions
text of a break in sterile technique or patient-related factors such and is not a true sphincteric muscle being made of four cooperating
as poor local barrier function with altered local skin microbiome quadrants. It also has two layers—a deep layer acting as a constrictor
cooperating in mastication and the superficial muscle layer related
Recently, the problem of delayed or late reactions to fillers has to speech and facial expressions. Much of the attachment of the
been more frequently reported and has been the subject of multiple orbicularis oris is to the modiolus bilaterally and to the muscles of
consensus documents. These reactions include the following: expression for the superficial component.7

• Late noninflammatory appearing nodules/swelling- occasionally

filler material—especially in the infraorbital zone sometimes many 4 | M E TH O DS
years post filler injection. Many theories have been asserted for
this late occurrence, but most rely on the interplay of the orbicu- Literature search databases (PubMed, Ovid, and Google Scholar)
laris function and the lack of natural dissolution of product in the were examined for articles on mimetic muscles, intramuscular injec-
periorbital area tions and fillers, and filler reactions and combinations and variations
• Evanescent and sometimes recurrent noninflammatory and in- of these terms. The anatomy of the periorbital and perioral zones
flammatory reactions appearing at times of heightened immune was also searched and explored to assess any unusual aspects of
activity such as viral infections, which are common in both perior- these sphincter muscles that may contribute to adverse issues.
bital and perioral regions
• More fixed and problematic noninflammatory and inflammatory
reactions which may arise weeks or months post injection. These 5 | R E S U LT S
would appear to be an interplay between the presence and me-
tabolism of the filler, infection, and host inflammation. It is prob- Results from these searches raised some concerns about adverse
able that host factors influence all of these with the reaction to reactions both by the possibility of intravascular injection and ex-
infection, extent of the inflammatory reaction and the metabo- travascular reactions and repositioning of product relating to inject-
lism of the filler all possibly varying in different individuals ing filler materials into the mimetic muscles.

3 |  TH E PE R I O R A L A N D PE R I O R B ITA L 6 | D I S CU S S I O N

The issues with the muscular layer and fillers.
The orbicularis muscles surrounding the eyes and the mouth are similar
in many respects. They both function to maintain or coordinate open-
ing and closing functions of the eyes and mouth, and they both con- 6.1 | Vascular issues
tribute to nonverbal communication and age determination, through
their insertion into the dermis for expression and wrinkle production. These periorificial muscles are dynamic and very active mus-
They both fuse and coordinate with surrounding muscles to enable the cles. They have abundant blood supply and important vascular
1848       GOODMAN et al.

connections. This is seen by the frequency of bruising on inject- muscle. Furthermore, most of the facial muscles change planes from
ing either around the eyes and the mouth. In the perioral area, the layer 5 to layer 2 in the face. 21 Thus theoretically, the filling sub-
large vessels of the inferior and superior labial arteries along with stance may not remain contained within the muscle where initially
the mental and submental all are potential embolic targets.8,9 These placed but may over time end up in multiple planes or extruded from
tend to run either just superior or inferior to the muscles of the the muscle.
perioral region. There is much variability of vascular architecture
within the horizontal layer but far less variability in their depth. It
is thus advisable to keep away from these structures by gleaning 6.3 | Metabolic effects
an understanding of vascular anatomy in each area of injection and
maintaining a respectful distance from major vessels. However, even The metabolic activity inherent in the musculature and its support-
depth is imperfect, with variability in the superior labial artery from ing vasculature may support vigorous inflammatory responses once
its usual plane in greater than 20% of cadavers10 being between the initiated. A strict sterile, or clean environment, is difficult to maintain
orbicularis muscle and the mucosa in 78%, between the superficial in the perioral zone prior to, during, and after procedure, and intro-
and deep parts of the orbicularis muscle in 17.5% and superficial to duction of bacteria is likely with all injections. It is probable that the
the muscle (between the skin and the orbicularis muscle in 2.1%). As periphery of the filler injected is what is subjected initially and over
the vessels tend to track the muscles rather intimately, keeping clear time to degradative forces via specific enzymes such as hyaluroni-
of these structures would seem prudent. A notable exception to this dase and reactive oxygen species via inflammation. The continual
variation of vascular anatomy and where depth is fixed pertains to mechanical distortion of boluses of material may break down larger
the emergence of the supratrochlear, supraorbital, zygomaticofacial, clumps of fillers exposing them to more metabolic activity and po-
zygomaticotemporal, infraorbital, and mental arteries through their tential inflammatory effects.
foramina. These regions should be avoided at depth or approached
in a fashion to minimize the chance of intravascular injection. Around
the eyes, vascular supply emanates from the facial and superficial 6.4 | Specific use of hyaluronic acid fillers
temporal as well as the ophthalmic arteries.11 Similarly, it is usually
advised around the eyes that deep injection below the muscular As most injections in these regions are now hyaluronic acid, it is use-
layer or superficial injection above it are safer options than intra- ful to look at the recent literature in relation to delayed nodules with
muscular injections. However, medially in the tear trough, this is not these agents. Both regions are susceptible to late nodule develop-
practical as the muscle is tightly bound to the periosteum.12 ment with this agent.
The preceding discussion is very pertinent to these agents. It
is likely that over time the following may occur. Over the weeks or
6.2 | Mechanical effects months after injection, a bolus of hyaluronic acid (HA) filler may
be expected to be degraded on the periphery of the bolus by local
The periorificial muscles act as squeezing muscles closing their ori- enzymatic activity and inflammatory mediators. All HA filler ma-
ficial structures. Any material implanted in these structures is likely terials start as high molecular weight hyaluronic acid compounds
to be displaced. This may lead to anterior displacement of product (>1000 kDa). Some fillers have lower hyaluronic HA (>500 kDa) in
in the infraorbital zone if it is placed into the muscles. Added to this, combination with high molecular weight HA but even this is far away
injection even if intended to be deep may in fact be intramuscular in from low molecular weight HA (10-250 kDa). Low molecular weight
this zone.13,14 In the perioral zone, constant muscle movement, which HA (10-20 kDa) is the eventual breakdown product of all HA prod-
cannot be prevented during speech and mastication, can compress ucts, and if this occurs at a normal rate, it will be seen as gradual loss
an injected linear strand to a lump. Therefore, intramuscular injection of filler volume over time.
may lead to clumping and increase the chance of nodule formation Current observation shows that a bolus of filler if implanted
with Poly-L-Lactic Acid. The incidence appears to be reduced when within muscle may follow a different cascade. Over time, the
the perioral and periorbital zones are avoided.15,16 It is suggested periphery will be exposed to normal metabolic degradation, but
by manufacturers of Calcium hydroxyapatite and acrylate fillers that mechanical effects may induce change in, or magnification of the
the regions around the eyes and mouth are not targeted.17,18 It is un- filler surface area over time. In one study, 5 of 7 explanted facial
known at this time whether the higher incidence of clumping or nod- implants demonstrated biofilm formation under electron micros-
ules with these products is because the intramuscular injection is copy, and rougher, more porous surfaces displayed more severe
specifically the risk or the higher movement or metabolic activity of biofilm formation than smoother implants. Theoretically, this
these areas or other the effect of unknown factors. Autologous fat could be extrapolated to HA filler in the above circumstance. 22,23
injection into muscles was a technique described close to 20 years In the presence of either implanted bacteria or hematogenous de-
ago but has not been described often over recent years.19,20 rived pathogens at the periphery of the filler, the resultant inflam-
In addition, the muscles of facial expression lack an envelop- mation to this infection will cause accelerated degradation of the
ing fascia, that is, epimysium with the exception of the buccinator HA filler to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Low molecular
GOODMAN et al. |

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How to cite this article: Goodman GJ, Al-Niaimi F, McDonald
C, Ciconte A, Porter C. Why we should be avoiding periorificial
25. SkippenB Baldelli I, Hartstein M, Casabona G, Montes JR, Bernardini
F. Rehabilitation of the dysmorphic lower eyelid from hyaluronic mimetic muscles when injecting tissue fillers. J Cosmet
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Aesthet Surg J. 2019;40:197-205. jocd.13531
26. De Pasquale A, Russa G, Pulvirenti M, Di Rosa L. Injection technique
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